The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, November 04, 1904, Image 3

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Many opportunities for Home Mission work open up with the coming of cold weather While W e have no actually destitute people in Cairo, we do not need objects of charity, wherefrom to show that love for our Father, hich can only be demonstrated w and by our tenderness brother lv kindness to His other chil dren, who are perhaps less for tunate th an we are. Let us look about us. Have we not some neighbor—some acquaint ance— do we not know of some family, whose life problems might be made less perplexing, by the sharing of our own good things.’' A load of wood, a gen erous basket of “hog killing doings, ” some syrup, might mean a great deal in such in stances. We often give good garments that our children have out grown to smaller children in our families, who do not es pecially need them. It might be better to send them where they would save some tired mo ther, both the buying and the sewing, This is an especial de partment of Home Mission Work. The Cairo Home Mission members have a Department of Literature, which is made possible by the lovely helpful ness of Miss Jonnie Brown, who has charge of it in her store down town, She receives gifts of good papers and magazines from all who send, and distrib utes them to any who care to go there and select such as they want, YOUR OWN. What if your own were starving, Fainting with famine-pain, And yet you knew Where golden grew Rich fruit and ripened grain? Would you hear this wail As a thrice-told tale, And turn to your feast again? What if your own were darkened, Without one cheeriug ray, And you alone Could show when shown The pure, sweet light of day? Would you leave them there In their dark despair, And sing on your sunlit way? What if your cwn were wand’ring Far in a trackless maze, And you could show Them where to go Along your pleasant ways? Would your heart be light Till the pathway right Was plain before their gaze? Yet what else are you doing, O ye by Christ made free, If you’ll not tell What you know so well To those so close to thee, Who have never heard One tender word Of the Lamb of Calvary? ‘ ‘They’re not our own, > > you answer, i k They are neither kith nor kin. it They are God’s own; His love alone Can save them from their sin; They are Christ’s own; He left his throne And died their souls to win. —Mrs. L. G. McVean, in Hymns of Heart. Worker. FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Using Iain’s Cough Remedy Mr. Arthur Chapman from Durban, Natal, South nca, says: 11 As a Remedy proof is Chamberlain’s Cough cure suitable for old and young, pen you the following: A' bor of mine had*a child just two months old. It had a bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. I that if they would get a bottle Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy put some upon the dummy the baby was sucking it would doubt cure the child. This did and brought about a relief and cured the baby, 1 5 remedy is for sale by Wigbt Browne. ---- Mr. J. B. Crawford made business visit to Tuesday. Messrs. K. P. Wight, W. Y. Bryan,'-F. C. A. Kellam, J. W. Hudson, I. A. and P. M. Bag gett, J. E. Poulk, Will Dekle, Phil Poulk, John Lacy, I. E. Lewis and*R. L. Nicholson were among the number who went to Thomasville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Wight, Messrs. Frank Brown, W. E. Dunn and W. B. Brown, spent Sunday last in Whigham. CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REM EDY IS PLEASANT TO TAKE. The finest quality ef granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufac ture of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor simi lar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Roderick, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of this remedy, says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy with my children for several years and can truth full\ say it is the be9t preparation of the kind I know of. The chil dren like to take it and it has no injurious after effect. For sale by Wight & Browne. Misses Mae and Delia Craw ford and Messrs. W. H. Searcy and B. W. Mauldin spent Sun day at Oakland Farm. THE BEST LINIMENT. H Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is considered the best liniment on the market,” write Post & Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other lini ment will heal a cut or buise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this lini ment a trial and become acquaint ed with its remarkable qualities and you will never wish to be without it. For sale by Wight & Browne. Mrs. W. F. Lee visited friends ; n the city Monday. County 'Directors. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. Robert G. Mitchell, Judge. W. E, Thomas. Solicitor General. E. M. Davis, Stenographer. J. W. Groover, Clerk. T. J. Hight. Sheriff. COUNTY COURT. Charles P. Hansell,kludge. Roscoe Luke, Solicitor. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. E. M. Smith, Chairman; J. S. Montgomery. Secretary; H. C. Copeland, J. Q. Bryan, J. D. Barrow ann W. A. Pringle. Sessions—2nd Monday Civil Docket. 2nd Wednesday Criminal Docket. COUNTY OFFICERS. P. S. Heeth, Tax Collector. John F. Howard. Tax Receiver. John F. Parker. Treasurer. A. J. Stanaland, Surveyor. Charles Gandy, Coroner City Directory. Mayor—R. L. Van Landingham, Mayor Pro-tern—K. Powell. Councilmen—W. A. Walker, K. P. Might, K. Powell, C. E. Maulden and John L. Poulk. Clerk and Treasurer—Jonn L. Poulk. Marshal—R. L. Nicholson. Night Policemen—D. A. Brinson, HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. B. Wight, Chairman; W.B Roddenhery, Secretary; K. Powell, Treas urer; W. S. Wight, L. F. Powell, L B. Powell Dr tV. A. Walker, W. G. Baggett, J. L. Poulk. <5burcb Directory. Methodist ---> Church— Rev. G. P. Reviere. pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sabbath school at 8:80. You are cordially invited to attend. Epworth League every Tuesday evening at 7:80. Bai'TIst CHURCH-Rev. T. A. White, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 8:30. attend. - The public are cordially invited to B. Y.P.U. every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Presbyterian Chucrh—R ev.W.D.Stimpson, pastor. Services every 4th Sunday. Secret Societies. Masons —Meet every 2nd Friday night over Cairo Banking Co., Broad St. every ist and 3rd Monday night. Value of Reputation Is the Old Reliable Machine with all of its Improvements If you need a Machine don’t fail see V. E. Davis, Agent for the Manufacturing Co., Thom Ga. Office: 117 South Broad St. P. 0. Box: 252. am in Cairo, Ga., every about the 20th. We sell on three plans: Install Note and Cash. Old Machines taken in ex See me before you buy and I sell. Satisfaction guaranteed. Yours tor business, V. R. DAVIS. cuts of steak, 10c cuts of steak, 8 l=3c cut loin roast, 10c lb. cut loin roast, 8 l=3c lb. roast, 7c stew, 6c 5c J 'Saving and JEWEL t STOVES r Investment- & »4NGES I v £-r h ■ • t Sfi Buying a genuine Detroit made and trade marked TUOI MARK STOVE or RANGE Is like opening a savings account In the bank, and Is a good lnvest ment lt draws big Interest as long as you use It. because It Is L-H specially designed to save fuel «nd 1 Tug V. IT DOES SAVE FUEL Jewels are famous for that, and for their lasting practically a life time Planished Steel Made of Blue which will not rust, chip, peel, or turn white. Call and see them. j. For Sato by Cairo Furniture Co. Harness, Leather Goods, Plow and Wagon Gear. We manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. We can supply you with either a full set or miy p&rt of a set down to a mere hame stung. » Whips, Curry Combs, Tubular Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads and Collar Pads. Lap Dusters 20 cents up. If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done, We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business, | t: v - Hudson <£ « 'M - 3# ■ ■ sws . For Sale. I have three nice farms for sale about five miles north of Cairo. Ga., and I am offering It will some bargains to home seekers. pay any one that is wanting to buy a home to see • me before making a pur chase. Call and see-me at Cairo, Ga. 11-21 F. A. BELCHER. Tax Collector’s Rounds. SECOND ROUND. I will b at the following named places on dates t, ven below for the purpose of eollecting^state and county taxes. Block Pond, Monday, Oct. 31st. Iron City, Tuesday, Nov. 1st. Donalsonville, Wednesday, 2nd. Steam Mill, Thursday, 3rd. Spring Creek, Friday, 4th. Kendricks, Saturday, 5th. Recovery, Monday, 7th. Faceville, Tuesday, 8th. Fowlstown, Wednesday, 9th. Attapulgus, Thursday, loth. Higdon’s, Friday, nth. Bells, Saturday, 12th. Whigham, Monday, 28th. Reagan’s, Tuesday evening, morning, 29th. Cairo, Tuesday 29th. Pearce’s, Wednesday, 30th. Blowing Cave, Thursday, December 1st. Lime Sink, Friday, 2nd. Spring Hill, Saturday, 3rd. Climax, Monday, 5th. Belcher, Tuesday, 6th. Brinson, Wednesday, 7th. Pine Hill, Thursday, 8th. Bainbridge, Friday, 9th. Whigham, Saturday, ioth. Books will positively Respectfully, close December 20th, 1904. J. W. BUTTS, Tax Collector. TAX NGT1CE. THIRD ROUND. Coolidge, Tuesday, Nov. 1, forenoon. Merrillville, Tuesday, Nov. 1, afternoon. Ochlockonee, Wednesday, Nov 2. Meigs, Thursday, Nov. 3. Duncanville, Friday, Nov. 4. Pine Park, Thursday, Nov. 8, 11 a m to 2pm Wednesday. Nov. Boston, 9. Boston, Thursday, Nov. 10. Glasgow, Friday, Nov. 11. Metcalfe, Monday, Nov. 14. Barwick, Friday, Nov. 18, forenoon. Sper.ce, Monday, Nov. 21. afternoon. Cairo, Tuesday, Nov. 22, forenoon. Cairo, Wednesday, Nov. forenoon. 23, Pavo, Friday, Nov. 25, afternoon. Patten, Friday, Nov. office 25, in Thomasville I will be at my from Dec. 1st to Dec. 20th, on which day the books will positively close for the year 1904. Respectfully, HEETH, P. S. Tax Collector. t HOUSE furnishings h ifti We are Headquarters for ss i if Furniture, stoves, Ruby Carriages, Matting, P It crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. if We have some special inducements to offer in »* Bed Room Suits, Odd Beds, Dress- iii ers, Center Tables, Chairs and Rockers purchases in this ! II And it will pay you to see us before making your line. We carry a full stock of Window Glass, all sizes; Manufacture Pic= ture Frames and Mirrors, and re=silver •: old mirrors. < gtTFox the next 80 days we wilt give to every customer^p^f ^HF*"whose cash purchase amounts to $10.00, a set of BEAU &JHT TIFUL WHITE CHINA Cups and Sausers, full size, jfg Come to $ec us. we will Do von Good. 9 li ill-' i 1 w ' ' ‘I HOUSE Furnishings j The City Shaving Parlor. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. c 3 n Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, Tharp Tools, Jv Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. c R. O. LEWIS & SON, Proprietors. The: :: Jewelry Store.:: On hand at all times a large stock of Watches, Clocks,Sil verware, Spectacles and In struments of all kinds. 1 have Watches from $2.25 to $75.00 I have Rings from 25c to *10.00 Will soon have in a full line of New Clocks, Rogers Knivec and Spoon8. If you are think ing of buying a Piano or Or gan, if you need anything in my line I can fit your taste and your purse. Come in and talk it over with me. Bring all your watches and clocks that need mending. J. O- WILLIAMS, Jeweler, CAIRO, t > QA. Cancer Positively Cured! Any one disease suffering from readily this dreadful can be and permanently cured by ap plying to A. S. Powell of Whigham, testimonials Ga., who can furn ish of nearby whom you may personally of his as to the nency treatmeut. 1 NEW CROP OF s <j] Turnip, Ruta Baga f and Cabbage Seed p just received at Peacock’s ■li Drug Store,**! Thomasvile, Georgia. Agency Sherwin Williams Paints. i I1C» Broad Street. New Stables .I I have just opened up a new fi on Bryan street near the right-of-way of ! • the R. R. in IKS : 4 r 1 Cairo. Ga. •i I am now ready to serve the j|i public with first-class turnouts. j§| ■ Prices reasonable. t 4 Special attention given to com mercial service. / Prompt attention to all. fffij W. D. BARBER, Cairo, Ga* L Ml , %\