The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 24, 1904, Image 3

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evened up. think’ ht 1 SJjld, “that 1 am now -I even with the world.” . 5t about the world.” 1 -Even W ith 1 figured that I have now , -Yes. point where I owe just many people as I don't owe." j rbicago P°st. . world’s production of 1 Since 1840 the -r has been increased fifty-seven meai - and grain four hundred and j ne r cent- cent I twenty per I : l of Dr Klb^s Great I . a te ’ 2trial bottle and treatise free t n«.r.if Arch S t., Pliiia., Pa j fY Ruy«, nutation of London has increased j percent, in fourteen years. , ’rn < ! blister? Feet Hurt, Royau Foot Wash | wat.itcb. odors of feet, armpits, fures them- Removes | ft stops chafing. If not at druggists send ; 1 % l0 Eaton Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga.,,for f : , “pitmen size postpaid; sample for 2o stump. m prove# its merit, Mo.., back « no. satisrted. i Immense Circular Saw. Tlic largest circular saw in the world tl .,< just been made in Philadelphia. It seven feet four inches in diameter, -■ an ,l will be used to cut pine stumps j into shingle bolts. Pennies* Cannot it*- Cnr<*,i i they reach the i local applications as ” cannot diseased portion of the ear. There is only one *sy to cure deafness, and that is by eousti tiitional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa inflamed condition of the mucous lining of j the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumblingsound or imper- | 1 feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- ! niation can Its be normal taken condition, out and this hearing tube will re- [ 1 stored destroyed to forever. Nine out of ten j he cases aused by catarrh, which Ls nothing but an condition of the mucous surfaces. : We will give One Hundred Dollars for any j case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)that can- j be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. i Take H'ill's Family Pills for constipation. No Milk While in Mourning. | When an Arabian woman is in i mourning for a near relative she re fuses to drink milk for a period of j fight days, on the principle that the color of the liquid does not harmonize with her mental gloom. Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy, cures all and bowel troubles, children Made from The Little Huckleberry I grows alongside our hills and moun contains an active principle that has happy effect on the stomach and bow It enters largely in Dr. Biggers Cordial, the great stomach bowel remedy for Dysentery, Diar rhoea and Bloody Flux. » Sold by ail druggists, 25 and 60c bot t,e. AN EX-CHIEF JUSTICE’S OPINION. letter Judge O. E. Lochrane, of Georgia, In a to Dr. himself Dingers, states that he suffers be without a bot of Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial the summer time, for the relief all stomach ar.d bowel troubles, Dys Diarrhoea, Flux, etc. by all d-ugglsts, 25 and 50c bottles. KALTIWANGER-TAYLOR DRUG CO., Atlanta,_Ga.___ Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet and Mullein will cure Coughs. Croup Consumption. Price 25ca/.:d$l abottle. Cotton Machinery ' ; .C A i m i c . . .'1 if 1 t-'O OCv si - mm, PRATT. MUNGER. eagle. WINSHIP. SIMTH. We maxe the most complete lias *» a*y in the world. We also make and BOILERS, LINTERS ior OIL MILLS. 6cil everything needed about a Cotton Gin. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co •9 Birmingham, Ala. Removes Dropsy11 Sweffiliff in 8to*) <4 days in jo to ; effects 6o JJp.'ritj-eayncat a permanent cure / given free. Nofliuigcan fcefalter rr,Y«nr Write Dr. H. H. Green’S Son*. Sjjocl»llsls, Box B Atlanta, w OltLD B F’Alll ST. IjOUIS, ULSVil,e and Naslirtllc Railroad. If you are going to the World’s Fair you ant the best route. The L. A N. is the quickest and best line. Three llail y- Through Pullman Sleeping a? s and Ltining Oars. Tickets Dow Rate * Get rates from local agent ! your ‘ ,,lsk f 01- tickets via the L. A N. AH ki 'ads of information furnished ap on 3 a to J. G. HOLLENBECK, List. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. STARTLING CHARGES Of Cr.miDai Negligence on Board the i Steamer Slocum--Number of Dead j Still Conjectural A New York special says: Forty eight hours after the burning of the General Slocum the exact number of victims still vary greatiy and this may ne accounted for by reason of the fail ure to report to the proper a, thoriiies on the part of many wiio, althougn officially registered as missing, were in reality saved. Already 539 bodies have been reeov e red. of which about fifty remain un identified. These include 273 chil dren, 243 women and 23 men. Thir teen officers of the Sc. Mark 'church are among the dead. rpu The task of burying the Head , , began Friday. Early m the forenoon a meet ’ S ,L ’ t ,f rma ^ tit elan in nioteio Jr 0 f the '«* *« keM and a program ot ""» le •» «““»• •»' stances a joint service will be heKl over several bodies. The distressing concentration of the blow of the disaster is shown by the fact that in one apartment house in Eighth street there were 3° dead, while in an Irvington street house 16 botlies were awaiting burial. Many thousands of dollars have . been subscribed to the relief fund.! Within an hour or two after the sub • scription list to the mayor’s relief j fund vras opened, $12,000 had been col lected. General Uhler. of Washington; Su pervising inspector General of Steam- : boats Collector Stranahan, General ! Clarkson, the surveyor of the port, ana Local Supervising Inspectors Rodie and Dumont had a conference Friday afternoon and arranged for the inquiry I into the Slocum disaster, which had been The ordered by Secretary Cortelyou. J j session was secret, but it was learned that the character of the life j preservers and fire equipment ot the General Slocum received general con sideration. * j The flr&f officer, Edward Flanagan, of the Slocum, is quoted in an infer view as saying that the steamer's fire hose was rotten and useless and tha* it. burst in a dozen places wheD he an ^ ^ ls men tried to U se it. The charge is also made that the life pre servers on the vessel were old and rot t en an ,j -jjj most, instances proved in auequdu odprmqtn ' wh™ n«ed us : Several print . pictures of papers pre S e r vers taken from the Slocum which i | bear in black letters the instription: it Passed by United States Steamboat Inspector, June 18. 1891.” William Themblev, a deck hand, cor roborates Flanagan’s statement regard in S the defective hose, and it is . reporc e fi that evidence has been secured showing that some of the life boats were made fast by wires, making it impossible for them to be cast 'oose and lowered. All the men who have made these statements will be called as witnesses by the coroner. HORRIBLE INCIDENT OF HOLOCAUST. j Woman Gives Birth to Child on Burning Steamer and Then Jumps Overboard. ■ • Several witnesses were examined by ! Coroner Berry at New York Friday, ! including the second mate of the Slo- j cum, James Corcoran. Corcoran said the first engineer, William Conklin, was among the first to hurry off the vessel to a tug. The fire starred in a room used Tor storing oils, Corco ran said. “A sight 1 saw on the boat : I will remember for a long time, . guess,” he continued. “I saw a woman give birth to a child and then jump overboard with tne new born babo. They both died. I could not r«j ber, the , . gieat, . and - sne u crown was so _ had no help at all. People were crazy. ; The fire was all around her and she i picked her babe . her wrap up in arms, , ped a piece of her clothing about it, ^ and sick and frightened as she was, j looked about for p p'aet. escane , There was none, It took only a mo- ; ment for her to realize tuis. Then she climbed on tae railing ana leaped out ; into the water. it ! Editors of Florida in Chattanooga. Over a hundred members of the Florida Press Association were in Chattanooga, Tenn., Friday. They vis ited Chickamauga Park, and left foi via Nashville Friday night. • st. Louis * SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST MINISTER. For Alleged Brunkenness Presiding Elder is Suspended Until Conference. ReV W. R- Foote, presiding elder . of the Rome, Ga., district of the North Georgia Conference, has been suspend ed from hie work until the next Annual Conference which meets in Marietta on Nove«aher 23, 1904. His suspension arises over rumors that an a given date this spring Mr. Foote was intoxicated in ihe city of Rome. This news w a com piGtC surprise to his friends every where, and it is undeniable that be is a man of immense popularity. FOG AT VLADIVOSTOK. Keeper Who Is the Butt cf Sailors’ Jokes. A Tew miles north of Vladivostok, ! the Washington Post, is a moun that descends abruptly into thw On it, about 200 feet above the , the Russian government has a lighthouse for the guid of the shins that steer south the coast, bound for the port of from the Gulf of Tartary the Okhotsk Sea. This lighthouse is the subject of an j practical joke. The sail of all nations play it regularly on j lighthouse keeper, and the latter, j f he knows help * ms el i J cn account of the nature ° f f the jo . .e. Owing to certain peculiar natural „ dllion8 , the mmM3n on whlch , h0BW stmJs „ „ re athed lit ense often when the ocean be , ow is per(ectlJ . cloar . Thu., it hap pen# that the sailors can see the base of th( , m0lintain bu . the light house; while the lighthouse keeper can see nothing. Naturally, when he sees the fog all j around him, he sets his fog signal ! going by ringing a great bell at fre quent intervals. So for a long while the crews of assing ships used to laugh when they steamed by the hid den lighthouse and heard the lonely keeper patiently ringing his fog bell while they sailed over a clear, mist less s^a. Then they began to play a prank on him. it. is his duty, when he hears vessels sounding their fog signals, to reply with a great steam siren that is maintained in the lighthouse as a fog horn. So the captains of passing hearing the hell ringing high up on the mountainside, toot their steam whistles as if they, too, were in the fog. Then the poor lighthouse keep er gets busy immediately and begins to work his siren furiously, keeping it «P till the ship has passed from hear- 1D S There is hardly a ship that enters Vladivostok that has not been put up to this joke; and as opportunities for are not common in the Sibeiian seas, it is likely that the lighthouse keeper on the mountain will continue to have the trick played on him as long as the fogs wreathe his lonely eyrie. 21,600 Miles on Foot. There is now on bis way from the Balkans region to Genoa a remark able globe trotter. He is a French man named Albert Faivret, who, since August 30, when he set out, has trav ersed on foot Italy, Germany, Austria Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Siberia, China, Japan and Egypt, covering al together 21,600 miles on foot. At the outset he had a companion, who, how ever. soon fell out. The walk was at first undertaken for a wager, which Faivret has lost through-not visiting America. He carries his own baggage, weighing about fifty-five pounds. BLISS TO SUIT CIRCUMSTANCES. “How much will it cost me to get a divorce?” asked the man. “That depends,” replied the lawyer, absentmindedly. “How much have you got?” WHERE SILENCE IS GOLDEN. J. Axson Bond—Would you have loved me had 1 been poor? She—Certainly, my love; but I’d have kept you in blissful ignorance of the fact.—Smart Set Germetner a Household Remedy, Butesburg, S. C., Feb. 3, 1903.—My wife hits used two bottles of King's Iioyal Germe- house tuer and it has proved invaluable as a bold medicine. It takes the place of many medicines and produces the desired effect more speedily The price per bottle is notK ing compared to its virtues.—N. Hogeis ^ ayly p ree book. Address Germetuer Medical Co., Dept. C., Barnesville, Ga. Esquimaux make shirts and boots of sal mon hides and jackets from codfish skins. We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of the Southern Dental College, Atlanta, Ga. We recommend this one of the best dental colleges in the as country. Thoroughly equipped in every way. The Russian warships carry excep tionally large batteries of rapid-fire guns for protection against torpedo boats. r»e Allen’a Foot-Rasf. It is the onlv cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet,Corns and you ik. At all Druggists and Shoe Stow, m. * a The average price of agricultural land in Russia is $14 an acre. Mr« Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c.a bottle Japan haa fifteen docks capable of ac ----- commodating warships. riso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken of 1 -J. W. O’BniKX, 322 Third as a cough cure.- Minneapolis, Minn., .1 an. 6,1200, Avenue, N., In Korea dog meat is in great request at certain seasons. WEATHER, NERVOUS WOMEN. t A \ » * ♦ • J & # fis » ♦ J ♦ . P * J h M i ♦ J li!f * ♦ m y/J/A ♦ 4 « HH * «r ♦ jffi p ♦ « I ♦ * SA \\ 9 ♦ « ♦ B| wM ♦ 4 * »M W&V.' a ♦ * • y V- / ♦ * « wm f * 9 J 9 J » * J : * • ♦ \ 9 : ! ♦ * t 4 » « ♦ i t j§ * a ♦ «E * » * ♦ ♦ 4 — t * ♦ 4- I 4 *J5~ «< ♦ 9 4P 9 4 9 V t 4 m 4 .< ^-5 ♦ A ♦ * 4 BLANCHE GREY. * ♦ 4 M ISS BLANCHE GREY, a prominent Memphis, young society woman of Tenn., in a recent letter from 174 Alabama street, says: t 4 To a society uoman whose force tsoften taxed to the utmost lack of rest and (rregntar meals, know of noth iny which ts of so much benefit as I’eruna. 1 took it a months ago when!Jett my giving way, and it soon made manifest in giving me new and health. ”—Blanche drey. Perana is without an equal as a nerve tonic and vital invigorator. Buy a bottle of Peruna. If you do receive all the benefits from Peruna you expected, write to Dr. Hartman, lumbus. O. A SURE HGiviE ovrtt. Opium, Morphine and Whiskey A positive, safe and painless Continue treatment. No publicity. sealed booklet. business. Write for The Georgia Medicine 16 Grant Bldg., Mtlanta, Go. CURES DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NERVOUSNESS TYNER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Bowel*. Acte on FREE BOOKLET. Write, Box IUK, Atlanta, Ga. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. BY A $5,000 BANK DEPOSIT LIMITED MEANS OR EDUCATION NO HINDRANCE. ALL OUR 6,000 GRADUATES AT WORK. It. R. FARE PAID. WRITE TODAY TO BOARD 500 Free AT Courses. 88.00. GA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. If you are interested in obtaining a dental education, write for free catalogue of full instruction. Addrcm DR. 8. W FOSTER. Dean, IOO NORTH BUTLER STREET. ATLANTA GEORGIA. SUBURBAN ARITHMETIC. Teacher—Now, Johnny, if your mother engaged two cooks on Mon day, three on Tuesday and four on Wednesday, how many would she have? Johnny—None. —New York Sun. A Household Remedy \ Cures SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, EC Q0 ZEMA. every form of malignant SKIN ^ BLOOD ERUPTION, besides being tfficacious in YBALMy toning up the the system i and restoring impaired con- , stitution, when it is from any cause, a i j fine Tonic, and its almost guaranteeing supernatural healing of ft properties justify us in a enro ' f all blood diseases, if directions are followed. 1 Price, $1 per Bottle, or C Bottles for g». i wLvi nruT 3LOOD I S*DCC rntt mp. BALM KAJ.K UoffCihcr bo CO., BY ik ok URL’OOISTS. with woxokrfui. ATLANTA, valuable iufornihiion. ocuks, Gf . j HoMMeBlindHorsasRMMtt Sore Eyes, Barry Co., Iowa City, la., have a sure cure BEST FOR THE BOWELS CANOY ft CATHARTIC I n tl sate Tiff'S f! mi wt; GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breetn bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, mdigest.on, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallov/ skin and dizziness. J7hen your bowc.* dom t meve ! regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than a.i other diseases together taking It starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start j | C ASCARETS todav, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your dov. t.ia right Take our advice, start with Cascareis today under absolute guarantee to ri.s or refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk, trample and money Address Sterhoe Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. W3 l t booklet free Avery & Company SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMlLL^N. 51-53 South l'onsyth St., Atlanta. G« —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY W, mm p tv. m j h| * 1 •:*<’ a** u rrjiA** | Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sires. Wheat Separators. - , f ,; .6*^ BUST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue. FREE to womm A Large Trial Box and book of In structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToEfetAsifiseptic Paxtine Ss In powder form to dissolve in water — non-poigonous and tar supe rior to liquid ■MfegL’t antiseptics cunteininz 1 alcohol which irritates yMj «b 'Tja inflamed cleansing surfaces, and have no prop w» a &liP ii erties. The contents k ,Jj S of every box makes vfR bSBE'‘& more Antiseptic Solu t'.on — further—has lasts longer— vtj 1 goes uses In tho family more anJ T-wf doesmoregootUhan any tv // antiseptic buy. prepurr.tion you can The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal j Wash, Catarrh, forLcucorrhcea, Sore Throat, Pelvic Sore Catarrh, Eyes, Nasal C its, ! and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal M'ash wo challenge the world to produce its cleansing equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. box; All leading if yoursdoes druggists not, keep send Paxtine; to for price,50c. It. Don't a ns take a substitute — there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for tho Free I’.ox of Paxtine to-day. B. PAXTON CO., ^ Pope Bldg., Boston, Mass. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At2G04) The Great East TEXAS-LOUISIANA and West Line Across the En tire States of S* THE PACIFIC ^IR&ILWAY No trouble to answer questions. 36 rotten shortest for book route Shreveport to Dallas. Write new on Texas, free. E, P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. To advertise the best bonk-keeplng, business training and shorthand while attending »l' .Vi VI KK SCHOOI, •F THK SOUTH, June 28 to A rr. 6. 1 eaehers will be given liiiiion and supplies for Hve Dollars nr less, (.linaud keep this ft will not appear again. McAI.I.KVS HI'S IN F8P COLLEGE, Corner oay & Ciiuieh streels, Knoxville, Tena. “ 1 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Byrun. Tastes Good. Bee In time. Hold by druggists. j