The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, August 19, 1904, Image 7

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i ■ ■v mm M ■01 r / i / ' (i §> j 1 --- ' / r Miss M. Cartledge gives some dnfnl advice to young girls, ler letter is but one OI ^ thns« thou- 3fi (js which prove that nothing • ! cn helnful : L,;vin«r to young girls who just • arriving at at th- thw neriftd p o nf ot re LjuiS rink womanhood Vegetable as Compound. mi's “ “.Jifydia Unc Ptwkttam Pi'ukham’s •_I cTTinnt E Vefre able Compound too highly, for it the only medicine 1 ever tried which red me* 1 suffered much from my rst menstrual period, could I felt so weak cddizzy at times 1 not pursue for IT SJSuTlS? backaches and sinking S eadaches, pains in the back and lower jells, also mbs. In fact. I was sick all over. • Finally, after many other remedies sd been tried, we were advised to get vdia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ompound, and I am pleased to say ]8 t after taking it only two weeks, a 'onderful change for the better took lace, and in a short time I was in B rfect health I felt buoyant, full of fc. and found all work a pastime, I u indeed glad to tell my experience ith Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veee ible Compound, for it made truly, a dif ;rent girl of me. Yours very [ms M. Cars ledge, 533 Whitehall St., tlanta, Ga. ” $50C0 forfeit If original of — bes/<!«*•'■ r.rnf'- '’«««•<?cannot be oroducud. klanta College of Pharmacy. Lreater demand for our graduates than we In supply. Address. 1>K. GKO. F. TAVNE, fan. 4S Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. k Watkins “Boy” Hay Press EE MARVEL OF THE COUNTRY. lU- gflea gpi. ii|!i iti MT J >J - *9 (gC figjMf# aor [ Z: l KOgf C« w vTT^BtffmBiiii lidTr^jdi* pboys can operate it (no other power need ed bale the crop right in the field at les* tn rest of hauling to bisr press. It doe* lots other things and costs only Write ht [ once for circular .No. 37. E. LOWE CO., Atlanta, Georgia |»-\YE Bl’Y AND SELL LUMBER.-*! CRICHTON’S / • . . g? Uti oASUIL IVA N a CRICHTON ’ ^ lliorth&nd Dept., E. C. Crichton. Bookkeeping TLD. E. ahnmaker. Catalogue free. C. Crichtou, Prop., Kiser Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. ROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT $1,000 TO $10,000 A YEAR SOLICITING FOR MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK, ASSETS $420,000,000. R. F. SHEDDKN, Manager, ATLANTA, GA. Dropsy in CURED Gives Quick Relief. j ; Removes all swelling 8to?o A days; joto effects a permanent cure in 6o days. Trial treatment i' ■; given free. Nothingcan be fairer PH I: Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, Socialists. Pox 8 Atlanta Tt*, free sample | L'T OltK,” HE STORY of my life ARB By Booker T. Washington. to have a copy of this ; m ! pu ;r 7 n°M.;; H i community, it !■ a remarkable seller, big profit; agents are mak lng from S4 to $10 per I day. Will you Intro- 1 dnee It by selling or getting us an agent? m I If so, send at oace for m | a sample. J.I.. NICHOLS & CO,. i«S81Sl!\\Wi Atlanta, Ga. M1 'ng p r i ce tm.oo. 91R Austell Building. " OKjjB’S fair ST. LOV1S, j Grille and Nashville Railroad. i : M you »r«gromg . to I the World’s Fair you i at the best route. The L. A N. is the «9»t, quickest and best line. Three ' Pas daiiv ' y m. rhro eh »““»•» ! ■ ; “ Sand Suing . Cars. Low Rate Tickets j ^ daily. Get rate® from your local agent ' ^ for tickets l'. via the A N. l! kin 'is of information furnished on ap !s tion to J. G. HOLLENBECK, Pass. Agent, Atlanta , Ga. f STILL AT IT. 1 ood's hours the happiest P; are Kd on e's life!” sighed the disap “°h, man. l don’t know!” chirped fain fHpa'nion. “I don't see hut that 1 n n ■atch ball 111 a. game just about as as ] fould forty years ago!’’—De , ni u *ree „ Press. MAY BE BICYCLING REVIVAL. Many Former Riders Would Like to Take up Exercise J Again. I Am cng many former riders of the bicycle who were amateurs in all j senses of the word and had nothing i to do -with the racing or century-run 1 features of the craze there is an idea —in which, indeed, tbs wish is father to the thought—that the pastime may become popular again, They contend that bicycle riding is just j as delight ful as it ever was and just as worthy of permanent survival as tennis, and they decl »re that they would be glad t0 put tbeir wh3els m commission * f 0tbers i ™ uld to likewise. Thats , the whole trcubl'e,” said a ' large dealer to whom the ! question was referred. I know by j ih e induiries I revive that many peo P , **° used 6 W t() r i da are anxious for a < chance to ride again, but those who have tried it tell discouraging stories. ° nca you could anywhere, sure of ndlRg a pump at the firat Place you stopped in case your tire had loat 5ts air, or tape to mend a puncture, or oil I to fil1 >’ our lamp. ‘'Every stopping place had all sorts I of accommodations for the bicyclist aud he wafi everywhere taken care ! °i- Nk>w he isn't catered to at all. Even the racks have been taken away and a few 7 of the roads are kept as smooth as thev U 9 ed to be. If one ,ra V i8 ° wn ,TO,s h< ’ ~ ‘ nd,s dirn,se ^ m a Ax should anything happen, Others who want to ride again and have tried it tell me they have given up after one or two trials from sheer loneliness and the feeling that they were conspicuous. I feel sure that if all who wanted to ride could start in at once, at the same time, it would be a go again; but, as muck as I would like it to happen, I hardly expect to see it. You may be sure if there be any way of starting | the pastime again the makers and dealers will be about it.” It i '9 worth noting in this connec tion that in England cycling is nearly, ■ if not quit's as popular as ever, and ' the English papers continue to pub lish wheeling routes and a column of gossip for amateur riders.—Philadel phia Record. Told by General Goidon. The late General John B. Gordon was a brilliant raconteur. He had a fund of anecdote and stories, not only of his war experiences, but dealing with the most prominent men and women of , todaj . „.i*u vuth „.u„_ horn v.*» ht „.„b thrown in personal contact. Among his warmest friends were ex-President ! and Mr*. Cleveland who on one ocoa sion visited Georgia as his guests. The General, whG was at that time Governor, was very fond cf telling how “Aunt Sue,” his family washer woman, snubbed the Clevelands. Wishing to show the President some thing genuine and entirely from the old South, he sent his carriage out to his country home for old “Aunt Sue.” an ex-slave and a lifelong ser vant of the family. When the coachman reached her cabin he found the old woman hang ing out her week’s wash. He told her that the General has sent fo - 7 her to come in to see the President of the Tnit'et! States. “Who’s he?” asked the oM woman. “Who’s he?” replied the coachman. “Why. Mister Grober Clebelan’—who | you ’spec?” Aunt Sue looked at him a moment, j Then, in a mingled tone of dignity i and scorn, she said: “Clebelan’? tell J Clebelan'? I ain' never burn er | no Clebelap’s. You go long home en j tell Mars John he ca’ fool dis ole j ’oman. Dem Clebelan’s mus’ be some : er his ’lection friends—dey ain' no i qual’ty, en’ I ain’ swine fool wld um." And the old woman turned back to her tub and would not be persuaded. The conversation, much to the aTnnce ment *of Mr. Cleveland, was re peated In his hearing, .be General happening to question the coachman while the President was near. — Harp er . 3 „ VVCcKij 7 Queer Old Time Railroad Pass. Col. William Dorris of Huntingdon | enjoys the rare distinction of travel ing on Pennsylvania Railroad pass 1850, which is without limit. I issued in This pass is a curiosity, having on jt, j in addition to the necessary wording, the picture cf an engine and two | cars, which are unique, as might be imagined. . , The engine is anything hll( . modern and the coaches have the old time “possum belly” in which bag gage was carried. The Colonel re It tnirm this pass because lie was one the original stockholders ot the company —Tyrone (Pa.) Herald. STILL THE WORK GOES ON. “Any more germs. Doctor? “On, yes. We are now in hot pur- . it of the germs that eat the other ; germs. ”—Detroit Free Press. I S P urn iX PIP 1 li To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. Cat Adopted Orphan Coons. Cdlonel L. L. Hawkins recently se cured a new prize for his collection of weird and wonderful exhibits at the city museum, in Portland, Ore. The doughty Colonel ha s excelled himself in his latest acquisition, and If one j d uesires to see such a bizarre thing as a pussy cat mothering a litter of young raccoons he may be gratified at the city hall. All previous happy fam- j dy records have been broken by an old mother cat rejoicing in a family of two baby coons and her own proper kitten, which Colonel Hawkins se cured at Beaverton and ha. now 7 com fortably installed at the museum. A few days ago some boys killed a female raccoon near Beaverton, and upon beating the bush discovered her nest with four little ones in it clamor ing for their mother. The baby coons were taken to the home of Mrs. B. L. Grifiitts, near by, where a cat was ! rearing a family of four kittens. The j kittens were given to another feline I ia which the maternal instinct was i strong, and the little coons substitu- j ted without protest front the mother. In a short time two of the little wild kittens died, but the otner pair thrived in their new environment, and the story of the cat with the coon family became something of a sensation in the neighborhood. Colonel Hawkins heard of it and made the twenty mile drive out and back for the purpose of bringing the wonder to Portland, Mrs. Grifiitts finally consented to lend the family to the museum, and as an evidence of good faith one of the kittens was brought along with the little coons j to complete the picture of mixed do- I mestieity.—Portland Oregonian. i RELIEF IN SIGHT. “Your salary isn't enough to sup Port my daughter, sir." “I'm glad you’ve come to that con clusion so early, sir.” Detroit Fres Press. FITS permanently cured. No tlt«ornervous» ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great NerveRestoror.%2trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R.B. Klink. Ltd.. Ml Arch St.. Phila.. Pa. The most widely known English writer in Japan is Carlyle. Piso’s Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs aud colds.—N. W. Sam del, Ocean Grove, N. .T., Feb. 17, 1903. License is paid in London on 7000 auto mobiles. It is not so much what you pay for, but what vou get that needs close attention when buying funeral supplies, and so strongly impressed with this fact are those who know what they afe doing that they l^.<Sin^£,« helt There is one weekly paper in Oklahoma to every 300 voters. B. A Household Remedy Cures SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, EC ZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN Vbalm> BLOOD toning ERUPTION. being efficacious the betide* *y*tem in up the and restoring impaired con stitution, when It from any cause. i is a fine properties Tonic, justify and its almost in guaranteeing supernatural a healing enre of ( j us ( all blood diseases, if direction* are followed. I M Price, si per Bottle, or « Bottles for *!>. J | otR I <m«s. » M ■ rn£X *ah r»iu»w*informal,on. BLOOD BALM CO., ATLANTA, GA. . GUARAN* TEED BY A $5,000 BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 FREE Courses Offered. Board at Cost. Write Quick ___ QEORGIA ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE,Macon,Ga. WI. JUalaril Ifk^FPITS 3 « ACADEMY, ^ 'co of St. ’ IJGmtf Unrrte School *ja.**+*~* i f Wlfl,.» <b. v»r. ».«»■ ^ t°, catalogue addr ^ 7 OTHER SUPERIOR. wlu *_____________ __ D ANViLLB Military Institute, 'Danville, Virginia, A HIGH GRADE PREPARATORY SCHOOLfor BOYS. UNBROKEN HEALTH RECORD. * EXPERIENCED TEACHERS. FULL ACA DEMIC and BUSINESS COURSES. For Cwta , og< Termi> etc., address during Summer, BOX 566, EDINBURG, VIRGINIA, — BIPANS TABCT.F.S are the best dys pepsla medicine ever made. A hun ji -wsftll dred millions of them have been sold <c tuicaffiPJ JvvC ,€,/ ina single sTck year. headache, Constipation, dizziness, bear^ had uurn, throat and illness breath, sore every stomach arising from a disordered are relieved or cured by Ripans lab ules. One wili generally give relief within twenty minutes. Thefive-cent [an kage sell is them. enough for an ordiciiry occasion. All druggists HoMore8lindHorse3(i"n":'i’:“.5:*: : ”“ Sore Eyes, Barry Co., low* City, la., have a sure cure SID PISO’S CURE FOR DUBES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. 'I astea Good, use Q2 In time. Sold by druggists, it i CONSUMPTION y- ACHED IN EVERY BONE. Society Woman,Who Wa* So Sid: She Could Not Sleep or Kat, Cured by l)uan’« Kidney l’ills. Marion Knight, of 33 N. Ashland Ave.. Chicago, Orator of the West Side Wednesday Club, says: "This wider when l started to use Doan s Kidney Pills I ached in every bone and had & intense pains in the kidneys • und pelvic or ■ g a n s. The urine was r thick and sV. cloudy, and 1 •V y» y (t.L f u iis* could % f y % barely t eat enough to live. 1 felt a change ! for the better within a week, The second week 1 began eating heart ily. 1 began to improve generally, und before seven weeks had passed l was well. 1 had spent hundreds of collars for medicine that did not help me. but $0 worth of Doan’s Kidney Fills i e stored me to perfect health.” A TRIAL F It EE— Address Foster MHburu Co., Buffalo, N. V. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cts. TRUE 1.0 YE. “Are they much to each other?” “Indeed, yes! One has ambition, the other money.”—Detroit Free Press. FREE In Use Guaranteed to Cure 20 Ail Stomach and Resulting Disorders. Years. REGULAR Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy. (Acts on Bowels.) 50c. size: Writ*- Cane Box 138, Dept. C, ATLANTA, GA. ok your MEN, WATCH YOUR HEALTH! A New Revelation for Men. We offer something different, better than any other specialists or medical institu lion in this city. There is no patchwork about our treatment. The cure is perfect and permanent. We do not treat all diseases; but we cure those, we treat. A prompt, permanent and sure cure in all cases accepted for treatment. Nothing but curable cases accepted. Write if you cannot cal) and describe your troubles und receive by return mail,, tree of c harge, our diagnosis blank. Consultation free. . Doctors Leatherman & Bentley, Hours Sundays 8 a. 10 m. a. to m. 8 to p. 1 m. p. m. Cor, Marietta and Forsyth Sts,, ATLANTA. Gl I UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Agriculture, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering. Teachings Classical and Scientific Courses. Excellent Laboratories and Li brary. Board, Fuel, Lights, Room, Books, Fees and Laundry for t 125.00 a yea* - on the campus; in private homes $200.00 to 300 . 00 . Many opportunities for self-help. Next session begins Sept. 2ist. Address W. B. HILL, LL. D„ Chancellor, Athens, Ga. $20.00 TO $40.00 PER WEEK Being Made selling “500 Beseems In Business.’’ It is a complete hand, book of legal and business forms. A complete Legal Adviser—a complete Compendium of plain and ornamental Penmanship; a compete Lightning Calculator and Farmer's Reckoner. A complete set of interests, Grain, Lumber and Cotton Tables, measure ments of CISTERNS. Tlmbe 77 , Lumber. I,og.<! and Bine of Grain, etc., In one volume. Over 472 page^, 250 Illustration,'.. It is a complete business educator; brought home to every- purchaser, SIMPLE, 7 PRACTICAL and PLAIN ■ 500 agents wanted a t once, Boys and girls can sell as well ar men ana women. One agent i n the country s >bl 45 copies in one day. Another 210 in on« week. Agents have canvassed ail day and sold a copv at every h^«me. Selling- isfaction price $1.50. Liberal discounts to agents. Send 25c for outfit; sat ^ guaranteed (or money refunded). Circulars free. HERTEL, JENKINS A CO, ATLANTA, LA _ . i: jm § i: a»is i k * j# AVTi m ■ % WABASH iTThi :ii >m< SUMMER IN MICHIGAN DAYS C H & D to St. Louis SUMMER IN THE Tha but pin* la tka world to tptnd WORLD’S FAIR TRAINS COOL NORTHWEST YOUR VACATION DAYS Through Train* (ally to St. Louis The C H & D runs J Purr Air, Boating. Fishing, LOW through trains to Chicago JJ Golf, Good Everything Hatels, Low to Amuse, Rates. ROUND TRIPRATES connecting roads for there the famous with | Mackinac, Georgian Bay, The Coach Excursions Wisconsin Resorts, also Soo, Huronia Beach, Pt Aux Tuesday’s & Thursday's for Yellowstone Park, Barque*, Hundreds of Island and AM trains Alaska, Colorado and the Coast Resorts. The airof Mich- our stop at our igan it a known Specific for Bay World's Main Fair Station at the West. Fever, Asthma and Kindred dis- Entrance, rear the big orders. Let us talk the matter Hotels on the way to Union 4 Trains Entry Week Day over with you, our agent will Station. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES gladly call. Write for Booklet Tha tnly fin* hiving a station and Information. naar tha Fair Greundi. Write or call fur Information ■a* D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio 3AdCCU«fa r wv. BEST FOR THE BOWELS ^ (* CANDY t J CATKARTIO /! mfe, Ill] GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bed breath, bad blood, pains after wind on the liver stomach, trouble, bloated sallow bowels, skin and foul dizziness. mouth, headache, When indigestion, bowels don’t pimples, regularly eating, Constipation kills your together. move It you are sick. more people than all other diseases starts chronic ailments and lonp years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you wilt never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample ami booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 50 a •rwag H i7 W a v j «. 1 * Avery & Company SUCCESSORS TO avery & mcmillan, R1-R3 South Forsyth St., Atlaott, Oa -ALL KINDS OF— /Y\ ■m.n AC a H I H I h IN t ■—* rvi RY r C / / •Li/’ ■MUM Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. V / ^55 BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Cata'ogue. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At34-04)