The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, August 19, 1904, Image 8

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Whigham Sparks. BY OUR CORRESPONDENT. Mis Bertha Logue is out again after several days illness. Mr. Hugh Cannon was greet ing his many friends in Whig ham Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Clisby Trulock arrived in Whigham o Tuesday. Mrs. Charlie Oats of W hite Springs, Fla., is the guest of her father, Mr. John Robinson. Messrs. Henrv Clark. J. Bvron and daughter, Miss Nellie, left Tuesday tor St. Louis. Miss Mae Higdon of Calvary is the charming guest of Miss Loise Bower this week, Col. R. R. Terrell left Tues day for Macon where he goes to hold up his end of the bar. Mrs. Mollie Lasseter and brother, Mr. Jim Chester and little daughter took advantage of the cheap rates to Savannah Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. McElvy returned from Dr. McIntosh’s sanitarium Tuesday, wonderfully benefit ted. It is so gratifying to her family as her case was thought hopeless. Whigham has had several heavy rains during the past week. Messrs. Ollie and Will Horns by, brought in the first bale of cotton to Whigham market last Thursday. It weighed 498 pounds and brought 12 cents cash, and was bought By Swi cord Bros. No doubt Whig ham will be at the top of the cotton market this season. Mr. Dixon Jordan of Sofkee is a pupil of the Whigham High School. Bring your boys and girls and enroll them in the Whigham High School. Don’t listen to small pox talk, there is not a case in this vicinity and hasn’t been since Mr. Terrell’s death two month< ago. The vaccina tion talk has been called off. There will be singing at Trin ity Baptist Church 2 miles north of Whigham next Sunday morn ing, by Prof. Weathersby of Troy, Ala., using the Revised Sacred harp book. All lovers of good vocal music are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McElvy lost their little baby. The little soul passed away and wuth it the parents fond hearts were crushed. “May He who taketh little children in his arms and bless them,” send his spirit to com fort the heart-broken father and mother. The little boy was on ly sick a w 7 eek with cholera in fantum. His mother is now in a serious condition with contin ued fever. The spirit to improvement is now located in Whigham. Wa ter works, cotton warehouse and Postmaster Quinn has just let out the contract for another 6 room house. Capt. Caine will also have a new residence soon. The managers of the ham school are very much grat ified with opening on the first day. 90 pupils were in attend ance with Prof. Reeves as prin cipal and Prof. Hall and Mrs. Har rell as assistance and the efficient music teacher, Miss Mala Quinn. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy 7 came into general use. The uniform success which attends the U 3 e of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become known. For sale by Wight & Browne. KILLER BUI Mr. G. T. Hurst has just shown the Messenger man a stalk of the above named cotton and says that this cotton was introduced into this section by Mr. W. A. Hurst, formerly of Cordele but now living in At lanta The seed was first sold at 25 cents per dozen and the >‘ ield ° f «« S cotton is ‘ w ° per acre. Last T year Mr. W. A. Hurst sold all the seed he had, or could get, at $4 per bushel. The features of this cotton are it is free from rust, large boles, very prolific and extra fine lint. It always brings from 1^ to 2 cents per pound more than the common short cotton. . Mr. G. T. Hurst says he will be able to furnish the planters this seed the coming fall or winter. Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Perhaps a Life Saved. t C A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I would have died if I had not gotten relief,” says John J. Patten, a leading citizen of Patton, Ala. “A friend recom mended Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 bought a twenty-five cent bottle and after taking three doses of it was entirely cured. I consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Wight & Browne. PLEASANT HILL iTEMS. Rev. J. P. Swan is conduct ing a revival service at Barrett’s Mill Church this week. We note a considerable stir over a bicycle. Hope matters will adjust themselves. Mr. Wm. Forrester came over from Thomasville Saturday to spend a few days on the old homestead. Mr. Elwood Bennett is a pu pil in the Whigham school for the fall teim. Our base ball boys went over to Whigham Thursday and put up a slow game of ball, We understand that they are to meet the Whigham team on the Cairo diamond in the near fu ture. They will put up an en tirely different game next time; expect them to rival Ab Pow ell’s team. Prof. Palmer will conduct at all day sing here Sunday. X. The A. C. L. wuth it s custo mary foresight and with an eye single to eve-'y convenience of all of different stations along its routes, have lately made quite an improvement at the “hub” of Thomas countv. We •/ have reference to Thomasville’s new warehouse. Like begets like, and oh! my! wouldn’t it be nice for the A. C. L. people to give Cairo another depot, It would be highly appreciated by an appreciative lot of people. Besides, our depot needs repar ing mighty bad with a new 7 one Cairo went wet by a small majority Monday, and we sup pose the county did too—Fod der pulling time you know. This space belongs to w.!3.Robinson & Co We wish to call your attention to these people when you are in need of ANY THING in the general merch= andise line; you will do well and save money by getting their prices before you buy. They now have a tremendous line of l\EW FALL GOODS. Their stock is now larger and more va= ried than ever before, so we would suggest that you call on W.H.RobUson&Co. the very first time yon come to Cairo. They will treat you fair and square. They have been too busy this week marking and placing their enormous stock of fall goods to tell you anything for them= selves. kEMEMBERGO TO SEC THEM. They will have to say for themselves later. Money=savers and Watch this ■t# ■J? CANE MILLS. The Best Cane Mill on the Market today is the Sutherland Mill. Twenty Sizes and Styles for Steam a Horse Pow er TWO and THREE ROLLERS. catalogue and Net Prices on Application. D. T. Sulheriand, Machine Works and Foundry, % Bain bridge, : Georgia. Be sure and ask for the Sutherland Mill. It is the best. The fleecy staple, since the advent of the first bale a tew days ago, seems to be on the move, as Cairo has received several bales already. We Pay highest market prices for country produce in Merchandise or Cash and especially want country Hams, Lard and Eggs We carry a select line of fresh Groceries, Confections, Fruits, Etc and solicit your patronage. All orders filled promptly. ’Phone 31. Ira L. Hurst The: :: Jewelry Store.:: On hand at all times a large stock of Watches, Clocks,Sil verware, Spectacles and In struments of all kinds. i have Watches from $ 2.25 to $ 75.00 I have Rings from 25 c to * 10.00 Will soon have in a full line of New Clocks, Rogers Knives and Spoons. If you are think ing of buying a Piano or Or gan, if you need anything in my line I can fit your taste and your purse. Come in and talk it over with me. Bring all your watches and clocks that need mending. OLIVER williams, Jeweler, CAIRO s GA. FOR SALE. Seven miles north of Cairo, Ga., 560 acres of good farm land i 50 acres cleared; one five room painted house, plenty good ten ant houses. I will either sell or trade for property near Cairo. Call on or address, W. G. Baggett, Cairo, Ga. ANY CHI RCH or parsonage or insti tution supported by voluntary contribu tion will be given a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinez Pure Paints' when ever they paint. 8 & 6 make 14, therefore when want fourteen v on eight of gallons of paint, buy 0 nlv L. & M. and mix 6 gallons of pure Linseed Oil with it, making the ac tual cost of paint about fi.20 per gallon Don’t pay #1.50 a gallon for Linsted Oil (worth 60 cents) which von do when von buy other paints in a ca'11 with a paint label on it. Mauy houses are well painted with four gallons of L. Sc M. and three gallons of j Linseed Oil mixed ^herewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold by Wight & Browne, Cairo Ga. Boarding House. Broad St., Cairo, Ga. Rates=«$1.00 Per Day. Fare and Service Excellent. Mrs. Jennie Bell, Proprietress. NEW CROP OF Turnip, Ruta Baga ■ and Cabbage Seed just received at Peacock’s Drug Store, Thomasvile, Georgia. Agency Sherwin Williams Paints. 116 Broad Street. Busted! For sale: A plantation gin Winkle plpt consisting of a 50 saw Van and gin with feeder, condenser shaft double press, belts, pulleys, ing, all complete, Also a 21 in turbine water wheel at wreckage prices. Capacity 8 bales per day Also valuable real estate for sale in and outside city limits of Cairo, Ga. J. M. PARKER. Notice First cuts of steak, 10c lb. Second cuts of steak, 8 l=3c lb. First cut loin rpast, 10c lb. Second cut loin roast, 8 l=3c lb. Brisket roast, 7c lb. Flank stew, 6c lb. Ribbs, 5c lb. R. E. .-4*