The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 15, 1904, Image 3

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mangoes IN JAMAICA. Manner in Which the Tree Curi°’ jS Be Transplanted. Came to in 1782 that the British It Flora. one of Admiral Rod fri f at , about the cqnardon. •ruising • De ' Indies, chased and captured a 1 ghip’bound from Mauritius to | frent h the *ere found Haiti- i On hoard prize plants and 3eeds economic man) French Government ^ \alt*. V- hich the introducing from their Fast to were i colonies. Among th? ,r ir West Indian w erc a number of young mango these ii numbered. The ship was ; * rt eP a and the aK a prize to Jamaica, j Election n , of pi ants was p aced in a ien at Gordon Town, afterwards j ? 1( 1 Government Botanic Gar- j U e 1 a ; the " But the numbers got mixed or tie n. only one mango tr_s retained lost and No. 11, which ! its label, and that was this (i a v is its only name. As it j to - it is fhe best and most j happens too, its variety. Just as the rabbit fame Australia, finding there no taken to enemies, but most congenial condi ti ms, multiplied ami increased enor ntously, so the mango, requiring con Irant cultivation fruit to produce in its prolific native crops . ,f sweet home. , found everything so suitable in Jamaica that it flourished excre without care. Today it is the most common and hardiest tree of the plains, and in some districts grows , ( j ^ars fruit up to an elevation df 2 000 feet. It has sprung up wherever a seed has been flung*, on att v kind of soil, and refused to be checked by damp, drought, weec^, or shade. Indeed, no tree in Jamaica can keep so splendidly given, or bios som its fruit so profusely, under the driest conditions of soil and at mots yhere. A FALSE ALARM. Honest, now, Jones, did you see a Inirglar in your room when you called (he police?” Hie mirror “'No; my w rife had shifted In my room and I didn’t know it.”— Detroit Free Pres*. FITSoermanentlvcured. No fitsornervotw nessafter first day’s use of Ur. Kline's Great Nerv-ellestorer.4>2trialbottleauatreatlsefr©e Dr!k H Ki..>x Ltd..931 Arch Kb. Phila..Pa After listening to a the poor heiress young tale of woe it’s up to to hi in a helping hand. U*« Al)«n'* r«nt-F»»'. It is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting. Tired. Aching.'Hot, Sweating Foot-Ease, Feet.Corns powder ami Bunions. Ask for Allen’e a tobe shaken into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. S.Olmsted.LeRoy.N.Y Sample sent Fbek.A ddress,Alien When a woman stops crying over her troubles it's a sign that she lias resumed 1 the celebration of her birthday anniversary Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften theguirifi, reducesdnflamma tion. allay* pain.cures wind colic, 35c.a bottle If it weren't for their mistake* a great many men would never be heard of. I’iso’sCuretor Consumption isan infallible medicine for coughs and colds.—N. «• {jiiurEE. Ocean Grove, N. J Feb. 17, 1900. People may not think you a tool, yet they may not be in a position to deny u. fv l* •5/1 ^ M s V A am | A ^ yj( K ' ’Hr,# ,-Y- 1 V vi, t: v \ 'II */ V' 1 FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Haves’First Letter Appeal- Help: ing to Mrs. Pinkham for ii Dear Mas. ITskuam ; — I have been under Boston doctors’ treatment for a long time without any' relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I can not sit down without great pain, ^ and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back hud front. My abdomen is swollen, hud I have had flowing spells for three years. My appetite is not good. 1 ran ?°t walk or be on my feet for any length of time. “The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case, so 1 write tu you for advice.’—(Signed) *!.)3 Dudley Mks. Boston, E. F. Hails, Mass. St. (Roxbury), rs. Hayes Second -ailoi • ti feo Jta P,s«H».:-W-iim. a go I wrote to you describing my s\ mp toms and asked vorr advice. l ou re plied, and L followed all your direc tions carefully, and to-day 1 r.ra a well w omr.n. •“The use of Lydia E. Pink ham's '®f«ta,W Pdledthv; e tumor Fompoitnd and strengthened entirely ex- my whole system. lean walk miles now. “Lydia K. Pinklmm’s Vo-« to-lile ( ompouud is worth five dol hirs a drop. I advise all women who ® r e afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give It a faithful trial."—(Signed) Dudley Mus. E. F. Hayes, Mass. St. (Roxburv). Boston. pruning -~$5000 forfeit if orfainal cf above letitrs Wruiinanesscan-ct b n pro'fHC^d Jf afflicted will, Thompson’s Eye Watsr ‘tan c)e», iu® v^HOUSEHOLD » PT1, AFFAIRS i v ST D1',TILLED CHICKEN. Chop very tine cold cooked chicken; put one , evel tablespoonful of butter : j;i a fi-ying pan: when it has melted \ a dd one tablespoonful of bread crumbs, three-fourths of a cupful of 1 cream and one cupful of minced chick- j eu; ailtl salt and cayenne pepper to | i season; stir until boiling: add one hard boiled egg chopped line: till individual f dishes with this; spread them I over buttered crumbs and brown ik a quick oven or serve on toast and season highly, as any devilled mixture should be hot with pepper. BAKED ASPARAGUS. a. most delicious dish is baked as paragus. Cut the tender ends of the i stalks into inch-long pieces and cook | them about fifteen minutes. Drain them and save the water in which they cooked for (lie soup kettle. Ar« range the asparagus in alternate i layers in a buttered baking di«h with | tine bread crumbs, bits of butter, salt and pepper and dice-shaped pieces of hard boiled eggs. Sprinkle the top of j the dish with buttered crumbs and ( bake twenty-five minutes. Send to the j ! table ramekins in the baking be used dish. instead Individual of | may a arge dish. I OXTAIL CURRY i © j Cut two oxtails at the .joint; wash them; put in a stew pan with one quart of water, a bay leaf, a sprig of parsley, piece of ham or bacon and one : carrot, the kettle and let sim ^ cover mer four 1 our s; strain the broth into a : bowl, cut two apples and one onion in j small pieces; put one teaspoon of but- | ter in a frying pan; when it is hot add j ; the apple and onion and stir until brown; then add one tablespoonful of ; flour, .one teaspoon of ettfry powder ! and one and one-half capfuls of water In which the tails were boiled; stir un lil thickened; let boii five minutes; put j p j] 1( , oxtails, then the juice of half « lemon; , serve with boiled i m \ nee. . i FROZEN CUSTARD. ; I Scald four quarts of fresh milk and | pour it over the well beaten yolks of six eggs. Sweeten with four cups sugar iu which you have rubbed two tablespoons of corn starch, Return it to the tire and let it cook thoroughly, , jg „] wav g best to cook milk in a double boiler. . 1 , hate no double ., nnhl „ i,,,,!,,,. boiln so 1 set the bucket in a pan of v/ater and it does just as well. Beat the , whites very light and pour the boiling hot milk over them and put it into the freezer, Season with vanilla or lemon j, 11( ] freeze, When it is r ■ hard the dasher will not move take the dasher . ! ont and put the top hack and continue Lo turn it for ten minutes more, then P a< ,1- n and let it set for an hour er two to l'jpen. A] i.t. 1 ; ! | ! v gay j ! A handful of salt will set blue. i Oxgall will keep the color in gt ay I or brown. A lump of alum used in the rinsing water will prevent green from fading. If when making bread sauce the salt is omitted till finished, it will not turn yellow. * Mirrors with plain round white en nmeled frames are much used in the modern bathroom, in washing summer goods it is best to know just what to use to prevent ‘different colors from fading. Holding the hands over the smoke of the tire, after washing them, re moves all smell of kerosene. Run kerosene oil through a sewing machine that runs stiffly: then wipe thoroughly and oil in the ... i i, ! Tlie whites ot poded < hr- 1 ■ p whisked to as stiff a Doth «• **• * j ones by ading a pinch Ot sau i lh( , wllites . Old-wistnonm fashioned cornices onu are the proper tiling? these lioiu nliui ' j pcm i the overhanging usually made jjjj valance for the Winilous of w ( , 0 ] 0ll | a i bedrooms, candles, sueli . as are used , r,-,,. loi If wax lahle birllnlav cakes, for . j. 0 ., Ua et0>< are put on ice nirll Ihl , v s|,nt,ei'. '.eu.l ami | , ]v as (lu ,y are ;1 pt to do u the , 1 i,r„ mi <oft. i Yvax is the . <li<r sb.uusi st o.i When washing saucepans nse ' <<> hot wa ter and a lit tle soda, ions Xt - *■ ' Then turn . o]d vY;l)or ;u .d rub dry. i h.’de u , )sl(lP down on a shelf with a 1 that the air can nrerlapning. so clean get m. ULSMiiUvOer ... k tha ru i nans . and silver in daily use 1 ay bo krpt vary jj- .-iilowed to so: ak in strong bo , water for four or five hours ov ‘ must be |.ur water f C .-;tly boiling , \\ . hell a It j, j S poured I- over pin tP. TlliS silBplC iHLt '- v 4 ‘ , (1 .ieh elbow grease. The World's Famous n] Catarrh R emedy > ff . f Should Be in Every 'V ; -7 Home, Vi. & y > j-' , /’ j iV \ , : * - c m M v ■V W&Br pe-ru-na Contains Narcotics. q IP gg No i..f One reason why Peruna has found - J.v ■f&m permanent use in so many homes Is • f. its I that it contains no narcotics ot any kind Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquiring the drug habit FREE In Use Guaranteed to Cure Years 20 All Stomach and Resulting Disorders. REGULAR __ Remedy. lAi-lton Bowel*.) Tyner’s Dyspepsia Write your Co*e. Pox 138, l>ept. AT I A NT A. UV u* BALE YOUR OWN HAY. V* fe £ ■!=Vj ‘""e fjL' * i ■ You van put up 200 baU-s of hay per dav with oiip horse. CAN YOU AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT IT WHEN IT CCaTS YOU ONLY $ 50 . 00 ~worXh ITA.OO. \\i- sell 'em straight TO YOU for $')0.00. YOU SAVE THE DEALER S PROFIT. Write ns quick. We have only m few left at this price. ATLANTA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ATLANTA, OA. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. If you are Interested in obtaining a dental education, write for free catalogue of full instruction. ABCMM DR. 8 W FOSTER, Dean, 100 NORTH BUTLER STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. . CAN THIS BE? Plodding Investigator—It is one of my hobbies that everything of a ea lamitous nature is caused by a mi c.robe, a ad 1 am trying to locate and classify the strike microbe. Man About Town—You won’t find him, professor, He’s the critter that draws the salary and keeps out of sight.—Chicago Tribune. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he (*ured by : Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Toledo, O. F. .1. ( uEttr.Y A Co., . We. the undersigned, have known F. -T. Cheney for the last 15 years, ail business and believe transuc- him | j perfectly honorable iu tions and financially able to carry out any I obligations made bv their firm. West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, To- \ ledo, O, Maeyix, Wholesale Waliung, Kixnan A Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrjh Cure is taken internally, aot jng directly upon the blood and mucoussur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free, price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Fantily Pills for constipation another judge. i Old Binks—I fear you’ve been tried by adversity, my friend. I wasn’t ’is guv'- : Bustitt—That name, nor. but he guv me six months. Chi -ago Journal. Odors of Perspiration Removed at once from the armpits, feet, etc., by Royai. Foot Wash. Stops Chafing, Cures Sweating, Burning, Swollen, Tired Feet. 25c at Druggists, or postpaid from e AT ok Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga. Money back jf not satisfied. Sample for 2c stamp. The year promises to be a landmark In time, so far as this work is eon c<irned and the hopeful sign is in tte earne5t wa y the problem is being fippToached . « BiflOers’ f® HUCklcbCrrV COrdifi! _ .. . * Th Great Southern Remedy. Troubles, ( . urpg a q stomach' and Bowel teething, it Flu^^^als^'^'children make quick seldom fails to and a))d permanent cures of all stomach bowel diseases. See tesLimoriial of the to te W. G'RA.’DV. HEfi'Ry Atlanta, Qa. Dr. Walter A. Taylor, first certlffcate Ofsr Sir: Thi* la the that I have ever given as to the merits of any med | C | ne but i take pleasure in . Huckleberry recommending Dr. Diggers’ ^ n ° a r t , have XUSTS ever used ttiTSSncfcflo'K j n my family for , JtMjy" beginning of any stomach )n the well trouble will often save life as a* a Iaroe docior's bill- I have a fr!«nilI whose , Hfe w.s.Jn my ^P 1 ^-^ e & uc b k y leb er?y Cord , a)> For ea | e by all Druggists, 25 i «nd Me per bot tle ( 0 qrady. ( Atlan t a i Ga , May 23, 1887. Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co., Prop., Atlanta, Ga. ' Taylor’* Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum Consumption. and Mullein will cure Coughs, jl Croup i : and Price 25c and a bottle. Xi* in PI SO’SC URE^JFOR j t-r O UUKtS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. UseP C Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. ; # in time. Bold by druggists. I; s CO N/SU. MPTjON On the east coast of Scotlano i.pOO.OOO barrels of herring are cured year, nnn DiDiDiBLOOD botanic BALM j The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy i and i>erm»nent cure of Scrofula, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Ulcers, F.czema, Sores, Krup tions, Weakness, Nervousness, and all BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. It is by far the best building up Tonic ai d Blood Purifier ever offered to the world, lit makes new, rich blood, i.npaits renewed vi tality, and possesses almost miraculous healing properties. free Write application. for Book of Won- s derful Cures, sent on If not kept by your local druggist, send $t.oo for a large bottle, or $ 3.00 for six bottles, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ✓yi m KINGS ROYAL emetue -etkcers 7f .j xC> Absolutely Cures INDIGESTION, FA TAK It II, •NFU 15 AL til A, .RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON and all other germ diseases, It has been used for 20 years, and has 100,000 endorsements. IT WILL CURE YOU! Rookie! on germ diseases free. germetuer MEDICAL CO., Dept. C— Bartlesville. (>« MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA Its advanteges for practical instruction, IxjiIi in ample laboratories and abundant hospital ma terials are unequalled. Free access is given to the steal Charity Hospital with (>()0 beds and ,10,000 patients annually. Special instruction is given dally at the bedside of the sick. The next session begins October 20. 1904. For catalogue and information, addiess Prof. S. E. CHA1L1.E, M l)., Dean, I*. O. Drawer 261, New Orleans. La. Malsby & Co. 4| South Forsjtb St., Atlanta, Ga. r V as ■w Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and all kinds of machinery | Complftr' line carried in etockfor IMMEDIA TE shipment. Beal Muchtnary. Lowest Frtcee and B«st T«rms i Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buy in <r j- -------------- ropsy CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes all swelling in 8 to 30 davs; effects a permanent cmc in giveafree. '30 to todays. Nothingcan-befairer Trial treatment Rn m Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. Specialists, Box Q Atiftnta, Sa. ATI Til 9 'blip; Humors Utt s U. f .. ^ OL. •> %% .« « « 4 |S. v i V Every child born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to torturing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Scalp, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because o i its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfigu ration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prcia perity. Hence it becomes the i duty of mothers of such afflitt ; ed children to acquaint them j selves with the best, the ( purest, and most effective 1 treatment available, viz.: the | CUTICURA Treatment, con sisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Cures made in childhood are speedy, permanent and eco nomical. Se'.d throughout liir world. Cutlcurt Soup. lie.. Clnt. muni, SOc., Kffolvent, M)o. (ia form of Chocolct* (Jo»t«d Mill, Mu. per rbtl of &>>. l)*pon: l.onHon.lffCbtrrer Iioum Sq.; P*ri», l Plug Rue dt Cham. la Fait, ilouoii, Croart 137 I'olutn bua Av», Colter k C orp , Suit liar* *a~S«od for “ How :o Cur* Torturing, Pitfl garhag Humor* from Infancy to Age.' FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Paxtine Is In powder form to dissolve In water — non-poisonous liquid and far superior to l \ antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates 3 inflamed surfaces, and M j| have no cleansing prop Its erties. The contents •G Rf of every box makes W more Antiseptic longer— Solu SF tion — lasts Sit goes further—has more uses In the family and ZV antiseptic doesuioregoodthanany preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Lcucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female Ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing which and healing power; it kills all germs cause inflammation and discharges. price. 50c. box; AU leading if druggists floes keep send Paxtine; to for it. Don’t a substitute yours not, nothing us like Paxtine. take a — there is Write for the Free ttox of Paxtine to-day. R. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mess. E “My father had bfto a a offerer from sick headache forthe last twenty-live years and never found any relief until he began taking your Oasearete. Sinew be has begun taking Oar,carets be has never had : the headacbo. They have entirely cared him. ! Casearets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using hiv«,ame. it ’ E.M. Hickson, ] 120 Resiner St., W.lndian&polU, lad. Best For The Bowels I CANDY cathartic 3];' Never Plcavnrf, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good, 15o Never Gooff, ■ Bold in biek-sn, bulk. The Weaken genuine or Gripe, tablet 10c, stamped 2&c, 50c. COC. Guarantoed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 598 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At29-04)