The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 15, 1904, Image 5

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oflie Mission Work. | gnizing that fact that ^ ReCO greatest factor in cre ls the interest m a movement, The ing Board of Home Missions n ’ g f instituted a department the ob- of Work, in order to set \ t . all( i attainments of their so lie fore the people. An effort ietv ade to have the work being mi sented in local papers and to P ret by the kind • end. we are 11s Mission of the editor of The ro Messenger, beginning to-day a weekly space fi U a much good being _ There 1 is 9 ac mplished through the Home ‘' Jion Society, implies—a which is home just J‘,j lt name 011> First and foremost our ini 1 9 f° further spiritual growth niong our own women, that they lay ije a hie to do the better work , r the Kingdom. , Our motherly leetings are pleasant and helpful ■casious v •here visitors are always elcome Qur plans are fully dis uwe d, after the sturdy, system tically pursued, of a portion of icripture. These plans include arious departments. One of the ^ , os t important, is the ovangelis efforts that is being made mon g our foreign population California, in | oJt h Florida and ■here each converted Cuban, Chi eseor Japanese, means help to rany others, since out converts .re nearly always full of the nils lonarv spirit, once their own eyes re opened to the truth. Another ae feature is the eduuational [ork [hite carried people on in the among mountain the poorer dis tricts of Virginia, Kentucky and t [id 0 rth Carolina. There is splen material among these moun Liiii boys and without these ehools springing up near them, Ueloped. here is no hope for their being They are remote from railroads, and churches are so few ndfar between, that they really luffer Li for what we have everywhere most at our own doors. We have various industrial hemes [he and schools about through country, also Rescue Homes, pie re those whose lives are shad bwed and broken through sin, may bo for the sweet reclaiming influ ence of the Christian religion, be [taught tc be self maintaining build and be given another chance to up character. One of the most beautiful of all our institutions, which is in line, though not an iinmihjbate part of our eonnection al work, is our own Vashti Home in Thomasville, Ga., a home, in very truth, where young girls who arc not in homes where they can be properly fitted for life and its duties, may go for education, and fur receiving the fine ideals which must go toward the making of lives that will bless wherever they touch. The Vashti Home is found ed upon a faith basis, and contri butes for it are never so- licited, but God has so wrought upon the hearts of the people, that every need has been met, so far, showing ple the truth of the princi that the faith basis is the most secure upon which individval or organization may build. May the good work go on, and so abund ant be the offerings for this insti tution, that it may spread and wide 11 in its influence, until many girls are sheltered within its safe retreat 1 This, iu very brief epitome, is a resume of our work, We have made no mention of the city mis sionaries and the deaconess sister hood, who areiat work in many of °nr Southern cities, and there are numerous interest points, which ' Ve ar e unable to touch in this little in troductory 0Ur how speech, with which we make only ask to the Cairo people, but we you to read our items from time to tone, with the hope and prayer that bles s, ngs may come to some one through this Medium. W^ile the immediate super 'isioti of the work is in the hands of the y F. Church South, it is broad enough " >e unsectarian in its application, and ma " e bespeak the co-operation to any, who y find it in their hearts to work with is. The educational interests of the Home -fission society are now represented by ,' ve .lve schools with a student body num A;mg, if Venteen i ,429. City Missions affiliated 'ah are the Woman’s Home Mission Socie ' ■ V e people who live in Thomas 'Hinty, where the climate is so good, the : l er a 'id air so pure and free, have little llea what the need of the city mission j 0tl e has only visit of these sses, ■ located to . one UIn in the heart of some city , to receive a wonderful object les s 011 the divine love which actuate can our women gently reared, refined and ( cultured, deliberately to tear away from the environment to which they have been where accustomed, every and is make their homes I ?55“ th sense revolted. The chil ere < are w °rse off than the poor-! est that f we ever see here, and though they are in sound of church bells, are as : benighted as though they were heathen ! Jo? ft™ 111 ' Becentl y a ladv visited on one of these missions . one Sunflay after- ! Tle v! e Were man > r the i e,'adults; f aS chlldren , , who are being led into better ,- lives, through the work of th deaconess in charge, but just how hard ! the struggle has to be, was shown bv the fact that just across the street store, wide and was business which open, apparently doing r a than that of the was saloon scarcely les.s thriving le chi dren next door. Tit this latter place, were with passing in and out of A of baseball buckets of beer game ' full p gress at , ,, the . . m doors, blast, was in mission even while the Sunday school was being carried and to all intents and on, no observance , purposes there was at all of the Sabbath. j faithfully. 1 .*. f d ® acone9S She had worked organized quietly, and she could gather into such boys as a little military company, first, for all boys love the sound of fife and drum. Then she open ed a clean room up stairs, and gave it to tbem for a club. It was kept warm in \\ inter, and there were always a few boys there, enjoying the books, pictures, and innocent games placed conveniently for their amusement. Then too, there was in this mission, a dav nursery, where the mothers who were obliged to do rectorv work, might leave their babies and little girls, and feel no anxiety about harm the coming to them; a kindergarten where tots are taught, until thev reach the right age for entering the public schools; a mother s meeting where the women are tactfully taught right ideals of life, along whh better methods of carrvine on the homely affairs of daily life. At this particular mission was a church of forty or fifty members—working mem bers too people whose lives had been so blessed that gratitude impelled them to carry the glad tidings of great joy to oth er hearts, Think of seventeen of these beauty spots blossoming out in the slums of the great cities! And these seventeen are only those under the auspices of our sented society. Other churches are well repre in this wonderful work of evangel ization. Surely 1 The Kingdom is com ing!” Worker. Safeguard the Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small chil dren is very high during the hot summer months in large cities. There is not prob ably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank Riggs, of Franklinville, N. Y., in speaking of this remedy said: ‘‘I have found it expedient to have a supply of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy on hand. It has been a family safeguard and while especially Den eficial to children, it is equally good in adult cases. I recommend it cheerfully and without reservation. For sale by Wight & Browne. Grand Sea Shore Excursion To Jacksonville, Fla., from Montgomery and all interme diate points to Waycross, Atlantic Coast Line, July 18th. Further particulars later. T. J. Bottoms, T. P. A., Thomasville, Ga. Harness, Leather Goods, Plow and Wagon Gear. We manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. \Y r e can supply you with either a fuli set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. Whips, Curry Combs, Tubular Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads >>! and Collar Pads. Lap Dusters 20 cents up. If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done. We also make a specialty of this class- of I work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business, Jfucison dSraves. tv 50,000 > Free Samples ’ j i You Can Get One, * BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for 5th eumatism > Catarrh, and and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success be- | cause it has made some noteworthy j cures of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire Dept., writes; «< For months I suffered with my kid- ! j neys. I made every effort to get relief, but failed until I accidentally came in j sssion of a bottle of Black Weed, The relief obtained from its use was so : great before half the first bottle had j been used, that I put aside all other medicines and am now sound and well, having been cured completely by Black Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catarrh of the head and throat. Black Weed has completely cured this, and my head is now as clear u a bell.” BLACK WEED is sold by all drug gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will send ! prepaid upon receipt of price. Send at and once address for a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to gether with onr book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co. t ■ . ____ Atlanta, Ga. .. Sold by Wight & Browne. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of T3gjmar makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint in the world of yonrpaint bill. Is far more durable than Pure White Lead and is absolutely not Poi sonous. Hammar Paint ia made of the best of paint materials— such as all good painters nse, end is ground thick, very thick. No trouble to mix, House any boy Paint. can do No it. It is the common sense of at cost, and i3 better pain t, can be made any €lmmMfcu(£ystite not to Crack, Blister, Peel or Chip. S’. HAMMAR PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by Wight dc 33row no, 'Druggists, Cairo, Seorgia, 9 'i TO titiii. ▼ int The people who can boast of having the cleverest set of mer_ chants and those that make their town the best market in the state, are the people who make their market at Cairo. Cleaning Up7"| Our Fall Stock will begin to arrive during the next 30 days and in order to make room for same, we propose to 66 dean Up 5 * somewhat. We Must Have The Room AND THE Goods Must Go. If you are in the market for FURNITURE of any kind it will pay you to see us. We have some Unusual Bargains to offer in Dressers, Beds, Side Boards, Mattress* es, Stoves, Window Shades and Pictures. fjgPGet our prices before parting with your money.^Jgf jjftwv ^umiUm m / V s For Young Men When selecting Spring Wear* ing Apparel don’t forget to in* spect our line of N obby c elect hirt ew eckwear. 4^/ tyles. Cool, Comfortable Collars In fact you should call and inspect our line of Gent’s Furnishings before you buy. Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair Work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies CAIRO, GEORGIA. J ’ 1 he ity Shaving Parlor.| J t t ./having, ,/hampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. i a 4 t t a t Prompt Clean and Linen Polite at Attention, all times. Expert Public Workmen, Patronage Tharp Solicited. Tools, ‘1 i m t R. G. LEWIS & SOTS, Proprietors. t