The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, October 21, 1904, Image 3

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I jEocal Stems find Personal —-^ § 6 jlM ‘ * Ttfention. ,i» » j hi I Mr. McEachern is again in nc city Mr }■ H. Pearce was in town Monday. Cairo merchants are all doing fine business. Mr. F. B. Walslf visited Thom. a sville Tuesday. Mr. Autiey of Moultrie spent [■ ridav in the city. Mr. Walter Davis visited p homasville Tuesday 7 . Quite a number of Cairoites \ IS sited Pine Park Sunday. Mr. Mack Harrison visited’ Bainbridge Monday night. C a pt. H. J. Hart was a visitor to Thomasville last Monday. • Quite a crowd of Cairoites visited Bainbridge last Monday. It is your duty to work for electric lights and water works. Mr. J. W. Miller made a busi ness visit to Iron City Tuesday. Capt. W. E. Dunn paid Whig ham a business visit last Mon day. W. B. Brown went over to Whigham last Monday, on busi ness. The cry of more mort” is a familiar sound in Cairo just now. Mr. H. M. McManeus attend ed court at Thomasville this week. Mr. Lee Roy Dickey of Iamon ia, Fla., was in the city Tues day. A good rain seems to be a thing much needed in these parts. Save the coupons as they ap pear in each issue of the Mess enger. Capt. W. E. Dunn visited Thomasville the first part of the week. Mr. Norman Peebles of Whig ham was a visitor to the city Fiiday last. Mr. Will Rhoden of Moultrie was a business visitor to the city Monday, Capt. Peebles of Whigham was transacting business here o Tuesday. Mr. T. A. Powell was a tor to the city of Bainbridge on Monday last. The prettiest young lady Cairo attended divine Sunday night. Prof. F. C. A. Kell am Thomasville Saturday af and Sunday. Miss Nora Odom of Ala., spent Sunday and with homefolks. Mr. Ivey Lewis after a visit to Bainbridge returned Cairo last Tuesday. W. J. White, the king ant in Coolidge, visited folks in Cairo this week. Miss Rosa Pearce of ham spent Saturday and here, the guest of Mrs. Dr. Searcy attended the ture of Hon. Ben Tillman Cambridge last Monday Miss Dixie Truloek of ham was the guest of Miss lia Crawford Saturday and day. Mr. J. M. Sasser from Reagan settlement was a ness visitor to the city day. Mr. Charles Mauldin, the effi cient and courteous gentleman who manipulates the yard stick at the genera] mercantile firm of the Messrs. Poulk Bro., while it knowing what he knows,’ on the whole entire business, was a visitor to Bainbridge last Monday night. He expresses himself as being well pleased with the lecture of “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman. Many Mothers of a Like Opinion. Mrs. Pilmer, of Cordover, Iowa, says: “One of iny children was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the same as I do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children. 5 5 For sale by Wight & Browne. You see that pile of brick on Broad street? Well, that means that Mr Kedar Powell is going to have an up-to-date brick store built on that vacant lot between the Cairo Furniture Company and the jewelry store of Mr. J. O. Williams. All you have to do is to set steady in the boat, Cairo is bound to get there. Cause of Lockjaw. Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive so long as exposed to the air. but when carried beneath the skin, as in the wounds caused by percussion caps or rusty nails, and when the air is excluded the germ is roused to activity and produces the most virulent poison known. These germs may be destroyed and all danger of lockjaw avoided by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely as soon the injury is received. Pain Balm is an anfci ceptic and causes such injuries to in heal without maturation and one-third the time required by the usual treatment. For sale by Wight & Browne. ——t - The printer who made the error last week in the advertise mentment of the Cairo F'urni ture Co., has been sent to join the Russian forces and by this no doubt he is counted among the slain. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be suppris ed at the great popularity of Cham berlain VOough Remedy. It not on ly cures colds and grip effectu ally and permanently, but pre vents these diseases from result ing in pneumonia. It is also a certain cure for croup. Whoop- 1 ng cough is not dangerous when this remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful stance and may be given as dently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take, When all of these facts are taken consideration it is not that people in foreign lands, well as at home, esteem this edy very highly and very few willing to take any other having once used it. For sale Wight & Browne. See that handsome gold in the show window of J. ‘O. Williams, the jeweler? why not subscribe for the enger, save the coupons vote for your best girl, get w atch and give it to her.' A Very Remarkable Remedy. 4 4 It is with a good deal of and satisfaction that I ure Chamberlain Colic, mend s ra and Diarrhoea Remedy, Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, of ford Conn. “Recently a man came into jny store so with colic pains that he come floor I gave at, once to the and dose of this romedv it a repeated the dose ed him. I left in fifteen minutes he my smilingly inf inning me that felt well as ever. For sale as Wight & Brow me. » he \ alue of Reputation Is the Old Reliable ^ • oinger _ Sewing Machine with all of its Latest Improvements If you need a Machine don’t fail to see V. R. Davis, Agent for the Singer Manufacturing Co., Thom asville, Ga. Office: 117 South Broad St. P. 0. Box: 252. m I am in Cairo, Ga., month about the 20 th. We sell on three plans: ment, Note and Cash. Old Machines taken in change. See me before you buy and will sell. Satisfaction guaranteed. Yours for business, V. R. DAVIS. First cuts of steak, 10c Second cuts of steak, 8 l=3c First cut loin roast, 10c Second cut loin roast, 8 I=3c Brisket roast, 7c Flank stew, 6c Ribbs, 5c STOVES and RANGES Do more than save money every day they ■:p are used. They also lighten the house* wife’s labors and keep the home cheerful. IT’S THE WOMAN WHO SUFFERS most because of a poor stove, with its work making and worry producing only in defects. The man suffers T purse, but the woman’s health and happiness are ruined. Love thrives in comfort. For »h« think in* man and woman there ykot.ia are many reaions why you tnarst upon having a fuel-raving JEWEL STOVE Please call and see them, and consult Cairo Furniture Co. carter fi borough, vaiflosta, Georgia, Largest orgas Healers in the u.s Sell the reliable ESTEY, CROWN, and Ludden and Bates Organs at lower prices than the same grade of Organs can be sold elsewhere. Every one of them fully guaranteed by us. and our guarantee is made good In' your home without expense to the purchaser. & POND. ..... We are also State Agents for the LESTER. M ATGUSHEK.TVERS LOUDEN A- BATES, CROWN, CHICKER1NU, and McPIIAIL Pianos. (SitaJogues and prices furnished on your inquiry. Represented in Southwest Georgia by Mr. W. F. Lee of Cairo . Ga. and others. & Dorough, Carter Valdos'a and Tifton, Ga. ' JfK ' it u The New Body Builder As delicious as a Fresh Orange Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, actually taken from genuine fresh cods’ livers, with organic iron and other body-building ingredients, but no oil or grease, making the greatest strength and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak., pate women, nursing mothers, chronic cold, hacking cough*, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption—nothing equals Vmol. Try it—if you don’t like it we will return money. WIGHT & BROWNE, Cairo, Ga. WE OFFER This Week J In addition to regular stock of Groceries * Fruits, Vegetables, Confections, Ice Cold Drinks Etc. Hams, Armour’s Gold Band, J J Helmet 3XXX Breakfast Bacon, Cudahy’s Rex Brand. Butter, Fresh Country, S J Dairy, n Creamery. Cheese, Full Cream of Best Quality. Fresh Lot of Conida’s Candies Just Received. Telephone Your Orders—We do The Rest. IraL.Hurst ’Phone 31. Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly By Wight Bros.) Cotton io| Syrup (In bbls) 20c Corn (Shelled) per bu 60 c Corn......(In ear) u 6 oe Meal............. it tt 70 c Peas.....(yellow) per bu $ i ,oo Peas...... (White “ “ 1.50 Meat........(Sides) per lb 11 e Hams 12 $ Lard. IIC Chickens.. .(Grown) 30 and 35 c Chickens (Spring Fryers) 20 to 2 5 Eggs Per doz 25 c — » • ^airc I / SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK Oak Beds worth $8.00........................ .........3.7 S Scroll Arm Rockers worth $2.00 ..........1.50 olding Bed Springs_________________ 1.75 8 Day Clocks'________________________________ ..........1.75 -2 Gallon Glass Pitchers____________ — .15 Glass Butter Dishes............................ ______ .15 -2 Gallon Tin Buckets..................... _______ .OS 8 Quart Tin Buckets...................... .10 No. 7 Enterprise Cook Stove, guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction, with ail necessary cooking vessels, pipe, etc Only $8.00. (This is a $10.00 value.) Don’t Miss It. *v 9 v HOUSE Furnishings 3 - —--- ------ jS The City Shaving Parlor.j a 9 /having, /hampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. it V Tharp Tools, a V Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, it Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. 1 R. Q. L.EWIS SON, Proprietors. a * 9 The: :: Jewelry Store • • • • • On hand at all times a large stock of Watches, Clocks,Sil verware, Spectacles and In struments of all kinds. 1 have Watches from $2.25 to $75.00 I have Rings from 25c to *10.00 Will soon have in a full lin e of New Clocks, Rogers Knives and Spoons. It you are think ing of buying a Piano or Or gan, if you need anything in my line I can fit your taste and your purse. Come in and tiilk it over with me. Bring all your watches and clocks that need mending. Jf. O. WILLIAMS, Jeweler, CAIRO, 1 Cancer Positively Cured! Any one suffering from dreadful disease can be and permanently cured by plying to A. S. Powell Whigham, Ga., who can ish testimonials of nearby whom you may personally as to the nency of his treatment. NEW CRGP OF Turnip, Ruta Baga and Cabbage Seed just received at Peacock’s Drug Store, Thomasvile, Georgia. Agency Sherwin Williams Paints. 11€» Broad Street. New Stables. I have just opened up a new M m FED ST IDLED on Bryan street near the right-of-way of : %.rj| the R. R. in 8 1 Cairo, Oa. I am now ready to serve the public with first-class turnouts. Prices reasonable. Special attention given to com mercial "service. Prompt attention to all. W. D. BARBER, Cairo, Ga.