The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, December 09, 1904, Image 1

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vou !• removal sale. look for SIGN. Everything * * J; at & Cut . r Price. * • For the r.ex thirty days we will offer unheard of extremely low - price® on otir , Stoves, . anc t IluiirG mach . As A me s. these goods will j | I bC • ___„ incori ^ _ 55 venient to move, so we will sell them at a very very low price in order to dispose of as much of this heavy stuff as possible before we move to our £ / new stand, on Jan. first .which will be irH the Jno. L. Poulk old stand next to the present location oftheCairoBank= ing Co. Bear in mind if you wi’.l only give us an opportunity with in the next thirty days we will save you money on every dollars worth of goods in our line. The goods must go. Come give us an opportunity .AH kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, syrup etc bought at highest mar ket price. Yours for lower prices than ever before. W. 11. ROBINSON £ * 7 rl\ * <\ iri r . j / > V Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, December C> 1904. Vote for bonds. Col. Dysard visited in H. Pope of v,as in Cairo Wednesday. Miss Mattie Stegall was visit iasinCairolastweek - Don t “S° west y°ang man,” but come to Cairo - Mr. J. B. Crawford visited Bainbridge one dry this week. Mr. J. B Crawford was a vis itor to Thomasville this week. Mr. W. S. Wight paid a short visit to Thomasville "dav. The place to buy good goods at live and let live price*, is in Cairo - If you Wane live in the best town in Georgia, why come to Cairo - Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooke visited itc Pine Park on last Sunday. Mr. J. J. Ragan was elected of the Peace on last Srt urday. Mr. Jur ; us Smith of Thom asvillc spent a short time in Cairo this week. Col. H. J. Hart, was in Whig ham this week on business of u importance.” It is no -‘strange” sight these days to see many strange faces on ‘he streets of Cairo. Mrs. Nffc.UTulock and Mrs. C. M. Trufo#k of Whigham, were visitors in Cairo a few days ag V Mr. B. D. Hartsfield, one of Moult, ie’s best business men was in Cairo Wednesday of this week. Mr. L. P. Powell had the m’. fort ie to lo e a fine mule a ew da s’lee from “blndstag gersJ We . igret to learn of the s< rious P’n -ss of Miss Jenhie Al deimau at her home in Pine Park. Mrs. T. W. Wood of Camilla is visiting in Cairo at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jennie Bell, on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Maxwell from the “North Carolina set clement” are \isit ; .ng relatives in Cairo this week. We regret to learn of the se rious illness of Mr. A. H. Sasser, who resides near Cairo and hope he may soon be out again. Mr. Herbert Ei-andon of the reliable wholesale firm of Bran don Bros, of Thomasville, paid Cairo h ; s weekly visits this week. Mr A T. Donaldson one of Thomas county s most success ful farmers was attending to business in Cairo iast Satur day. Mr. J. R. Williams, the hust ling agent of the Franklin Life Insurance Co., whose headquar ters is at Whigham, Ga., was calling on our citizens this week in the interest of insurance. Mr. T. W. Wood, who has Veen engaged in the mercantile business in Camilla, Ga., has joined his wife here and in the future will make his home in Cairo. The Messenger gladly wel comes to citizenship of Cairo, Col. R. B. Russell of Bain bi idge, who has casthis lot witn US. ~Mr. Ri ssell is one of Ba ' - badge’s first class lawyers and knows a good thing when he sees it, hence his Seating in Ca*ro. PLEASE YOUR FAMILY an" preserve your house by painting with L. & M. Its with zinc, Non-chalkable. Mon ey saver, T ullest measure. Takes least. Ca 1 on Wight & Browne. THE MEETING CULLED 10 MEET IN CAIRO ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER TTH. MS ILL ATTENDED. ->elo\v we publish the proceed ings of The New County Meet ing held in Cairo on * last Wed ieMay: At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the new county movement held it the town Hall, on Wednexilay Dec. 7, the foil xwing permanent officers were elected: J, B Wight, chairman; R B Russell, Vice chairman, aud T I, Rushin, Sec. Meeting calling to order by vice chair man Russell. On motion of Dr Walker the following committees were authorized: Committee on Finance, legislation on Boundaries, Petitions and S a istics. On motion of Dr Walker, the follow ing persons were appointed on the finance committee: Walter Davis, Chairman; Chas Maul din, W G Baggett, W B Hawthorn, T L Rushin, John Thomason, W S Wight, S W Williams, R f Poulk, Tom Wight, R Y Hurst, J C Mathis, T S Copeland, A C Forrester, L B Powell, D~F Oliver. On motion of J R Singletary, the fol lowing persons were appointed on the legislation committee; W A_ Walker, Chairman: J R Singletary, J B Crawford J B Wight, W B Roddenbery, W M Drew, R R Terrell, J F Stone, Randolph Russell. On motion of Walter Davis, thefollow ing persons were appointed on the : Statistics Literature committee; J B 1 Wight, Chairman; W B Roddenbery, R R Terrell, J R Singletary, F' J wind, Randolph Russell. On motion of W C Mathis, the follow ing persons were appointed on the boun dary committee: w B Roddenbery, Chair man: B H Pope, E P Clay, Henry Shores, Jas Sasser, John Garland, D C Maxwell, E M Cox, Ringold Godwin, John K Godwin, w B Godwin, J F Mills. On motion of w D Barber, the follow i lg persons were appointed on the com mittee on petitions: J R Singletary. Chairman; w D Barber, E L Broom, John Booth, Lucius Hall, John H Collins, w B Hawthorn, Jr , B H Pope, A L Vick ers, w M Drew, L A Sasser, Rev w J Hurst, w b Hawthorn, Jr., w C Mathis, w w Pearce, LLBarwick, D C Maxwell, Vic H Singletary, A w Boyette, Frank Miller, Alfred Shiver, John P Chason, Rev w G SeUars, H A Maxwell, j R Sanders, J L Ingram w T Farrcloth, F M Cox; Joe King, John F Grmer, Frank McKean, J F Forrester, Favette Barber, H B Sutton, W B Jones. On motion of W b Roddenbery, the following resolution was adopted if legal: A territorial division of the city or county court be established at Whigham where by all misdemeanor cases originating west of the Big Tired creek may be tried, j | After a brief talk by Mr. Roddenbery, outlining the duties of the various sul committees, the meeting adjourned. T. L. Rushin, Sec. Randolph Russell; Chairman. The following clippings are taken from the Thomasville Times-Enterpiise relative to Cairo people irom home: Rev.’j. B. Wight was here last night on h,s way J o his home in Cai *o, after attending the Methodist conference in McRae. K. P. Wight of Cairo, was in town on 0 Suncay on his way to 1 j Camil’a. J. F. ,, Mrs^ey, of . Cairo, _ . 1 . $ m the city. Holiday Goods is the way the Cairo Furniture Co., comes before the readers this week telling of the many useful and orm mental articles they are offering .'or sale that would make such nice Christ mas gifts. Don’t take our word 1 for this for we wan’t you to cNl there and see for you ’self. Mr. R. L. VanLandingb a will ex plain the mysteries of presents etc. when you call to see him. Read the ad and ca ): on him. Below we publish the appoint ments for the Thomasville dis triet, which a~e as follows: Ed F. Cooke, presiding elder; Thomarviile, J. M. Outier; Al banv. B. S. Sentell; Bainbridge, T.T. Ryder; Elakeiv, W. H. Budd; Boston c'mb. H. C. Jone c ; Dix : e circuit. 1. B. Kemp; Metcalf circiit, R. M. Wesley; Cairo and Whigham, C. W. Col. son; Faircloth circuit, A. M. Spraybety; Bold Spring circuit, supply S. W. Bine*; Climax cir cuit, C. E. Cooke; Attapulgus circuit, M. W. Carmichael- Brin so r circuit, E. E. Rose; Jakin id Donaldsonvxlle, V. M. Biitch; Pelham, circh’t, G. P. Reviere; Camilla and Bacontori; C T. C'ark; Hilton mir°uon, H. P. Stubl s; Ar i: .i^ton circuit, C. M. Led bet . er; Newton circuit, supplied by Reese Griffin; Face ville mission D. B. Merritt. Mr. Charles E. Dunn who has been in Cairo for the past few days, returned to his home in Wayeross yesterday. The Messenger learns of an other handsome dwelling to be built in Cairo in the near future by that princely gentleman, Mr. j W. H. Robinson. The sheets of Cairo certainly had a lively appearance last Wednesday. There was quite, a nU mber G f people ill town in attendance upon the New Coun ty meeting. rates one aid ore tHrd over ad of itsown a id co meeting lines See tjeir in another column c f todays Messenger. Mr. J. P. Howard of Ken tucky and also leprf tentative for the Slier rouse Medicine Co., of New Orleans, La,, was trans acting- business in Cairo last Wednesdav. Mr. Hugh Campbell, the polite and gentlemrnly representative of the reHaole Chamberlain Remedies, spent a few hours in C airo on ’.-.St WedlU d? 7 in the interest of theCbambe lain Medi cine Co., of Dis Moines, Iowa. That hustling mercantile firm of Thomasville, A. F. Church well & Co., have an attractive advertisement in today’s Mess which . of much . ea S er IS tance to the trading Read what they say and “do it now. Mr. S. P. Vanlandingham of the Woodland settlement was in Cairo last Tuesday attending to business. Mr. Vanlanding ham says that all tue meat he will need for h ; s own use he will lose a large per cent of what he would have had if he had only had more bogs to kill. Ad lovers of fire horses and mule* w ;i l see something as good and a ' pretty in the way o f hOi"S ,a '’ fi^h by going to the - Mr> b , fo . merl J owned b J T. B. Wa’sn as Mess r s. Forcett aQ( j L, e? ~ have just received a ca - ] oad Q f g ne horses and mules. Will sell cheap—One horse be tween 8 and 9 years old, in good condition and will work anywhere. Also one one-horse wagon compar atively new. For furher partic ulars see W. G. or I. A. Baggett, Cairo Ga. For Granite an'* Marble Monu ment and Iron Fencing, write R. A. Weldon. Thomasville i Marble Co. w: - m Ncxi n Dais OF The Year 1904 will come and go almost before you know it. Have Yob Matie all Your Winter Purchases? If not, we are ready to serve you in an up-to-date way, as we have a house chock fuU of the vc.v kind of goods you need, and have ^een unabie to find at other s ores. Give us a call. You will be waited on by polite and atten tive salesmen who have long experience in catering to the wants of the people in this section; clerks who will not misrepresent a single thing. Do not wait till the Great Holiday Rush is on, but come right away, Yours for Square Dealings, *71/(111 Id in S/3ros., jidverrisers of Octets, Cairo, &a. On the Crr i rr 9/ext to Citizens flank. solid Gold waichGiven \im$m Away! ON Wednesday, March 1st, 1905, at 12 o’clock, The Cairo Mess enger will give away a Ladies 14k Solid | Gold lady of Watch Thomas to the most popular young | The watch is coun'y. exhibition in the now on | window of Mr. J. O. Williams’ Jewelry j St° re and any one wishiug to »ee it will ; only have to call on this courteous gen tleman who will take pleasure in answer ing any question regarding it. You will find in this issue of the Mess enger a blank coupon that is to be cutout and the name of the one you wish to vote for filled in and sent to this office. There is no charge for voting. All you have to do is cpt the coupon out and send it to the Messenger office where they will be kept until March 1st, 1905, at 12 o’clock Date--------- 190 Cairo Messenger: I vole for--------------- ? 11 as being the most popular young lady in Thomas county. Signed -------------------------------------------------------- SAVANNAH BARGAIN HOUSE, A. POLLER, Prop. IMPORTANT IVOTICB. We beg to inform he people of Cairo, Ga., that we have our new store on Broad Street, and have stocked it with a complete line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gentle* men’s Furnishing Goods and Fancy and Family Gro ceries. and in fact everything usually kept and in a first-class dry goods store. We invite the people to call surpassed inspect our goods, which for Style, Quality and Low Prices cannot be by any house south of Mason and Dixon Line. We hope to merit the patronage of the public by honest dealings, and by our endeavor to cater to their wants to the best of our ability. We buy direct from the largest houses and factories in the country and pay cash for all we buy, thereby getting the lowest prices, the benefit of which we share with our customers. Give us a trial and convince yourself that our goods and prices are the kind that give satisfaction and save you money. Savannah Bargain House, (Old Cairo Bank Building.) Broad St., Cairo, Ga. its. NO. 48. the contest will close, the votes counted out and the watch delivered to the lucky lady. Now, boy’s here’s your chance for your best girl to get a solid gold watch with out some other fellow having to give it to her. All you have to do is vote for the one you want to have it. Watch for the coupons in each issue of the Messen ger, cut them out and fill in the name and send them to us. You can vote as many times and as often as you want to, there is no charge nor limit to the times you may vote. Save the coupons, girls; now is your chance to get a solid gold watch free”. If the boys wont vote for you, fill them out and send them in for yourself, the vote will count just as much and you will get the watch just the same.