The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, October 07, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. I. County directors. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. Rotiert G. Mitchell, Judj'p \V E. Thomas. Solicitor General. E M. Pavis, Stenographer, j \v. Groover, Clerk. •j j, Right. Sheriff. COUNTY COURT. Charles P. Hansell, Judge, Koseoe Luke, Solicitor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. E M. Smith, Chairman ; J. S. Montgomery, Secretary; H. C. Copeland, J. Q. Bryan, J. D. Barrow ann W . A. Pringle. Sessions—2nd Monday Civil Docket. 2nd Wednesday Criminal Docke4. COUNTY OFFICERS. P. S. Heeth, Tax Collector. John F. Howard. Tax Receiver. John F. Parker. Treasurer. A. J. Stanaland, Surveyor. Charles Gandy, Coroner dity.EHrectoty. Mayor—R. L. Van Landingham, Mayor Pro-tem—K. Powell. Councilmen—W. A. Walker, K. P. Wight, K. Powell, C. E. Maulden and John L. Poulk. Clerk and Treasurer—Jonn L. Poulk. Marshal—R.L. Nicholson. Night Policemen—D. A. Brinson, HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. B. Wight, Chairman ; W.B Roddenbery, Secretary; K. Powell, Treas urer; \V. S. Wight, L. F, Powell, L B. Powell Dr. W. A. Walker, W. G. Baggett, J. L. Poulk. <5burcb Directory Methodist Ohuech— Rev. G. P. Reviere. pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sabbath school at 8:80. You are cordially invited to attend. Epworth League every Tuesday evening at 7:80. Baptist Ciiubch— Rev. T. A. White, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 3:30. The public are cordially invited to attend. B. Y.P.U. every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Presbyterian Ohucrh— Rev.W.D.Stiinpson, pastor. Services every 4th Sunday. Secret Societies. Masons— Meet every 2nd Friday night over Cairo Banking Co., Broad St. Knights of Pythias—L. B. Powell, C. C., T A. Powell, K. of R. and S. Meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday night. DR W M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Browne Drug Store. Cairo, Georgia. JOHN R. SINGLETARY, ATTORNEY. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Offiee over B. F. Powell’s store. Commercial law and Collections. W. EARLE OLIVER, PHBSICIAN & SURGEON. Cairo, Goorgia. Residence ’Phone No. 47. Office ’Phone No. 12. Boarding House. Broad St., Cairo, Ga. Rates-$1.00 Per Day. Fare and Service Excellent. Mrs. Jennie Bell, Proprietress. We have been requested to announce that there will be a tent meeting on Bryan street. ln the pine grove just beyond Mr. W. D. Barber’s new stables, commencing the on Saturday before second Sunday in October at i i o’clock. Preaching day and night for °ne week by Rev. Rolfe Hunt, e ditor of Congressional Metho thodist, Brunson. assisted by Rev. T. J. 1 he public are cordially in vited. m fifr Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, October 7, 1904. ) ANOTHER WARNING 10 SHOW 01 PEOPLE HIE Four IN NOT HAVING A GOOD 8YTEI Of WATER WORKS. Considerable excitement was created in the city last Friday night by a fire which resulted in the complete destruction of the warehouse. The fire was discovered by A. D. Brinson, night police, about 12 o’clock. After firing his pis tol several times he hurried to the bell and gave the alarm. The citizens gathered very rap idly, but the fire by this time had gained such headway that it was useless to try to save the building. Fortunately none of the nearby buildings caught, although one was in the act of catching several times, but by the hard work of the people it was prevented. The burned building was in sured for $1,500, being equally divided between the Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co. and the Home Insurance Co. of New York. Mr. Sam B. Wight of Albany. Ga., special agent for the Liv erpool, London & Globe was here Monday adjusting their claim, and was also instructed by the Home Insurance Co. to make adjustment for them. He recommended that full settle ment be made, which amount will fully cover Mr. Sapp’s loss, leaving Cargill-Wight Co., of Columbus, Ga., the only losers, they having aoout $350 worth c f canned syrup stored in the building. This loss should open the eyes of our good people, and cause them to cast their ballot for the electric lights and water works, for our escape of what might have been a disasterous fire for Cairo was narrowly averted, and even a small fire like this about exhausted all convenient water supplies. A woman likes to be truly loved and to be told so. She likes some noble, honor able man to be thoughtful of her, kind and considerate of her wel fare. When well and becomingly dressed, a quiet notice of it is appreciated, word of praise tor nice A a dinneror supper often more than compensates her for the worry and work of preparation. husband not She wants her to be her supporter, but her com panion, remembering that it IS the kind word that often brings more happiness than a new set of dishes, though presents like the latter are welcome. She likes to be made to real ize that she is good for some thing besides a mere household drudge. be petted occa She likes to sionally, but not in public. The little private pet names are very dear to a waman’s heart.—Lou isville Times. For Granite and Marble Monu ment and Iron Fencing, write R. A. Weldon. Thomasvilie Marble Co. \\J E ii I . I fl ne; has no rival tisket and all were El 1 '® -THCfiSS COltn TRIED OFFI CERi. Still fii Inf mu. The election in Cairo on last Wednesday for both state and county officers was very quiet. The following is the vote polled in Cairo for and against the Amendments: For amendment I, 124. Against amendment I, 1. For amendment II, 107. Against amendment II, 9. For amendment III, 118. Against amendment III, 4. "For amendment IV, 121. Against amendment IV, 7. The balance of the ticket was pretty generally voted, there being nothing of more vital im portance. We will publish the election returns in full next week. Mrs. T. W. Wood of Camilla, is visiting relatives and friends in Cairo. She is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Bell. B.F.Williams & Son soil Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff of all kinds. Mr. J.M.MartinJr., represent ing the Kalola Company of Sav annah, Ga., was calling on the business men of Cairo Wednes day. It will pay you to visit Forester Bro’s store before buying your Fall and Winter Goods. Mr. Thomas Singletary, the gentleman who looks after the gentlemen while in the “cooler,” was a visitor to Cairo Thursday. B. F. Williams & Son have put on a dray line in connection with their line of Grain, Hay and all kinds of Feed Suff. Miss Lucie Odom returned from Sellars, Ala , Sunday where she lias been the guest of her sister, Miss Nora for some time. I desire to sell 10 or 12 hogs ready for meat this winter. See me in Cairo Saturday, Oct. 8th, or call at my farm. B. D. Hartsfield. Messrs. C. Dekle, E. Miller and L. M. Powell returned from Cedar Springs Wednesday. When you are ready to buy heavy underwear, see our line. We can save you money. Forester Bros., Cairo, Ga. Mesdames Frank Brown, R. L. VanLandingham, Miss Mis souri Brown and Ward Wight left Wednesday to attend the district conference of the Home and Foreign mission society held in Thomasville. A complete line of General Merchandise bought direct from the leading markets of the world. Quality and prices right. Forester Bros • J Cairo, Ga. Hon. Fondren Mitchell, Col. Theo. Titus, Major W. C. Snod grass and Lieut. Roscoe Luke, four learned lawyers of Thomas ville’s, were in Cairo making the welkin ring at “learning hall” last Thursday. Mr. O. B. Caldwell who has been spending <ome time with friends and relatives here, left Friday last for his home at Kis simmee, Fla. If You Had A Barrel of Money It would be nonsense for you to keep on paying two prices for what you buy while we still sell goods at =-“Live and Let Live” Prices. Many have accepted our offer, and are getting more goods for their money than ever before, while others seem to prefer to keep in the same old rut: trading at stores where goods are sold at exhorbitant prices, with little or no regard to quality. Resolve Now to Get Out of The Rut, and come over with us and our band of satisfied customers. We realize fully the Powerful Purchasing Power "Of the== Almighty Dollar, and in buying our Fall and Winter stock the ready cash has been an important factor, and we have used it as a big lever with which to Pull Prices down to their lowest Possible Point, with out sacrificing the least bit of quality. We extend to you and your friends a cordial invitation to come and see for yourselves the Good Things we have for you. The Neatness and Com pleteness of our stock will surprise you, and we will take pleasure in show ing you through ==0ur Large Stock" m OONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, & Clothing, Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Clocks, Guns, Crockery, Groceries, &c„ &c. Come to see us. we will Treat You Right. Yours for Lower Prices, 9/fauldin t/2ros. y jtdverrisors of J’aoU, Cairo, Sa. On the Crrmr 9?ext to Citizens Siank. i Did you vote last Wednesday? What do you say about water works? Sheriff T. J. Hight visited Cairo a few days ago. Mr. W. J. White paid home folks a visit last Sunday. Work has began on Mr. L. B. Powell's store house. All of Cairo’s merchants are doing a fine business. Read the advertisement of Mauldin Bros, in this issue. Judge W. M. Harrell of Bain bridge, was in Cairo Thursday. Mr. Henry Heeth from near Cairo, was on the streets Thurs day. Miss Lizzie Butler from near Calvary, was shopping in Cairo Tuesday. Mr. E. M. Maxwell was among the number who spent Sunday out of town. Read what Forester Bros, have to say in this issue of the Messenger. Miss Ada Trulock spent the first of the week here the guest of Miss Mae Crawford. Farm and hogs for sale by B. D. Hartsfield. See local ads in todays Messenger. Mr. Clisby Trulock and wife of Whigham were visitors to the city Monday. Mr. C. L. Brinson who has been in Moultrie for .some time has returned home. Hon. S. A. Roddenbery was a visitor to the city the latter part of last week. Mr. P. S. Heeth, the best tax collector in the state, paid Cairo a business visit Thursday. A. F. Churchwell & Co., of Thomasville have a new ad in today’s Messenger. Read it. Cotton continues to come into Cairo at all hours of the day and very near all hours of the night. Col. H. j. Hart is visiting in Thomasville this week. He is the guest of Messrs. G1 ndy & Mallette. Miss Jannie McRae returned to her home at Boston Monday after spending several days very pleasantly with Mrs. Clowerand family. Mr. B. H. Porter, represent ing the reliable Manhattan Life Insurance Co., has been calling on the citizens of the town and county this week. Mr. Will Stringer is now with Messrs. Mauldin Bros. When you need a sewing machine ail you have to do is call on Mr. Stringer. W. P. Sparks, Thomasville, Ga., has one 25 horse boiler fo 1 sale. Good as new. Terms very reasonable. Write to him. The reason that so many of Thomas county farmers come to Cairo is that they can always find a good market for their pre duce, and the merchants don’t Show any partiality; always ready to serve the sons of toil or the millionaire. Fine farm for sale three quart ers mile from Cairo, 115 acres, 25 in fine state of cultivation, balance fine timber,well improved and offered at a bargain. Hartsfield, B. D. Moultrie, Ga. IVO. 39.