The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, November 18, 1904, Image 2

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. * NOVEMBER 8 FRIDAY, l , 1904. ft j. WIND, Editor and Proprietor. Pnblished every Friday (It Cairo, county, Georgia. SUBSCRIPTION KATES, ONE YEAR ........ $ SIX MONTHS..... 50 THREE MONTHS Entered as second-class matter 21st. 11104 at the post office at Cairo, (is., the Act of Congress of March 3rd. 1879. Advertising rates reas< sonable, and furnished upon application. The Czar lost 34,2 5© men at the battle of the river Shakhe. That’s enough to make him shakey. From the election results it does look like the South has at last succeeded in getting out of the Union Wise people will begin their Christmas shopping now. The Messenger advertisements will tell you where. Captain Baldwin has packed his airship up to ship it home. Instead of shipping it, he should sail it and sail in it. Michigan pioduced 7,000,000 bushels of beans this year. Bos ton should be located in Michi gan instead of Massachusetts. Before the Russian navy licks another fishing fleet, it should take care to find out to what fisherwan the fleet belongs. A peace congress ma)’ be call ed to meet at Boston, It’s a good idea to get a peace con gress as far as possible from Port Arthur. Iienry G. Davis was unable to go through a literary college in his youth. And now in his old age he is unable to go through the electoral college. Though Port Arthur has nev er been prominent heretofore as a winter resort, many of the Japanese are said to be arrang ing to spend the coming winter there. A Frenchman was arrested the other day for engaging in a duel. It’s an outrage to arrest a man for taking part in such harmless amusement as a French duel. Governor Terrell is to issue a Thanksgiving proclamation for Georgia. For one thing, we cun all be thankful that Georgia didn’t go the way the nation went last week. A prominent shaving soap manufacturer is printing rec ommenddations from soldiers in the Philippine Islands. Thought most of those fellows got all their close shaves from the Philipinos. Missouri Democrats say there has been heavy Republi can immigration into that state during recent years, There was also heaw Republican m.gration into the ballot boxes Tuesday of last week. A South Carolina justice the peace has had tug sion revoked by the for the reason that he too many couples, Now the president read the race cide riot act to the governor South Carolina. mi unpopuliir was. English correspondents writ ing from Russia respecting the war say that it is very unpopu lar except with the official At St. Petersburg, where lie sentiment is controlled by officials, the talk is that the will be over in a few and that the Japanese will be badly beaten. Very little is said of the severe reverses which the Russians have sustained. In Moscow, however, a different story is heard. There the com mercial spirit predominates, there is no sympathy with the war. The hope is frequently expressed by men of wealth and influence, that Russia will be badly beaten, for then there will arise a demand for eternal re forms that the Czar and his ministers will not be able to re sist. It will be apparent to ev ery oody that the reforms are needed. It will be said that the administration of public af fairs is rotten since the boasted army which costs so much main tain couldn’t cope successfully with a small Oriental nation. These Russians who are hop ing for the defeat of their army arenot pro-Japanese in their feel ings. They are sincere lovers of their country, but they think the. empire much more greatly in need of internal reforms than it is Manchuria. The working classes seem to take very little interest in the war; and therefore, is all the more stubborn in maintaining the position he has taken in regard to it. At first there was danger of revolutionary' out breaks against the government, but the fear of them appears to abated. The great mass of the people seem to be waiting pati ently for the end of the war to come, believing that Russia will be defeated and that then there will be reforms of which the country is in great need. They believe the war will not have been in vain if these reforms are secured. The Russian newspapers do not reflect the opinion of the masses of people respecting the war. Perhaps they do not dare to speak their real sentiments. Their war news isn’t regarded as reliable, though the papers are eagerly gleaned for the lat est reports from the scene of battle. If the masses of the Russian people could have their way the war with Japan would come to an end speedily, and the work of making reforms in the government from top to bot tom would be begun.—Savan nah Morning News. Secretary Hay wishes to con tinue educating the people of our territories until they are prepared for statehood, His plan doubtless includes ing the people of Arizona and New Mexico up to voting the Republican ticket. William L. Douglas’ great victory in Massachusetts em phasizes the fact that he would be a magnificent presidertial possibility if he were not handi Ca pped by being a Democrat. Russias securities remain quite unaffected by the news from Port Arthur, Russia's main se curity. General Stoessel, is al so quite unaffected according to the news from Port Arthur. The St. Louis every Monday morning announ ces the attendance for the pre eeeding week. Guess they j to close the gates on j to get a chance to count folks who attend during week. House furnishings, / fie. ----- - * j Tea, Yes, the drinking kind worth 50c pound, during this sale we offer yoi a whole pound, and give you a beautiful 25c picture, 16x2 25c all for Rugs, Mill ends, all wool, Tapestry, brussels, heavy fringed, 27 ™98c j inches for________________________________________________________________________ I All wool Velvet Brussels...... $1.49 Pjctm*£S Cleaning up prices, on all framed pictures, 50c picture s 25c $100 50c 19x50 glass, 6 inch, fine finished frame, worth $2.50 for________________________ $1.25 Curtain Poles 5 foot Oak, Walnut, or Cherry finish, big Drass 23c 9 ends and rings, a regular 50c article for only | Crockery Ware 85c j 9 Bowl and Pitcher, fancy white j g J . 2 inch fancy white plates, worth 50c set, our price 33c j Tin Ware J All articles of kind, for 3c 5c every All ioc articls, of my and every kind............................. 7c Painted slop buckets, with covers, worth 50c for 38c All 15 19 and 22c; enameled ware, choice 12c Comforts 9 Full size heavy, comfort, worth $1.50, for 98c Blankets, 11-4 size, good fleeced cotton blankets pair. 98c Tfllfll/C I llHiK^people Full canvass covered, large size, flat top with rollers, otherfi* vl*/0 1 QO sell for I3, but because we need the money............... All metal covered back ends, and bottom, good lock side straps, a #2.50 $1.49 article for........................................................................................................ Skirts, Jac s. Etc. Skirts 9 heavy walking skirts, good $1 article, but you get it for 79c Better grades up to $2.25, at little more than half value. Jackets, Ladies half tight fitting back, lined, and velvet collar, $3.39 worth $5 for only......... Ladies unlined slams piped with satin . $1.98 Fine, Eton blouse jacket, worth #10, but, Because we need the $5.00 money........................................................................................ Drop Skirts, Heavy black Sateen, seams taped, and nicely 98c trimmed, $2 garment for Ladies Capes Long heavy cloth capes, with extra shoulder col 9 lar; nicely trimmed with braid, fur, etc worth 87c all of $1.25 but, Because we need the money, choice A. L CHlRCHWEli & CO ‘f SiarKes corner. m T&omasvflie, Ga Shoe Facts If you are having trouble with shoddy shoes, put your feet into a pair of the Brown Shoe Co’s Shoes. They are best by every test. We have the most complete line in town to select from, in all shapes and leathers, tor Men, Women and Children. We invite comparison on these well known Shoes. J. L,. Oliver, Exclusive Dealer for Cairo. gffl i CANE MILLS | The Best Cane Mill on the Market today is the j Snlherland Mill 1 Twenty Sizes and Styles for Steam a Horse Power i TWO and THREE ROLLERS. j Catalogue'and Net Prices on Application. E). T. Sutherland, J 1 i Machine Works and Foundry, Bainbridge, : Georgia. Be sure and ask for *the Sutherland Mill. It is the best. ' Jy A ‘ lan,ic 00851 Une Railroad Double Daily Passenger Service --TO- MM li Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, - Thomasvi|| e Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville, -AND ALL- FLORIDA POINTS. ThroughPuIlman Cars on all Through Trains AND TO New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and all p, v ; nt -T over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk to St. Louis, Cincinnati, l ouri Chicago, and Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all’nointT 1 ls VSes 6 * ' Northwest. Lv. Thomasville going east, 3:10 a. m., 6:15 a. m •9 2:35 p. m. Lv. Cairo going east“=No. 32, 5:40 a. m. No. 40, 1:46,p. m. IT. \ 58, 2:29 p. m. Lv. Cairo going west«==No. 57, 1:39 a. m. No. 39,10:55 a. m. No. 35, 4:57 p. m. Lv. Thomasville lor Albany 9:25 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Lv. Thomasville for Monticello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T. Ccm pany for New York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Thomasville at 6:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jesup with through sleeper for Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and the East. No. 40, l eav j ing Thomasville at 2:35 p. m, makes connectiion at Waycross for the same eastern points. No. 57 leaviug at 1:15 a. in. carries through sleepers to St. Louis. No , Q leaving at 10:50 a. m. connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all Wester: points. For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A., J. A. TAYLOR, T. P. A., Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery,Ala W. H. LEAHY, D. P. A.„ W. J. CRAIG, G. P. A., Savannah, Ga. Wilmington, N, C, H. M. EMERSON, Traf. Mgr. Wilmington, N. C. THE HOME OF VINO! To our Customers We are anxious to have you all know that Vinol is a new form of a very old and valuable remedy. It is a Cod Liver Oil preparation, because it contains all the medicinal elements actually taken from fresh Cods' Livers. By a new process we are able to make it without oil or grease and give you a real Cod Liver Oil preparation as delicious to the taste as a fresh orange. Respectfully, WIGHT & BROWNE, Cairo, Ga. Mill Supplies And Steam Fittings. I am better prepared than ever to do all kinds of work in my line. Harry J. Hart, Tinner and Steam Fitter, CAIRO, GEORGIA. Repair work of all kind done at reason ale prices. d. L,. Oliver, Undertaker & Fnneral Director n keeps on hand a large and complex line of coffins, caskets, bural robes A f and undertakers supplies. of cost We furnish our hearse free y| with coffins costing $15 and up" art ; t Office phone 47 ' Residence • - - So Vo u3aggett dc jCewls 3*ertilizera, jf£ay> Srain & all kind 3 3*ccct Stuff• Seneral *10 are housemen* Phone 70. We do all Kinds of Job Printing