The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 15, 1904, Image 8

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GREAT REDUCTION! For you to read this over carefully and act accordingly means money in your pocket. Our entire line of Spring and Summer Goods must GO and GO NOW at unheard of low prices. We bought more Spring and Summer Goods this rear than ever before, in our history and as a consequence, have sold more than ever before. Our line now is greatly reduced, however we have some VERY. VERY PRETTY PATTERNS and real nice qualities in all kinds of Summer Dress Goods on hand yet; prices on these are now now cut to the bottom. They must be sold IMMEDIATELY to make room for our Mammoth Fall Stock that will soon be arriving. Lawns and all Summer Goods That we sold at 25c now cut to 19c; 20c Summer Goods cut to 15c yard; 12 l=2c Summer Goods now go at 9c: 10c Summer Goods now go at 7 l=2c yard; 7c Summer Goods now go for 5c, and everything else in proportion. They must be sold NOW. So come at once and make your selection before the cream has all been selected. Every yard of Calico in our store, including the very best brands and beautiful selection must now be sold at the very, very low price of 5c yard. Take your pick of anything in the store. Our Straw Hats MUST GO AT==ALM0ST==ANY==0LD==PR1CE. You cannot fail to come and see these goods that we have marked WAY DOWN. It means money to you, in your pocket. These Goods Must Go. The Room We Must Have. We have the goods. We have prices lower than ever before. Will you do the rest ? Very truly your friends, W. H ROBINSON <& CO 5 The Low Priced Merchants. Whigham Sparks. BY OUR CORRESPONDENT. The rain come in time for the potato growers to get out their crop vines. Among the number of Whig hamites who went up to At lanta this week were Col. and Mrs. J. L. Peebles, Col. Terrell and daughters Misses Ethel and Ida, Mrs. R. M. Bower, George Clark and Arch Harrell. Whigham’s water works will soon be completed, the tank is about finished and the well is rapidly going deeper through a rock about 60 feet thick. It is thought when they go through the rock, that they will strike water. The well is now abont 500 feet deep. Prof. Powell will complete his handsome residence this week, and it will be an ornament to that part of of town. Mrs. V. S. Parket and chil dren are visiting her parents in Dothan, Ala., this week. Mr. Ira Higdon left Tuesday morning for Panacea Springs, for a few days. < The drummers and life insur ance men are quite as numerous in Whigliam as kolb-gem buy ers. v The humble writer must thank Mr. John Sellars for a fine wa termelon which he seut f o our phone office Tuesday. There is no one fonder of a good ripe kolb-gem than our good and ever ready physician, Dr. M. M. McCord. Mrs. Willie Cowart’s friends will be glad to learn of her re 's covery from a spider bite and has resumed her music class at Reagan Court house again. Postmasttr Quinn has had the orning m front of the post office painted light blue, which makes it look very inviting. Woodland Items. BY UNCLE JAKE. Mr. D. S. Dixon and W. A. Sarrette are down at Cabo building our clever mail carier, Hinton Evans, a house. Mr. Rufus Fulford and wife came down Thursday to see his mother who was sick, but glad to say, is able to be up again at this writing. Miss Maggie May Hanley of Cairo, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hartley, this week. Mr. A. J. Hickey and wife of Meigs, was visiting relatives in this community Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Dixon and daugh ter, Miss Eoline, went to Cairo trading on Friday. Mr. Bryant Cone is hauling lumber to remoddle his house and when finished he will have one of the neatest residences in the community. Prof. T. E. Dixon, principal of the Metcalfe school, is visit ing at his fathers’ this week. Mr. W. H. Waldron, wife and two daughters, Misses Cerrelder and Anner, were visitors at J. S. Fulfcrd’s Sunday,. Mr. Robert Tyus and family were visitors at the home of Mr. Walter Harper Sunday. Mr. W. H. Waldron and wife and W. M. Prince passed this way Monday enroute the coun ty’ capital. Mr. Jerry Mathis was circula ting among his friends through heie last week. He seems to think that old Thomas is the garden spot of the world. He declares that the land is better than it was when he lived here; but as we were neighbors to Jerry for a number of years we know where the trouble was. He had a dislike for stirring up the dirt to see what was in it. Our honorable mayor went down to Thomasville Wednes day on business. Mr. B. D. Fudge, a well known traveling man was in town on Tuesday of this week. Mr. F. M. Bozeman, a melon broker of Quitman, paid Cairo a visit Tuesday. Mr. H. J. Hart left Tuesday for Thomasville where he will spend the rest of the week. Mr. Hart has the contract to cover the new A. C. L. depot at that place. Mr. K. P. Wight requests us to announce that all who wish artesian water can get same by calling at the well any time be tween the hours of 7 and 9 a. m. Mr. Chas. Gandy, formerly of this place but now an Alabam ian, is spending this week with his parents. He expects to en ter the turpentine in Mississippi about August 1st. What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it is a case ot coiicor cholera morbus give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will have no need of a doctor. For sale by Wight & Browne. Mrs. J. W. Kea left for Thom asville last Friday after spend ing sometime with relatives. Mrs. Chas. H. Evans of Jack sonville, Fla., is the guest of Mrs, J. A. Lindsay on Bryan St. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can always be depended upon even in the most severe cases. It is es pecially children. valuable for summer disorders in It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It may save life. For sale by Wight & Browne. Calvary Dots. There was quite an interestsng protract ed meeting at Calvary, commencing on the first Sunday, with Rev. T. A. White to assist our regular pastor. An addition of seven members was added to the mem bership of the church, baptising taken place Sunday morning at nine o’clock. Mr. J. A. Hudson will commence a singing ing. class at Calvary Tuesday morn Miss Louis Bower was the guest of Miss Mae Higdon during the meeting. Mrs. Hugh Cannon of Cairo is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse Darsey of this com munity. Pet. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or insti tution tion will supported by voluntary contribu be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints when ever they paint. 8 & 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. & M. and mix 6 gallons of pure Linseed Oil with it, making the ac tual cost of paint about $1.20 per gallon. Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for Linsted Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy other paints in a can with a paint label on it. Mauy houses are well painted with four gallons of L. & M. and three gallons of Linseed Oil mixed ’herewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold by Wight & Browne, Cairo Ga. FOR SALE. Seven miles north of Cairo, Ga., 560 acres of good farm land 150 acres cleared; one five room painted house, plenty good ten ant houses. I will either sell or trade for property near Cairo. Call on or address, W. G. Baggett, Cairo, Ga. Until further notice I will do dental work at the following prices to-wit: Upper Set of Teeth............. .....$ 8.0O Upper and Lower Sets................ ..... I5.oo Gold Crowns...................... 5.oo .... All Small Gold Fillings 1.00 .... All Small Cement and Amalgam .5o This material is of best grade. All work guaranteed. A. B. Cooke, Powell Building, Cairo, Ga. Ira L. Hurst Dealer in Fancy and Family GROCERIES. Keeps constantly liUstock u fresh lot of J. E. M. 0* ■in % mj lEST PATl 12 jiii t -W FLOUR. ’Phone 31 . New Stables I have just opened lip a new on Bryan street near the right-of-way of the R. R. in Cairo, Ga I am now ready to serve tb< public with first-class turnouts Prices reasonable. Special attention given to con 1 mercial service. Prompt attention to all. W. L>. BARBER* Cairo, Ga*