The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, October 14, 1904, Image 2

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1904. F. J. WIND, Editor and Proprietor. Published every Friday at Cairo, eotmty, Oeorgla. SUBSCRIPTION HATES, ONE YEAR........... SIX MONTHS THREE MONTHS Entered as second-class matter 21 st, 1004 at the post office at Cairo. Ga., the Act of Congress of March 3rd. 18.«. Advertising rates reasonable, and upon application. What day of next would a turkey suggest to Was the Watson dinner New York rated at a dollar real or flat money? It is just as bad, to all and purposes, for a man to he’s sick as for him to really sick. It is about time for the bone weather prophet to along and tell us what kind winter we are goiug to The consolidated returns a majority of the counties last week’s election, that all four of the were carried. The Pelham Journal comes the front with the sugar cane of the season, had 17 joints and measured 7 feet 7^ inches. Indianapolis at the Fair enjoyed herself every ment.except when the asked if that was where all naval cadets come from. Hon. F. B. Sirmans of county comes to the front as champion corn raiser—80 els of corn to the acre is record. Men are prone to boast what good housekeepers would make, and then they * their meals at a restaurant their wives leave home. Don’t fret because kin hasn't found Kuroki’s He’ll locate it by the process if he waits around den a few more days. Frank S. Rockefeller, crat, is running for the ture in Russell county on an anti-trust platform, is a cousin of John D. ler. Mr. Cleveland is not going make speeches during the paign, but in all probability will say something from time time, and what he says mean something. Whitely Williford, the who was to hang at Camilla Friday, did not pay the His case was carried to the preme Court. Anothei of the “law taking its course. Anyone who doubts the sertion that the Democrats started their whirlwind paign will be set right on cation to the Republican gers. During a recent fire in a York tenement, abbut cats and dogs were thrown of the windows. The er was not around, but the animal contractor got a haul. I * Yes, they are coming and ere long we hope will be a reality. The City Council is having the necessary ordinance drafted, authorizing the calling of an election and as soon as this or dinance is passed the election will be advertised and held. Let everybody rally to the sup port of these much needed im provements and thus place our town in the fore front. We can’t afford to be trailing behind when other towns all around us are forging ahead. Nothing will do more to build up and advertise the town to the world at large than ■ water works and electric lights. We can never hope to have a manu facturing enterprise locate here until these improvements are put in and moneyed men look ing for a location rarely stop in a town that is so behind the times as to be without any means to fight fire and whose streets are poorly lighted. Cai ro now has the reputation of be ing a live, progressive town and if we expect to maintain this reputation we must be up and doing. Preparations for the construc tion of the Panama canal under American auspices go on apace. The canal commission is making arrangements for the erection at a convenient point or the canal line of a large embalming, un dertaking and cremating plant. X is proposed to cremate all the todies of victims of contagious and infectious diseases, anti send their ashes home to relatives or friends, where such course is requested. Those who die of diseases that are not cotagious infectious will be embalmed and sent home. A man with whiskers that ended at his waist was hanged in Illinois the other day, the first man with beard to be hang ed in that state, Not that whiskers that long has any li cense to escape hanging. It is not altogether true that the South has cotton pickers tc burn. Horses And Mules! A good Assortment of Farm and Plantation Stock. We will be at W. D. Barber’s stables, Cairo, Ga., October 22. We will have a carload from Kentucky of all sorts of good mules and horses to sell or trade. We will be glad to have our friends call and see us. We ctvn save them money. We buy for cash and sell at small profit. We want all to come and what we will have on hand above date and we will make interesting. BE VANS & BARRETT. I Churchwelt & Co. .gP; V Cuts the Price. Cells Everything But Something to Eat Six spools best sewing thread_____ _.....25c. Paper Gold Eyed Needles Ic. 25c Needle Book, (5 papers, etc).. 5c. ioc Suspenders .......8c. 25c Suspenders....... ........15 and 18c. President 50c Suspenders____________________ 45c. Men’s Lest 4-ply Linen Collars__________ 5c. Men’s 50c Fleeced Underwear________ 38c. Men’s 75c Fleeced Underwear 48c. Job lot Men’s Hats, cleaned up, our stock, odds and ends, worth up to $1.50, choice.......... 50c. Boys 50c Hats_____ ___________25c. Men’s $1.50 Cassimere Pants. ............95c. OX BREECHES, another pair free if they rip, from $1.25 to 3*SO ioc Outings, yard ... _____ 8 c. All Calicoes, Checked Homespun, Sea Island, yard wide Ticking, etc., yard__________________________________ 5c. Ladies $1.25 work and Sunday Shoes 98c. One Lot Ladies work Shoes. 50c. .. Men’s $1.25 Brogans and Sunday Shoes. 98c. Men’s$7.50 Suits__________________*................... ............$4.98c. Every $1 traded gets a guess at $500.00 Prizes... »■ Biggest assortment good Goods cheaply priced in town. & A. F. CKflRCHWEEL & CO., f starkes Old Corner. Thomasvilie, (a. I Shoe Facts If you are having trouble with shoddy shoes, put your feet into a pair of the Brown Shoe Co’s Shoes. They are best by every test. We have the most complete line in town to select from, in all shapes and leathers, for Men, Women and Children. We invite comparison on these well known Shoes. J. L. Oliver, Exclusive Dealer for Cairo. CANE MILLS The Best Cane Mill on the Market today is the sulkrlaM Mil Twenty Sizes and Styles for Steam a Horse Power TWO and THREE ROLLERS. Catalogue and Net Prices on Application. D. T. Sutherland, Machine Works and Foundry, Bainbridge, : Georgia. Be sure and ask for 'the Sutherland Mill. It is the best. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Double Daily Passenger Service TO Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasvilie Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville, -AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS. Through Pullman Cars on all Through Trains AND TO New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and all points east over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points W e.-i and Northwest. Lv. Thomasvilie going east, 3:10 a. m., 6:15 a. m., 2:35 p. m. Lv. Cairo going east—No. 32, 5:40 a. m. No. 40, 1:46,p. m. No. 58, 2:29 p. m. Lv. Cairo going west—No. 57, 1:39 a. m. No. 39,11:16 a. m, No. 35, 4:57 p. m. Lv. Thomasvilie for Albany 9:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Thomasvilie for Monticello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Com pany for New York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Thomasvilie at 6:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jesup with through sleeper for Washington, Philadelphia, New York and the East. No. 40, leaving Thomasvilie at 2:35 p. m, makes connectiion at Waycross for the same eastern points. No. 57 leaviug at 1:15 a. m. carries through sleepers to St. Louis. No. 39 leaving at 10:50 a. m. connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all Western points. information call Ticket address For further on nearest Agent or T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A., J. A. TAYLOR, T. P. A., Thomasvilie, Ga. Montgomery, ' Ala. W. H. LEAHY, D. P. A. 11 W. J. CRAIG, G P. A., Savannah, Ga. Wilmington, N. C, H. M. EMERSON, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. Styliah and Wp-to-^Date. We refer to our large and varied STOCK OF MILLINERY which Is now arriving. We bought the very newest and prettiest things in the market and will be in a position during the coming season to please the most fastidi ous. To make room for these new goods, we must close out our entire stock of SiriDner Hats, Silks, Ribbons, sc., at once. WHOLEALE COST is all we are asking for these goods and they are going fast. DON’T WATT but eome at once and avail yourself of this opportunity to get a nice hat for a very little money. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. Mill Supplies And Steam Fittings. I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. Harry J. Hart, Tinner and Steam Fitter, # CAIRO, GEORGIA. Repair work of all kind done at reason* ale prices. J. L,. Oliver, Undertaker & Fnneral Director n R line keeps of on coffins, hand caskets, a large and bural comply ro III s? and undertakers supplies. free of . co ‘ We furnish our hearse Bl H with coffins costing $15 and up war • Office phone - • - - - 47 P* Residence - - - . ■ So Uo Siaggett (Sc jCewis fertilizers, ffag, Sratf & all kinds feed Stuff* v c- Seneral A Warehousemen! Phone 58.