The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, December 30, 1904, Image 1

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vi)L. i. » i I f- l^v! for SIGN. Everything at Cut Price. / For the days offer extremely prices on our i n e s. goods very venient to 9 jso we will 'them at a very ‘.very low price ‘order to >of as much of heavy stuff move to * stand, u P an. first twill t \ be in Jno. L. Poulk .stand next to i present of the Cairo ’ing L Co. Bear > £ nind if you ♦only ’ give us opportunity v in the next days we will sav ■you money every » worth of% • in our line. goods must give us •kinds of chickens, etc 7 at , ... highest . „ price. 'for lower than ever w. h. mmm * 1 ac , <» 1 » *'i~ i-f iiilf t* * Cairo, Thomas County, Georgia, December 30, 1004. l! j There will be rr ’ — | meeting ot the G Cdvi Ui : mittee on the organization | day, the new Jan. county 4th, and next full a dance is earnestly hoped Many questions of are to be discussed. The pects for the new county ment being a success brighter each day. If any of the state is entitled to a county it is this section here, and the figures bear out. We are situated two of the largest counties the state, Thomas being exceeded by 17 in area and 5 population, and Decatur bv 5 in area and 8 in Our county as now ed will comprise about square miles and have a ! lation of about 12000. are 15 counties in the with a population less than thousand and over ten there are 16 counties in state with a population ten thousand and over thousand* There are counties in the state with population under eight and and over six thousand, there are ten counties in state with a population six thousand. Our would tbereiore exceed 52 ties in population about 60 number of square miles. valuation ot taxable would make it rank higher this and the volume of doee within its area and lation. The tax rate it may said will not be higher and be eventually reduced than raised, as some in the state are now doing. people£>f this section not lose this opportunity to tain that they have long ed. Miss Jessie Clark and Beulah Zant are out of the spending the Christmas with their respective ' Mr. Charles Waxwell was Cairo a few days since, after Christmas or The County. All winter goods going whole sale cost, Now is time to get a bargain at ter Bros., Cairo Ga. Mr. Audrey Powell who is tending college at is spending the holiday with his family. Miss Annie Moore a at Weslvan College, Macon, at home for the Miss Minnie Tyler,Bai Ga., is in the crA a j Mrs. M. L. Wight. Closing out regardless price, all winter goods Forester Bros., Cairo Ga. Miss Helen Stephens of ton is visiting her sister, J. L. Mauldin. Rev. G. P. Riviere of is visiting friends in Cairo week. Miss Sal lie Clower is her mother. Mr. J. T. Clower was a here during the holidays. Mr. Will Stringer was f ini' Metcalfe this week, Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of berlain’s Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy as disease soon as first indication of the t threatened off ,......... ii ndreds in this way with perfect Browne. | For sale by Wight & i TO ALL. OUR M -i TTfciulciin S/iros.j Sfdverr/sers of Jacts, Cci/rOj Sa. StJanh. .—_ Attention People! From this date until all are gone, we are going to close out all Winter Goods at New York Cost, and everything at a bargain, We have never advertised before to close out at cost and we mean just what we say, some body is going to gel the best bar gains of their life. No old goods, everything new, clean and up-to date. A good line of Ladies Jackets and Ready-made Skirts, Clothing, Dress Goods and heavy Underwedr, going at Actual Wholesale Cost. Forestor Bros., Cairo, Ga. | ] “Oh, blessed star of Bethlehem, On us your glad beams fall, And weary hearts forget their pain, And wandering feet turn home again, Because Christ loves us all.” In memory of the Christ Child! How this one touch of life affects the world! Love, charity, brotherly kindness— the result of that life given to men. The Babe of Bethlehem, whose eyes opened to the day’s dawn in a manger, brought to men the onlv real hope they have ever known. The present is full of promise; the future life full of realization, Let this blessed period soften our hearts and minds, that we may in name bless the age in we live.—George W. Quigley. The spirit of Christmas like that of eternal ‘Each year the blessed brings, thoughts of thankfulness and kindly pulse. Many an humble has been cheered bv shared, many a lonely heart been brightened by being membered. It has been a light to many to send brance of the day to Mission Institutions, and r*? are m line with Ab.„League in M \is not All our Oa. we possess betoiL - whose birthday is the b day of the year. the LADIES favor ing th«ir churches, and we urge every Minister to her we give a liberal quantity the Longman & Martinez toward the painting. like gold. Wears and covers Don’t pay $ 1.50 a gallon Linseed Oil (worth 60 cents which you do when you buy paints in a can with a paint on it. therefore „ , 8 & 6 make 14 , y 0U want fourteen gallons paint, buy only eight of L. & and mix six gallons, pure Oil with it, and thus get paint less than $1.20 per gallon. well Many houses are with four gallons of L. & M. three gallons of Linseed Oil therewith. Celebrated Paints These sold by Wight & Browne. Council Proceedings. Gairo, Ga. Dec, 27, 1904. Council met in regular session, Mayor R. L. VanLandingham presiding. Aldermen, K. Powell, J. L. Poulk, tv. P. Wight and Chas. Mauldin present. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved . An ordinance to provide' for opening j up street on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad land, was read the first time and passed to the second reading. Tiie following accounts were ordered paid. J. W. Nicholson$f>.00; Poulk Krosfg.oo A. D, Brinson $75; W. B. Roddenbery j j 1.00. ; Marshal reported §14.55, fourteen dol J lars and fifty-five cts. coilepted in De j cember impounding fees, sample room and fines. Clerk and Treasurer reported one dollar collected on Dan Jones fine and four dollars on W. H. Owens fish license. Clerk and Treasurer made his annual report and was accepted. Clerk and Treasurer bond was read and approved. / Clerk and Treasurer was ordered Jo collect all taxes by Jan. 1st. 1905. Committee adjourned. John L. Poulk, 1 Clerk and Treas! Statement of Clerk aud Treasurer from Dec. 12, 1903, to Dec. 8. 1904: keceipts. To Balance........... ................. S 219.03 City Taxes...................*................... 1,227.90 Street..............................1.................. 4905 ° Sale Cemetary Lots........................ 30.00 Rents............._................................. 29.05 Sample Room.................................. 1 05.75 Fines and Impounding Fees...... 291.35 License Shows............................... 88.00 Merchandise Sold.......................... 28.10 ~ ~ “Uty Commissioners.................. 58.91 atu $2,569.50 'NTS. 1^.. ‘20.00 Marshal... ....... L - A 00 Mayor .................' SUt.iui ... On Streets.......................... Approved Accounts.......... ■ 73 % J. L. Poulk Commission .. io9- 8 Balance on Hand”............. $ 2 , 569-59 Be Quick. Not a minute should he lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Wight & Browne. For Granite and Marble Monu ment and Iron Fencing, R. A. Weldon. Marble Co. / SAVANNAH HOUSE I ; BARGAIN ) i i i A. POLLER, Prop. IMPORTANT INOTICE. We beg to inform he people of Cairo, Ga., that we have our new store on Broad Street, and have stocked it with a complete line of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gentle* men’s Furnishing Goods and Fancy and Family Gro= ceries. and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class ftoods, dry goods which .store. We invite the people to call and inspect our for Style, Quality and Low Prices cannot be surpassed by any house south of Mason and Dixon Line. We hope to merit the patronage of the public by honest dealings, and by our endeavor to cater to their wants to the best of our ability. We buy direct from the largest bouses and factories in the country and pay cash tor all we buy, thereby getting the lowest prices, the benefit of tt hich we share with our customers. Give us-a trial and convince yourself that our goods and prices are the kind that give satisfaction and save you money. Savannah Bargain House, (Old Cairo Bank Building.) ill Broad St., Cairo, Ga. Sufferers from sciatica should not hesitate to use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The prompt relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by Wight & Browne. When Forester Bros, say they are selling at cost, it means something. See their ad in this paper. x ____ ■ x The many friends of Mr. Perry M. Bagget, who has beep seriously ill for the past days, will be glad to learn that he is now some better every prospect of an early -re covery. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE’S. Ashburnham, Ontario, To The Good Qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Ashhurnham, Out., April 18 1908 .—I think it is only right tell you what wonderful Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy produced. The day before j W as 8D distressed with a cold and hough that I did not think to f ' ■ ‘ 1 1 ‘ '■ . u - ■ ■ Pottle 01 your at once procured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of medicine To my gmat relief cough and cold had complete disappeared and I was able preach three times on Easter I knew that this rapid and tive cure was due to your ou Remedy. I make this nial without solicitation, thankful to have found such Godsant remedy. Respectfnlly yours, E. A. Langfeldt, Luke’s M. Church A., Rector of St. To Chamberlain Medicine This remedy is for sale Wight & Browne. NO. si. REMOVAL NOTICE. Going to move'January 1st. next to the building on cor ner south of depot now oc cupied by Kedar Powell. My brother, Geo. W. Hurst, will be associated with me there and we hope to be in better position to serve our friends and the public than heretofore and solicit the patronage of all when in need of staple and fancy Groceries, Confec tionaris etc. let l hi y New Store AIND New Goods I have just opened up a first class lin e of -js^st ga , U. ' 1 : anuacrR: Sr*;-; S.3SIH r“atui ■TAfuciC '" la share of the public patronage, All kim& of country produce bought and so i d? 3t3 qh * as chick Us, j eggs, ** etc., etc, MOTTO: Quick {ales, small j profits and prompt Jielivery of goods. OUR CAFE Is open at all hours. Table is supplied with the best there is in the market. Msali served at all hours. ■ .-“T Respectfully, E. A. Williams. a