The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 22, 1904, Image 1

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The Cairo VOL** ,0 V i> f Gain in in Two Years is 25 Per Cent of Whole. Through the kindness of our efficient Tax Collector we have been furnished the following figures ; showing Cairo’s individ ual increase: White. $104,087 Colored 2,797 A total of $106,884 which should be very gratifying to the people of our district. The following artiele we clip from the Times-Enterprise and gladly publish for * the benefit of the readers of the Messenger who will be both pleased and surprised at the showing made by Mr. John F. Howard, our worthy and efficient Tax Re ceiver: The consolidation of the tax for the 1904 shows an exact gain of $594,307- This tremendc us increase comes after an increase of $508,207 for the year 1903, and beats that phe nomenal record by $86,100. These are the figures: Total white 1904, $5,247,401 Total white 1903, 4 , 729,199 White increase, 518,232 Total colored 1904, 403,537 Total colored 1903, 327,462 Colored increase 1904, 76,075 Total increase 1904, 594,307 Total polls 1904, 4,485 Total polls 1903, 4,074 Polls increase. 411 Total increase in two years, Si,102,514, The tax values in 1902 were $4,528,424. In 1904 they are $5.65°,93^ This is a total increase in two years of almost 25 per cent. The increase in polls of 411 means at the lowest estimate an increase in population of more than 2000. To the Public. I have been creditably in formed that a certain individual recently took a public collection on the streets for my benefit. I take this opportunity of inform ing the public that, this was done withont my knowledge or consent. And furthermore in explaining the purpose for which this money was wanted, this individual stated an abso lute falsehood. My wife and I desire to ex tend to our many friends our sincere thanks for their many expressions of sympathy, and deeds of kindness during our son’s recent illness. May God’s richest blessings abide with them. Elder W. H. Godwin. Revival services will com mence at Peirce Methodist Lhurch, near Cairo on Tuesday night the 26th. The pastor wil be assisted by Rev. L. W. Walker, The public is ly invited to attend. Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, July 22, 1904. luteresting Game Played Friday Which Resulted in The Score of 4 to 2 in Favor of Cairo. Quite an interesting game of ball was played on the local dia mond last Friday afternoon be tween the teams of Cairo anc Thomasville which resulted in a score of 4 to 2 in Cairo’s favor, with Cairo not taking their half of the ninth inning. The game was called at four o’clock and the playing was fine, and the score was very close to the first of the third inning, Thomasville having two scores to theii credit while Cairo had one. About this time our boys began to get busy, putting in some good hits and running tip their score. All of the players did good work, but the work of all was that of our tery Pearce and Baggett.' We are requested by the boys | to thank the people for their lib eral attendance and also Mr Barber for the courtesies again shown them in the way of trans portation to and from the grounds. We commend the fair ness which the umpire, Dr. W. E. Oliver showed toward both teams. Few wrong decisions were made and these were uni nten tional on his part. Dr. showed a very quick eye in many close | decisions during the game. The Thomasville boys played clean, good ball and are indeed j a gentlemanly set. They were nicely entertained while here and returned “well” pleased with the game. The Thomasville ball team had a number of “rooters to ac company them over to the city j .ast Friday, but the game went the wrong way to get the bene fit of their charming voices; such is life in base ball tours, we speak from experience as we have had it “shown to us. u Last Chance to Buy Goods for Less Than Cost. »» This grand opportunity will expire July 30th. Then I will move the remains of my stock that is not sold. Think of this, only a few more days, then you will have to pay from 25 to 75c more for your goods than you have been paying me. Hurry ! Hurry !! HURRY !!! The time is drawing near, when you will have to make yotir purchases elsewhere, and pay the difference then. Yours for Bargains, G. L. DUREN, H. W. Moncrief, M’g’r. Mr. R. L. Sheffield spent Sun day at Pelham. Mr B. D. Hartsfield paid Cairo a business visit last week. Dr. L. C. Graham was a visi tor to the city Oxi Saturday last. Mr. Albert Little of Eaton ton visited his brother here Mon day. Mrs. Wm. Baldy of Beaumort, Tex., is visiting her parents this week. Mr. B. M. Johnson was among the number that spent Sunday elsewhere. Mrs. F. T. Brown and Mrs. H. J- Poulk left Sunday for W hite Springs. Messrs. W. Y. Bryan and E. m. Maxwell visited Whigam Sunduy. LQST _ At the ball ground Friday, 15th, link gold watch chain. $1.00 reward for return | to Messenger office, and Thos. Wight left Saturday for Tjtllah assee, Fla. All low cut shoes and summer at reduced prices, for cash, at Eorester Bros. Mr. W. F. Bozeman left for Dothan, Ala., Monday after sev eral days stay at this point. Messrs. L. G. Merritt and Jas. McKown returned from Pana cea Springs Monday. Mr. Parker of Whigham at. tended the quarterly meeting here Monday. From Saturday, July 23rd, I not se n i ess than 5 c worth of ice. Ira L. Hurst. Rev. D. B. Merrett of Whig ham was among the visitors to the city Monday. Miss Maggie Herring of Cal vary is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Wight this week, Capt. W. E. Dunn paid home f olks a vis j t Sunday, returning tQ his duties here Monday. Please remember the low cut shoes we are selling ^o cheap are not old, trashy stock, but new clean and up to-date. Forester Bros., Cairo, Ga. Hon. Jno. R. Singletary spent Sunday with homefolks, return ing to the Capitol Monday morn I ing. Mr. H. G. Cannon returned j home the latter part of last week after several days absence from the city. All indications are good for a long, hot summer and a warm fall, and you can get hot weath er goods now at Forester Bro s. as cheap as you want them. Miss Maud Sutton left Sun f or ^leigs where she will be the guest of friends and rela tives. Ladies, have you seen those Oxfords, Sandals and Southern Ties Forester Bros, are closing out so cheap ? Mauldin Brothers. General Merchandise. CAIRO, GA., July 21, 1904. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: We take pleasure in announcing that we started a sacrificial sale of Summer Goods on JULY 15TH and have decided to continue the sale till August 25th. We do this in order to make room for our large Fall and Winter Stock which will begin to arrive shortly. As a rule we do not quote prices , but there are exceptions to all rules and as this is an extraordinary sale we will give you a few figures: We have reduced 10 cent figured Lawns to 7 1-2 and 8 cent pe yd. Good Ginghams, 12 1-2 cent quality, reduced to 10c per yd. Linens, 25c kind, reduced to 22 l-2c. The 80c grade reduced to 25c. Calicoes, the kind others ask you 5 1-2 to 6 l-2c for, reduced to 5 and 6c per yard. Yard wide sheeting, 7c grade, 6c per yard, &c. We are also making SPECIALLY LOW PRICES on SUMMER SHOES. Good Slippers from 69c up. Straw Hats at Actual Cost. Just a few Summer Suits At Cost. We do not quote these prices as “Baits” and you can buy as much as you please of the goods quoted, and we wish to assure you that we will not make it up on something else that you buy trom us. We are not built that way. This sale is for Cash and Produce. No goods charged at these prices^ This is no Fake Sale, and you will save money to take advantage of it. Yours for Business, < JJfaiildin Sffros. , Ylp-to-^Date Tfferchants. the Corn jr oxt to C 1 tizons J/Jctnk, EVERY DAY —UNTIL— SEPEMBER 15TH we will offer one-third to one-half on our entire stock of stylish Spring and Summer MILLINERY This is no joke. All we ask is that you come and see how nice a hat you can buy at so small a price. We will be glad to show them and price them. MRS. A. R. OLIVER. See our new line ladies’ waist sets; ladies’ wrist and hand bags. There is a young lady named Smart Whose hair is so scant it won’t part; thin, She’s cross-eyed and And as ugly as sin, But they say, i ( She has such a good heart. »» —Louisville Times. Don’t fail to take this paper because you have’nt the cash. We take country produce on subscription. If you want to know where to get the best bargains in Cairo, consult the columns of the Messenger, Printer’s ink will tell the news. INO. 28. Cancer Positively Cured! Any one suffering from this dreadful disease can be readily and permanently cured by ap plying to A. S. Powell of Whigham, Ga., who can furn ish testimonials of persons nearby whom you may consult personally as to the perma nency of his treatment. Miss. Morine Lewis of TyTy, Ga., is the guest of relatives here this week. Did you say, hurrah for the new county?”