The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 29, 1904, Image 7

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UNC [ARITABLE. "F is very Plow to angm.” j.t jie person who always says answered Miss Cayenne. dense that he do-: n't per v e vn h.-n he ought to resent .sonie «tf until it too late."—Washing tliinc tc 5:ar. enMwnred. Xofimornervous- sViren: H J Vr fir-t <lay’ s use of Dr. Kline ^pP.^torer.f -r 2tr{al bottle and treatise free R.H■ Klin r.. Ltd-.^31 Arch St.. i hila.,Pa pr fi, re known in Asia a s far back as th« aeve nteenth century. ^Iniue'e Statesmen. It i« many years since Maine has > Representatives in Con ^ , lge( l its 4 except when Speaker Reed re Jled or death present has intervened. delegation have All ion of the jHSt y n nominated for re-election by the Republicans s of their districts. Etatf Of Ohio, City or Toledo, i Lucas County. \ Fbank j. Cheney make oath that he is jeslor P artner of the firm of J . ,T. ('henev A, Co., doing busineBf in the City of Toledo, County am t State aforesaid, and that said Orir will pay the sum of one uundbxd dol ar each and every case of catarrh uas for cured by the of Hall that arnot be use s a,»BK» Curk. 1 > AN K L Cheney. sworn to before me and subscribed , in my ’ this 6th uay of Decem _ __presence, 1 her.A.i)., 1686. A.V7 .Gleason, .Votary Public. Hail s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous of the system. Send for testimonials, fret. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. gold bv ali Druggists, 75c. Tate-Hail's Family Pills for constipation. flood Advice. An advertiser proposed to revrul for 2B cents an easy way for any young lady to keep her hands nice and soft. A budding damsel in Sturgeon. Mo., eeut the cash, and received this advice: “Soak yom hands in dishwater three times a day. while mother rests. r»«, All^n’f, Foot-Kanf. It is tbe only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired. Aching,Hot, Sweating Feet.Corns anil bunions. Ask for Allen'* Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Cures while you viilk. At all Druggists, and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don't accept, any substitute. Sample sent Address,Allen S. Olmeted, Leltoy, N.Y" One-fifth of all deaths during last winter were from pneumonia. W & V •w mm i v. 11 \V Vi V §|y H' SMiss Alice M. Smith, of Min neapolis, Minn., tells how wo man's monthly suffering be permanently relieved by “Dear Mrs. Pinkham : — 1 never l>efore given my for any medicine, but Lydia K. Rinkhuin’s Vegetable Compound has added so much to my life and happiness that I feel like making an exception in this case. For two years of every month 1 would have two days severe pain, and could find no relief, but one dav when visiting a friend 1 ran across table Lydia E. 1‘inkham’s Vege Compound, — she had used it with the best results and advised me to try it. I found that it worked wonders with me ; I now 7 experience ho pain, and only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. when 1 use it occasionally now I am exceptionally tired or worn cut." — Miss Alice M. Smith, 804 Third Are., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair man Hlldy LxeeutiveCommittee, Minneapolis Club. —t5000 forfeit if oriqinai of above letter proving genuineness canne/t be produced. Compound Lydia E. PinUham’s Vegetable through carries women safely the various natural crises and is the safe-guard of Woman’s health. Hie truth about, this great medicine is told in the letter* fom women being published in this paper eonsfiuitlv. WORLDS FAIR ST. IOI IS. Louisville and Nashville Railroad. you are going to the World's Fair you *art, the best route, The L. A N. is the •hottest. quickest, and best line. Luiiv. daily. Through Pullman Sleeping fills and Diuing ('ars. Low Kate K,l;< ‘ daily. Get rates from your local a,ul ask for tickets via L. A X. Allowed at MAMMOTH CAVE. 4l> kinds of information furnished on plication to J. G. HOLLENBECK. Hist. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, G*~ “It’s fiOMlNG TO THE POINT. so long since you last, called «Pon hie l was beginning to think you «s forgetting me," said Miss Pechis she earne down to the young man Ti the parlor, "i in fo r getting , you,” replied the &r dent youth, “and it’s for getting ymt that r 1 v< <‘-alled tonight. Pan 1 have Jwi? Philadelphia Prefs. TOO LARGE TO BE USEFUL. I ! Diamond Had to Be Broken Before It ou ? B * Marketed. * jewe . , ers ct. great Interest v f* e fs f* a f. ned by the anacuncre 'i ’ jai <utli ng operations have! , teen commenced c.i the great Jag ■ ersfontem Excelsior, the largest and ! diamond in the world, says the > ! /°!’ Amei >< an. The stone was held ; °* ea before its owner could i j “ ake satisiaetory arrangements for , its cutting, which has now been un- j | “ ertaken by a firm in Amsterdam, J i Holland. It was transported from j London to Amsterdam under special | | police protection and a carpeted room ! 1 with a specially made safe has been I provided for its care during the pro- ; cess of cutting and polishing. Hie j responsibility of handling and guard-j mg so precious a stone may be gath- J ered from the fact that its value may be almost anything, \\ hen discover- ; eu it was estimated to be worth $1,- j 000,000, but in its finished slate it will command a fabulous price. | The story of the discovery of this l wonderful gem is of no little interest. It was found on June 30, 1893, £t JagersfonK in, in the Orange Free I State. South Africa. The stone was | picked up by a native while he was loading truck, and, although white t j a a overseer was, standing near him, he managed to secrete it and keep it on his person for some time. In this case, however, it did not appear that he proposed stealing the gem. but only wished to deliver it personally to the manager. Thi - he did, and as a bonus he received $750 and a horse. saddle, and bridle. The diamond weighed in tha rough exactly 971 3-4 carats, or about 7 ounces avoirdu pois. It is of a beautiful bluish-white j color and shaped like the broken-off i end of an icicle. Tbe diamondifercus monster A inches . , , length, ,. measures m 1 1-2 inches in greatest and 1 1-3 inches in least breadth. Th’e Excel slor has now been broken into six teen pieces; the largest three are 158. 147 and 130 carats, respectively. These individual gems, in themselves of extraordinary size, will be, when fully cut and polished, among the finesft in the world, and the value of the original stone will thus be mul tiplied. City Residents Near-Sighted. “The race is growing near-sighted, owing to city life and the conditions of our civilization,” said Frederick P. Simmons, examining eye specialist, while addressing the members of the New England Association of Optic ians. “Our visual range is confined to j near objects for the greater part of the day,” said he, “and this keeps the eyes turned in. An object twenty feet away will make the eyeballs parallel. “Anything less wil turn them in, ! and people who spend hours in offices i and crowded fiats necessarily have a short range of vision, which over I works and weakens the interior mus cles close to the nasal cavity. "The exterior muscles not being so strained, are strong, and hence cause the eyes to turn out. Let a person who is thus affected spent a week or two in the country and his eyes he come normal again, because he gets greater range of vision, Savages are generally far-sighted."—Jewelers’ Cir cular-Weekly. Fable of the Judge. A traveler stopped at the gate of a fine country mansion and said to a grace looking person smoking on j the porch: “Sir, wiil you be good enough to 1 tell me if this is the road to Cow- ! burg?” “It is,” was the reply. “And I inquire the distance? •V» ! maj ■ “Ten miles.” The traveler thanked him and pass ed on. Several hours later he re- j turned and the grave looking person j as still there, smoking. i "Sir, it said the traveler, “you must | i be aware that eigiit mil’es from here j on the Cowbarg road is a river which ii, is impossible to swim ami which i has neither ford, ferry nor bridge. Why did you not tell me?" •The matter was not. brought be- ] lore me,” replied the other. “As to you i • ability to cross a river of that kind, I was entirely willing to hear argument.” The grave looking person was a judge. New York American. A SCHEME. “Dear,” said the politician's wife, “thcre-’ff a handsome big policeman whose brat embraces Mrs. Swell j Can't you get hint man’s house. transferred to this neighborhood. “W'hat for?” demanded her hits band. excellent S wellman has an cook and 1 want her.”~Phlladelphia I’reES. f. i i ft din* \mi s i ■l ' To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50w. rm* v A A xuu Wife's *I Allowance. AII If It desirable that wives cDouh: enjoy a fixed monetary allowance fot their own disposal for dress and such personal expenses as are continually | arising? The question is put forward j j n the pages of a leading authority m matt ers of feminine interest, and is I answered from various points of view, j Thus, a business woman urges that a | nian s houl not give him wife unlimi : ed credit at sh op« and then be indig- 1 nant if her expenditure is large. On 1 the other han( , says this lady, an allowance spurs on a woman to live j within her means, and teaches her the value of money. A lawyer lays j down ihe maxim that a man owes i! to the girl he marries to keep her ! f ree from financial worries. There | are those husbands who admit that 1 they are only glad to hand over the larger part, if not the whole, indeed, 0 f thv*ir income to careful and man- I . aging wives, leaving them to arrange ; the scale of household outlay, and ; taking w'hat they regard as necessary for their own and the children’s dress.—London Telegraph. HE FI NL\(f ET ERNITY. ‘•EtetRily!” The voice of the preacher sank to a horrifie(} whisper, “An eternity of torment!’’ he re peated. ‘‘Do you bethink you what eternity is? 1 tell you it is as loug as it would seem to you if you were i going to the theatre and were waiting for your wife to get ready, and she had tight or nine heads instead of one!" Mere several men rose, haggard, and tottered forward to the anxious seat.—Puck. Browning's Maid. Browning had a maid in his service h . i( j a gjft of saving quaint i thing; When the poet was goin it to pay iho last mark of respect to George Henry Lewes she said she “did’nt see the geetd of catching cold at other people's funerals.” And once, when he was away on a holiday and a jour nalist came to the door to inquire if j it was true that the poet was dead, ; she indignantly answered, “1 have not ! heard so. and I am sure my master is - not tire kind of a man to do such a ■ thing without letting us know.”—Pro ! gress. Odors of Perspiration Removed at once from Ihe armpits, feet, etc., by Royal Foot Wash. Stops Chafing, Cures Sweating, Burning, Swollen, Tired I Feet. 25c at Druggists, or postpaid from Eaton Drug Co., Atlanta, (fa. Money back if not satisfied. Sample for 2e stamp. In tJie month of March 400 vessels passed through the Suez Canal. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure. —J. \V. O’Brien, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis. Mini)., Jan. 6,1900. A parrot in Stockton, Cal., is so bright tiiat it enjoys a blunder or a joke. ; ! l ODD BOTANIC J DiDbDiBLOOD BALM i ' The Great Tested Remedy the for speedy j ♦ and tism, permanent Catarrh, Ulcers, cure of Eczema, Scrofula, Sores, Rheuma- Erup i tions, Weakness, Nervousness, and all BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. It i-i by far the best building up Tonic and filood Purifier ever offered to the world, l! makes new, rich blood, imparts renewed vi tality, and possesses almost miraculous ♦ healing Cures, properties. Write for Book ot Won derful sent free on application. If not kept by your loo; I drugjptt, rend $i.oo for a large bottle, or $;.oo for six bottles, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. QRKmSRCYAL ermeim ■ ' ^***Jl**Tok*% rut. Absolutely Cures IVD1GKSTION, CATARRH, Mil IIAI - GIA, RHKI A1ATISM. BJ OOU POISON and all ocher germ diseases. Jf, has been used ; or 20 years, and has 100,000 endorsements, IT WILL CURE YOU! Booklet oh germ diseases free. germetuer MEDICAL CO., Pept. C—Bai nesvil !e, (,« MEDICAL niOA| nrniDTR/lCMT DEPARTMENl IULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA Its advantages for pra Ueal instruction, both i in ample laboratories arni abundant hospital m» icrisis are unequalled. Free acresa is given to ; the great Charity Hospital t\iih 800 beds and | Su.OOU patients annually. Special instruction is j given dally at tha bedside of the sick. The next session begins October 20. 190L For catalogue ami information, addioss Prof. S. K. C11AII.LE, M.O., Dean, P. O. Drawer "61, New Orleans, l.a 5 Dropsy swelting in CURED Gives Quick Relief, Sto-jo Removes ail ; da vs; effects a permanent Trialtreatmant cure ! in 30 to 60 days. be fairer fmrcfr fe, givrnfree. Notliingcan Son*. Write Of. H. H. dreea's * Specialists. Box O AlianU, 9*. Give the name of this paper when I writing to advertisers—At31-04) A H ■-? 4 v" A i - m V ^|a Beautilui Woman's Young: Letter. Society r | ? ■ : v. •V \ - pit £J St. Pai i M ,, i .VJ! Wabasha St. •i t A / -• ■ I! Dr. TLt rum, Columbus, 0. ■i 1 i - , )ear Sir: A £ ' m: * j: ! “ J look Pentnalasi sum- 5 ? i i * mer irhcn J was ail ra n j t Tv I clmrn .and hod a headache $ 1 ., and backache, and i I no am- a In . id I ion for anything, know I eel as irell as / ever did V. in all my life, and, all - X m thanks is due to yoar e.x t'f llenl Pevuna. 9 '—Bess F. Heal a. > m I Mb™ Ai tarvh riw are svmptoi <p lite ns unlike ol summer in different ea > Hi m pv! but iIn- most common ones s 5 i general lassitude, played-out, IN are : tired-out. used-up, run-down feei A m mbiued with less . more o r i 11; CO ieiit;:l ieavy. stupid, Kelisli listless, for food n and '' i ondit ion. jf- ahility to digest food seems v to lie lust. Skill eruptions, sallow complex- j K: ion. biliousness, coated tongue, \ % fitful, irregular sleep, help to t‘ I complete the picture which is so common at this season. f'eruna so qxaetly meets all these conditions that the demand i is so great for this remedy at this i f: aS:' season of the year that it is near- j ]y inifwis-sible to supply it. •!;.Y Te-ru-aa Contains Ko Karciticr. f ■i' One reason whv Penina has £ f found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no nar it / coties of any kind. Pc run a is per fectly harmless. It can be used rij a n\ length of time without a< i v quiiing the drug habit. 6 < A > > j > . r/m A ^ rim -‘Kt At s Bl .■.*r '••kw.Wv. Thonsatuls of ten men anfj'er from, pelvic catarrh and catarrhal nc.rvoutniess and. tl >n’t hi too /./. If yo i fee! fa.pjed out, begin at once taking I>r. Hartman's Verana. 11 will relieve guar catarrhal a/Jlic I ton and at l gour organs t fill be restored to health, liu a bottle to-day, as it will immediate!y alleviate gone ruse. FREE In Years. 20 Use All Stomach Guaranteed and nMMAMm Resulting to Cure Disorders. n REGULAR . Tyners , __ Dyspepsia Remedy. (Acts on Bowels.) 50c. | XV rile u* v«mr Cam- Itox 138, Ilepl. V. ATI. A NT A, »iA. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, GEORGIA. ATLANTA, If you are.inlerested In obtaining a dental education, write for free catalogue of full iu&tructlon, m AtMRoa DR. S W. FOSTER. Deau. 100 NORTH BUTLER STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. 9, SS. * 3 IB t mimm u % taiifti * 7 B i 6 1! J iFTi OT1 SUMMER IN MICHIGAN DAYS C H & D to St. Louis SUMMER IN THE Ths best lists in lb* world to spsnd WORLD'S FAIR TRAINS COOL NORTHWEST YOOfi VACATION DATS Through Tral-.s Silly to St. Ieoh The C H & D runs . Pure Air, Boating, f ishing. LOW through trains to Chicago 1 Golf, Good Everything Hotels, Low to Amuse, Rates. ROUND TRIP RATES connecting there with roads for the famous Mackinac, Georgian Bay, The Coacii Excursions Wisconsin Resorts, also Soo, Huronia Brack, bland Tt Aux Tuesday's & Thursday’s for Yellowstone Park, Barques, Hundtrds o! and Alaska, Colorado and the Coast Resorts. The airef Mich- All our trains stop at our igan is a known Specific (or Hay World's Main Fair Station at the West. Fever, Asthma and Kindred dis- Entrance, near the big orders. Let us talk the matter Hotel* on the way to Union 4 Trains Every Week Day over with you. our agent wiil Station. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES gladly calk Write lor Booklet Tbs only lies hiving; t s la lion and Information. near that Fair Grounds. Write or cal! for Information -- D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio Malsby & Co. 41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. I Portable ami Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line carried in stock for MU KM A TE shipment. Boat Uachlnoi jr. 1 .owost Prions and K««t Ttrai Write us fur catalogue, prices. etc., before buying. RI PANS TA RULES are Ihe best rty% medicine ever mAiie A hun dred millions of them have been sold (Ba pear. CousDpation, heart burn, etc* headache, dlzaiuoss. bad breath,*<>re throat and every illness ftnftu i«T from a disordered stomach are re lie red or cured by Hi pans fab nles. One will generally give relief wHhintwentyreinute*. Thefive AH drugrgisls < ent |iaoka!re)»enough ueU for an ordinary occasion. them. Sour Stomach “J used* apd feel like a nrw man. i !iav<* be<ir. a unfftsrer from dyapepaia ami v.oor nomai h for tho laat two years. 1 have liem taking medi cine and other units, but could find no relief onJy for a short time. 1 will recommend Can carets to my friends a* the only thing for indigestion and dition, •onr stomach arid to keep the bowels in good con Tliev are very nice to eat.” Harry Stuckley, Moueh Chunk, Pa. Best For ^ -ry The Boweis mxmm> CANDY CATHARTIC 10^ Plc.*»r.r:t Pafatab'c. Potent. Tsate Good. Do Good, Never Sieken, VVeakon »r Gripe. 10c. I5e. 50o. Novor aofd In bnilr. The yennine tablet!ped CCO. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 599 AHKUAL SALE, TES miUM BOXES HU RES A WHERE asa Best K Longt! ALL ELSE FAILS. j syrup. Tar-tea Good. Use ; In lime, ilrild by druggists, c j ! £ I — 9i If nfHlefed with Thomjison’s Eye Wafer | Unit. rvr<. use