The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, October 07, 1904, Image 3

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.1 ! MSI* i L Beginning w : th the afternoon of the tenth of October the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies will observe jointly their annual week of thanksgiving and prayer at the Methodist church. The ob ject of these meetings is to dif fuse missionary knowledge, culti vate the missionary spirit, and to bring home to the hearts of the workers the blessings that they ar^ striving to shed into" other lives. The ladies of thes ties cordially invite their friends to meet with them. There is lit t j e of routjpe about these pr - grumes , and the exercises are .x. ten ded to be so broad in spirit that there shall be no suggestion o f anything denominational, since m ( i woman’s work for women, 5 J all Christian churches are at one. The meetings will occupy five af ternoons—two of which will be devoted to the foreign work, two to the home missions, and the fifth to a consecration service in which all are asked to take part. When this paper appears the District Missionary Conference will be in session in Thomasville. We hope that, many ot our read ers will be there. The programes are very interesting and helpful. There is much to be learned and much to be enjoyed in these times of meeting with the women from other parts of the district. Let every worker who reads these lines, at least give her bit of help, by saying a fervent prayer for guidance and wjsdom to be given these who are to take part m the exercises. NOT LOST. It is not for us to think that that is lost which is not public recognition. The most sacred things are the things about which men are most reticent and silent The seed does not fall in the earth with any noise; it falls as silently as the dew, and in the si lence it takes root and sprouts and grows, and one day far hence, perhaps, bears it full fruit. Could we hear seed fall, our harvests grow, we might then expect that t he good deeds which sanctify and beautify and happify life would be heard in* mellow music. Inas much as such things are not heard, let us not expect that life’3 truest and fullest service will find ex pression in sound, in report, and in “resolutions” printed in the press.—Selected. Sometimes in spite of fhe en couraging tidings from every quarter of the field, the home workers grow a little discouraged, and wonder why, it is, that the coming of the kingdom cannot like the spread of light, a swift f dlowing a single ./Command of the Lord. It has been said that although God could evangelize the . world without the assistance of man, it has not pleased Him to so arrange the plan of salvation. The redemption of men comes al ways, directly or indirectly through wisdom human intervention. The of this plan shows in the fact that as Dr. Drummond has said, that “Work is given to men not only nor so much perhaps, be cause the world needs it. Men make work, but work makes men. 5 5 God answers prayer; sometimes w T hen hearts are weak, He gives the very gifts believers seek. But often faith must learn a deeper rest, And trust God’s silence when he does not speak; For he, whose name is Love, will send the best. Stars may burn out, nor mountain walls endure, But God is true, his promises are sure 1 o those who seek. —Myra Godwin. A Very Remarkable Remedy. a It is with good deal of pleas a ure and satisfaction that I recom mend Chamberlain’s Colic, Chole J’u and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says I°rd, Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, of Hart Conn. It Recently a gentle man came into my store so over come with colic pains that he sank at once to the floor. I gave him a dose of this remedv and it help mi him. I repeated the dose and m fifteen minutes he left my store smuingly f“lt informing me that by he " as well as ever.” For Bale ight & Brow ne. mm Killed His Rattler. Gome weeks since, the G i j | captured z -fold of a large rattlesnake j by Mr. Henry Shan non, of Funder, which he was keeping captive until he had a chance to sell it. \ arious things were tried to tempt the rattler's appetite, the most successful being a live rabbit, which he ate readily. Last week in the woods near his home, Mr. Shannon caught! j a live chicken snake and put it I * n a sac ^ t0 ^ ee< ^ to Kis rattler.! j 0n his wa > T home he found a j king snake, this too he caught and took along, although it was not a good day for snakes. - | 'l he king snake was put in j the sackwith the chicken snake, ! when he arrived home and empt ied them out, only about six inches of the chicken snake’s tail was sticking from the king snake’s mouth. But the motion of travel must have turned his kingship’s stomach for he did the whale act, and the chicken snake recovered his liberty. Both reptiles were put in the the cage with the big rattler and a day and night later, when Mr. Shannon took a look at his snakes the chicken was gone, the big rattler dead and the king snake was monarch of the pen The singular part of the oc curence is that the rattler was about ten times as long as the king snake, and how the latter managed to overcome, him is a mystery. The big fellow must have put up a fight well worth looking at before giving up the ghost.—Tifton Gazette. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be suppris ed at the great popularity of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectu ally and permanently, but pre vents these diseases from result mg in ] eumonia. It is also a certain cure for croup. Whoop ing cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not supprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at home, esteem this rem edy very highly and very few are willing to take any other after having once used it. For sale by Wight & Browne. He Started a Match Charity. A small newsboy, who had picked up the stump of a cigar stepped into an up-town gro cery shop, says the Philadelphia Press. it Say, mister, give us a match?” he said to the man be hind the counter. We do not give away match es ; we sell them,” the clerk re plied. boy. How much?” said the << Cent a box,” was the reply. Diving down into his pocket, the boy produced the cent, say ing, “Gimme a box.” Receiving the matches, the youngster proceeded to light his cigar, and then, leaning across the counter, he handed the box of matches to the clerk and re marked: it Say, mister, you jes’ take these here matches and put 'em where they’ll be handy, and when some other gentleman steps in and asks fer a match don’t you sell him a box, but jes’ give him one on me. And with a dignified air the boy walked out of the shop. Many Mothers of a Like Opinion. Mrs Pilmer, of Cordover, Iowa, says: “One of - my children was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the same I do about this remedy and as kind for their want no other Wight & children.” For sale by Browne. vow 4mttm fee / 8lok^ri)tck “Elastic” Bookcase and Desk combined. Permits as much or as little book space as wanted. Comprises Desk Unit with few or many Book Units as desired. Roomy, conven ient, attractive. Call and see it or write for catalogue 104 We are exclusive i] agents for these goods. We also have a nice line of Combination Cases AND WRITING DESKS, which are both useful and ornamental. When in need of FURNITURE remember that we carry the entire line and can meet your wants. fefltw 4mXm feet / r 5, w Churchwell & Co. Cuts the Price, yfc: Sells Everything But Something to Eat ' A, Six spools best sewing thread______ 25c. Paper Gold Eyed Needles. 1c. 25c Needle Book, (5 papers, etc) 5c. 10c Suspenders................................ 8c. 25c Suspenders_____________________________ 15 and 18c. A President 50c Suspenders............... 45c. Men’s best 4-ply Linen Collars. Sc. Men’s 50c Fleeced Underwear 38c. 4 '-4 Men’s 75c Fleeced Underwear____ .48c. Job lot Men’s Hats, cleaned up, our stock, odds and ends, worth up to $1.50, choice________ J50c. Boys 50c Hats____________________ ____25c. Men’s $1.50 Cassiniere Pants. 95c. OX BREECHES, another pair free if they rip, from $ 1.25 to 3.50 ioc Outings, yard________ ________8c. All Calicoes, Checked Homespun, Sea Island, yard wide Ticking, etc., yard___________________________________________ ............_5c. Ladies $1.25 work and Sunday ^hoes........ ............98c. One Lot Ladies work Shoes____________________________ ............50c. Men’s $1.25 Brogans and Sunday Shoes...... _.......98c. Men’s $7.50 Suits__________________________________________ ......84.98c. Every $1 traded gets a guess at $500.00 Prizes. Biggest assortment good Goods cheaply priced in town. L E. CMIRCHWEEE & CO., starhes Old corner. Thomasviuc, da. \ mm Shoe Facts If you are having trouble with - shoddy shoes, put your feet into i a pair of the Brown Shoe ^ 9 . Shoes. They are best by every test. We have the most complete line in town to select from, in all shapes and leathers, for Men, Women and Children. We invite comparison on these well known Shoes. J. L. Oliver, Exclusive Dealer for Cairo. CANE MlLLS The Best Cane Mill on the Market today is the Sutherland Mill Twenty Sizes and Styles for Steam a Horse Power TWO and THREE ROLLERS. Catalogue and Net Prices on application. D. T. Sutherland, Machine Works and Foundry, Bainbridge, : Georgia. Be sure and ask for «the Sutherland Mill. It is flhe best. j The City Shaving Parlor.? 1 Jhaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. t V Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, Tharp d Tools, a Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. ft R. O. LEWIS «Sfc SON, Proprietors. * The: :: Jewelry Store.:: On hand at all times a stock of Watches, verware, Spectacles and struments of all kinds. 1 Watches from $2.25 to $75.t I have Rings from 25c to Will soon have in a full lin of New Clocks, Rogers and Spoons. If you are ing of buying a Piano or gan, if you need anything my line I can fit your and your purse. Come and talk it over with me. Bring all your watches and that need mending. J. O- WILLIAMS, Jeweler, CAIRO, : t Cancer Positively Cured! Any dreadful one disease suffering from can be and permanently cured by plying Whigham, to A. S. Powell Ga., who can ish testimonials of nearby whom you may personally of his as to the nency treatment. o. NEW CROP OP Turnip, Ruta Baga and Cabbage Seed just received at Peacock’s Drug Store, Thomas vile, Georgia. Agency Sherwin Williams Paints. lib Broad Street. New Stables. I have just opened up a new on Bryan street near the right-of-way of thecR. R. in Cairo Ga. I am now ready to serve the public with first-class turnouts. Prices reasonable. Special attention given to com mercial service. Prompt attention to all. W. D. BARBER, Cairo, Ga.