The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 08, 1904, Image 5

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Filteen Years Ago. s Ho iden in Globe-Democrat..) . dered to the grogshop, Tom: wa n the bar, 1st (lUv 4 beside bowl of lemonade and bad cigar; < > Id kegs and jugs were —the ones we used to know were on the round-up, me fifteen years ago. baflheep is a new one, Tom. 'he who used to sell Xhe dtv& ive tanglefoot to us is roast "brros • in—well, ing now other has a plate-glass front; ir is combed cjuite low, like the one we knew so me fifteen years ago. Old Soak came up and called for booze . be had the same old grin, While others burned the lining from their throats with Holland gm. beside door, And women stood the their faces seamed with woe, And wept just as they used to weep some fifteen years ;uro. o I as sked about our old friends, those cherished sporty men; A„d some were in the poor house, Tom, and some were in the pen; And one,the one we liked the best, the hangman laid him low, The world is much the same, dear Tom, as fifteen years ago. I asked about that stately chap, That. pride marked as its own. He used to say that he could drink. or let the stuff alone; He perished of the James H.Jams, out in the cold and snow— Ah, few survive who used to booze some fifteen years ago. Xow crowds line up against the bar and call for crimson ink; New hands are tremblin o* - as they pour the stuff they shouldn’t drink; But still the same old watchword rings, l ir This round’s on me, you know ! ’ ’ The same old cry of doom we heard some fifteen years ago. * 1 wandered to the churchyard, Tom, and there I saw the graves Of those who used to drown them sfives in red, fermented waves; And there were women sleeping there where grass and daisies grow, Who wept and died of broken hearts some fifteen years ago. There were graves where children slept, have slept for many a year. Forgerful of the woes that marked their fitful sojourn here; And ’neath a tail, white monu ment, in death there lieth low The man who used to sell the booze some fifteen years ago. An exchange says: a Those of us who have been there can ap preciate this: u When you report yourself sick as late as Thursday or Fri day you should, in justice to the editor, remain sick at least until the paper is in the post office. It is terribly embarrass ing to say that Air. and Mrs. Geewliilikens is dangerously sick as we go to press and then while lugging the papers to the postoffice meet the said party on the street looking well. We are now prepared to do any and all kinds of job print mg in a neat and artistic man. ucr and at short notice. Now, when you want printing done, give us a chance to please you in Workmanship by and you will please us giving us your work anc. patronizing home enterprise. Council Proceedings. Cairo, Ga., June 28th 1904. Council met in regular ses sion, K. Powell mayor protem presiding. xYlderman K. Powell, K. P Wight, Charles Mauldin. Dr. W. A. Walker and J. L. Poulk present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Messrs. Faucet & Deas’ peti tion for building stock shed was read and referred to the fire com mittee. The marshal was instucted to inspect all premises and see that they are iu good san itary condition. The following accounts were ordered paid: W. B. Roddenbery $4.50 Poulk Bros. 7.88 R. L. Nicholson 55 Wight Bros. 8.47 Sapp Hardware Co. 4-36 Faucet & Deas 11.50 Marshal reported $52.46 lected on fines, hall rent, piping and sample room. Clerk & Tres. reported $13.50 collected from A. B. Connell for sewer piping. My motiom Dr. W. A. er and K. P. Wight were pointed to examine druggist records as to the sale of alcohol. Council adjourns. Jno. L. Poulk, Clerk & Tres. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL rolled with a gallon of tjonmar makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint ia the world of yourpaint bill. Is FAR MORE DURABLE than Pure White Lead and is absolutely not Poi sonous. Hammar Paint is made of the best of paint materials— such as all goodjpainters use. sWd is ground thick, very thick. No trouble to mix, any boy can do it. It is the common sens* of House Paint. No better paint can be made at any cost, and is H xatawJc&fgjyMb not to Crack, Blister, Peel or Chip. r. HAMMAR PAINT CO., St. Loots, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by 'll/ight dc Browne, 'Druggists > Cairo, Seorgia, rm A s«it. v tr,?*. Leather Goods, i Harness, Plow and Wagon Gear. & B We manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. We can supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. M Whips, Curry Combs, Tubular Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads ■f: and Collar Pads. a; Lap Dusters 20 cents up. ■ e t If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done, We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business Jfudson dc Sraves. (rr ny.r.;' 50,000 Free Samples You Can Get One, * BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and j Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success be cause it has made some noteworthy cures of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of ths Atlanta Fire Dept., writes: For months I suffered with my kid neys. I made every effort to get relief, 1 but failed until I accidentally came in ; ? 3ssession of a bottle of Black Weed. he relief obtained from its use was so ! great before half the first bottle had i been used, that I put aside all other ; medicines and am now sound and well, having been cured completely by Black Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catairh of the head and throat. Black Weed has completely cured this, and my head is now as clear as a bell. >1 BLACK WEED is sold by all drug gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will send prepaid upon receipt of price. Send Your Name at and once address for a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to gether with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co. c ______ Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Wight & Browne. prrvvw fWVTW Vi rvww ? »vwfvvvf vtvtvvtvtt wrr* tvtvv^ , t NOVELTIES 3 | ===IN=== i | SILVERWARE.! ► i ; ► ► t Since finishing the Interior improve j l ments to my store 1 have put upon display j t one of the handsomest and most complete . I j lines of Silverware and Novelties evei ► i » shown in this section. ► Any Article < i : 4 From the daintest novelty to the hand- < i ► i somest table piece in Sterling and Solid < 1 and l’lated Ware can be found in my 1 j ► line, making a display combining beauty ► and elegance with quality and service. f Everybody, the ladies especially, invited < t to call and inspect this handsome line. J |: C. F. Sanders, \ t ► ! Jeweler, 4 4 : Cairo = = Georgia, ; .AAAA .AAA, We take chickens, eggs, meat, lard, hams, in fact any kind of country produce on subscrip= tion. Up! | Our Fall Stock will begin to arrive during the next 30 days and in order to make room for same, we propose to 66 Clean Up 99 somewhat. We Must Have The Room AND THE Goods Must Go. If you are in the market for FURNITURE of any kind it will pay you to see' us. We have some Unusual Bargains to offer in Dressers, Beds, Side Boards, Mattress* es, Stoves, Window Shades and Pictures. f^lT’Get our prices before parting with your money. a Jg| 9 ♦ HOUSE Furnishings ia d For Young MWjl Men \m l When selecting Spring Wear* ing Apparel don’t forget to in* spect our line of obby ew eckwear. S tyles. elect hirt Cool, Comfortable Collars. In fact you should call and inspect our line of Gent’s Furnishings before you buy. * 4 « 4 J » Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. 3 S Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair Work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies CAIRO, - GEORGIA. * l The City Shaving Parlor, f t a — T /having, /hampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. . c t a ( Prompt Clean and Linen Polite at Attention, all times. Expert Public Workmen, Patronage Tharp Solicited. Tools, i a 6 R. Cjo LEWIS SOIV, Proprietors. e *