The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 22, 1904, Image 7

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quite trte. "tVoodby declares hi.; grandfather ended from one of the greatest d(K England.” fculSC-f in Ah! yes. I did hear a story abour - ol< S man failing off a roof he was the once for Lord Somebody or repai airing ether. ••—Philadelphia Press. riTS permanently ouretl. Xoflt«orne:'vous ‘ day's use of lJr. Kline's Great ? t teT poorer. f' 2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr ''l H - Klink. Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Phila.. Pa. tw* ;~ht tra s carry 1.250,000,000 tons per Ladies Can Wear Shoes 5 ;„ e smaller after using Allen’s Foot 0 c , ‘ powder. It, makes tight or new shoes K ;l ' a p,j swollen, hot, sweating, aching re s and bunions. rowing nails, corns At Ifanv aad shoe stores, 25c. Don’t ac *' substitute. Trial package Frf.e by ■“ fjdress. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRov, N.Y. _ ____________ __________ 'there is one weekly paper in Oklahoma to evert 300 voters. y rs \Viusiow's Hoothing Syrup for ohi Idren teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion allavs pain,cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle The modern locomotive costs from $15, 0(10 to $18,000. piso't * ure i? the best medicine we ever used ior ail affections of throat and lungs.—Wu. 0 Endslkv. Vanburen. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. S.nre 1871 France has had thirty nvinis ters of war. Among the handsome window displays i-onijeting for first honors at the recent Coil - /aderate Re-Union at Nashville, Tenn.. was that of the National < asket Co.. m way of a lian< borne Confederate Grey Casket, draped with Silk Confederate Battle Flag with the figure of a Young Soldier, “A Hon of the Old Veteran' standing guard, typefying the idea that the “Sons of Confederate Veterans” would faithfully guard his memory. The mam - visitors were very much impressed with tin- sentiment of the display made by the National Casket Co. TJte Soutnern Si lies are producing halt the lumber eut in America. Disease (terms Cause Sickness. Tin v n i in the air we breathe, the water jo, drink and the food we eat. Any disorder „f the blood, stomach or bowels, puts these germs to work aud sickness and pain follow, kit s Royal Germetuer removes the eause Mid restores health. Free Booklet. Write lirrmetuer Medical Co., Dept. C., Bajnes viiJc, Ga. A single log O i mahogany often brings as much as $5000 a- a sale. Or. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy, cures all •tomach and bowel troubles, children teething Made from The Little Huckleberry (lint grows alongside our hills and moun tains, contains an active principle that has a happy effect on the stomach and bow els. It enters largely in Dr. Riggers’ Huckleberry Cordial, the great stomach and bowel remedy for Dysentery, Diar rhoea and Bloody Flux. Sold by ail druggists, 25 and 50c bot tie. AN EX-CHIEF JUSTICE’S OPINION. Judge O. E. Lochrane, of Georgia, In a letter to Dr. Blggers, states that lie never suffers himself to be without a bot tle of Dr. Blggers' Huckleberry Cordial during the summer time, for the relief of all stomach and bowel troubles, Dys entery, Diarrhoea. Flux, etc. Sold by all d“uggists, 25 and 50c bottles. HALTIWANGER-TAYLOR DRUG CO., __Proprietors. Atlanta, Ga. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup mid Consumption. Price 25cand $1 a bottle. ayorlds fair st. t orrs. bonisville ami Nashville Railroad., j If you are going to the World's Fair you wimt, the best route. The Jj. .t N. is the piiorlfKl . quickest and best line. Three tram? daily. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars and Dining ( 'ars. I.ow Kate Tickets told daily. Get rates from your local agent and ask for tickets via L. & N. Stopover Auowbd at MAMMOTH CAVE. Al! kinds of information furnished on ap- | i plication to J. G. HOLLENBECK, Dist. l ass. Agent , Atlanta, Ga. A PREDICAMENT. Mrs. X.’s new suit came home this rooming and she's afraid to show the ; |»ill to her husband.” Y\iiy, jg r so large?” I No, it’s $10 smaller than usual, and thinks he'll out iter allowance if pe doesn’t keep it up to the visual p h figure.”—Detroit Free Press. the weak spot. A weak. aching back tells of sick liiiueys. ll aches when you work, It klipj. when you try to rest. It throbs V in changeable weather. Urinary troubles add to your misery, No rest, no comfort, until the kidneys w are well. Cure j iliem with Doan’s ; <■ Kidney Pills. Mrs. W. M Dauscher. of* 25 Water St., Brad ford, Pa., says: •I had an almost cow tinuous pain in the small of the back. 1 ** lllaes . feet, bands and almost my 1 nil! '< ° ‘Hid the were kidney bloated. secretions I was were lan- j , , • Physicians told me I had " ,( ‘s in its worst form, and I feared ‘ills never recover. Doan’s Kidney c u, Td me in iStKl. and I have been C] 11 Pv er since.” 4 eree ’ TRIAL of this great kid , fftedieine - which cured Mrs. id* to' T ? ni,(1 . WI11 be mailed to any part d States. Address Fostcr- 111-11 Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by , ° a orS ! I'rlce 50 cents per box. j ! i ; mte \ \o | 3? 7 TICKLED TO DEATH. 4 T never knew anyone who could be so tickled with a feather as my wife.” “Ticklish, is she';” “Not usually, but this was an os , inch feather , she bought sale.”—Philadelphia at a bargain Ledger. A LOVABLE CHARACTER. Singleton—"How did you come i« fall in love with your wife;” Littleton —”1 married her for her money, aud afterward discovered that she possessed twice as much as she claimed to have.”—Puck. PROOF OF IT. Airs. Hatterson—“I wonder if it lias paid to give our daughter such a good education?” Hatterson—“Paid! Why. of course, J | Don’t you see from her manner how superior she is to us?”-Life IMPARTIALITY. Dasha way—“I tell you. obi man. that the first kiss I got from Miss Pinkeriy was delicious.” Uleverton—'"Don't say a word; 1 know ’all about it. I was there after j you left."—Detroit Free Press. BY THE WHOLESALE. , K ?}}/ m 23 a c*- -1 fWI / I jh You don t tv.-im a boy to carry wa tor ammatod - * , ... to , you. , ,,,, you .... , , , m-servon . 1 . What you ut*od is a tank car."—Stitt Francisco Examiner. JERSEY FOSSIL. “This tusk,” snitl the .Jersey com- I i mutpr, “I dug up if) my garden. It's ail of four feet long. Remarka ble, isn't it?” “Yes. It’s very probably the bill of a prehistoric mosquito.”— 1 ’biladel- I pllia Ledger. i NO STOCK IN TRUSTS. "I don't take any stock m til ('SO i ■ trusts, anyway.” “Don't believe there a re such ;])in "Oh, yes, bat I haven't the money to l>ny the stock.’ —New O ms Times-Demoerat. ! METHODICAL. ' | “You say you never eat your Thanks- I 1 giving dinner until after sunset?” ; "Never,” replied Mr. Bliggius. ”1 i always wait till the football game is over and then if Josh hasn't any bones ! broke we go ahead with the cere- • luony.”—'Washington Star. A COMPLIMENT. i Miss Planer—“Mi\ Jolley is such a j flatterer. As we passed him just now ; 1 heard nim remark very audibly that ! 1 had such shell-like ears. Miss Speltsi— 1 "Oil, was tiiat what lie ; said? 1 understood him to say shelf like."—Philadelphia IVoss. I GREAT GALI. Slubb—“Now. that's what I cal ;all. ) The idea of that doctor making .-tills in automobile. . an . Penn—“Gall? Why, I think it is j very enterprising for,a doctor to use ! an automobile.” Stubb—"But lie's a horse doctor.”— j Chicago News. NOT THE ONLY VICTIM. Mrs. Neui'ich—“We'll have to dis charge Hie Viutler.” Neurich—“Because why ?" Mrs. Neurieh—“He mistook me for j my maid in the dark hallway last ! night and actually kissed me." Neurieh—“Well, he has my sympa thy. I made the same mistake my- j self one night last week/V-Ohica go News. ESCAPED HER NOTICE. “How did yon like the way the min- j ister animadverted upon our col- I loqulalisms last Sunday?” asked Mr. Oldcastle. replied her hos -I didn’t notice it,” tO SB. •‘Me and Josiah were crowded | out of our OWB pew and bad to set ; where we couldn’t see him when he wasn’t stand in’ v’P- ** —Chicago Record- 1 1 Herald. j To Exploit African Falls. A company has been formed to ex ploit Victoria Falls, in the Zambesi, and will built a hydro-electric generat ing station, with the expectation of supplying power to the Waukie coal fields. Buluwayo, the Gwelo, Sehas kive and Hartley gold fields, all of which are within 300 miles. SlOO lie ward. S 10 O. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutionai disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s CatarrhCureis taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu eons surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ingthefoaaviation of the disease, aud giving the patient.-strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietorr have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars forany case that it fails to cure. Send for iist of testimonials. Address F. J. Chjexky A Co., Toledo, O. Koid by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for Constipation. HEARING AND SEEING. Enthusiastic Visitor If you’ll come down into the country with rme I’ll »how you where you can just hear the eo * n prow! Unemotional Cityite — Humph! If you’ll come me over to the board ot trade i'll show you where you can see if grow.—Chicago Tribune. Odors of Perspiration Removed at once from the armpits, feet, etc., by Royal Foot Wash. Stops Chafing, Cures Sweating, Burning, Swollen, Tired j Feet. 25c at Druggists, or postpaid from Eaton Dace Co., Atlanta, Ga. Money bark ! if not satisfied. Sample for 2c stamp. ONE THING AT LEAST. Hicks—Of course, we’ll have to stop , for a bit of lunch. I'd try t£at light lunch cafe, hut I'm afraid I wouldn't j get anything there that would stand by me until dinner time. Wicks—Oh, yes, you would. Hicks—What? Wicks—Indigestion. | b: 7jj AdOlSSeSlOlU 7 i • ~rj H 8 ET:SQ> j l j j wUica SCROFULA. ) : RHEUM, ULCERS. { 1 SALT EC-( r(Q /'•n O ZEMA. every form oft ] BLOOD malignant ERUPTION, SKIN I ’ besides being efficacious (he in ( \BALMy toning and restoring up system / ) the con stitulion, when impaired \ from any cause. It is a f (4 fine Tonic, and its almost supernatural healing aH properties justify us in guaranteeing a cere of I Si S all blood diseases, if directions are followed. ( ! m M Price, r , Jtl per Bottle, .... or „ 6 Rottles „ for , Sh. ) ( i<m sai.e rv urpobists. SENT FREE BOOK OK W ONOKRFTJL CrRKS, together with raluuhle inform«tion. 3LOOD BALIA CO., ATLANTA. Gr. i amaoitaume FREE n Use Guaranteed to Cure 20 All Stomach and Resulting Disorders. Years. REGULAR f Dyspepsia Remedy. y-v i Ads on Bowels.) 50c. yners Write us your Cane Box i:m», l)«*pt < . ATLANTA, (i t. BV A $5,000 BANK DEPOSIT LIMITED MEANS OR EDUCATION NO HINDRANCE. ALL OUP 6,000 GRADUATES AT WORK. ft. n. FAKE PAID. ■ WRITE TODAY TO 500 BOARD Free AT Course*. * 8 . 00 . QA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA if you are interested In obtaining a dental education, vt i ite for free catalogue of full instruction. DR. e. W. FOSTER. Deam. 100 NORTH BUTLER STREET. ATLANTA GEORGIA. — mm >ug»: r -*(' m & r*. A m « ♦ ain ^ m AND,! lim •SI WABASH lUTi jmm i SUMMER IN MICHIGAN DAYS CH&DtoSt. Louis SUMMER IN THE Tk* ktsi pile* I* th» wwld t* i»«nS WORLD’S FAIR TRAINS COOL NORTHWEST TOUR VACATiCN BATS Tkrwfk Tralee Baity I* St. Louis The C H Sc D runs Pure Air, Boating, Fishing, LOW through trains to Chicago Golf, Good Everything Hotels, Low to Amuse, Rates. ROUND TRIP RATES connecting roads there with for the famous Mackinac, Georjiaa Bay, The Coach Excursions Wisconsin Resorts, also Soo, Huron!* Beach, J*t Aux Tuesday’s A Thursday’s for Yellowstone Park, Barquea, Hundred of (aland and Alaska, Colorado and the Ccast Reiorta. The air of Mich- Al! our trains stop at our ijan il a knows Specific for Hay World's Fair Station at the West. Fever, Asthma and Kindred dis- M ain Entrance, near the trig order!. Let es talk the matter Hotels on the way to Union 4 Trains Every Week Day over wilk you, our ajent will Station. LOW gladlv call. Write for Booklet Tha.ooly line having * italicn ROUND TRIP RATES *nd Information. near tha Fair (hounds. Wfiie or call for Information ■38 D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio BEST FOR THE BOWELS j J , i j Yj CANDY I Ik CATHARTIC j ;<■ GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biHsu*;neas, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowela, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow akin'attd dizaioess. When your bowel* don’t move regularly you are sick. Constipation kilts of mere people than all other diseases together. It ■tarts chrooie ailments and long years suffering. No matter what ails vou.'start taking CASCARETS today, ior you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Taka our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to curs or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample E aad booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. \ Cotton Gin Machinery i ' \ i : a | | J ■ S i j 9 * ' j i PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH. We make the most complete line ot any I oncem in the woild. We also make _____, ENGINES and _ BOILERS. ___ „ LINT _____ ERS OIL ___ MILLS. . _ lor »e .eil eveiyttine seeded about a Cotton Gin. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co •9 Birmingham, Ala. FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Paxvi ne is in powder form to dissolve in . N water far — non-poisonons »fu! superior to liquid kv ®U alcohol antiseptics which containing irritates • j gag a inflamed surfaces, and If ^ Bl HB!* n have co cleansing prop erties. The contents T m a« B i of tion-hots more every Antiseptic box longer makes Solu — goes further—has more 'vS| uses In the family and .^7 d oes me re good than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasa! Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and ail soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtino is invaluable. _ Used as a Vaginal Wash v o Challonge thoroughness. the world to produce its equal for Itis a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Baxtiac; price. 50c. abox ; if yoursdoer not, send to nsfer it.. Don’t take a substi; ute.— there is nothing like Faxtine. Write for the Free, Itox of 1‘axtfne to-rlny. Ii. FAXTON CO,, 7 Pope Bldg., Bostoa, Mc; 53 . HoMoreBlindHorsesK-WSSKhS Give the n?me of this paper when writing to advertisers—(A130-04) fh«? “tips” anauaTy paid in Switz erland are reckoned at $800,000. ! Avery & Company * SUCCESSORS TO avhry & McMillan, 1 51-53 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga 1 —ALI, KINDS.OF— I I MACHINERY T mm '*CouV,r " ..... Reliable Frick Engine*. Boilers, sell S(2es. Wheat Separators. V / ! i ; ! BIST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied | promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth.Patent Dogs. Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Cata'ogue, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULARE UNIVERSH" OK LOUISIANA lo auvantages fov ureci 1 instruction, both in ample laboratories anri abur.fiant hosj.ltal him lerials are unequatleri. F ret aei - ss is given to x-tcat Charity Hospital with !HK< beds and 3),008 patients annually. h]Hf ia instruction is given riaily at the ptiisJd^ of th« Sir K. The next session begins October V. IHiW. cor catalogue cud information, address Prof. s. K. CHAIM.K. M.D., , Dean. P. o. Drawer Stl, New Orleans. 1 a p ^ Dropsy Quick CURED Gives Reiisf. Rtmoves all sweihug in 8toao ' days; effects a porivanent c«*e i a 30 to 60 daj-s. ia? reaunent P givenirte. JSothingcsn be fairer Write Or. H. H. Hr ten* Sons. Specialist*. Box a Atlanta. Gs. i uy l— r®j MS u J»e*t ,'W> tough RE * WK«t Sjrup. AIL Tastes ELSE Good. FAILS. t?ee ~ in in time. Sold bv dmirirtaf# mm on Especially Mothers The Sanative, Antiseptic, j Cleansing, Purifying, • i and Beautifying Properties of ! I I •0 Assisted by CUTiCURA Ointment, the great 1 Skin Cure, are of PricelessValue. For preserving, purifying, and feeautifymg the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of fall ing hair, for softenmo - , whitening,* ^ t and soothing red, rough, a.-d hands, ior baby rashes and cha j lings, in the form of baths for an- * ; noying irritations, ulcerations, and I ! inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic pur poses which readily suggest tbenrp selvcs, as well as for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTI CURA Ointment are priceless. Sold throughout the world. Cutirurri (wen. Me.. Oim till*. Mr. 1*1 6 ( (in form of rUm-olot# Co.ird lionee J ><-1 V Of 0 . Ornof«: London. 27 Clmrltr sq • ; P»r(«, « Hut-dr 1* P,li-. Boit»t,n. 1 S 7 Columbia ■'NF OUT Send Otlrr for Drug - How A t to hnin. Preierve. Corp., Purify, So), Proprietor*. »n«