The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, November 04, 1904, Image 2

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1904. F. J. WIND, Editor and Proprietor. Published every Friday at Cairo, county rOeorfS*-. SUB)SJ’KI* , T lofI RATES, ONE YEAR 'T .... $ SI K MONTHS. ........ THREE MONTHS.......... Entered as second-class matter 21st, 1004 at the post office at Oairo, Ora.., the Act of Congress of March 3rd. 1879. Advertising rates reasonable, and upon application. We, the Grand Jury, for the October term of the perior Court for Thomas beg leave to make the report in these our ments: We the committee on building make the following port: We find the convict well kept and the prisoners cared for. We find the court house good condition. The door the prison room needs some pairs, also the rail on the way needs attention. We find the jail in as condition as could be under present circumstances. is being several rooms added the prison department which has been needed for a long time. We recommend the cell now joining the cook room be made so it can be used for a cook room, which will give one more room to the dwelling apartment which is badly needed, also sink put in the cook room. We also ask that a veranda be put in front of the jail. We also ask that iron cots be placed in the old cells like the ones to be used in the new cells. These little improvements will not cost much and will add a great deal to the comfort of the house. We find the poor house in good condition and everything kept neat and clean. We find three inmates, all colored, nc white inmates at present, which speaks well for our county. The roads and bridges are all reported to be in fairly good condition. In some sections the county we think the road commissioners are most lenient with the overseers and recommend that they be diligent in the future. Respectfully submitted, C. Walker, W. W. Dekle, Robt. Dekle. We the undersigned of the book committee have amined as carefully as our would admit, the following tice of the Peace books: W. Bibb, J. W. H. Mitchell and E. Hurst and find them ly kept, showing cases costs, etc. It being customary to ine these books at the term no other justice court cords were submitted to us. We made a careful examina tion of the books of the of tax returns, J. F. Howard, find his books neatly and in the increase of and gross amount of find evidence that he has gently and faithfully ed his duty. We also examined the being made in the Clerks of the Superior court, with Elloit Book Typewriter, find there is a saving of one iu the space required to any paper as compared with the old way of making records with pen and ink. This saving of space together with the improv ed character of a type written record over a written record be ing more legible and less easy of alteration, induce us to rec ommend that the county com missioners purchase a machine for use in the Superior Court Clerk’s office. Respectfully submitted, Henry Wight, J. F. Pittman, Royal J. Miller. We recommend the appoint ment of W. H. Bibb for the office of Notary Public and Jus tice of the Peace in and for the 637th Malitia District, also rec ommend J. J. Turner Notary Public and Ex-officio Justice of the Peace for Merrillville Dist., Thomas county. •We direct that funds arising from the hirs of convicts paid from the state to this county be given to the Commissioners of said county to be used in the Road and Bridge account. We wish to express our thanks to Judge Robert G. Mitchell for his able charge to the jury, and for his faithful performance of duty. We also thank Solicitor W. E. Thomas for his efforts in assisting in the discharge of our duty and the officers of the court for courtesies shown this body. We request that these pre sentments be published in our county papers. W. H. Bibb, Sr., Foreman. J. E. Stephens, B. A.Alderman, E. A. Carlton, T. G. Holloway, Henry Wight, A. B. Cone, R. J. Miller, R. Thomas, Jr. S. W. Watson A. W. Ivey, A. M. Watson, J. F. Lamb, C. P. McRae, J. F. Forrester, J. C. Adams, C. Walker, W. W. Dekle, Robt. Dekle, J. W. Hall, M. L. Cooke, W. M. Brooks, J. F. Pittman. Ordered published as above recommended this 21st day of October, 1904. Robt. G. Mitchell, Judge S.C. S. C. The Savannah News is right when it says: The time inter vening until election day should be employed by the officials of the various Democratic •organi zations in impressing upon the voters the duty they owe to the party and the country of going to the polls and swelling the re turns to good, old-fashioned pro portions. Because the state ticke thas al ready been elected and there are no contests in the congressional districts that amount to any thing is no reason for neglect ing the election. As Chairman Miller of the First district point ed out in an address to the vo ters a few days ago, there are “four presidential tickets in the field, one headed by a distin guished citizen of this state, who may lead astray many sound Democrats.” The tickets referred to are, the Democratic, Republican, Populist and Pro hibition. It is necessary for the winning ticket to have a ma jority of the votes cast. State Chairman Yeomans and the various congressional dis trict chairmen have issued sim ilar calls to the rank and file of the party, and it is to be hoped that they will* prove effective. Every Democratic congressional candidate should be given a ousing indorsement at the polls, rand the national ticket should have a majority like those given Cleveland and Bryan. When You Come TO 4 THE BIG SHOW! You have a special invited' n *0 make our store headquarters, and inspect our stujk of up-to ll date *Dress Soods, Cloaks, Clothing, Shoes, Jfats, Underwear, Jfosierg, H TINWARE, ENAMELED WARE, and in fact anythin®, m except something to eat. ALL AT A LOW CUT PRICE. Men’s heavy fleeced lived Underwear, (all sizes) suit-------- 95c. Good, all wool Sweaters________ 75c and $1.25, Men’s extra nice Dress Shirts, regular jjSi.25 value, each 98c. Men's Sox, a nice line of blacks, browns and fancy stripes, for pair 10c, 18c and 23c. Ladies Hoes, black and brown, all grades, at prices from loc pair to 38c. Ladies Cloaks, an especially up-to-date line, with the quality com 0 bined to the style; we have all colors, worth from $ 5 - 00 to $ l 5 > we sell from, each. $2.50 to $9.87. Ladies fleeced lined Jersey ribbed Vests, extra good for ...25c and 35c. Drawers to match the above at........................ 25c and 35c. Union Suits, for cnildrenand ladies, at suit 25c and 48c. 4 •Our line of MEN’S CLOTHING can’t be duplicated anywhere 1 at a much higher price, than we have ours marked. 8@~Also our DRESS GOODS and SHOE DEPARTMENTS are ■ filled with enormous bargains. We give you a special invitation to visit our store when you come to the big show, next Monday, Oct. 31st. A. f. CRMWEEL & CO., siarhes Old Corner. Tnensasvllie, Ga. Facts % If you are having trouble with shoddy shoes, put your feet into a pair of the Brown Shoe Co’s Shoes. They are best by every test. We have the most complete line in town to select from, in shapes and leathers, tor Men, Women and CHlldren. We invite comparison on these well known Shoes. J. L. Oliver, Exclusive Dealer for Cairo. CANE MILLS The Best Cane Mill on the Market today is the Sutherland Mill. Twenty Sizes and Styles for Steam a Horse Power TWO and THREE ROLLERS. Catalogue and Net Prices on application. D. T. Sutherland, Machine Works and Foundry, Bainbridge, : Georgia. Be sure and ask for The Sutherland Mill. It is the best. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co! Double Daily Passenger Service TO Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasville Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville, .--AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS. Cars on all Through Trains AND TO New its York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, Richmond and all points 'l.ouisvilf 1 own rails to Richmond Norfolk to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points Wes' and Northwest. Lv. Thomasville going east, 3:10 a. m., 6:15 a. m., 2:35 p. m. Lv. Cairo going-east===No. 32, 5:40 a. m. :No. 40, 1:46,p. m. No. 58, 2:29 p. m. Lv. Cairo going west*“No. 57, 1:39 a. m. No. 39,11:16 a. m, No. 35, 4:57 p. m. Lv. Thomasville lor Albany 9:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Monticello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Com' for New York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Thomasville at 6:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jesup with through for Washington, Philadelphia, New York and the East. No. 40, leaving No. at 57 2:35 leaviug p. m, at makes 1:15 connectiion carries through at Waycross sleepers to for St. the Louis. same'eastern a. m. No. -a at 10:50 a. m. connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all Western For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A., J. A. TAYLOR, T. P. A., Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. H. LEAHY, D. P. A.„ W. J. CRAIG, G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. Wilmington, N, C. M. EMERSON, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. THE HOME 0? VI501 To Run-down People:— Many people think they have some organic trouble or chronic disease because they feel weak, all tired out, cannot sleep, have no ambition, energy or appe tite. This condition is probably caused by overwork, close confinement or worry. To these people we.say, try Vinol; if it does not create strength and build you up we will ourselves pay for all the medi cine you take.—Respectfully, WIGHT & pROWNE, Cairo, Ga. Mill Supplies And Steam Fittings am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. Harry J. Hart, and Steam Fitter CAIRO, GEORGIA. Repair work of all kind done at reasoi ale prices. J. L,. Oliver, Undertaker & Fnneral Direct® keeps on hand a large and conipl* line of coffins, caskets, bural r and undertakers supplies. freeo , We furnish our hearse with coffins costing $15 acdu P' Office phone - ■ - - Residence..... So Vo / Baggett 6c jCewis J’or 3*ertilezero, jtfay, SrcM & all kind# JW Stuft Seneral 7Oarehousen^ 0 \ Phone 70. We do all Kinds of Job Printin