The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, September 16, 1904, Image 2

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1904. F. J. WIND, Editor and Proprietor. Published every Friday at Cairo, Thomas county, Georgia. SUBSCRIPTION HATES, ONE YEAR ..... 0.00 SIX MONTHS ........50C THREE MONTHS 25 Entered as second-class matter Jannuary 21st, loot at the post office at Cairo, (>a„ under the Act of Congress of March 3rd. 1870. Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. Doubtless Colombia is enjoy ing the Panama situation huge ly. Moultrie’s public school open ed with an enrollment of three hundred puplis, says the Obser ver. The Cotton Trade Journal places the sea island cotton crop at 75,633 bales for the season of 1903 and 1904. We can see Panama’s annex ation finish “after the presiden tial election"—if the Rough Rider is elected. The Russians are stubborn defenders of intrenched posi tions' but they lack the financial bravery of the Japs. If you want the public to think you are smart, say some thing mysterious and look like a Woggle bug. Kuropatkin found the open door at Mukden, alright, but had scarcely time to shut it behind as he went through. A Connecticut woman is go ing to erect a monument over a deceased pet monkey. Is it pos sible that Harry Leahr is dead? The warm weather may re vive the failing strength of the straw hat temporarily, but the thing is undoubtedly doomed. In spite of the Republican claim that Roosevelt is already elected, the Democratic mana ge s insist on the election tak ing place, as usual. Thirty-one feet of snakes kill ed in one day is no very bad record. Mr. Cartfit was the man who done the killing says the Tifton Gazette. Russia is said to be planning to have a new navy built in the United States. It's an ill war wind that blows no nation com mercial good. However, not the least mark o' generalship is the ability to save men. All of Kuropatkin’s retreats are “masterly, He leaves little behind him. If the Wogglebug were fem inine and its remarks were to be on the subject of new fall hats possibly it would be easier to guess what it said. It may be superfluous to note that the apples the poor are packing off from the orchards of Deacon Roekfeller, by his tracit permission, are wind falls. Burglars entered a store in Moultrie on last Wednesday night arid secured $1 5.00 in cash from the drawers. The dogs were put on the tracks of a bare foot boy, and in consequence Fail Smith and his mother, ored, are now resting behind bars. When in Thomasville Don’t forget that you can save money on everything except something to eat AT CniJRCIIWELL’S cui-Price-siore Our store holds an invitation, open at all times, to visit us and inspect our stock, whether you buy or net.: : : Note Prices Below Genuine Corduroy Pants, something good $1.23. Men’s Pants in all grades, at prices to suit your pock et book. Boys’ Pants, good quality Cassimere (sizes 10 to 18) pair 48c. ... Boys’ Pants, something good, worth 40c, for, pair 25c. President Suspenders, ’ ’ the 50c kind pair 45c. Genuine “Guyat” Suspenders, the 25c kind, pair 20c. Mens’ Shirts, something worth $1.10 98c. Mens’ Shirts, something worth 75c 48c. Mens’ several Hats, styles_______ as good "z-— a line of f 1 50 hats as you ever saw- 98c. Ladies’ and Hats, Velvets, Ready-to-wear $2.00 goods, and at................................................... Trimmed in Scratch Felt 98c. A complete sell for line $1.25, of we Men’s sell r.-ogans for, pair............................................. in lace and elastic, others 9dC. OUR FALL STOCK Is daily arriving. We have received just scores of big bargains, and are receiving others*every day. Come and see our Fall Goods. If we haven’t got what you want now, we will have in -a $500 To be Given Away Remember you may get one of these cash prizes. See big circular for ex \ planation. A. F. Churchwell & Co., § 133 Broad si., Thomasville, Ga. Newspaper Advertising. The following clipping taken ! from the most reliable newspa- • pers published, the Savannah News, shows that there is no kind Of advertising pays as well; as newspaper advertising: “Printers ink, which is devot-i ed to advertising as an art, calls ' attention to the enormous re turns from newspaper advertis ing obtained by Canada. A few years ago the great north-! west territory of Canada was j practically unknown, and the Canadian government received; no benefit from it because it was a wilderness. Now it is fast filling up with a high-class of imigrants and dotted all over with farms, towns and villiages. It has become one of the great est wheat growing regions of the world. j When Mr. Clifford Sifton became minister of the interior of Canada, knowing the possi bilities of the great north-west ern territory, he determined to see what could be done by call ing attention to its possibilities by means of the newspaper. He spent a lot of money in get ting the newspapers to point out the advantages of the country for wheat raising, and he spent it judiciously. It wasn’t long before he began to get results. In 1896, the year before he took office the number of immigrants Canada received was only 14,- 863. Last year it was 123,364; In 1896 the great Northwest ter ritory received less than 100 im- | migrants from the United States. I Last year the nnmber was close to 50,000.” What Canada has done in the way of increasing her popula tion can be done for Cairo and this immediate section. News- j paper advertising is about the only kind of advertising that does pay. Negro and His Daughter Killed At Boston. Valdosta, Ga., Sept. 11.— News was received here today of the killing of a negro and his daughter at Boston by a negro named Will Drayton of Valdos ta. Drayton, who is alleged to have done the killing, has a bad reputation. It is said that he had a brother lynched in Fla., another brother hung in this state, and still another killed in an altercation. He also had a brother killed in a watermelon patch, and he has served the gi eater part of his life in the chaingang for various crimes. It is presumed that he made his escape after committing the crime, as the officers here were notified and asked to look for him here. “If at first you don’t succeed” is the way the Eufaula Daily Progress, a neat and newsy pa papei published at Eufaula, Ala., must have put it, for after a lapse of four months it again reaches our office right ride up and “backed up" by a good line of advertising patronage. Suc cess to the Progress. It is claimed that our alma ma ter, Thomasville, has a drawing card for country trade: Blind Tigers. Cairo pays good prices for all kinds of country produce, as a drawing card. The New York Herald says that one Mr. Wood of Washing ton has a pet crow named Jack, which can talk. Oh that is noth ing as there is a lot of talking done by “jaeks” in Washington. Pulaski county tax rate has been fixed at $5.20 per $1,000, and tb : s added to the state levy makes a totakol $00.00 per $1, 000; same as last year Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co Double Daily Passenger Service TO Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasvi|| e Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville, -AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS. Through'Pullman Cars on all Through Trains AND TO New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and all points LouisviT over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points Wt es ' and Northwest. Lv. Thomasville going east, 3:10 a. m., 6:15 a. m., 2:35 p. m. Lv. Cairo going east—No. 32, 5:40 a. m. No. 40, 1:46, d . m ' Nu 58, 2:29 p. m. Lv. Cairo going west—No. 57, 1:39 a. m. No. 39,11:16 a. m No 35, 4:57 ’ p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Albany 9:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Monticello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Com pany for New- York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Thomasville at 6:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jesup with through sleeper for Washington, Philadelphia, New York and the East. No. 40, leaving Thomasville at 2:35 p. m, makes connectiion at Waycross for the same eastern points. No. 57 leaviug at 1:15 a. m. carries through sleepers to St. Louis. No leaving at 10:50 a. m. connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all W estern points. For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A., J. A TAYLOR, T. P. A . Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery ’ LEAHY, \] a W. H. D. P. A.„ W. J. CRAIG, G P A., Savannah, Ga. Wilmington, N. C. H. M. EMERSON, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. Styliah and c llp~to-*Date. We refer to our large and varied STOCK OF MILLINERY which is now arriving. We bought the very newest and prettiest things in the ^ a!,d W1 1)6 ln a P° sition during the coming season to please the most fastidi ous To make room for these new goods, we must close out our entire stock of stmiiner Hals, silks, Ribbons, &c., at once. WHOLEALE COST is all we are asking for these goods and they are going fast. DON’T WAIT UtgeTTy onceand avail yourse^of tills opportunity to get a nice hat for a very Miss J. D. Brown & Co. Groceries!! Get your- Fancy and Family Groceries, Fine Fruits and Confectioneries. Also Delicious and Refreshing Drinks. AT THE R®d Front Store. Oeo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 18 *4 •J. L« Oliver, Undertaker & Fnneral Director keeps on hand a large and complete robes line of coffins, caskets, bural and undertakers supplies. free of cos We furnish our hearse with coffins costing $15 and upwarf. 11 Office phone - • - - - * 47 Residence - - - - - ' So Vo SSaggett < 5 c 3*or Sertilizera y Sfay, Sr a in & all kind# Seed Stuff Senorai Tl/arehousernefl* Phone 58.