The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 21, 1941, Page SIX, Image 6

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SIX AYRSHIRE COW HAS TRIPLETS W- - m W '■'-.Vi . &'m2& 1 H * •i iSig w.'j ,4 mt ^ IS ■ i < 0 ■ cA I . 4 4 ■ Ml L* IP Maynard, Iowa.—Although identical twins, those that are exactly alike, are not entirely uncommon, the first case of identical cattle triplets, born to an Ayrshire cow on the farm of Fred Hoeger has excited those scien Goose Takes A Gander V® i m 1 i 11 m 1 £4 71 •••• IHKisi ‘ : % ■Z '■fit * 4 SpPijl m jgsg m i s . Cnicago, Ill.—Strutter, the goose used in Frank Hogan’s dog show, struggles up the gangplank to take a look at what is going on while Betty Roberts smiles her approval. This dog show is one of the outstanding animal ants in the United States and will be seen at the International Sportsmen's Show at the Internat ional Amphitheater February 22 to March 2. PROM-DANCE FOR HIGH SCHOOL SET— An enjoyable occasion for a group of the high school contingent was the prom-d ance at the A merican Legion Home last Friday evening when Miss Madge LeGette was the lovely host ess. The decorations carried out the Valentine motif with ml and white lighting and bowls of White narcissi. In the camels of the hall arrange ments of greenery were effective. Punch was served throughout the -evening. At the conclusion of the proms and dances sandwiches and hot chocolate were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. LeGette acted as chapenotaes. About forty youing people were present. Read the Want Ads! Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves the promptly of be cause it goes right loosen to seat expel < the trouble to help and germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the back. cough or you are to have your money CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis IHB SC BORAX, RED AND BLACK PEPPER, Liquid Smoke, Salt Petre, Etc. an Our Stock Is Fresh and Our u B Prices Are Right! ■ ■ B Phone or Mail Us Your Order ■ B Grady Pharmacy fl ■ B Phortes a £ 55—Two -llI ■ m B B Lists wno are interested in oddities of the bovine world. These three Ayr shire heifers have the same color markings which are patterned after those of their modher. In di position, as well as in eating habits, they are lescribed as identical. SCHOOLS’ TRUSTEES ELECTIONS FEB. ELECTIONS ORDERED IN ALL 14 DISTRICTS; IFEB. 22ND IS ENTRY LIMIT. Plans are -being made for tnustee elections on Friday, Feb. 28th, in all of Grady county’s fourteen school dis tricts, according to County Supt. of Schools Wih Muggridge, to fill one or more vacancies in each district. Election rules in force in the county for the past two years will be invok ed, Supt. Muggridge states, and the names of persons to be voted on must j be submitted to him at his office here j in writing not later than noon Sat urday, Feb. 22nd. Printed ballots j will be supplied and Supt. Muggridge I Will have charge of the elections, j The polls will be open between the hours of 10 a. m. and 12, noon, except | in the Cairo district, where the polls will be open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. In most of the districts, the voting will be at the school house, but at Cairo the voting will be at the cus tomary place in the Courthouse. Only registered, qualified voters will be en titled to vote and those qualified will foe determined by the committee in charge of the election in each district, The killer decides not to slit Ben’s throat but holds him prisoner hy main force until one day Keefer falls vic tim to a water moccasin. Keefer revives just as Ragan is making preparations to bury him, and this consideration s>o touches the wan derer’s heart that he guides youth and dog out of the swamp. Ben says he will return to trap animals. He dives back into the swamp wilderness again and again, alienating his giant father, Thursday Ragan, arid filling other hunters with envy. Mabel McKenzie is Ben’s partner at the Sunday singings until a brown haired girl from Alabama, Julie Gor don, rides u>p in a new buggy. When the jilted Mabel tells of Ben’s partner in the Okefenokee, Ben is tortured to make him reveal the killer's hiding place. He refuses despite a horrible ducking which Mr. Bell makes the reader feel as a personal experience. Whether swamp-wild Tom Keefer does finally get out of the Okefenokee to find himself a wife, or whether his enemies take his life may best be left to Mr. Bell’s narration. The story builds up to a magnificent climax. It should be pointed out that Mr. Bell has not let his natural yen for hunting dogs run away with him. The hound, Trouble, is What might be call ed a well-bred literary dog. Not once does he save bis master from death, nor do we see him panting hap pily in the fadeout as his masker and lovely Julie embrace. Trouble re mains mostly out of sight, content to be the best hound dog in that Below is a list of the trustees whose terms have expired or will soon ex pire (except W. B. Hester, in the Live Oak district, who has moved to an other district). CAIRO: Dr. A. W. Rehberg, and J. Slater Wight. (Other members here are Dr. J. V. Rogers, chairman, H. T. LeGette and J. B. Roddenbery). CALVARY: J. T. Stephens. CENTRAL: Eugene Moore. ELPINO: Spence Shiver. LIVE OAK: W. B. Hester and Walter Whigham. MIDWAY: T. B. Woolfolk and N. Williams. NEW HOME: George Harvey. RENO: Carl Bryant. SPENCE: C. G'. Akridge and W. M. TURKEY CREEK: Oliver Chester. WAYSIDE: R. C. Hollingsworth. WHIGHAM: W. M. Cr?w and G. T-tulock. PAWNEE: J. S. Godwin. UNION: Edgar Stringer. For several years past, the last -Fri in February has been the desig date each year for tnustee elec Considerable confusion result prior to the fixing of one date year when several elections were in the different districts during year. Messenger Ads Pay! Neither does Mr. Bell let dialogue or what is known as “local color” cloud his narrative’s true vein. The book has richness. One learns much a about fox races, Sunday singings, ® country There froubadors, lyrical and the fur trade. £ are passages about the ■ Okefenokee. ■ But Mr. Bell has with it all Mark Twain’s grift of being casual. The ■ reader never gets the feeling he is 2 | hunt. being taken for an Okefenokee snipe The characters of “Swamp Water” ■ stand like ■ out nuggets in quartz. Ben Ragan was a dead ringer for Henry Fonda in the Saturday Evening Posit’s ■ ■ illu.ftrations when the book appeared \ serially. In Hollywood -Fonda has al ready been signed for the role. | Then there is Tom Keeker, lean, ■ | brown, agile a? a cat. One likes Keef er f rom the moment he stalks a deer in the swamp, catches it and then ■ lets it go free because "... every time 1 Krab one like that and H .... feel the life pounding and fighting in him, I just ain’t got the heart.” Thursday Ragan, Ben’s father, is a gi ar >t of a man with a passion for fox races. He forbids Ben to enter the .swamp again; the .son refuses and IM THE CAIRO MESSENGER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1941. VEREEN BELL GIVEN HONORS AT ATLANTA “SWAMP WATER” BOOKS GET A FORMA L 1NTRODUCTION WEDNESDAY. Vereen Bell, the Cairo and Thomas ville, author, who is destined for wide spread fame, was signally honored in Atlanta Wednesday upon the formal introduction of his gripping Okefe nokee novel, “Swamp Water,” in book form. At Davison's sixth floor restaurant, from 3:30 to 5 p. in., the author was the at a reception, at which he happily autographed copies of his book, published by Little, Brown & Co., Boston. During the day, he also autographed ‘books at Rich’s book shop after having been interviewed over Rich’s (WSB) radio program by Pen elope Penn at 8:05 a. m. The books have been available lo cally at Mizell Drug Co., now, for nearly three weeks, although Feb. 19th was the announced date of pub lication. In this connection, the following re view of the book by W. K. Wyant, which was featured on the Books page of last Sunday’s Atlanta Journal magazine section, is- doubtless of un usual interest: “S.WAMP WATER,” Vereen Bell’s novel, which goes on sale Wednesday, •February 19, is not a story about a doig. Secondly, one would do Mr. Bell an ill turn to call his magnificent tale of the Okefenokee Swamp an epic of the lowlands or a saga of the savan nahs, because people might think of those self-conscious, closely printed novels rwhich less gifted writers get off after attending a quilting bee in the backwoods. Mr. Bell, as most of us know by now, is Georgia born and makes his home near Thomasville. In “Swamp Water,” he tells of a country youth named Ben Ragan Who, in order to find a lost hound dog, penetrates the green fastnesess of the Okefenokee. In ithe swamp Ragan is knocked on the head by an escaped murderer, Tom Keefer. goes off to live in an abandoned Ne gro cabin. We see Thursday plowing all day in the sun, his shirt wet, and . again we see him returning early | from a night’s hunt to find a min strel visiting "with his young wife. Then there are Blind Fiskus the 1 whiskey-drinking fiddler; Silas Dor son, with his hairlip, and others. The Post’s editor.*, not given ! being effusive, use the word “genius” in conneceion with Mr. Bell. Certainly in “Swamp Water” he has fashioned a , memorable story. U. So Income Tax Man Due Here Feb. 24, 25 Marion H. Allen, of Atlanta, col lector of internal revenue, has advised The Messenger that a field man from his office will be in Cairo from j 8:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. two days, Mon day and Tuesday, Feb. 24th and 25th, to assist the people of this section in the preparation of their U. S. income tax returns. Heretofore, only one day has been i given to this service, locally, but with | the limits lowered this year a large j number of persons who have not been J subject heretofore will be required to ! pay income taxes. Therefore, in an- j ticipation of the increased number lo- i cally, an extra day is being provided for the field representative here. Limits are now only $800 for single persons and $2,000 for married per sons. No announcement has been made as to where the field representative Will be located while here, but it is ex pected that some office at the Court house will be used. STATE AGENT TO BE HERE FEB. 28TH. Allen Darden, income tax director of the Georgia Department of Reve nue, has notified The Messenger that an agent of the department will be at the Courthouse in Cairo all day next Friday, Feb. 28th, for the purpose of FOR FERTILIZERS (HAND’S) SEE E. JOE POULK S ?* 5 ! & g 3 ! IK B S B & 9 B B B B E B E B B El IB n IB % B ft K E! Q ii? & £ IS 13 IS E S 1 fl R B B SI IS 5 S E IE E E B i f II \ I o 1 \ \J 1 ♦ flippy \\ U rz l: "■J? A 0 ‘ ^ __J_ RUSHIN’S Is the Place! LADIES’ NEW SPRING BUSH CURDUROY JACKETS, Exceptional Values at only $2.98 LADIES’ NEW SPRING PLAIN FLANNEL BUSH JACKETS, Only . . . . $1.98 LADIES’AND MISSES’ WOOL FLANNEL SKIRTS In All the New Pastel Shades, only $1.95 SHARKSKIN, new solid and fancy colors, worth 59c a yard, only, yard 49c 5,000 Yards NEW SPRING PRINTS, all the new pattern 5 ;. only, yard IQc, 12V> c, 15c, 19c LADIES NEW SPRING OXFORDS, big variety of patterns and styles, only, from $1.98 up . WORK SUITS, shirts and pants to match, full Sanforized, only, suit $1.89 Large Assortment New Spring MEN’S TWO T0>E SPORT SHOES, only, pair $1.98 to $3.95 Be Sure To See Our Other New Spring Items! RUSHIN’S “Dependable Merchandise At Right Pri ces Phone 197 bbbb 1 B I assisting Grady countians in the prep aration of their state income tax and j n t a ngible tax returns for the calendar year 1940, which must be filed by March 15th, according to law. Pen altie,- and interest will be assessed on ; delinquents, [ Stats income tax limits are the ! same as heretofore and have not been i JWe :ed like the Federal limits. Per sons are requ ired to file a state re turn if their net incpme is §1,000 or more if their gross income is $5,000 or more if single, or married and not living with husband or Wife. If mar r ^ ec * artc * Lving with husband or wife the net income limit is 82.500 with a gross income of $5,000 or more. COME RIGHT IN \ sex? AND SEE THEM! j > A I i S Ready jor you now! . . . with new beauty, new power and new economy of operation! The New K-Line Internationals —tested, proved, and better than ever! On your hauling jobs the new performance of these great trucks will add new profits to your business. Try them out. We’ll gladly demonstrate, and we know the pleasure will be mutual! R. R. Van Landingham PHONE 208 CAIRO — m 1 B jgXjx';' uS — fe,i t Kfr, Sag; ...... . < V •X' i >w r LjI —It I imm- Ss ssiS___ mmmrnr SING MARCH 2N] County Convention Will Long Branch, Near CahJ Announcement was made thi that the regular s cr terl l ae, of the G'rady Cou c Ringing vention will he held Lon ^ 1U1C ^’ J us f north of Cair ? Br day, March 2nd. °i on The singing will begin Proittpfl 10 a. m., with morning and afte sa sions. Several outstandi t tets and other singing groups pected to be present. a , ( All good singers are urged t tend and all lovers of good are invited.