The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, September 30, 1904, Image 4

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i to | % O a) oA m & m f®is ram NCCISTKNiO. T HIS is a quality that speaks for itself. We are selling more of the fa mous optlnuis and Royally Shoes, than any special shoe that we have ever yet put before the people. We are selling them all over the country, The style is beautiful; the shape is most com fortable; the wearing qualities are unexcelled. You will do well to come in and inspect these two special lines. You will be sur prised to se what a beautiful shoe, in both Style and Quality you can buy from us for the known price of $5 and $3.50 These we intend so make a spe cial appeal to the young men that appreciate style and quality at a cheap price. Every pair sold un der the manufacturers guarantee. We have them in Velour Calls, Colts, Vici Kids, half Patents, all Patents and so on. Shoes And besides ■Shoes, we have many, many different kinds of shoes, at many different prices. We can most surely fit your wants in any thing for the foot gear. Babies Shoes from 25 cents up. Childrens Shoes from 25 cents up. Ladies and Men Shoes at from —anv price up. See us for shoes we will save you money. S HOES HOES HOES HOES we we we we have. have will must sell too sell. many. YOU. if YOU will only give us a look for Quality, Style and Price, ours are ahead. REMEMBER. XVhat we say we do, we do do. Yours for close priceb, Cairo, Georgia. &&T, :} See the Vinol ad of Wight & Browne in today’s Messenger. Read the jewel stove adver tisement of the Cairo Furniture Co. in this issue. Mr. B. A. Alderman of Pine Park was selling cotton here Wednesday. Miss Rena Bouchelle of Thom asville spent part of the week with Mrs. Henrv Wight. Mr. Crawford Poulk returned home Tuesday night after spend some time at Preston, Ga. Misses Hattie Mauldin and Mamie Sapp attended at Long Branch Thursday. J Miss Alma Killiugswofth wh o has been spending some time with relatives here returned to her home at Blufton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Southall returned Monday afternoon from a visit to relatives at Madison, Fla. / Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cliett of near Pelham were shopping in the city Wednesday, While here Mr. Cliett sold some of the fleecy staple. Just keep it in your mind that Cairo needs a system of water works and electric lights, and she is going to have them if she has to vote bonds—which she will do in the near future as efforts are now being made in that direction. A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Church in Georgia, calculated to use over one hundred gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint in painting their church. They used only 82 gallons of the Longman & Martinez paint mixed with 24 gallons of linseed oil. Actual cost of paint made was less than $1.20 per gallon. Saved over $80.00 in paint, and/ got a big donation besides. j EVERY CHURCH will be giv en a liberal quantity whenever they paint. paililted j M any houses are well with four gallons of L. & M. and three gallons of linseed oil mixed therewith. \ Wears and covers like gold. \ These Celebrated Paints afe sold by Wight & Browne. \ Calvary Items. Miss Lena Belcher from near Whigham was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Maxwell Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Laura Strickland was the guest of Miss Clara Vickers Sunday. Mr. Mayron Sanders and wife of near Sofkee were the guests of their daughter, Mrs, Homer Butler Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John Finney of Whig ham was a visitor to Calvary Sunday. Quite a number of young peo ple attended the singing given by Misses Mary and Claudia Braddy. Mr. Lewis Butler attended the meeting at Poplar Spring Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. W. E Sanders of Cairo was the guest of homefolks last week. Mr. Arthur Butler and sister, Miss Lillie were visitors to Mid way Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Gandy Poppell and wife of. Concord w^re visitors to Mr. Vickers and family Sunday. The many friends of Miss Daisy Maxwell and little broth er regret to hear of their illness with typhoid fever. Miss Mary Maxwell and little Henry Yawn were visitors to Climax Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Bill Scott and Bryant were visitors to the river Tues day. Mr. Oscar Merritt was guest of his mother Sunday. White Rose. Woodland Items* BY UNCLE JAK*\ There was a good many from this community went to Thom asville Friday, and had the pleasure at least of seeing our representatives, if they could not get near enough to hear what they said. Mr. A. J. Hickey of Meigs was visiting relatives in our commu nity Saturday and Sunday. Mr. I. D. Singletary and fam ily went up to Mr. Rufus Ful ford’a Saturday returning Sun day morning, The people of the settlement scattered about Sunday, some to Pleasant Grove, some to Bold Spring and others to Long Branch to preaching. Of course Mr. Bartley Mathis had to entertain that young man who had come to spend some with him. ) Mr. Martin Baggett’s gin is again and I have not learned whether they will re pair and gin any more this sea son or not. Quite a number has gone to Cairo from here this week, some to trade while others carried cot ton to sell. Rev. Stubbs is protracting his meeting at Bold Spring, and Rev. Taylor Yit Long Branch this week. Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound on the effected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or cRest. Pain Balm has no superi or as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheu matic pains, For sale by Wight & Browne. . ' 4,014 Bales of cotton marketed here up to 12:15 o’clock Thursday with prices ranging from 10 to 11c. / --•*> • -- Graud and Petit Jurors. The following juries were drawn for the Superior Court which convenes on the 17th day of October, 1904: GRAND JURY. G E Stephens, J C Adams, B A Alderman. G W Ferrill, E A Carlton, Jas McKinnon, T G Hollowdy, Jno C Courtney, Henry Wight, C Walker, A B Cone, W W Dekle, R J Miller, Robt Dekle, R Thomas, Jr, LHJerger, S W Baker, Thos Wight, A W Ivey, J W Hall, A M Watson, J W Carroll, X F Lamb, L B Powell, C P McRae, M L Cook, J F Forester, W M Brooks W H Bibb, Sr, J F Pittman. PETIT JURY, 1ST WEEK. E LVanlandingham.B N Surles, J P Faulkner, T I Leak, W H Parker, B F Fulford, D S Dixon, H McManeus, J W Franklin, R L Merritt, T N Reddick, J R Evans, M J Simmons, R R Rehberg, W D Hargrave, J A Rogers, A B Connell, C H Benton, W E Chastain, T W Carter, D C Blanton, T P Walton, W W Linton. L A Barrow, Jas M Mize, J W Wilson, WG Crawford, A A Miller, O H Banks, Sebastain Dekle, C C Miller, R C Cooper, J W Sanders, G C Hughes, M C Sheffield. ii'-: PETIT JURY 2ND WEEK. J K P Martin, W C Matthews, W B Cochran, H D Phillips, C H Rice, J D Pittman, G W Howard, W W Benton, W F Cox. H H Singletary, J M Poulk, W H Poulk, J L, T C Duren, J C Prosser, J A Mitchell, T S Barrow, J A Odum, W B. Singletary, B McDonald, G W Barrow, Dan Willis, W H Boswell, W A Sarett, W M Sauders, L J Collins, R W Pearce, G A Redfearn, J W Reid, W C Lewis, L B Singletary, N Scroggins, T A Norris, H C Meyers, P' J Joiner, J G Taylor. Want the Messenger? Then bring us along most any kind country produce and pay subscription with it. If "a woman can’t find an ex cuse she makes one. hi A broker is a man who helps s customers to go broke. The piano practice of a girl is music to her mother only. Discard truth and bait your hook with flattery when you fish for suckers. A married woman wants pro tection at home and free trade at the dry goods stores. It is sometimes safer to throw kisses at a girl than it is to hand them to her. Many a man’s reputation for wisdom is due to the fact that he leaves most of his remarks unsaid. The man who writes a love letter doesn't necessarily make a fool of himself. He may neg lect to forward it. If, as the newspaper would have us believe, all birds are beautiful, where do all the homely ladies come from.— Chicago News. Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satis faction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.— Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by Wight & Browne. Remember that our job de partment is complete in every particular. Favor us with your orders. We guarantee satisfac tion. A London physician is re sponsible for the statement -that .» criminals are nearly always recruited from the early rising class. * * We have often noticed ourselves, that being around too /eel early in the mornings made us like committing a crime. County Directory. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. Robert G. Mitchell. Judge. W. E. Thomas, Solicitor General. E. M. Davis, Stenographer. J. W. Groover, Clerk. T. J. Hight. Sheriff. / COUNTY COURT. Charles P. Hansell, Judge. Roscoe Luke, Solicitor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. E. M. Smith, Chairman; J. S. Montgomery. Secretary; H. C. Copeland, J. Q. Bryan, J. D Barrow ann W. A. Pringle. Sessions—2nd Monday Civil Docket. 2nd Wednesday Criminal Docke4. COUNTY OFFICERS. P. S. Heeth. Tax Collector. John F. Howard. Tax Receiver. John F. Parker. Treasurer. A. J. Stanaland. Surveyor. Charles Gandy. Coroner City ©irectorv. Mayor—R. L. Van Landinghain, Mayor Pro-tem—K. Powell. Councilmen—W. A. Walker, K. P. Wight, K. Powell, C. E. Maulden and John L. Poulk. Clerk and Treasurer—Jonn L. Poulk. Marshal—R.L. Nicholson. Night Policemen—D. A. Brinson, HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. B. Wight.Chairman; W.B Roddenbery, Secretary ; K. Powell, Treas urer; W. S. Wight, L. F. Powell, L B. Powell Dr. W. A. Walker, W. G. Baggett, J. L. Poulk. (Sburcb SUrectorv. Methodist Church—R ev. G. P. Reviere. pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 7: :80 p. m. Sabbath school at 3:80. You are cordially invited to attend. Epworth League every Tuesday evening at 7:80. Baptist Church—R ev. T. A. White, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 3:30. The publieare cordially invited to attend. B. Y.P.U. every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Presbyterian Chucrh—R ev.W.D.Stimpson, pastor. Services every ith Sunday. Secret Societies. Masons—M 4tet every 2nd Friday night over Cairo Banking Co., Broad St. Knights ok Pythias— L. B. Powell. C. C., T A. Powell, K. of R. and S. Meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday night. $ 1 THE WOMAN'S CANDIDATE iS3j this year, as it has been for more than 40 years. Is the FUEL SAVING—WORK SAVING OLD RELIABLE JEWEL COOK STOVE which is used fn one out homes of every in a i seven the U. S. Is yours IM a JEWEL? If not, why not? 9£ Sold and If Recommended by Cairo Furniture Co. carter & Borough, Valdosta, Georgia, Lcpgesf ergan Dealers in me l.s srell the reliable ESTEY, CROWN, and Ludden and Bates* Organs at lower prices than the same grade of Organs can be sold elsewhere. Every one of them fully guaranteed by us, and our guarantee is made good in- your home without expense to the purchaser. We are also State Agents for the LESTER,MATGU8HEK.1VERS & PONI), LUDDEN & BATES, CROWN, CHICKER1NG, and McPHAIL Pianos. Catalogues and prices furnished on your inquiry. Represented in Southwest Georgia by Mr. W. F. Lee of Cairo, Ga. and others. Carter & Dorough, Valdosta and Tifton, Ga. Yinbl As delicious Fresh Body Orange The Builder New as a Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, actually taken from genuine fresh cods’ livers, with organic iron and other body-lmilding ingredients, but no oil or grease, making tha greatest strength and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak, pale women, nursing mothers, chronic cold, hacking coughs, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption—nothing equals Vinol. Try it—if you don’t like it we will return money. WIGHT. & BROWNE, Cairo, Ga. The Value of Reputation Is the Old Reliable sewing Machine with all of its Latest Improvements If you need a Machine don’t fail to see V. R. Davis, Agent for the Singer Manufacturing Co., T.hom asville, Ga. Office: 117 South Broad St. P. O. Box: 252. am in Cairo, Ga., every month about the 20th. We sell on three plans: Install ment, Note and Cash. Old Machines taken in ex change. See me before ,vou buy and I will sell. Satisfaction guaranteed. Yours for business, V. R. DAVIS. Notice First cuts of steak, 10c lb. Second cuts of steak, 8 l-3c lb. First cut loin roast, 10c lb. Second cut loin roast, 8 l=3c lb. Brisket roast, 7c lb. Flank stew, 6c lb. Ribbs, 5c lb. WE OFFER ThisWeek, In addition to regular stock of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Confections, Ice Cold Drinks Etc. Hams, Armour’s Gold Band, 5 3 Helmet 8 X X X Breakfast Bacon, Cudahy’s Rex Brand. Butter, Fresh Country, 3 3 Dairy, tt Creamery. Cheese, Full Cream of Best Quality. Fresh Lot of Conida’s Candies Just Received. Telephone Your Orders— The Rest. Ira L. Hurst ’Phone 31 Produce Market. ( Corrected Weekly By Wight Bros.) Cottoii........ 1 of Syrup (In bbls) 20C Corn (Shelled) per bu 6oc Corn (In ear) << “6oc Meal u. joe Peas.....(yellow) per bu $i-°° Peas.... (White a a i.5° .. Meat... (Sides) per lb IF ... Ui Hams... tt Lard.... it « i ic .(Grown) 30 and 35 c Chickens.. Chickens (Spring Fryers) 20 to Eggs............Per doz