The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, July 29, 1904, Image 8

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The prettiest girl in Georgia lives in Cairo. Miss Delia Crawford left nesday for Whigham to visit relatives. The many friends of Mr. B. F. Powell will i egret to learn that he is quite sick this week. Dr. W. M. Searcy and Mr. J. B. Crawford left Wednesday a couple of days fishing on the Ochlocknee. Another shower of rain on Thursday lowered the ture of the good old summer time weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Black shear and daughter Miss Annie Lou were the guests of Mrs. J. L. Poulk Tuesday. Mr. D. O. Pearce of Whig ham was a visitor the city Mon day. He has many friends here who are always glad to see him. Mr. W. S. Atkinson, our gin man, arrived in the city the first of the week and is making arrangements to begin ginning, Messrs. Geo. Wight, D. F. Oliver and R. C. Little left on noon train Sunday for St. Louis, they expect to be gone for two weeks. 44 Play Ball,” Said Speaker. Atlanta July 23.—“Play ball!” That was the order of Mr. Glenn, of Whitfield, today when he took the gavel to preside over the house, which went through its Saturday perform ance of passing bills with its eyes shut. There was a larger attendance than usual, and the crowd increased in size and stayed to the finish, because Mr. Glenn proved to be a live wire. Bills were rushed and there was not a minute lost. 44 Play ball! Play ball!” came ever and anon from the presiding officer, and it was like clucking to a mettle some horse. Mr. Glenn is a Republican and Mr. Bush wanted to know if the House had gone Repub lican. 44 Joseph has come to his in heritance— play ball!” Mr. Glenn resoonded. A. Mr. .Speaker—’’began Mr. Bush. 44 Anything you want, come up and it will be handed out to yc u—play ball!” came again from the acting speaker, V . I always— ”Mr, Bush began. A 4 The gentleman will take his seat right where he stands— play ball!” Mr. Bush sat down. a Send ’em up; send ’em up— play ball! ’ And things went with a rush. u Come to order, gentlemen, I’ll fine somebody five dollars directly, and make him pay it.” And they “played ball.” It was just 10:20 when the desk was cleared of business— four hour's work compressed into an hour and twenty mintes. Mr, Mills, of Cherokee, wanted a speech from the presiding of ficer. 44 The chair declines,” was the response, i * The House stands adjourned and God save the country and the Republican party.” 44 It will take Him to do it,” shouted a member, and it was all over. Whigham Sparks, BY OUR CORRESPONDENT. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff NeSmith of Cairo, ’ are the Jf guests of Mr. , Mrs. c George Clark , of , „ whigham T1 . , this week, The Fats and Leans of Whig ham will cross bats next Thurs day afternoon at half past three. The public is invited and a good hearty laugh is promised. There arq^several voung lady visitors in Whigham at present, Misses Evirgiline Bower of Bainbridge and Ruby Flem ming of Blakeley are the guests of Miss Lois Bower. Lookout and listen for our phone exchange which will soon be at work in Whigham. Miss Ruby and Pearl Powell of Camilla are the guests of their brother, Mr. A. Powell. Dr. McElvy has joined the chill and fever class, and has had three or four chills during the past few days, but is up and able to attend to his office. Whigham’s bank, new coun. ty ice factory with its artesian water with its mineral proper ties, but best of all is its High School will open on the 15th of August; free to all children of school age. What more advan tages does Whigham want. . Whigham is proud of its ci tizenship and especially when counting up the number of young ladies. Union meeting will be held at Providence Missionary Church near Whigham Friday, Satur day and Sunday. There is quite an epidemic raging in the country about Limesink, but it is of the mat rimonial type. In the past month about five or six couples have dodged the old folks and found Rev. Massey who bound their lives together. He mar two run-a-wav couples Sunday last. Mr. Cody Connell took Miss Dora Gainous out for a drive and carried her to Rev. Masseys and were married. Mr. E. O. Pearce and daugh ter Miss Rosa and Miss Dixie Trulock will leave Sunday morn ing for White Springs on a two weeks visit. Dr. McCord has the highest stepper in town and when he is sent for he goes a whizzing, and when Dr. Herring is called he goes a whining. Mr. Dean of Mitchell, Co., took Miss Annie Maxwell out for a drive and went to Rev. Massey and were married. Our Doctor says there is not a case of sickness in town, thats good for this seasou of the year. The people all look rosy and healthy, especially the children for there is a good many of them here. The young ladies, well, just ask some of the young gentle men from Cairo'if they are not the most beautiful and lovely in Southern Ga. Well now of course Cairo is always included when we have anything to boad of as I have remarked before that Cairo and Whigham are closely allied in everything pro gressive. We haven’t been to Cairo in several years but we know j is coming to the front as one i the sure enough live towns ! her syrup and cotton i .Some of the most and up-to-date t ^ farmers m i, Geor .. hve near Cairo ~ and ^ K’ a of them give her their da , support . Her are ge[ up and getters ho , d up their home paper advertising and telling the ple what they have to se thats right, strangers judge a town by the way business men advertise. merchant that don’t let the pet pie know what he has, eventually “go way back sit down.” Messrs. Elmer and Peebles, Charlie Chapman, Herring, Misses Ada Ethel Terrell, Bertha Logue Bessie Popped attended the game at Cairo Tuesday last report a jolly good time. Messrs. Murray Maxwell Yancv Bryan paid their Sabbath call to friends and tives in Whigham Sunday noon. H. W. Maxwell of Cairo trying the Whigham phere Monday. The city fathers have put temporary machine at the sian Well, so we can have water now, however the lar machinery has been ped. ANY CHURCH or parsonage or tution supported by voluntary tion will be given a liberal quantity of Longman & Martinez Pure Paints ever they paiut. 8 & 6 make 14, therefore when want fourteen gallons of paint, buy eight of L. & M. and mix 6 gallons pure Linseed Oil with it, making the tual cost of paint about fa.20 per (worth Don’t pay $1.50 a gallon for Linsted 60 cents) which you do when buy other paints in a can with a label on it. Mauy houses are well painted with gallons of L. & M. and three gallons Linseed Oil mixed therewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold Wight & Browne, Cairo Ga. 44 A duck that during the mer had laid several dozen eggs, complained that wasn’t appreciated. ‘See hen over there,’ said the ‘she hasn’t laid as many eggs I have, but she has books ten about her, while nobody saying a word about me.’ trouble with you is,’ said wise rooster, ‘that you don’t the people what you have You lay an egg and then off without saying a word, that sistei of mine never one without letting in the neighborhood know it. If you want to be known this community, you must to advertise, > »» The moral is very plain. Every Tuesday and after this date Miss J. D. & Co. will sell their Millinery at actual cost. Chamberlain’s Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed almost every home before the summer over. It can always be depended even in the most severe cases. It is peciallv valuable for summer in children. It is pleasant to take never fails to give prompt relief. not buy it now? It may save life. sale by W T ight & Browne. When in need of the goods, and at live and let prices, consult the columns the Messenger and there will find the names of the ness men who want your and men who will treat right. He that in this would rise must either fail advertise. Woodland Items. BY UNCLE JAKE. I met a man last week that said: “Look here, uncle Jake, I want to ask you a question. I I told him to blaze away; he said: 44 Are you a populist? I told him I was if I was anything. He said, “give me your hand;” he seemed to think my hand was large enough. He said, “I want you to help me pull fodder, Monday.” I can tell you now I am one populist that don’t love to pull fodder, but you know ’tis said that they will do anything that you can get them to do. Mrs. Holton, who has been visiting Mrs. Johnson Harper, and her brother, Robert Massey, for several days, returned to her home at Cairo, Saturday. Mrs. James Hanley and child ren have been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Hartley, since our last. The patrons of Woodland school choose A: L. O, Steven son to teach at that place the next term. Mr. Peter Boutwell has brouht his son, that was sick near Pelham, to his home and employed Dr. Arline to treat him and we hope his malady will soon disappear under the doctors treatment. Mr. Gordon Dixon has been on the sick list since our last. Several went from here to Bold Springs Sunday to preach ing. Mr. Robert Walker and wife were visiting at her father, Mr. Wm. Mathis, Sunday. ,Mr. Bartley Mathis, Jr., went down to Cairo today, Wednes day, and carried Mr. Tom Dun lap’s children home and brought out some cotton baskets. Get your gin in shape Mr. Ginner for the fleecy staple is in sight. I expect some body will want me to pull cotton before long. A newborn baby is usually thought to look like its father it is far too homely to resemble its mother. What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it is a case of colic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and you will have no need of a doctor. For sale by Wight & Browne. Notice First cuts of steak, . 10c lb. Second cuts of steak, 8 l=3c lb. First cut loin roast, 10c lb. Second cut loin roast, 8 I=3c lb. Brisket roast, 7c lb. Flank stew, 6c lb. Ribbs, 5c lb. FOR SALE. Seven miles north of Cairo, Ga., 560 acres of good farm land 150 acres cleared; one five room painted house, plenty good ten ant houses.. I will either sell or trade for property near Cairo. Call on or address, W. G. Baggett, Cairo, Ga.« of Chronic Diarrhoea Af. ter Ten Years of Sufferi mg. . * I wish to say a few words in nrai^ Chamberlain’s • Colic, Cholera and Tv 0t rhoea Remedy,” says Mrs suffered^ Mattie tw' of Martinsville, Va. “I chronic diarrhoea for ten years ami d a ing that time tried ' ar various medicines - without obtaining _ Last any permanent relief. summer one of my children taken with cholera morbus, and was cured bottle of this remedy. I pro a Only \ ' lief. doses were I then required decided to to give’her try the entire" re- 0 myself, and did not all of medici use one W before I was well and have never sin This been remedy troubled is .with for sale that by complaint* Browne. Wight Busted! For sale: A plantation gin pl ailt consisting of a 50 saw Van Winkle gin with feeder, condenser and double press, belts, pulleys, shaft ing, all complete. Also a 21 j D turbine wheel , water at wreckage prices. Capacity 8 bales per day. Also valuable real estate for sale in and outside city limits of Cairo Ga. J. M. PARKER. IF YOU need anything in the line of Fresh, Fancy or Family Groceries, Fresh or Dried Fruits 5 Confections, Ice Cold Drinks, Etc Just bring, send or telephone your orders to IraLHurs and they will he filled promptly. ’Phone 31 . Agents Conida’s Candle; The Cairo Published every Friday. - - ■ Subscription. One Year Six Months, ■ = 01 Three Months, . 2 ! Subscribe for The Messeng' and keep posted‘on the news the day. Local, foreign political and gen= eral. Al! kinds of Job Wor executed neatly, quickly and artis= tically, and at living prices. No need therefore to any longer hesi= tate about having your stationary printed when we can print it for you Just like you want