The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 01, 1904, Image 1

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The Cairo Messenger V'OL* IL V P'S. String Band Furnished Delight* f U ! Music-Refreshments Served in the Beau* tiful Grove, Etc. 0n e of the most enjoyable tets in Cairo’s social life the moonlight 1- ^ionin picnic given trirpn hv Dy , Kof P's at the , itt le grove near the Academy on Inst Monday night. There was about three hundred guests present, among them were quite a number of welcome visitors v •ho speak well of the event and report a delightful time. The beautiful little park was lighted with Japanese lanterns, and be neath the trees seats were fixed for the convenience of all. A string band from Thomasville furnished music and delightful refresments were served at all times during the evening by waiters who toured through the grove, waiting upon everyone where they were seated. It was not until the late hours of the night had arrived the merry crowd returned to their homes. Among the many visitors who attended were Misses Sallie ry of Ochlocknee, Annie Lou Blackshear ofSuHna, Stella ingsworth of Blufton, Chitenden of lallahassee, Curry and Maud Powell Climax, Nettie Butler of ham, Mattie Crooms of cross, Messrs. John Crapps Alaga, Ala., and W. L. of Tallahassee, Fla. One of the saddest deaths occur in this citv for a time, was that of Mr. M. Poulk, Thursday morning 9o5a. m. after an illness three weeks with Typhoid He was about 53 years of and for the passed several had been in the business in this city and one our most prominent citizens. The remains will be ln the Poulk cemetery this ternoon. The Messenger joins the ple of the town and county extending sympathy to the reaved family. Die Messenger prints Hie statements of Cairo’s ing institutions The niade by our banks are creditable and also shows t° be solid institutions for Driving city of Cairo. Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, «Iuly 1, 1904. The social meeting of the Ep worth League was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Powell 1 uesday night and a pleasant evening was the result, as is usual at this hospitable home - Aftel the business ses- 31011 ofthe meeting was over, ' the members present r were turn ed Ioose f° r an evening of pleas ure ' Ne * and novel forms of amusement were introduced and every one seemed to enter heart ily into each of these. Delight ful music was furnished from time to time during the evening by‘the different guests, The occasion was an enjoyable one and would' be much better if repeated sooner. What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it is a case of colic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will have no need pf a doctor. For sale by Wight & Browne. S. 6 . 1 , i R. i % With the usual thoughtful ness of that ever aecommoda ting road that is always looking j q-, e interest of the many towns along its line, the Atlan tic Coast ’ Line, have just completed a commodious depot at the hustling little town of Pine Park. Wilt Damaging Sea Islands in Georgia. Valdosta, Ga., June e8.—Re ports have reached here from all of the counties around of a disease wh ich is doing much damage to sea island cotton. It is w hat is known as the “wilt,” or black root, causing the stalks to wither and the bolls to shriv el and die. It is the same dis ease which made its appearance here several years ago and on account of which the govern ment has established an experi ment station at Blackshear. Farmers from adjoining coun ties say the disease is more widespread than ever, though in other respects the cotton crop looks unusally well. The age of sea island cotton is much shorter than last year, due the fact that the li wilt” did much damage last year many farmers turned their tention to short cotton, IS immune to wilt brought sucn high prices ing the past season. Mr. W. H. Clifford of land, Fla., is visiting his er Mr. J. W. Clifford. Miss Mattie Crooms of Way cross, is the pleasant guest of Mr. L. B. Powell and fanilv this week. Mr. Ben Watt, a prnminent life insurance agent of Rome, Ga., was a visitor to the citv j this week. Miss Z. T. Crawford. Arcadia, Fla., is visiting the family of Mr. J. B. Crawford on Oehlock- i nee street. Those are the melon-cholly days as car loads of the variety known as ‘‘Jimmie” are loaded at this point daily. Miss Annie Cooke came over vesterdav from Cairo to be the guest of Mrs. Chas. Robinson.— Thomas ville Times-Enterprise. The busiest man in town— That cleverest of genlemen, Mr. W. T. Crawford, who holds forth at the same old stand, the postoffice. Misses Claud Curry and Maud Powell of Climax, attended the moon-light picnic given by the K. of Ps. here on Monday night last. Mr. C. L. Brinson f r om Moul trie who has been visiting homefolks returned Tuesday accompanied by his sister, Miss Ora Brinson. Mr. J. W. Hurst who resides a few miles from the city, is the champion melon raiser. He showed the Messenger man a sample melon measuring three feet long and weighing less than 90 pounds. Dr. W. A. Walker who has been absent for the past few weeks in Atlanta, under treat ment, returned last Monday and we are glad to state greatlv im proved. The many friends of i the doctor wish for him a speedy and complete recovery. The Messenger has just print ed a large line of stationary for the mercantile firm of Mauldin Brothers consisting of Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags bv the thousands showing that these gentlemen are doing an extensive business. Success to you, gentlemen. Safeguard the Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small chil dren is very high during the hot summer months in large cities. There is not prob ably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank Riggs, of Franklinville, N. Y., in speaking of this remedy said: ‘‘I have found it expedient to have a supply of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy on hand, It has been a family safeguard and while especially Den eficial to children, it is equally good m adult cases, I recommend it cheerfully and without reservation. » 1 For sale by Wight & Browne. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for subscrip* tions to the Messenger. 44 A Hint to the Wise Is sufficient" but “where ignoianee is bliss ’tis folly to be wise.” . . . We know that you can take a “hint” and we wish to “hint • • you that cotton is already declining as is also the price on cotton goods. With the prospect for a big crop of cotton this year the price of cotton will gc still lower, notwithstanding the opinion of some others to the contrary. We have contracted for a few of our cotton goods at last years prices, and we stand a good chance to buy every piece of our FALL AND WINTER GOODS at virtually the old price, and in the event we do, we propose to give our customers the benefit of our lucky purchases. In the meantime we are cutting down our SPRING STOCK OF DRY GOODS and we will give yon some Surprisingly Low Figures oh our entire line of Stylish Summer Fabrics and Trimmings, We have a nice line of Stylish Summer Shoes to Fit the Foot and Fancy of the Fastidious Feminine. Our prices appeal to your better judgment, and will cause your purse-strings to come untied. Yours for business, < J7fauldin e Up~to~ f Date Merchants. On the Cor nr 7/ext to Citizens 53ank. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CAIRO BANKING CO M Established 1900. Located at Cairo, Ga., at the close of business June 13, 1904: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .................. $ 53 , 446.33 Demands Doans on Cotion________ . 5 , 433-35 Overdrafts__________________________________... 210.90 Due from banks and bankers in the state.............................. 4,884.55 Due from hanks and bankers in other states.......................... 1,055-11 Banking house............................ 1,3'5-00 Furniture and fixtures.............. 618.39 Currency ...........................—......... 1,5x9.00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies ... 676.12 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Thomas. Before me came O. T. Davis, Cashier, of Cairo Banking Co.., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. / O. T. DAVIS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed befor me, this 30th day of June, 1904 I. W. Wood, N. P. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TrtE CITIZENS’ BANK, ' Of Cairo, Georgia, at the close of business June 13, 1904: RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts.................... $43,693-77 Capital stock paid in............... 25,000.00 Overdrafts;..................................... 34 - 9 « Undivided Profits, less Cur Banking house............................. 2,456.70 rent Expenses and......... Furniture and fixtures 1,834-45 Taxes paid............................ 1,716.84 ............. Individual deposits subject Due from banks and bankers to in the state............................... 4,927.66 Check................................... 26,729.41 Due from banks and bankers Cashier’s Checks....................... 374-33 in other states.......................... 914.88 Bills Payable, Including Time Currency 1,460.00 Certificates Representing Gold...................................... 50.00 Borrowed Money.............. 2,000.00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies.... 448.22 Total.. $55,820,58 Total $55,820.58 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Thomas. being , . duly , of the Citizens Bank, who , . , Before me came F. M. Brannon, Cashier, condition of said Bank, sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true as shown by the books of file in said Bank. Cashier. F. M. BRANNON, Sworn to and subscribed before me,this 30th day of June, 1904. T. W. Wood, N. P., Thomas county Georgia. ISO. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in................... 35,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes paid 3,575-93 .... Individual deposits subject to check......................................... 22,544.96 Demand Bills Certificates............. » 37.86 Rediscounted...................... 8,000.00 Total .....$64,766.75