The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 10, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, JUNE io, 1904. e. VV. ADKINS, Editor. E. G. KOLBIE, I Publishers. F. J. WIND, ) Published every Friday at Cairo, Thomas county, Georgia. F. J. WIND, Business Manager. SUBSCRI I'*T IO N KATES, ONE YEAR.......... ...$1.00 SIX MONTHS .....50c THREE MONTHS 25 Entered as second-class matter Januuary 21st. 1001 at the post office at Cairo. Ga.. under t he Act of 0 3 of 11 n 1 :lrd. 1879. Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. It is reported that Port Ar thur has been captured by the Japanese. The erav of spring chickens is is being put on the market, but the price is still high. The farmers have their crops in excellent shape now and “lay ing by’’ will be an easy matter. The crate factories cf the state are rushed with orders to handle the peach crop. If this drought continues the hay crop will be a mighty small potato in this section. The “big four” may now pre pare for St Louis, the conven tion and “the pike. )) «► • Georgia peach shipments have begun and money will soon be plentiful in the peach-growing sections. No news is good news it is said; so if the Messenger is some times dull take occasion to feel thankful. It will soon be up to Mr. Hearst to prove himself either a bolter or a Simon pure Demo crat. Silence is sometimes more ex pensive than words, Let Par ker alone; who knows what he has up his sleeve? The Democratic nominee for president in 1908 should be a southerner. The South has been silent long enough. The Japanese continue to win the applause of the whole world. And Russia is torn by domestic strife. Who can foretell the outcome of the war? A nervy Alabama editor has the following to say: . All things are not what they seem; for in stance, did you ever squeeze a society girl? The editor of an exchange says that the women whose hus bands have no bad habits v*hat ever, usually have to take in a little sewing to help pay the bills. If the red ant of Central Amer ica is a destroyer of the boll we vil, as is claimed, the Texas cot ton crop will assume large pro portions again. Down will go the price. Jim Griggs and your uncle Obediah Stevens seem to have received it in the neck at the state convention. Who knows but what Hearst may yet be the cause of their political down fall? The Messenger is in fovor ol the legislature making more stringent laws in the state for the preservation of fish and game. We would be glad to see a law prohibiting the seining or netting of fish at any time. There is very little true sport i seining or netting, and there is always a tendency to waste where either is done successful ly. We venture the assertion that hundreds c f young fish have been destroyed upon the Och iocknee river during the di y spell of the past few weeks which if let alone would in a short while have furnished royal sport to some angler. If seining and netting were prohibited entirely it would only be a short while before a fellow could easily go out with hook and line and catch a fine chance of fish—enough for any ordinary familv—with out any waste at all. Fish traps are another menace to the sport and should be abolished entire V A rural friend suggests this Same old story, Same old song, Plowing of a Balaam All day long. Same old furrow, Same old pace, Nearing the end— Then right-about face. Same old woodoeeker. X Same dead tree, Digging for his living The same os we. Same old summer, Same old fall, Yet the harvest time Brings cash for all. A Curious Chinaman. What a very cuiious person the Chinaman seems to us! When he meets a friend he shakes his own hand, not his friends. He keeps out of step when walking with any one. He puts his hat on, instead of taking it off, when he wants to be polite. He whitens his boots instead of blacking them. He rides with his heels instead of his toes in the stirrups. His compass points south. Often he throws away the fruit of the melon and eats the seed.—London News. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for subscrip tions to the Messenger, ITYtTry TvrvTWYi rYrrfT»Tr i ► t NOVELTIES i ► « : —IN— ► I ► Since finishing the Interior improve- < ► ments to my store I have put upon display < ► one of the handsomest and most complete J ► lines of Silverware and Novelties ever 2 ► Shown 4 f in tins section. < [Any Article ► Front the daintest novelty to the hard- j ► somest table piece in Sterling and Solid < ► and Plated Ware can be found in my 3 I line, making a display combining beauty 3 j and elegance with quality and service. 5 ► 4 ► Everybody, the ladies especially, invited 3 ► to call and inspect this handsome line. « 3 1 G. F. Sanders, 4 * 3 Jeweler, * s 4 1 4 | Cairo Georgia, j 3 = = i ■yrk Churchwell & Co’s MiH-End • • • Begins Wednesday, June ism • • • =Lasts Ten Long Hot Days!== We have been preparing for this sale for six months; and have gotten together the biggest variety of the biggest bargains in dependable merchant 1 / dise ever offered for sale in Thomas county. These are some few of the unmatchable prices : Lawns, Calicoes, Etc •9 m all worth 5c yard, Mill-End Remnants, yard 3c. Dress Ginghams, Tire regular ioc kind, all colors, stripes and plaids, yd, 7c. Embroideries. Big assortment; would be considered good values at 2c. 5c yd, we offer them, this sale, yd................ 10c Embroideries. .'A Mill-End Sale, price yard 5c. 0 r ;j j2 1=2, 15 and 25c Embroideries, if Mill-End Sale, price yard 10c. a Cotton Wash Laces, 10 inches wide, worth up to 250 yd, mostlv cream col- 3c. ored, yard.................................. (3c a yard, that’s all.) Shoes. £3 Ladies 98c, $1.23, $1.98 shoes, all kinds, put in box 69c. ® l| together........................ 'Zi Cleaning Up Lot Slippers, all kinds up to $2.00 pair, choice, this sale 49c. pair......................... Men’s Oxfords up to §2.50, pair 99c. Men’s Oil Grain Creoles, work shoes 97c. Men’s Linen Collars, all styles, any size 3c. Big Bargains in Every Line. m A force of 15 or 20 clerks to wait on you. Come early and get choice of bargains. Out-of-town Merchants would do well to visit this sale. t ■< A. F. CHURCHWELL & CO M Starke Corner, Thomasville, Georgia. vV;‘ Sole Agents A New Idea lOc Paper Patterns. % Annoucenments. Thomas County. FoR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a? a candidate for subject to the action of the primary. If re-elected I pledge to a faithful perform nice of all the of the office. My past record in the of* is open to inspection and relying of upon the I submit my claims to the voters and solicit their support. John R. Singletary. FOR SHERIFF. I herebv announce myself as a candidate for she ill of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. and solicit the sup port of the voters of the county. If elected I will give my personal and undivided attention to the duties of the office and will discharge those duties to the best of my ability. J. J. CONE. FOR SHERIFF, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of Thom as county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. If re-elected I will continue to give the office my personal attention and wifi discharge its duties to the best of my aoility. T. J. HIGHT. FOR ORDINARY. Desiring to thank my old comrades and friends generally for their four-years gitt ol the office of ordinary, I hereby announce my -lf a candidate for re-election, subject to the Democratic primary, promising if elected to do my utmost to perform all the duties of the of fice faithfully in the future as I have tried to do-in tiie past. \Ym. M. Joses. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the Legislature subject to the Dem ocratic primary. Having served the people legisla- to the very best of my ability in the last ture. I feel that I can confidentially and con scientiously solicit their support in the ap proaching primary. J. B. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself as a candida te for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will give the office the same careful attention as in the past, I solicit the support of the voters of the county. JOHN F. HOWARD. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully announce that I am a candi date for re-election as Treasurer of Thomas county, subject the action of the Democratic primary. thankful to the people for the fa- j I am very vors and confidence shown me in the past, and pledge, if elected, my very best and inosi conscientious efforts to give them faithful, ef ficient, and satisfactory service. I earnestly solicit your support and friendly co-operation. Gratefully and faithfully yours, JNO . PARKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for j re-election to the office of Commissioner of Rbads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject ! to solicit the action of the of the Democratic of primary, the 1 j j the support voters county, E. M. SMITH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the people of Thomas county: V ppreciatiug the past honors you have con- ! 11 ruled upon me I take this method of an- \ nouucing that I am a candidate for re-clection to the House of Representatives of Georgia. In the representative discharge of my duties the in the best past of as your I have to my ability worked for your interests and the in ask terests of tlie whole My people candidacy of Georgia, subject I again your support. is to the action of the Democratic primary. FONDREN MITCHELL. FOR CLERK OF COURT. re-election I hereby announce Clerk myself a candidate of Thom- for as of Superior court as county, subject to the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of my old friends and promise them if elected to faithfully perform the duties of the office in future as I have al ways tried to 00 in the past. J. W. GROOVER. for tax Collected. I most respectfully announce mvself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector primary. subject to the action of the Dem ocratie In making this announce- j ment I beg to extend my thanks to the voters : of Thomas county for their kindness to me during their support. the past and to solicit a continuance of | P. S. HE ETH. _________ For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate forelection to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic! pritnary. I solicit the support of the vo ters of the county. M. D. Redfearn. Tax Notice. I will be in Thomasville Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday up to the 20th of June when my books will close. Jxo. F. Howard, Tax Receiver, LOST—Small E p w o r t h League badge, pin of gold, with mailese shaped pendant of gold and white enamel. Finder will please leave at this office and receive suitable reward. * For Rent— 2 5 -room houses on Mock and Arline street Cairo Ga. Prices reasonable. For further inofrmation apply to R R. Pyles or J. M. Miller. Cairo Ga. Want the Messenger? Then bring us along most any kind of country produce and pay your subscription with it.