The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 10, 1904, Image 7

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IPS OF DALNY i (JTY i ■ fojt of Russians Was a M&t { Hasty Proceeding. f ,m T OF BIG VICTORY of laps at Shan -Trighben- ! rtess of Czar Into Froiupt j d s $ iers ol the City. ; £vacuati«® -.4 t 1 - .Japanese legation at Washing- j Tlie out-the following i y-jesday, fte-'e «tch the ho*re government. SI embodying report from Tckio ,jral Oka•*& follows: ‘■dene era l Oku, commanding tie opernting against Port Arthur, j ^rts that .our troops occupied Dalny ^ *' ia} . 3 0. Over we hundred telegraph houses e-ffice j barradks, besides railway station were found uc nju iu reA. 'Over two hundred railway •ars art --sable,-^ut all small railway Ridges in the Beighborhood auo -de itroyefi .All dock piers except the which was sunk, , renurn tm- . ,rp a t pter launches were Some Liteam ^ n0n( i at the mouth of the deck. Ins'tvidenttfae Russians fled quick wntsi Nan Shan hill was iost, ex " General Oku would im- i" jtjjr that ejiately take possession of Dalny. T Ul mevious' reports of the toctfupa : ior 1 the town were false. j | TRfugees Tell of Evacuhdon. ,! j Fire hundred Chinese refugees from . par: Dalny and T alien wan .arrived at; be Fco Tuesday, according to ad- ! L from that place. After sifting'; Lj L r conflicting stories it apiiears that Russians left Talienwam May 26 p Port Arthur after burning every- 1 f,rr ir likely to be of use to the Jap use. Bandits later took possession Ithe L town and were pillaging when ‘ 1 Japanese cavalry appeared. May k Lt. On May 26 the Russians left Port j L previously burning "the offices L residences, destroying the rdil- : and scuttling three barge mer-'j pntmen and all the dr^uges aiifL ranches. ' . I Some of the refugees also say the-ij KiKSians destroyed the gunboat Bohr,. : mich is believed to have taken part, i sn the disastrous batG-e at Kin. bou and three torpedo boats, Others*! kv these ’’essels returned to Port Ar-k ft®. ji A Chinese contractor, wFiv- had built Eost of Dalny for the Russians, was held for ransom and his clerks were' killed. The town was atlil burning: Hay 28, When the refugees started for', Chee Foo. The Japanese had not appeared ati Dalny up to that time. One junk was leaving Dalny, and sunk by bandits, and fifty persons? ven drowned. The Chinese state* that they did not leave "Dalnv •Ki.-n.van because they ware afraid. Japanese ‘ or the Mm. -m They fled from the bandits . ... whs* tei’Sd those towns. 'laps Spy on Port Artnur. According to a dispatch from Tokio„ kiir gunboats, two destroyers and two Ntedo boats, sent to Port Arthur ear Tv on 'Monday morning by Tree Ad ml tel Togo, effected a careful reconnois wsce, facing a heavy five 'from the; ■2nd batteries. They discovered a “te Russian searchlight, st'-ftuon ana or two new forts on the TJrao-Tien promontory. No. 3 gunhoat by a shell, which kTRed one Wt* Officer, three men being 'injured, one of her guns damaged. The ^ber beat*, escaped without ncu,,' dam ■a®e. RliSSK PAYS UP OLD CLAim. Squares With Entftend for Seiaare-ol Tke Sealing Vessels f6D2. Ci tong standing dHRculty bettereen 'eat Britain Bnd Russho. arising T'ora ... e seizure by the latte?, of Canal.ian balers in the Behring sea.* in lit92. ias been settled, Russia, agreeing to Ky $44,701 indemnity to the Carasel ■*- an d the Vanoouver Belle, two *of ,,1(! six vessels seized. 'The oiaiteJ Counted to $93,047. "OMAN IS SUSPECTED OF MURDER. e!l Known New York Sporting Man Meets Death in Mysterious Manner. frank T. Yotmg. known on tb«e turf i' Caesar Young. the bookmaker, owner and stockholder in Pacific COas t race tracks, »vas shot and killed a hansom cab at New Tork Satur aav ' w Wle on his to the Whit e n way lice Pier to join his wife, with w J,, m he was have sailed for Eu r ope. to ^'Oflian who was in the hack with °UHg is, buspocted of being bis mvu eerer a bd is held. ' FOR DENEEN. in Ifiinois Convention Comes ■ to Sucfden End by Withdrawal of Yates From Contest. A special from Springfield, Ohio, | By making a combination with I S. Deneen, L. Y. Shermaa, 1 J. Hamlin and John H. a Governor Yates Friday broke deadlock in the republican state ! and brought about the of Deneen for governor, nomination was made cn the sev- | Low den, ballot, 522 1 which 2; Dencen stood: 957 Yates, j 1-2; 21. The combination was the result of j series of conferences held Thurs night, and Friday morning, and were participated in by Yates, Hamlin, Sherman and Pierce. agreement had not been consum when the convention met at o’clock Friday morning, and the ! ®nd Dencen people forced a re- : until 2 p. ra. Then the parties | the combination met and finally upon Deneen as the candi When the convention reconvened, Hamlin and Sherman withdrew names from the consideration the delegates and urged their to vote for iCtmeen. When the seventy-ninth roll call was and Adams county led off “One vote for Yates End nine for Deneen,” the wildest excite prevailed. As the call proceed ed it became evident that the new in Illinois psiitics would but the original LoWden men for the most part remained f rm and went to defeat with him. When the call was completed the nomination low- :j c ‘ en mcne< l to make .. unanimous and Chairman Cannon de c - are< t the motion carried. All the pent U P enthusiasm of the delegates mart-'. 'tested itself as Deneen came to the t Platform and briefly thanked the con mention for the honor. In response te demands of the assemblage, Core nel LowdeT1 mT,de address, pledging his support to the-ticket. The con ventirm now took ' up the nomination of a candidate for lieutenant governor, bllt the leaters df the new combfna tion were Tint prepared for this :s;id a recess was taken. NTME KILLED IN A WRECK. Friqhtlul Collision Between Passenger Trains on Missouri Pacific Road. Nine persons we reported to v * nave been killed‘and many injured Tint col lision of passenger trains on the Mis souri PacTTrc railroad near Hurt in City, 15 miles south of Kansas City, Friday night. Tne trains, whieffi met head-on, were the westbound CcHurado limited No. 1, arid the eastbounil Hois in S ton * Kras ’ accommodation No. 36. A message ’received by Miwsou. i Pa cific offices in Kansas City mdered them to eena a'•relief tram as soon as possible a-mi to -get all the smgeons obtainable, 'from which it is TfLerred «' Et nurnwr.TO-passengers were hurt. Newspaper men-were not permrtved on the relief tram, ; -which left atreut 11 o’clock Frrfeay nrght. The day coach on the aceorr. rnoda was telescoped, hut the clmir car wac not injured. 'The mail car nn the (t fiver” was telescoped and the tend of ;. tht- baggage <ear stove in. NEWSPAPER CffERS REWARD Atlefita ConstsSftrtiori Will Give S3tf0 for Conviction of Yount) Woman’s Slayer. Tht Atlanta, Constitution has^offer i • a reward <cff ^300 for the arrest, *roof . to 0 ® murderers ctf Mil, Sophie Kteeck b^‘ r - offered ;i Govt rnor Tertell also a s m - iward of $250, cttakmg $750, and fejere tfe absG utely no lack of incentive on tfShe pas- of publke a«J private defec th es to exert every .effort to disewver The guft y party -or ’parties, if bitch be. The s* ong belief Cff many Atla-ma citizens a ad the press Lin the murder theory wai solely respeaisiDle for the eximming-i nd examination of the body of tt*3 yowt-g woman,, The coroner’s jury. Biter a brief sesstoei on toe day the belly was drag ged feom thd lake, declared that the Gvomai. had committed suicide, voung 3 __ WAS ailE PATRON OF CAR HWEVES. Chicago Ikiice Put Next to Wing Has -Robbed Roads of a Million. In the direst ; *f Michael tire Chicago police believe tt»y have befgun the itemption of an organized hnvd of car tkievea, whose drpreda Lions in recent ye are hav/e cost rail - roaAf nearly $1,1)00,000. The ipolice say that while questioning the man’s wife, ■ahe told them that her husbamk who’is a property owner, neighitors, and is cow was sidered wealthy by his selling only stolen goods in a big which he had been operating for store An investl&ition a mi td her of year;’. her aflEcrtioa to he true. at the Russian Church in New York. Strange and weirc was the impres when, after the first part of services a procession, led and by dea- the j and formed of priests followed by the Consul-Gen in full uniform, descended from altar and passed out of the church a side door exit, only lighted by few torches. Almost breathlessly was the suspense as the waited, hushed and rev evidently looking for something Soon a solemn dirge-like was heard, and lights began to Nearer and nearer came music, bursting into loud and ex strains, and through the cen doors cajne the procession again, longer quiet and subdued, but joy with their Resurrection message. be'eame great crystal chandelier mass of light, and nltrTand w°jg£n near tlie procession e£cK the candle they held f/om carried by the priests, and pass the light to their next neighbor. and on in this way the lights until the whole body of wor became aflame, softened and illumined by the candle light, and their spirits roused to fervid enthus iasm as they answered, “He is risen indeed.”—From Social Service. Our Debt to Italy. economically considered, Italy is contributing greatly to the prosperity of America. A large part of her sur plus population is. digging our tun note, building our railways, ami sup- | porting a multitude of our industries. This element fcae its vrees—usually the inheritance ? t>f dynasties of mis rule—and coming chlefly from thfe feouth of Italy, sometimes fails to show us the mete lovable and gemtlfc side of the people. But it is a hard working, frugal, and fairly law-abSEng race, even here, and, however, it may be misled feSr a time, has. no rattnace for free institutions beyond any -etner ignorant foreign population, H will be sad fen 'Italy if. her children shall take back from America to that dem ocratic lard lessons of oppression and ineqnalitij drawn from the purchase of favors- before the law. Tip til we are sure that we are not teaching them such lessons, we should -do well to speak more softly of the -degener acy cT tl he country they have left err of the‘’ dangers to out cirilbxtion in volved m their coming.—iRrom an EditooSal in Century. FTTS’t.ermanontly cured. No flteroT nervous ness a tier first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great NerveTtestorer,$2trfal bottleaniltreatise Phila „F*. free Kune. Ltd., 931 Arch St., Strawberries come and strawberries .go, but prunes go on forever.. Ladles Can Wear Shoes One'size smaller after using ’Allen’s Font Ease,n nowder. If makes tight-or new shoes easr. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, nehing feet.-ingrowing nails, eonvs tmf. bunions. At nil druggists and shoe stores. 25c. Don’t ac cept f.nv substitute. Trial package Free by mail. Address, Allen R. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y, When a woman stops erring over her troubles it’s a sign that she has resumed the celebration of her birthday anniversary. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrnpfor chOTren topthing, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion.-allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c.a bottle If FL weren’t for their mistakes a great many men would never be heard of. Fiso s Cure for Consumption is an infallible medieine for coughs and oslds. w. Ssamtjbu, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1903. People may not think you -a fool, yet theyisaay not be in a position to deny it. Cost of Haulintt FreigSiL The cost of hauling a tom of freight a mile on Great Britain’s greatest rail way rs 1.45 cents; on the Pennsylvania, forty cents, and on the New Y ork Cen tral, forty-one cents. SlOO Ilewartl. SI 00. The waders of this paper will be dreaded pleased dis- to learn that there is at least one ease that science has been able to cure in a its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall « Catarrn Cure is the only positive cure now known to , Catarrh being a con the medical fraternity. requires constitutional stitutional disease, a treatment. Hall’s CatarrhCure is taken inter nal lv, acting directly upon tlie blood and tnu cous surfaces of the system, thereby des.roy i jngthe foundation of the disease, and giving 1 the patient auii strength assisting by building nature in up^the doing eon- Its stiiutiori proprietors have so much iaith i n , worlf The jw they offer One Hun J j its curative wers that case that it fails to cure. .dred Dollars for any Address ' Send for list o.f testimonials. Toledo, O. F. J. Cheney A CO., : Sold by Druggists, 75c. . Take Hall’s Family Fills for constipation. . j .“Miss Tlie Biggs Teacher .is interested Interested. in you, i .rm.” :pu, "How so.T “Why, to-day, after •ftbe 'had told nve seven times to sit idoivu and behave myself, she said she \v03tiered what sort of a father I had. ■>>r. -KLng’ti Boj’al Oerinrtner Kite tbc gorms of disease and thus vents and eu-res all diseases of the gtoaaw^h, boivok, kidney*, and nerves. j. J. Soruggs. St Aon. Miss., says: little giri. 9 months old. was in a very state iroHwummwcomplaint and made her ». fat as a pig.” liookiet, free. Write Germetuer Co.. Dept. Jlarueeviiie, Ga. A Few of Them Left “Ail of our great humoris-ta to be dead,” "Oh. I dcu’t know. There are gpyerr ment weather foreceffifcers.” & Company SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMILLAN, . r>3 south Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga — ALL KINDS OF— T r. : rZDu* ----- Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. / 14-IN * •sau IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied Shingle Mills, Corn Mil s, Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue, ISAW NULLS Our Latest Im proved Circu- Mills, j lar Saw with Simultaneous Hege'i Universal Set Works Log Beams,Rectilln and the Hea ear, Feed Works cock-filng Variable are unex celled tor acotjkact, SIMWICITY, DUKABT!, ity and rase of operation. Write for full descriptive circulars. Munufactured by the mmsmmEM3immssssmmsm^ SALEM IRON WORKS,Winston-Sal«m,N.C.^ FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in stractions ahsoluf ely Fw e and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtincToilet Antiseptic UR. Paxtine Is In powder in form to dissolve water — non-poisonotis liqti id and tar superior to k antiseptics containing A alcohol which Irritates M inflamed surfaces, and Hjl »;k have erties. no The cleansing contents prop of every box makes Sis T more Antiseptic Solu- 71 tion — lasts longer goes further—has uses In the family £1 antiseptic you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston and used with threat success as a Wash, for Leucorrhoca, Pelvic Catarrh, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, and all soreness of mucus membrane. Hudocal treatment of female ills Paxtine 'invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash challenge the world to produce its equal ‘thoroughness. It is a revelation in ;a»d healing power; it kills all germs -cause inflammation and discharges. Paxtine; price, All: leading druggists keep send ; if yours does not, to us few it. vta.k-o a substitute — there is nothing liSse TVrito for the Free Box of Paxtfajo JLEAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, 9 Dropsy iia Kemoves all swelling 8 days; effects a itermane-nt Trial r/ in 30to 60 days. Nothingcan II given free. be mm Write Dr. K.H. Creen’s Cons, HI Specialists, eox B Atlanta, < < m > til Wit r 'lake-Down Repeating Shotguns Don’t spend from $50 to $200 for a gun, when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take- f 1 Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and -n m highest-priced double-barreled outlast the Your gun, besides being as safe, reliable and handy. m !m dealer can show FREE: you Our one. 160-Pnqe They Illustrated are Catalogue. sold everywhere. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN,CONN. #1 WE CURE GANCERS AND CHRONIC ULCERS, V-A And we do not stop at that. The name and fame of Dr. Reynolds is k known all over the southland on account of his wonderful success in k ■ g| curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Ulcers, and his associate Special m zr pfe hH S| bts Hydrocele, are eouaUv Blood noted Poison, for their and skill all in Chonle curing I>eap Stricture, Seated Varicocele, Diseases PPjh j? ff of and both Men and blanks. Women. Do not Write experiment today for with ou i Medical Quacks Work, or Cheap ’• FAC John IS.’’ synipton when health is stake. treatments vnur at lilt, it F,VNOLDS & CO., 513 Austell Building, Atlanta, Ga. CUltES DVSl’KCSIA. SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NEItVOCSXESS TYWER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Bowels. Acts on TREE BOOKLET. Write, Box 138, Atlanta, Ga. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. ew new BEST FSR THE BOWELS jr?/ CANDY r V * J CATHAKTiQ I .(! m 2 ;i imm Ml GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, after wind on the stomach, trouble, bloated bowels,.foul dizziness. mouth, hondache, indigestion, bowels don’t pimples, pains regularly eating, liver Constipation sallow kills skin and When your together. move It you are sick. more people than all other diseases starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, sts-rt taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well nnd stay well you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Casearets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago nr New York. , SORE FEET SORE HANDS Night Treatment with Soak the feet or hanJs on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather ot LU >-,t TnrTf'T 1 IL,UK/\ IDA Cf) A P Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For itching,,^ burning, and scaling ec-^ zema, rashes, inflamma tion, and chafing, for red ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treat ment is simply wonderful, frequently curing in one night. ■ 1 He«olvent, Complete ITumor Cure, Chocolate eonsiftinf Coated of CUTICUBA Pill*, 30c. (in form of 13c. r»er vial of 00), Ointment, 30c., Soap, 25c. Depots; London. 27 Charterhouse Sn.; Paris, 5 Hue Ue la Pnix ; Poston, 137 Columbus Avc. Potter Drug & Chem Corp., Sole Prop*. Q&T bend for “How to Cure Every Humor.” Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At24-04) Ho^oraBIIndH ors es . Boro Eyes. Barry Co., Iowa City, la., have a sure cur»