The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, September 02, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1904. F. J. WIND, Editor and Proprietor. Published every Friday at Cano. Thomas county, Georgia. SUBSCRIPTION KATES, ONE YEAR ....$ 1.00 SIX MONTHS 5oc THREE MONTHS 25 Entered as second-class matter Januuary 21st. 1004 at the post office at Cairo. Ga., under the Act of Comgregs of March Srd. 1870. Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. Columbus, Ga., is to have pu rer water at a cost of §10,000. Vice Fail banks made his first speech in Vermont Mon day. Atlanta suffered serious dam age last Friday from wind and lightening. It seems that the real chair man of the Republican party is Teddy and not Mr. Cortelvou. It seems that the telephone marriage route is getting to be quite fashionable in Alabama circles. Caesar Booker, an old darkey died in Washington, Ga., recent ly at the advanced age of 125 years. Jefferies put Munroe out of business in the second round. Munroe didn’t succeed in land ing a single blow. The Savannah News is re joicing over the fact that the lucious rice birds are getting ripe in droves. It is said that Senator David B. Hill does not smoke, chew nor drink intoxicants, yet he is called bad. Wonder'if he ever played base ball. Hon. Clun E. Dunbar of Rich mond, county has been named by Gov. Terrell to deliver the Ovation on Ga., day at the World's Fair. ’Tis well that Captain Hitch did not order the military com pany to fire on the mob at Statesboro as the lynching pass ed off very well without a single $ i hitch.” John Sexton, the white man who was accidently wounded at the Cedar Town linching, died last Friday. There were three others wounded at the same time, but none serious. Miss Alice Roosevelt is en / livening blase Newport with some coon songs this summer. It seems as if the President were willing to adopt any meth od to keep the coon songs in fashion.—Ex. A contemporary says that Pottstown, Pottsville and Har risburg, Penn., are being pla gued with fleas, gnats and a strange insect not yet classified. We suppose Boby Burns could have put the right classification on the insect in his day. The Times-Enterprise says: A number of gentlemen met in Macon last week to decide on the boundaries of eight new counties. They are respectfullv referred to the homely adage about counting chickens before they are hatched. Maybe the eggs are “pipped.” Leap Year Sale! ••• Opens ••• Wednesday, August « ■*r m Lasts only A. >- •••• •••• F. < Q CHURCHWELL H oc o m Leap year comes only once in four z • years, and you may never have the oppor LQ tunity of attending such a sale again. Both our Mill-End Sales were a big suc cess, and we promise our customers that our previous efforts in this line shall be & z far outclassed in this CO’S. o LEAP YEAR SALE. w m LEAP < A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: a Lawns. All up Sale, to our price ioc summer yard. yd...... wash \ Leap .................... fabrics Year 5c. worth YEAR < B Calicoes. For Leap Year Sale, we offer 10 > < (20 yards yards, have...............................!.. to a customer.) any kind we 0 /Vi SALE w Madrass Dress Ginghams.- OPENS LU Fancy stripes aud plaids, nice for shirt waists, 6c. z children’s dresses, etc., ioc value, per yard....... aKjgl ™ the regular yard-wide goods, Sea Island not LU 9 but a nice smooth article y.'5C. £ (40) forty inches wide,Leap Year Sale price, WEDNESDAY, m Hats. Boys and children’s wool hats, worth Z from from 25 to 50c, a special 15c. pnrehase for Leap Year Sale, only.................. lu 3 M Pants. .Men’s pants, worth up to $1.50 pair, some cally shop new, worn, all go some for pair...... prac- 50c. lu Leap Year Sale prices on all Summer < Clothing. Cost cuts no figure. m AUG. Shoes. Final clearing up of odds and 49c. ends in Ladies Low Cuts, pair LU Men’s Sunday shoes, bought special for this sale, a 24. regular $1.25 article, Sale price. 98c. CL Good Brogans, pr......................... 89c. < Good Elastic Brogans, pr........... 99c. LASTS LU Rugs. A $1.50 Tapestry Brussels wool 98c. rug, Leap Year Sale price......... in Curtains. A good assortment Lace and o ed Muslin Curtains, pair different kind frill- 98c. ONLY .•I Towels. A big lot, several kinds, worth up one'price around, pair to 40c pair, all one table 19c. UJ £ Don’t Miss It. TEN K SHORT Mr. Churchwell has just spent three weeks in the bargain centers of the world, buying goods for this sale. A chance of a life time. ac LU < A. F DAYS. &C 0 •9 Starke Corner, Thomasville, GaJ Special Attention to Matt Orders. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Double Daily Passenger Service TO Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasvi|| e Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville, -AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS. Through Pullman Cars on all Through Train s AND TO New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and all points over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louh Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all’ noinK ^ u- Wes ’ ' and Northwest. Lv. Thomasville going east, 3:10 a. m., 6:15 a. m., 2:35 p. m. Lv. Cairo going east—No. 32, 5:40 a. m. No. 40, 1:46,p. m. No. 58, 2:29 p. m. Lv. Cairo going west--=No. 57, 1:39 a. m. No. 39,11:16 a. m No 35, 4:57 p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Albany 9:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Monticello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T Com pany for New York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Thomasville at 6:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jesup with throuri Thomasville sleeper for Washington, at 2:35 Philadelphia, makes connectiion New York at Waycross and the East. for the No. same’ 40, leaving p. m, easten * points. No. 57 leaviug at 1 :i 5 a. m. carries through sleepers to St. Louis. No leaving at 10:50 a. m. connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all Western points. For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A., J. A. TAYLOR, T. P. A Thomasville, Ga. ' W. H. LEAHY, D. P. A. W. Montgomery y a »* J. CRAIG, G. P A., Savannah, Ga. Wilmington, N. C. H. M. EMERSON, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. Groceries!! Get your Fancy and Family Groceries, Fine Fruits and Confectioneries. Also Delicious and Refreshing Drinks. AT THE Red Front Sto^e. Qeo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 18 A. L,. Oliver, ft Undertaker & Fnneral Director t keeps and complete A' : on hand a large line of coffins, caskets, bural robes r/j and undertakers supplies. We furnish our hearse free of cost w'itli coffins costing $15 aud upward. Office phone - ■ 12 Residence - - * 47 So Z/Saggett & *Cewts J’or J’ertilezer^ J&igj Srain & all kinda Seneral e ll/are/iousemen. Phone 58. New Stabler. I have just opened up a new on Bryan street near the right-of-way of the R. R. in Cairo, Ga. I am now ready to serve the public with first-class turnouts. Prices reasonable. Special attention given to com mercial service. Prompt attention to all. W. D. BARBER, Cairo, Ga. DR W M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Browne Drug Store. Cairo, Georgia. W. EARLE OLIVER, PHBSICIAN & SURGEON. Cairo, Goorgia Residence ’Phone No. 47 . Office Phone No. 12 . JNO.R. SINGLETERY. B. W. AdKIN ■ SINGLETERY & ADKINS, ATTORNEYS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Office over B. F. Powell’s store. Commercial law and Collection s.