The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 17, 1904, Image 5

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Local Items, Mr j. A. Baggett w as a visi tor to Pine Park Sunday. Mr E. M. Maxwell and moth er visited Whigham Sunday. Miss Palmer of Boston is the truest of Mr. R. M. Davis and I (family this week. Mr. Henry Lewis and daugh of Worth county, are the ter relatives in the city quests of this week. Misses Addie Lou Powell and p li a Crawford have been the e guests at Oakland Farm for the past week. M*e regret to learn of the ness of Mr. M. C. Poulk, but hope that same will be of short (duration. Selling out to move. See visement in this paper. G. L. Duren. Prof. W. H. Searcy, and son Prank, left Tuesday for North L where they will visit friends (and relatives. Mr. Killingsworth and his (daughter Stella of Biufton, are the gutsts of Mrs. I. L. Hurst and family this week. Friday of last week was Ma sonic day in the city. . We did’nt tear of the goat dumping am one. Mrs. N. H. Dickenson of Bain bridge who has been the guest [of Mr. J. B. Crtwford and fami ly left Saturday for Fowlstown. Rev. Joshua Martin who has been the guest of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Poweil for the past week, left Saturday for his home at Bainbridge. Mr. E, H. Smith, a prominent life insurance man of ville, was in the city this Mowing the attractive contracts (of the “Prudential.” Miss Bessie Peeble, one of Whigham’s most attractive young ladies passed through the city last Saturday enroute to Moultrie where she will visit relatives. We learn with pleasure dl business houses on “our side” are rented for another year. [Cairo continues to grow Ms no boom either, its ail on a solid foundation. Hr. and Mrs. N. Z. Kjuiney, Fla , passed throngh p)’ tost Friday enroute to pantown, N the S. C., wheie they guests of Mrs. Tru parents for the next month. Messrs. Baggett & Lewis maki 1 u g considerable ments on their warehouse. tnter prising firm deserves I tor the manner in which Mve conducted their business. Hon. H. G. McLendon deliv tle( l an address to a rather small 111 att entive audience here on Saturday last a n 130 a. m. On " a '°unt of the hour of the day 1°°’ ut |e Hie shy. crowd On this in the date city the was aspir ^ ffiough hearers were limited, al ^' we understand his talk as a linent one. ! HR0WN from a wagon. Mr. CeCrge K. Babcock thrown fr °ni his was vva &9a an<1 severely braised. He ainl v' ^hauiberlain’s Pain Balni freely ” a 3 s *t is tlie liest liniment’ he ever Used. '^ r Babcock is well known citi ^ . - a 01 NQrth Plain, Conn. There is noth . * equal p a in Balm for sprains and ,, • u will effect a cure in one n,n] ^e time required by other r «atiTient. any l‘or sale by Wight & Brovne. "asonic •Rally day in WHIOHAM. Judge Roddenbery Will Speak. There will be a orand rtuu * Masonic VA ^Olllt J ‘ & rallv icttiy dav Uct\ in in Whio-hotn Y\ nignam on June t | 24th. Judge S. A. Roddenbery of Thomasville will act as ora tor of the day, so we feel assured that we can promise our visitors a treat for South Georgia’s fa mows orator never fails on any subject he handles. In addition to the address there will be refreshments on the ground and it is very prob able that degrees will be con ferred in the lodge room to a o large number of ladies, Re member that June 24th is the time and beneath Whigham’s shady oaks is the place, to come one and all, bring a well-filled basket and help us to make the day merry. Thomas T. Mills, W, M. Mather M. McCord,- Sect. Whigham Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. Our local hall team hope to get a game with Bainbridge on local diamond for next Tues day. Those wishing to see a good game should go out. Col. Chas. Smith of the coun ties capital was in our city a few days ago. Call again, Col. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or insti tution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints ever they paint. S & 6 make . 14 , therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. & M. and mix 6 gallons of pure Linseed Oil with it, making the ac tual cost of paint about |;i. 20 per gallon. Don’t pay $050 a gallon for Lmsted Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy other paints in a can with a paint label on it. Mauy houses are well painted with four gallons of L. & M. and three gallons of Linseed Oil mixed ’herewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold by Wight & Browne, Cairo Ga. Mu si rs. W Y. Bryan, B. W. Mauldin and W. J. Powell were among the Cairoites who attend ee? the picnic at YValden bridge last Friday. They report a de lightful time; also state “’dem folks ober de riber do feed a fel ler.” Aint it de trufe? 50,000 #* Free Samples You Can Get One, BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success ba cause it has made some noteworthy owes of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of th* Atlanta Fire Dept., writes: << For months I suffered with my kid nevs. I made every effort to get relief, but failed until I accidentally came in P ossession of a bottle of Black \\ eed. he relief obtained from its use was so great before half the first bottle had been used, that I put aside all other medicines and am now sound and well, having been ewed completely by Black Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catarrh of the head and tliroat. Black Weed lias completely ewed this, and my head is now as clear as a bell. 11 BLACK WEED is sold by all drug gists at $1.00 a bottle, or wo will send prepaid upon receipt of price. r n( i VoilP NafYlP and addrpR8 Ovllll I Ulll liUlllv* a t once, for a tr j a j sample of this great remedy, ■ w hich will be sent absolutely free, to getlier with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine ... Co _ •J • ' Jttlanta, Ga. --------- Annouceninents. Thomas County. FuR REPRESENTATIVE. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative subject to the action of the i Democratic- primary. If re-electe<t I pledge l myself to a faithful performance of all the* ut T sof theoin -‘ e - Mv p* 8 * r « cor<1 in the of-; fice - Ulls 1 1 - open Mbmit to inspection flaim- and relying upon s niy to tile voters of the, 1 county and solicit their support John R. Singletary, FOR SHERIFF. Sheiff J hereby of Thomas announce county, myself subject as 4 candidate the action for of the Democratic to port of the voters of primary, the and solicit the sup county, if elected i will give my personal and undivided attention to the duties of the office and will discharge those duties to the l>est of my ability. J . J. CONE. FOR SHERIFF. for 1 hereby announce myself as ca ndidate ! re-election to the office of sheriff of Thom cratic as county, subject to the action of the Demo give primary. If re-elected 1 will continue 1 to the office my pergonal attention and' will ility. discharge its duties to the l>est of iny a T. J. H1GHT. FOR ORDINARY. friends Desiring generally to thank my old comrades ami for their four-years gift of the office of ordinary, I hereby announce my self a candidate for re-election, subject to the Democratic primary, promising if elected to do my utmost to perform all the duties of the of fice faithfully in the future as I have tried to do in tne past. Wm. M. Jones. FOR THE LEG{SLATI RE. election I hereby anpounce Legislature myself a candidate for re to the subject to the Dem ocratic primary. Having served the people to the very best of my ability in the last legisla scientiously ture. I feel that solicit 1 can confidentially and con their support in the ap proaching primary. J. B. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself as aeandidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected 1 will give tne office the same careful attention as in the past. I solicit the support of the voters ’of the County. JOHN F. HOWARD. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully re-election announce that 1 am of candi date for as Treasurer Thomas county, subject tne action of the Democratic primary. thankful the people for the fa I am very to vors and coutidenee shown me in the past, and pledge, if elected, my very best and mosi conscientious efforts to give them faithful, ef ficient. and satisfactory solicit service. friendly f earnestly your support and co-operation. Gjutefully and faithfully yours, JNO . BARKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. 1 solicit the support of the voters of the county. E. M. SMITH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. * To the people * of Thomas county : ^predating the past honors you have con firmed upon me 1 take this method of an nouncing that 1 am a candidate tor re-election to the House of Representatives of Georgia. In the discharge of my d ities in the past, as your representative 1 have to the best of my ability worked for your interests and the in terefits of the whole people of Georgia, 1 again ask your support. Democratic My candidacy is subject to the action of the primary. FONDREN MITCHELL. FUR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Superior court of Thon - as county, subject to the Democratic primary. L solicit the support of my old friends and promise them if elected to faithfully i perform the duties of the office in future as have al ways tried to do in the past. J. W. GROOVER. , FOR TAX COLLECTED. ! most respectfully re-election announce the office mvself of as Tax a candidate for to Collector subject to the action of the Dem oc-ratie primary. In making this announce ment I beg to extend my thanks to the voters of Thomas county for their kindness to me during the past and to solicit a continuance of their support. P. S . IIEETH. ______ For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate forelection to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, I solicit the support of the vo ters of the county. M. D. Redfearn. Tax Notice. I will be in Thomasville Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday up to the 20th of June when my books will close. Jno. F. Howard, Tax Receiver, DR W M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Browne Drug Store. Cairo, Georgia. \V. EARLE OLIVER, PHB8ICIAN & SURGEON. Cairo Georgia. Residence ’Phone'*No. 47. Office ’Phone No. 12. JNO. R. SlNGl.ffTKRY. B. W. Adkin . SINGLETERY & ADKINS, ATTORNEYS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Office over B. F. Powell’s store. i Commercial law and Collections. Light On I I -g m A S I VI Lk V|1 ^ ^ |11 ^ Ll/'T M I I I . i ^|| •** B-r I I ■ I V^Vr I %,■ • • • •* _ Preserve your eye sight by having a good light while sewing O' reading or studying. — —. To have*a Good Uight you must have a Good Lamp and to get a Good Lamp come to see us. We carry in stock, at all times, a large assortment of all kinds and sizes and our prices “TALK"’ ’ Hvre is a large Nickle Lamp with N o. 2 round wick and white shade for ;! Si. 50. I 5/. 50. * rfSi £ 1 - -»#***< We have various other stvles. both hanging and for the table We also carry Globes. a complete assortment of L/MP TRIMMI-NOS, such as Shades, Chimnevs. Burners, wicks, etc. So when in need of ‘‘MORE LIGHT AND BETTER LIGHT” come to see us. Ask for yellow coupons. They are worth money and cost you nothing. 9 • J HOUSE Furnishings % I For Young Men I When selecting Spring Wear* ing Apparel don’t forget to in* spect our line of I\J t Q elect hirt 1 n eckwear. KLs tyle *3* Cool, Comfortable Collars. In fact you should call and inspect our line of Gent’s Furnishings before you buy. Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair Work of all kind at. reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies CAIRO, GEORGIA A The City Shaving Parlor.£ j t a a t -Thaving, J'hampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. t a t < *, a t Expert Workmen, Tharp Tools, i c t Prompt and Polite Attention, ■ Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. R. G. LEWIS & SOIN, Proprietors. 5 t 'r*