The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 22, 1904, Image 8

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New Abvertisements. Lost Watcli Chain. Shoes—Forester Brothers. Busted—J. M. Parker. Excurson to Jacksonville. Ice—Ira L. Hurst. Dry Goods, Etc.,—Manldin Brothers. 25 Per Cent Off —Cairo Furniture Co. Cancer Cured.—A S. Powell. Millinery—Mrs. A. R. Oliver. Groceries—Ira L. Hurst. General Merchandise.—G. L. Duren. Divine Services. Divine service may be expected in the Presbyterian church on next Sunday. Preaching by the pastor at i 1 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 7:45. Text for the morning sermon: Epistle of James the 1st chapter and the 27th verse. All are cordially invited. R. D. Stinson. Climax, Ga., July 20, 1904. Quite a strange romance in the matri monial line was one that occurred a few miles from town on last Sunday night. The contracting parties were Mr. W. H. Ruff and Miss Fannie Singletary, daugh ter of Mrs. Crayton Singletary; the knot being tied by Rev. Jack Hurst, objection It seems that there was some fear of on the part of the perents of the girl, so her brother did the “stealing act” on Thurs day night before taking her to their cousins, Mr. John Willis’, where she re mained until Sunday night when married. Mrs. Roberts and daughter, Mrs. Newberry of Arlington are the guests ot Mrs. B. F. Powell this week. Messrs. H. M. McManeus, Al gie Baggett and Thos. Collins are spending this week at Pana dea Springs. Mr. B. H. Porter, a ‘dive” rep resentative of the Manhattan Life Ins., Co., is here hustling for business. Messrs. S. R. Davis and M. A. Brown took advantage of the cheap rates to White Springs last Sunday, and report a pleas ant time. Selling out to move. See ad vertisement in this paper. G. L. Duren. Rev. Ed F. Cook presided over the quarterly conference held here last Monday, returned to his home atThomasville Mon day afternoon. Mr. W. F. Lee, the hustling representative of the well known music house. Carter & Dorough, paid Tallahassee, Fla., a visit last week. Mr. R. C. Little who is busily engaged in the peai business at Boston, spent Sunday with his family, returning to his duties at that point Monday afternoon. Every Tuesday and Saturday after this date Miss J. D. Brown & Co. will sell their Summer Millinery at actual cost. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grant ac companied the Thomasville base ball team to Cairo last Fri dav j While here were the guests of Dr. Searcy. Mr. F. D. Dismuke, Thomas ville’s efficient and accomodat ing Postmaster was among the number of “ rooters that accom panied the ball team. Mrs. W. J. Hall who has been . the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. W. McManeus for the past ten days, left for home, Chipley, Fla., on Sunday last. . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barber of Pansey, Ala., left for home the latter part of last week. They were guests of their ter Mrs. J. B. Hawthorn. What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it is a case of colic or cholera gi r ,e Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you wil! have no need of a doctor. For sale by Wight & Browne. Whigham Sparks. BY OUR CORRESPONDENT. Yes thats it! Whigham has sparkling artesian water at last and may prove to possess mineral qualities. The well is 431 feet 1 deep and passing through about 50 feet of rock, has 26o feet of wa ter at this writing. The water tower will be completed by the 25th; manes will soon be laid. Watch Whigham try to meet her flourshing sister city, Cairo, on the half-way ground. Cairo and Whigham should pull together for their interests are closely allied. The last melon shipment of the season closed today, Messrs Sel lars & Sons loaded and sold two cars today, which is the last from here. Messrs. M. A. Shaw and Kelly, prominent naval store men, paid Whigham a visit Wednesday. Dr. Mather McCord wants a good horse, one that can stand the road. Dr. has large practice and will take a good roadster to meet his requirements. Our business men are talking bank. Efforts will # soon be made to establish one in Whigham. Messrs. Murray Maxwell and Yancy Bryan of Cairo are pleasant guests in Whigham nearly every Sunday, guess they have joined the Sunday School, being regular attendants. Thats right boys, come every Sunday and during the week too. Dr. M. M. McCord and wife spent Sunday in Tallahassee with their parents. Mrs. J. Byron Butler ana sister Mrs. Mary Chestnut and little Earnestine, left Tuesday for Pan acea Springs where they will spend several days. There will be three new busi nes houses to open up in Whig ham for the fall trade--Come ahead boys and, the more goods the more trade. Whigham and Meigs will cross bats Thursday on the Whigham ball ground in North Whigham. Whigham was never healther than at present, there is not a case of sickness in town. Messrs. J. E. Cobb and B. A. Par ker attended church in Cairo Mon day. Mrs.J. L. Peeble’s father and mother of S. C. are with them in North Whigham at present. Grand Sea Shore Excursion To Jacksonville, Fla. via Atlan tic Coast Line, Monday, July 25th. Excellent opportunity to visit Atlantic Beach and the fa mous St. Augustine, Fla. Tick ets allow three days in Jackson ville. Rate from Cairo, Ga., will be $2.75. Special train will leave Cairo at 11:20 a. m. T. J. Bottoms, T. P. A., Thomasville, Ga. Calvary Jottings. The Singing school is still in progress. It is of quite an interest to the people of the community. There is quite an interesting meeting going ducted on at Pine Kitchen. Hill this week, con by Rev. Miss Cevilla Vickers of this communi ty, returned home Friday, after a pteas ant visit of two weeks to Edwards. Fla. Mr. Bob Sanders and wife visited rel atives and friends in this community. Miss Stella Hudson of Cairo, is visiting Miss Annie Ferrell this week. Pet. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can always be depended upon even in the most severe cases. It is es pecially children. valuable It is for pleasant summer to take disorders and in never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It may save life. For sale by Wight & Browne. Limesink Vireties. The recent rains we have been are making farmers in terest take on new life, Rev. C. E. Cook assisted by his brother, Rev. Osgood Cook oJ Dawson held a reviva ; at the Methodist Church last week and fourteen new members were united to the church. The Baptists are having a good meeting at New Hope this week, though no one has yet ap plied for membership. Mrs. Martha Holmes of Cor dele is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Mar tin. Mr. W. K. Boyett and family, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cox took in the Quarterly meeting at Tir ed Creek last Saturday. Miss Ruby Folds of Thomas ville is spending a few days with her uncle, Mr. G. R. Wheeler. Miss Verdie Pinson of Elpino spent last week with Miss Leila Cox, attending the meeting at Spring Hill. Mrs. Carrie Mcore of Tampa, Fla., rs visiting her sister, Mrs. B. A. Connell for a few days. Mrs. J. A. Rigsby left Mon day for White Springs, Fla., to visit her daughter, Mrs. John James. Miss Lilia Whigham visited in Whigham Monday. The many friends of Mrs. A. A. Mills will be glad to learn that she is improving rapidly from her serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Duggar left Tuesday for a ten days visit among relatiees in Wakulla Co., Fla. Miss Madonna Harrell of Whigham is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Whig ham. Quite a crvwd from our neigh borhood took in the Quarterly meeting at County Line last Friday. Little Miss Mandie Whigham is spending this week with her little cousins, Orie and Nora Cox. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Booth from near Cairo, were pleasant visitors m our community last Thursday and Friday. There will be a Methodist, Doctrinal Institute held at Spring Hill the fifth Saturday and Sunday, Messrs. Jones anc Rose will assist Rev. C. E. Cook in this Institution. Let everybody come that will, dinner will be spread on the ground Saturday, so don’t forget to bring a full basket. Visitor. The first issue of the Bainbridge Daily Argus is before us, and it is a neat and newsy sheet, one that the people of Bainbridge shoulc feel proud of, and show it by sup porting same. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea Af ter Ten Years of Suffering. “I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Reined}’,” says Mrs Mattie Burge, of Martinsville, Va. “I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and dur ing that time tried various medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I pro cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two lief. doses were required to give her entire re I then decided to try the medicine myself, and did not use all of one bottle before I was well and have never since been troubled with that complaint.” This remedy is for sale by Wight & Browne. Items. BY UNCLE JAKE. Well, it seems that everybody is atraid that we will find out what they are doing, or where they are going and they suc ceed pretty well, but we’ll have to tell on j. B. Dunlapp. His dad got him off to Pelham to work last week, and Jim got to thinking who would be with her Sunday and he just mashed his finger a little and came back home. Well, we can’t tell how bad that other fellow felt Sunday eve. but we know how to sympathise with him. Last Thursday was the day that the wind got a move on it. ust ask Gene Richter about it. H. P. Stubbs filled his regu lar appointment at Woodland Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hiram McMillan had the boys inquiring who that was with him. He says, ah, she’s my cousin, Miss Bishop. It seems that he is in the habit of having somebody 7 besides his cousins. Mr. William Peacock and family visited the family of Mr. Ivey Harper Sunday. Mr. Tom Mathis and family visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Walker, near ville last week. Mr. William Mathis and wife went to Cairo Tuesday visiting the family of Mr. Tom Dunlap. J. S. Fulford and I. D. Single tary went over to Tired Creek to preaching Wednesday. E. A. and E. L. Vanlanding ham with one of their relatives, Miss Annie Johnson of Gads den county, Fla., were visiting the family of S. P. Vanlanding ham Wednesday. The patrons of Woodland school are to meet at the school house Friday at one o’clock to make choice of some to teach the next term of school at that place. Busted! For sale: A plantation gin plant consisting of a 50 saw Van Winkle gin with feeder, condenser and double press, belts, pulleys, shaft ing, all complete. Also a 21 in. turbine water wheel at wreckage prices. Capacity 8 bales per day. Also valuable real estate for sale outside city limits of Cairo, Ga. J. M. PARKER. IF YOU need anything in the line of Fresh, Fancy or Family Groceries, Fresh or Dried Fruits, Confections, Ice Cold Drinks, Just bring, send or vour orders to Ira L. and they will be filled promptly. ’Rhone 31. Agents Conida’s Candies Bold Spring Items. After having so much dry we are having some very wet now. Mr A. L. O. Stephenson be. his school ' gan at the Singlet ar School House, Monday v opening with July u 55 pupils. Dr. Bouchelle filled his regu. lar appointment here last Sun. dav week. We are having a very g00(J Sunday School at this place now and hope for a better one. Mrs. DeMott is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Berry Singletary this week. Mrs. M. E. O. Aldredge who has been making her home i :n Brooks this year is visiting romefolks here o now and we are very glad to have her with us again. Mr. Tno. Aldredge is very sick with fever, he has been con. fiined to his room about two weeks. We hope he will soon recover. Miss Sadie Aldredge is assist ing Mr. Stephenson with his school at the Singletary Acad emy. The teachers and pupils of the Singletary school have organ ized a Sun Shine Society. Their motto is; I will try to make some one happy every day. Jim X FOR SALE. Seven miles north of Cairo, 560 acres of good farm land 150 acres cleared; one five room painted house, plenty good ten ant houses. I will either sell or trade for property near Cairo, Call on or address, W. G. Baggett, Cairo, Ga. The Cairo Messenger Published every Friday. - ■ * Subscription. One Year $I.oi Six Months, ■ = 51 Three Months, . 25i Subscribe for The Messengei and keep posted on the news the day. Local, foreign political and gen» eral. All kinds of Job Work executed neatly, quickly and artis* tically, and at li ving prices. No need therefore to any longer hesi= tate about having your stationary printed when we can print it for you Just like you want it'