The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, November 04, 1904, Image 1

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VOL-. I. GfS © «-* 3 o* ?ta 2 ~ fD v* m © fD n 3 P 3 5 3 ^ c/i _ ° 2 • 0 E» 3 3 3 © =r^ f a —i ,2 3* S’ CO 2 a* 3 * ^ C?Q c n & rn ^ "O © fD (P © fD 3 m 70 C 3 3 n « © O II c © II ■o © © i|3 ss 2 • = g '© a © §F § © Til o = w § © 3T12 3 © Cfi © «-t» Q. P o q. g t» 3 o 5=: 3 C • /3 If) • ^ 3 O 5 © e-f C w fD £ fD 3 n fD fD 9 o W »-t © © fD *"t © © •O Op < O* tw §. 3 c/3 © C /3 £L fD t P © fD 3 £L ^ «-K *1 fD cx fD V- X 2. fD -t ft ft t» D C /3 OJ 3 • C /3 C/3 © 3 cw o 3 © O 7 ? © 2. fD © P fD 3 n clvj _ • fD © o as 3 3 . © S 3 3 3 e © fD "3 2. Cfi 2 O O © < - £3 ~ n fD QfQ fD fD © C * • fD © © C /3 *< vP 3 _ © 3 2 © w ^ c/3 j c/3 — C /3 ©* e /3 o S » 8 ^D 3 fD 53 * rg\ 2 © 3 n 2 ; © *3© © fD © < ^ * -8^ *» > 3 • 2 © ST 3 3 C /3 fD © ® 3 o ^ ^ D o fD © 0* IS °- © =± 3 © ■< wa * QTQ fD fD Og’S-'v rS ” Z“§ = ? = Os-'-g-o £.< = 0 r © < < fD g. S » ^ C /3 M © fD 5T C I 3 O r« © « Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, November 4, IQ04. Woodland Items. BY UNCLE JAKE. I Mrs. Martha Fulford returned home from Meigs the latter part of last week where she had been spending some time with friends and relatives. Mf. James Massev is visiting his father and sister, Mr. Rob ert Massey and Mrs. F. M Nor ton this week. Mr. W. H. Waldron and son, Malcom, went to Thomasville Saturday. Owing to sickness in his fam ily, Mr. Will Pindergass failed to John come to sing Sunday but Mr. A. Hudson, occompanied by his two charming daughters. Misses Ollie and Stella, from Cairo, led a few lessons which was enjoyed very much. Mr. Hiram McMillan was married Sunday to Miss Viola * Norton, Rev. G. P. Reviere offi ciating. A good many people went to Thomasville Monday to see the circus, and a few went Tuesday to hearHor. Tom Watson speak, and it is strange how different people are. I heard quite a number of democrats express themselves on his speech, some saying he made a good speech while others said he never made a single point. Of course all the Pops thought he made a good speech. They tell me that ignorance of the law excuses none. I heard a good old man say on Sunday that he was not prejudiced to no party but he was a democrat, because he be lieved in what they advocated: a high tariff, and when they failed to do that, he would vote the republican ticket. Well I know I am ignorant but I try to inform myself on things where I can. While I don’t claim to be what is called a democrat,! read their papers. I don’t think that any man can vote intelligently that don’t read both sides of the question. Lots of people vote that never read as much as the platform of their party, not saying anything of platforms of other parties. Coming to the truth of the mat ter, I believe there is very few in any party that can endorse everything that is put in platforms. THC LADIES favor ing their churches, and we urge every Minister to ber we give a liberal quantity the Longman & Martinez I toward Wears the and painting. covers like gold. Don’: pay $1.50 a gallon cents) Linseed Oil (worth 00 which you do when you buy paints in a can with a paint on it. therefore , . 8 & 6 make 14, you want fourteen gallons paint, buy only eight of L. & and mix six gallons pure get paint Oil with it, and thus less than $ 1.20 per gallon. well Many houses are with four gallons of L. & M. three gallons of Linseed Oil therewith. Celebrated Paints These sold by Wight & Browne. Did you know that in step in all the walks of life for genuine comfort there nothing that adds more to pedestrian’s pleasure than p-ood,easy wearing pair of and you can buy such a pair Cairo. . shoes right here m the many readers of this have to do, is to look right on the 4th page of the ger and they will find a and attractive advertisement the Battle Axe Shoe, and calling - on the advertisers facts ’’ Mauldin Brother, can get a pair of Battle Shoes for yourself or wife. B certain and read this ment. — _ W P. Sparks, boiler Ga., has one 25 horse sale. Good as new. Write to very reasonable. Ladles f 4k solid (old watch Given Away! -i at Wednesday, March ist, 12 o’clock, The Cairo enger will give away a Ladies 14k Gold \v atch to the most popular lady of Thomas county. Ihe watch is now on exhibition in window of Mr. J. O. Williams’ Store and any one wishiug to »ee it only have to call on this courteous tleman who will take pleasure in " ing You any question regarding it. will find in this issue of the en ger a blank coupon that is to be cut and the name of the one you wish to for filled in and sent to this office. IS do no is charge for voting. All you have cut the coupon out and send it the Messenger office where they will kept until March ist, 1905, at 12 Date —190 Cairo Messenger: I vote for---------- as being the most popular young lady in Thomas county. L- Signed It will pay you to visit Forester Bro’s store before buying your Fall and Winter Goods. Read notice of mass meeting tor the purpose of nominating a ticket for Mayor and Alderman to beheld at the City Hall to night, Friday, at 7 o’clock. When you are ready to buy heavy underwear, see our line. We can save you money. Forester Bros., Cniro, Ga. The Messenger man was ac-, costed by a stranger one day last week who wanted to know, if Cairo had a Bank. When told that Cairo had not only one but two Banks, he was at a loss to know why he was not better in formed as he had seen several copies of tue Messenger. We tokl him that banks didn’t ad vertise. B. F. Williams & Son have put on a dray line in connection with their line of Grain, Hay and all kinds of Feed Buff. Hon. James M. Griggs will address the citizens of Cairo tomorrow, Saturday, November 5 th, at 11:00 a. m. Let every body ccme out and listen to this prominent speakers address. A complete line of General Merchandise bought direct from the leading markets of the world. Quality and prices right. Forester Bros., Cairo, Ga. Prof. H. T. Wethurbee of Troy, Ala., will be at Poplar Spring church during the asso ciation which will be tomor row and Sunday. Prof. Weth urbee is a fine vocal music teacher and will lead a class in the Revised Sacred Harp Book on Saturday and Sunday morn ing before preaching good hours. music All lovers of are invited. The singing will be gin at 8:30. Mr. Perry Baggett, one of our best known young men has accepted a situation with that popular and reliable firm, the Messrs. Pculk Brothers, and in the future the many friends of Mr. Baggett will find him with this firm ready to supply their every wants in his customary polite and courteous manner. With the addition of, this tleman to their clerical force, predict for Messrs. Poulk Bros. a prosperous business. Mr. Baggett extends a cordial tation to his friends to call see him when in need of thing in the general line. B.F.Williams & Son sell Hay and Feed Stuff of all 111 ('f)r test • wall close, the votes counted out and the watch delivered to the lucky lady. chance for Now, boy’s here’s your watch with- your best girl to get a solid gold give it out some other fellow having to for to her. All you have to do is vote the one you want to have it. Watch for the coupons in each issue of the Messen ger, cut them out and fill in the name and send them to us. You can vote as many times and as often as you want to, there is no charge nor limit to the times you may vote. Save the coupons, girls; now is your chance to get a solid gold watch free. If the boys wont vote for you, fill them out and will send them in for yourself, and the will vote get the watch count just just the as much you same. Mr. Coffman Dekle spent Mon day at Thomat-ville. Mr. Leland Powell left Mon day for Cedar Springs, Ga., on business. Mr. O’Garry left Saturday after spending some time in in terest of the government. Mr. H. J. Hart spent Sunday at home, returning to his duties at Grandridge, Fla., Monday. Mr. W. S. Robinson of Iron City visited his son, Mr. W. H. Robinson this week. Mr. J. B. Wight attended the Farmers Institute at Ihomas ville Wednesday. We regret to chronicle the serious iliness of Alma, the lit tle daughter of Mrs. Jennie Bell. Mr. Jim Lee returned to the city Monday afternoon after spending several days at Talla hassee, Fla. Messrs. Hartsfield and O’Neal of Bainbridge, were transacting business here Wednesday. Mrs. N. Z. and Miss AdaTru lock of Whigham were the guests of relatives here Tues day. Mr. C. J. Williamson, a prom inent salesman for the Everett Ridley Ragan Co., spent of the week with friends here. Mrs. Dr. Walker from Quitman Monday spending some time with tives there. Miss Leslie Harrell spent urday and Sunday with Lottie and Sallie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McManeus, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKown, left Thursday Panacea Springs where they will spend abput two weeks. Will sell cheap—One horse tween 8 and 9 years oM, in condition and will work anywhere. Also one 01 e horse wagon atively new. For further ulars see W. G. or I. A. Baggett. Cairo, Ga. The first brick on the story brick store house of Mr. Kedar Powell was laid day afternoon. Should the work on this house progress it has on the other jobs the supervision of Capt. W. Dunn you can buy your giving dinner at Mr. Powell’s new store. For Granite and Marble ment and Iron Fencing, R. A. Weldon. Marble Co. Council Poceedings. Cairo, Ga., Oct., 25th. 1904. Council met in regular session, Mayor R. L. VanLandingbam pre siding. Alderman J. L. Poulk, K. P. Wight and K. Powell pres ent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following ordinance was read the third time aud passed: An ordinance against driving goat teams on the side walks. Be it enacted by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Cairo, that on and after the passing of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to drive a goat team on the side walks of tl e town of Cairo within the fire lin - its. Be it further enacted, that any person or persons violating this ordinance shall be made to pay a fine, not to exceed five dol lars, or work on the streets of the town not more that ten days. Be it further enacted that law or parts of laws conflicting with this ordinance, shall be and are hereby repealed, this the 80th day of August, 1904. Ordinance for ordering an elec tion for electric lights and water works was read the first time and passed to the second reading. By motion the regular rules were suspended and it was read the second time and passed to the third reading. The following accounts were or dered paid: R. L. Nicholson $2.78 J. M. Miller 10.00 The marshal reported fifty-five dollars and thirty-five cents col lected in the month of October for sample room, impounding fees, fines and sale of hogs. By motion the rate of tax for 1904 was made four mills. Council adjourned John L. Poulk Clk. & Tres. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA CURED. Mr. Walter Richardson, of Troutvile, Va., had an attack of diarrhoea that came near ending his life. His physician had failed to relieve him and the disease had become chronic when he began using Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It soon cured him and he now ommends that preparation ever an opportunity offers. sale by Wight & Browne. NOTICE. A mass meeting for the of nominating a ticket for and Aldermen, will be held at City Hall Friday night Nov., at 7 o’clock. All voters are to be present. Election Saturday Nov., 5th. Cairo, Ga., Oct. 26, 1904. After Saturday, Nov. 5th, Cairo Ginuery will close down til Dec. 12th, and will gin week and then will close down this season. All who have cotton will please bring it in. W. S. A’J KINSON & CO. DR W M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Drug Store. Cairo, Georgia. JOHN R. SINGLETARY, ATTORNEY. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Office over B. F. Powell’s store. Commercial law and Collections. W. EARLE OLIVER PHBSICIAN & SURGEON. Cairo, Goorgia. Residence ’Phone No. 47. Office Phone No. 12. INO. 43. - WE OFFER This Week, In addition to regular stock of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Confections, Ice Cold Drinks Etc. Hams, Armour’s Gold Band, Helmet 8 X X X Breakfast Bacon, Cudahy’s Rex Brand Butter, Fresh Country, 91 Dairy, * J Creamery. Cheese, Full Cream of Best Quality. Fresh Lot of Conida’s Candies Just Received. Telephone Your Orders—We do The Rest. Ira L. Hurst ’Phone 31. NEW! NEW! A NEW JEW STORE! w I beg to announce to the people of Cairo, Ga., that I have open ed up a General Merchandise Store, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions ■ AINfD Fancy Groceries, and will sell every thing as cheap as any body and respectfully solicit the patronage of every one. Those who patronize me will find themselves treat ed nicely in every re spect. Come and give me a call. ARE POLLER, Old Cairo Banking Co’s, building, next to W. H. Robinson & Co. Boarding House. Broad St., Cairo, Ga. Rates«$t.OO F»er Day, Fare and Service Excellent. Mrs. Jennie Bell, Proprietress.