The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 10, 1904, Image 1

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VOL* *• They Moved. Two love-sick swains Whigham came over near Cafro Saturday for the paying their respects to of of this young- ladies Late in in the afternoon they the ladies and proion l e edupon & the visit it until about L en oc they - were crossing a As the city their return to on claim, stepped men. so they from t he swamp and opened upon them at close goth made a dash to run stumbled and fell. one to other not stopping gate came running into the and reported bis friend Parties from here went to scene but se arch failed to the dead man. However a ly scared one was later ered seeking refuge at a negro house. The facts to bear out the belief that ties being tired of the of the young men to the decided to use this means getting them off. ’Tis ■to say that they will [come back. Great Mill-End Sale. That wide-awake, business firm, A. F. Church ft Co., Thomasville, Ga., have attractive advertisement in days Messenger which sparkle with bargains, both quality and prices, They firm belie vers in keeping business before the public attribute their success, to free use of printer’s ink. is true that while they are known they, at the same want the many readers of Messenger to know when have bargains to offer Read their advertisement see for yourself what they to say. Remember, day, June 15 th is when A. Church well & Co’s. Great End Sale begins. Knights to Entertain. The Cairo Lodge Knights Pythias will entertain on Dightof the 27th at a picnic at the academy. A Program has been arranged th e evening. A string furnish music for the Slon and an address will some one of the members of his Committees of have been appointed and n °w at work. The affair to be enjoyable indeed. Special attention is called the adv. of R. G. Lewis & which appears in another ll! hn of today’s Alessenger. ^Irs. N. H. Dickenson of is visiting Mr. J. B. 0r d and family this week. ,^ r * A\ . B. Roddenbery was Vls ^ 0r to Whigham The Cairo Messenger Cairo, I homas County, Georgia, June lO, 1904. PICNIC AT THE BRIDGE. A Large Crowd of Thomas Coun tians Celebrate its Completion. The new county bridge across fire river on the Thomasville . j an d Cairo road was the scene of a pj cn j c i ast Friday at which the people of all sections of the county gathered to celebrate the completion of the magnificant structure. The crowd was large and in a most excellent humor throughout the day. The coun ty candidates were present and addressed the assemblage, Judge S. A. Roddenbery presiding as chairman. Among the speak ers were Capt. Hammond, Judge Hopkins, Messrs. Fondren Mitch ell, Jno. R. Singletary and J. B. Way. A fine dinner was spread and i free lemonade wa< furnished I throughout the day to all. Everybody admired the hand some bridge spanning the river. It is nine hundred feet long and cost the county between $4,000 and $5,000, but it is a good one and a credit to the commission ers who erected it, and its cele bration with a big picnic was very appropriate and very joyable. The First Melon. Mr. C. L. Hudson brought in the first ripe melon of the sea son Monday afternoon. It was one of the Triumph variety and weighed 22 pounds. He sliced it lor the benefit of his friends in the city and the writer was fortunate enough to get a slice. It was alright and caused us to look forward with pleasant an ticipation. Mr. M. D. Redfearn. In this issue will be found the announcement of Mr. W. D. Redfearn who is a candidate for county commissioner, To those of our readers who are unac quamted with Air. Redfearn w r e wish to state that the county has no better citizen or one more worthy of any honor the voters might bestow. The writer has known him for sev eral years and knows him to be honest, honorable and high in respect. TV i\0 T toned every man can say aught c> detrimental to his integrity # NO COMPETITION. The uniform success of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure of bowel complaints both in children and adults has brought it into almost universal use, so that it is practically without a rival, and as every one who has used it knows, is without an equal. For sale by Wight & Browne. Gudge B. H Pope of Akridge was among the members to ac company the ball team to Bain bridge. The brick work on the Poulk buildings will soon be a thing of the past. -_ Air. F. B. Walsh paid Quit man a visit Thursday. MASONIC RALLY DAY IN WHIGHAM. Judge Roddenbery Will Speak. There will be a grand Masonic rally day in Whigham on June 24th. Judge S. A. Roddenbery of Thomasville will act as ora tor of the day, so we feel assured that we can promise our visitors a treat for South Georgia’s fa mous orator never fails on ai\y subject he handles, In addition to the address there will be refreshments on the. ground and it is very prob able that degrees will be con ferred in the lodge room to a large number of ladies. Re member that June 24th is the time and beneath Whigham’s shady oaks is the place, to come one and all, bring a well-filled basket and help us to make the day merry, Thomas T. Mills, W. M. Mather M. McCord, Sect. Whigham Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. SUED BY HIS DOCTOR. “A doctor here has sued me for $ 12.50 which I claimed was excessive for a case 0 f cholera morbus, says R. White of Coa chella, Cal. Aa the trial he praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was not.” No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Wight & Browne. Quite an interesting game of ball was witnessed in Bainbridge Wednesday, between their ball team and Cairo. Score resulted 10 to 2 in favor of Bainbridge. Our boys returned Thursday a. m., and all speak in high praise of the Bainbridge boys and the fairness of their umpire. The team was accompanied bv a number of “rooters.” AH. Ben Watt a well known insurance agent was a visitor to the city this week. Hon. S. G. McLendon will ad= dress the people of Cairo and vicinity at the Town Hall in Cairo Saturday morning, June 11th at 11:30 o’clock. The Kangaroo Rat. One of the queerest little ani mals of the antipodean wilds of the parodoxical continent of Australia is a little zoological oditv which the naturalists have called the kangaroo rat. It av erages no'larger than the com mon-rodent of the Norway va riety, but is a miniature kanga roo in every respect. Its mode of locomotion is precisely the same as that of the Micropus giganteus. Besides this, the female carries their young in pouches which nature has pro vided for the purpose and in many other respects imitates the habits and characteristics of its gigantic relative.—Way cross Evening Herald. The Is Moving!... Procession d£9t 1 Keep Up With It. To be up with the Procession you must To be Up=to=Date=== Y"ou must be in style. To be in Style== =You must wear Dresses made of Stylish Fabrics. To Get Stylish Fabrics— You must buy from an up to-date merchant. We have all the “latest” in SPRING AND SUMMER IT* ■•-yj and the prices we have made on them, they will melt lik** snow in the morning’s sun. In fact, they are going fast, and if you have not already bought your Summer Dresses and Trimmings, you had better come quick. We buy what you have to sell sell buy* Yours for business, u y/fciulclin 9/p~ to- *Date 97/erc/iants. On t/ie Corri?r 9/ext to Citizens 773an/c. Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly By Wight Bros.) Cotton........ 1.3 Syrup (In bbls) 20 to 23c Corn (Shelled) per bu 75c Corn (In ear) a “ 65c : Meal il u 80c I Peas.....(yellow) per bu $1.25 J Peas.... .. (White U i i 2.00 Aleat. (Sides) per lb 10c Hams U 12* Lard. a u IOC Chiekens. . .(Grown) 35 and 40c Chickens (Spring Fryers) 15 to 2 5 Eggs Per doz i2*c New Stables. I have just opened up a. new on Bryan street near the right-of-way of the R. R. in Cairo, Ga. I am now ready to serve the public with first-class turnouts. Prices reasonable. Special attention given to com mercial service. Prompt attention to all. W. D. BARBER, Cairo, Ga. ISO. 22. Until further notice I will do dental work at the following prices to-wit: Upper Set of Teeth......... .......$ 8.00 Upper and Lower Sets . IS .00 Gold Crowns 5.00 All Small Cold Fillings 1.00 Ail Small Cement and Amalgam .5o This material is of best grade. All work guaranteed. A. B. Cooke, Powell Building, Cairo, Ga. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint in the world of yourpaint bill. Is fab more durable than * UKE White Lead and is absolutely not Poi sonous. Hammar Paint ia made of the best of paint materials— such ag all good painters use, v nd is ground thick, veb y thick. No trouble to mix, House any boy Paint. can do it. It is the common sense of No better paint can be made at any cost, and is CUuixaiifutffiyuifc kot to Crack, Blister, Peel or Chip. 1'. HAMMAIt PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by Wig/it dt 773row ne, ‘Druggists, Cairo > Seorgia. •i vtL