The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, August 12, 1904, Image 3

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ift. f -' m & •SSi m ! 1 L S V. .’A /y a* h n fl e ttie Blackmore, Min- i . s how elis tells any young an may be permanently jot monthly pains by tak Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vege : Compound. Women : — I had frequent dies of a severe nature, dark before my eves, and at my men nerfods I suffered untold agony, nber of the lodge advised me to ,vdi» E. Pinkham’s Xcge - ‘Compound, but I only scorned pt1tVeTnt7i started taking a ! t a bottle and soon had the best reason in the . . of the to change my opinion health jne. as each day my im \ an d finally I was entirely with j n a t m y menstruation periods. aost grateful.” — Nettie Black- 23 Central Ave., Minneapolis, Zituineness -S 5000 forfeit if original of above tetter cannot be produced. here is anything' about your about which you would necial advice, write freely » A*“ Pinkham. Site will hold letter , |_ in wfHpt strict confidence connaence. an surely help you, tor no [l in America can spealc a wider experience m helped treat finale ills. She has reds of thousands of women to health. Her address is Muss • ' -'-"vir-e is free. atkrns "Boy" Hay Press iRVEL OF THE COUNTRY. T rt ■ ! I I!.* LlS4. ;«SC u . ‘retowf co'a A fscar, operate it (no other power need tele the crop right in the field at less ft nf hauling to bitr press. It does lots Hillings and costs only S‘i5. VS' rite ice tor circular No. 27. lOWE CO., Atlanta, Georgia. BE BUY AND SELL LUMBER.-®® B& mas ROYAL emetm ■Him* r* VAust- T*J> THE afit so!ute!y Cures Ikmion, catarrh, xeural iUEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON per germ diseases. It has been used ps.and has 100.000 endorsements. ILL CURE YOU! pt‘>i: |ERMETUER germ diseases free. MEDICAL CO., Pept. C—Barnesville. Oa. REE SAMPLE pH ’ STORY By Looker OF MY LIFE AND r 1 T. Washing-ton. wit Send ns your and address. We want you I to have a copy of this autobiography of the greatest living Negro for the purpose of in ;•«$&! troductrug it in your community. It Is a m rv, remarkable seller, big .ijabs profit; ing from agents $4 to are S10 mak U./iiT per . ' 1 day. Will you Intro duee It by selling or fretting us an agent? IfflHii If so, send at once for a sample. Price 81.00. 915 Austell Building, KBSLi %% \ JWi JSUtil; e.iiorti»t...u a..a iype !»&«S«^&2’82K;8S dUiLrti mttou'cUi'Antuv 3 AtAiifLtFl I, iSHlNGTON,WILKES Aducted by the CO.. JosepH. GA. Sisters oi St. Home School / ‘j tbe modern Convenienc-a A thor ractsca! Eilucatiou is the aim of tala » 0 ii. 1 rrms for the Year, $ 1 6(»/. For address. mother superior. •ttLD’S FAIR ST. LtOUIl He aad Nashville Railroad. are Roing to the World’s itair you 6 bast route. The L. & ty. is the f Ny. : sickest and best line/ Three f Through Pullman 'Sleeping Dining Cars. Low Rat4 Ticket* 1 G*t rates from lt|cal agent your N.* via the L. & fcofinf ormation furnish on ap to J G. HOLLENBECK, - Pass. Agent, Atlantia, Ga. c ''Hav FRIENIBS. \Nata e you been to see a ?Past? 1 hear el "Yes she’s ill. i the ha Poor, dear old tlhing! T5le PPiest woman you lever m. doeto r tells her it’s whW.p tr ‘’ a!; ’ s a Juvenile rjom vm J ‘^pow.—C hicago Tributoa, A Dangerous Trade. I The dangers of work in a white lead factory . are interestingly described bv a medical authority in a discussion | of the causes and effects of lead i poisoning. Most of the cases occur among the workers In the department where the preparation of the carbon ate of lead Is carried on by what is called the “Dutch process”—in which the lead, in sheets, is placed on the top of pots filled with acetic acid, and converted, first, into the subacetate, and finally decomposed by carbon di oxide emitted by tar. In moving the carbonate, clouds of white lead dust are easily caused by careless handl ing on the part of the workmen; and in spite of the respirators worn by them much of the poison is taken in* to the sytem.—Harper’s Weekly. The Only Obligation. A story that comes from a country region not far from New York con cerns a native who was seen stolidly ploughing a field with a team of weary and dejected horses. As they approached, the observer of rural life remarked sympathetically that the hordes “didn’t seem to like the work. i - “Um,” commented the farmer we*- "they *»•» have to like it; on Y have to do it. Harpers Weekly. : FITSpermanentlvcured. No fits or nervous* I ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerveltestorer,$2trialbDttleandtreatisefree Dr. ! R. H. Kune, Ltd., 981 Arch St.. Pbila.,Pa. The United States produces three-tourtlis of the cotton of the world. Care of the H;llr - Jt the . is shampoos now generally in agreed injurious that many the use are to iair , -,. Thc lK f treatment is frequent brushing and , absolute cleanuness. Wash the hair in a lather of Ivory Soap and rinse | it thoroughly. closes tile Let the of the last skill wa ter and be cool, as colds.— Eleanor pores R. Parker. prevents Pittsburg has already expended $25,000, 000 in the skyscraper boom. - 1 mn sure Pis o' s C u r;; for Consumption sav*ed j my life three years ago.—M bs. Thomas Bob. HNS, Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17,1900 British India now industries. employs over 1,000,000 people in its cotton FUTURE SUPPLY OF MEN. The Leaders, as in the Past, are Rising From the Ranks. The superintendent of the Chicago forward movement, which is doing good work among the submerged, said in an address before the women of Chicago, says the Toledo Times, that the larger per cent, of the men who are to control the destinies of the country in the coming years are to be found in the ranks of tire news boys rather than among those who dwell on the boulevards, Those who have had much to do with newsboys know that this is likely to he the fact. - The boys who are learning to hustle for themselves are immeasurably su perior to those who are pampered and humored and carefully guarded and favored in the struggle for exist ence. The son of rich parents is heavily handicapped if he is made to feel that his folks hare money, and that he has expectations. There isn’t the same pressure to do his best holding over such a lad that there is over the son of poorer parents. Fie doesn’t feel that he has to apply him self in school. He doesn’t have to scheme, plan, anil contrive and deny wants, Any object or pleasure that may strike his fancy he can usually buy for himself or wheedle from his indul gent ° parents. He has an easy time, and he is flabby in mental and moral make-up in consequence, Fibre, character, and endurance that ogrow out of effort and self-denial cannot be bought. There is no easy way to get them. It is as easy to have some hired to eat and digest one’s food as it is to have one’s trials^ and | temptations and labor dene by others. Most of our captains of industry have rls£in from th ® ra ° ks - TnsJ ' leai ' Ma we ii to serve and to stand waiting before they were invited to be seated and to help themselves. Sea Turtle Was Stranded. An . UUUSlial ,-„„l find find in in northern nortnern waters wntprs was „ made hv U> Peter reiei Shinn and o,nu Josenh uusuiu puuieiBuii, Mlelrprunn fishermen, both Of Lynn, Mass., in the snape of a sea turtle, , v Weighing thirty pounds. at the They Point were of digging clam bait Pines, just at the mouth of the Sau gus river, and saw the turtle high upon the beach Pincushion Swallowed Up 410 Needles. A lady in this city, reading that a A • been in for pincushion that has use some time, on being opened develep •ed about 150 needles, had ihe curios pull apart a pincushion that ity to for about twenty she had been using She found by actual count five years. Hartfor(i Courant im Tveedte s --~ '__ I I i $ m i i a l RM* Ukkl f^ure“mb^ey. refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. AN OLD MAN’S TRIBUTE. An Ohio Fruit Raiser, 78 Year# oid, Cared or »Terrible case Alter Ten Year# of Suffering. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Men j tor. Ohio, says: “I was cured by Doau's Kidney Pills of a severe case of kid ney trouble, of Vi. eight or ten years’ standing, it I wM 1 suffered the . most severe W§,bt, backache and . other pains in V ’ V . the region of the % mm 1MW' kidueys. These M were especially \ severe when SIDNEY JUSTUS. stooping to iift often I anything, and could hardly straighten my back. The aching was bad in the daytime, but just as bad at night, and I was always lame in the morning, I was bothered with rheu matic pains and dropsical swelling of the feet. The urinary passages were painful, and the secretions were dis colored and so free that often I had to rise at night. I felt tired all day. Half ! a ^ox served to relieve me, and three : boxes effected a permanent cure. j A TRIAL TREE—Address Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cts. Pleased With the Prospect. Sheriff Dienst of Labette County recently took Rastus Rose, a photo grapher, to the insane asylum at Osa watomia. Mr. Rose was pleased with much that he saw along the road. He continually regretted the absence of his camera, which prevented him from preserving the beautiful land scapes through which the train was passing. Arriving at Osawatomie, he was enraptured with the gardens and shrubbery surrounding th'e asylum. “You like it, do you?” asked the Sheriff. “Like it! Like it!” exclaim ed the prisoner. “Why, if I’d known it was like this ,I’d have gone crazy a year ago. i • j j ! Oe&DiBLOOB D 0 0 botanic 4 BAL!V! I The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy r and permanent cure of Scrofula, Rheuma’- " ♦ 4 tism, Catarrh, Ulcers, Eczema, Sores, Erup tions, Weakness, Nervousness, and all i BLOOD m SKIN DISEASES. a* It is by far the best building up Tonic and ^3 Blood Purifier ever offered to the world. It AB makes new, rich blood, imparts renewed vi tality, healing and possesses almost miraculous 4 aB derful Cures, properties. Write for Book Of Won Xi sent free on application. If not kept by your local druggist, send XI Xi $i.oo for a large bottle, or $ 5.00 for six bottles, ar.d medicine will be sent, freight paid, by 4 | BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. 444444444 4T4*4444W444444 FREE in Use Guaranteed to Cure 20 All Stomach and Resulting Disorders. Years. REGULAR Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy. tAct# on Bowel#.) 50 c. sxz;£i Write us your Case Box 138, Dept. C, ATLANTA, GA. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. M Agriculture, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Teaching. Classical and Scientific Courses. Excellent .Laboratories and Li W brary. Board, Fuel, Lights, Room, Books, Fees and Laundry for r $ 125.00 a year on the campus; in private homes 0200.00 to 33OO.OO. Many opportunities for self-help. Next session begins ggpt, 2 1 st. Address W. B. HILL, LL, D«, Chancellor, Athens, G«a, $20.00 TO $40.00 PER WEEK Being Made selling “500 Leseona in Business.” It Is a complete hand book of legal and business forms. A complete Legal Adviser—a complete Compendium of plain and ornamental Penmanship; a complete Lightning Calculator and Farmer’s Reckoner. A complete set of interests, Grain, Lumber and Cotton Tables-, measure ments of CISTERNS, Timbe-, Lumber, Logs and Bine of Grain, etc., in one volume. Over 472 pages, 250 illustrations. It is a complete business educator; brought home to every purchaser. ■ SIMPLE, PRACTICAL and PLAIN; 500 agents wanted at once. Boys ■■■ and girls can sell as well as men and women. One agent i n the country edd 45 copies in one day. Another 2IO in one illilfej week. Agent 3 have canvassed all day and sold a copy at every home. Selling price $1.50. Liberal discounts to agents. Send 25c for outfit; sat Fraction guaranteed (or mon?y refunded). - Circulars free. HKRTEL, JENKINS & CO.. ATLANTA, GA. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, GEORGIA.’ If you are interested in obtaining a dental education, write for free catalogue of full instruction. Address DR. S. W. FOSTER. Dean, 100 north butler street, Atlanta. GEORGIA, BAD BLOOD "I had trouble with my bowels which made my blood impure. My face was covered with pimples , whie h no external remedy could remove. I tried yonr Cascarets and great was my joy when the pimples disappeared after a month’s steady use. I have recommended them to all my friends and ^ Quite a few have found relief. York City, N. Y. c. J. Pnsch, 967 Park Ave., New \ ; Best For j r ^ "^ he Bowels j axxm&to CANDY CATHARTIC t\v [♦] Pleasant Palatsble. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe- 10c. 25c, 50c. Never sold in bnlk. The genuine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to core or yottr money back Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 6oo annual sale, ten million boxes Where Cold Kills. Klondike River is fed by numerous soda springs and even the winter’s cold fails to close them entirely. Waik ing on the edge of the ice near the shore a miner one day slipped into six inches of water. In a moment he was out and hastened to the brush hard by to light a fire before his feet froze. Rapidly he cut a few frag ments of wood with his heavy pocket knife. But the unlighted match drop ped from his already chilled fingers, for he had rashly removed his mit tens in order to use the knife with more freedom. Then he lighted a sec ond and a third and finally several at one time, but either his haste or per haps a sigh of the air caused them to fall on the snow. All this time the frost was seizing his limbs, his body, his heart , his mind. He turned to the fatal mittens, which he never should have taken off, but his al ready frozen fingers could only lift them from the ice where they had fallen, and after a vain attempt he hurled them from him and strove once again to light a last match. But it was too late. A Kidskin Waistcoat. <4 About the newest thing in men’s fashions,” says a leading haberdash er, "tlrough we will hardly see it here until the fall, is a waistcoat of kidskin for evening wear. It comes fresh from London, where it is being worn by the ultra fashionable, though by no means confined to young men. “The material is white suede kid skin, and in appearance it looks just like the ordinary white evening waistcoat. It is not as warm as you might suppose. It is cool, in fact, and suitable for dress occasions, even in summer. It will not become too com' mon, either, for the price is about $25. It is ornamented with white chain buttons, with somewhat elaborate de signs in gold burned into the delft. It may sound funny, but it looks alj right.”—Philadelphia Record. Safety Celluloid. It is reported that two Frenchmen, Mabille and Lerclerc, have patented a process for making a kind of cellu loid which is incombustible, says the Electrical Review. To a solution of celluloid is added a mixture of ether and alcohol containing certain iron salts. A clear liquid of the consist ency of syrup results, and if the sol vents are driven off 'from this, an in combustible non-inflammable celluloid remains. The material can be worked as easily as ordinary celluloid, and it is thought that it will be valuable in the manufacture of electrical ap taratus. | v Ca St -it mi i (imimm ^ .Um * r ,avtqT ! U anj> TOIKDO. PCTBOI ih III _ v U WABASH (filf *Ol|ACi*aASO»«.4 SUMMER IN MICHIGAN DAYS C H & 0 to St, Louis SUMMER IN THE Th« bftst piece In the world to spend WORLD’S FAIR TRAINS COOL NORTHWEST YOUR VACATION DAYS Through Trains Daily to Si. Louis The C H & D runs Pure Air, Boating, Fishing, LOW through trains to Chicago J Golf, Good Everything Hotels, Low to Amuse, Rates. ROUND TRIP RATES connecting there with roads for the famous Mackinac, Georgian Bay, The Coach Excursions Wisconsin Resorts, also Soo, Huronia Beach, Pt Aux Tuesday’s & Thursday’s for Yellowstone Park, Barques, Hundreds of Island and All trains Alaska, Colorado and the Cosst Resorts. The air of Mich- our stop at our igan is a known Specific for Hay World's Fair Station at the West. Fever, Asthma and Kindred dis- Main Entrance, near the big orders. Let us talk the matter Station. Hole la on the way to Union 4 Trains Every Week Day over with you, our agent will LOW ROUND TRIP RATES gladly call. Write for Booklet Th« only Has haring a station and Information. near tha Fair Ground*. Write or call for Information •3K D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, Ohto * A UNITED STATES SENATOR : Usad Pe-ru-na For Dyspepsia Wilh Great Sanafit. J »M*VVVM*ll*^V4»VVV» ■WWW'VWWVS | J 4 4 ; J 4 4 4 4 ♦ \ 4 J s', 4 J < 4 i { J mi >f J J ^ j J • . ♦ ♦ 4 * ♦ 4 j ♦ ♦ i) wem 4 r 11 * S J i J * | J * * * * ;T.L > ♦ * J (nfJm ■ V >4 ? m ,2 V \ $ ‘it * ♦ » « J ♦ -t: * t * t * ♦ r 4 » 0 4 * 0 4 » <• 4 ♦ 0 4 ♦ f » 0 4 I** 4 i 0 v WmX\ I t I ^ i HON, M. C. BUTLER, 4 * * Ex-United Stutea Senator From South ♦ Carolina. » 1^ X-U. S. Senator M. C. Butler, from A J South Carolina, was Senator from that State for two terms. In a recent letter from Washington, D. C., he says: ‘‘J cun recommend Perunu/or ilya- 2Je/>s la and stomach trouble. I ha ve been using your medicine Jar a short period and I feel very much relieved. It is Indeed a wonderful medicine besides a good tonic.” — M. C. Butler. Peruna is not simply a remedy for dys pepsia. Peruna is a catarrh remedy. Pe runa cures dyspepsia because it is gener ally dependent upon catarrh of the stom ach. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Malsby & Co. 41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, / Portable and Stationary Eng-ines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line carried in stock for Ify'MEDIA TE shipment. Best Machinery, Lowest Prices and Best Term# Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. ! 1 Dropsy CURED Gives Quick. R el ief. Removes all swelling in 8 to no days; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 days. Trialtreatment m 4 n I* given Write free. Dr. Nothingcan be fairer H. H. Green’s Sons, L. Specialists, Cox B Atlanta, Qa. 1 v fe PISQ 'SitiCU tlSEFAILS. ™ I u UUKtS WHtKt ALL T> Lest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. 8old by druggists. *• aSEHSEJS'SHS Thompson’s Eye Water Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At33-04)