Newspaper Page Text
Editors and Publishers
iMmd M uw poft -
«»..., at- ‘■•■C'li.-'i • «a. - ;•••"•* r
Oh* Year.......*............*1.00
Si's Month!.............. §0
Titfi-i Months ....... - l. 1 '*
Advertising Kate* Very I.<.» mid
M ide Known on Application
FRIDAY, FKBRl’AKY 4th, laid
Did you see the sun in the
eclipse yesterday? I
Col. Gardner, of Calhoun, has
announced for Congress from thi*
Seventh district against
- - ------
Last Wednesday was ground
hog day.accordingtohis prophecy
we will have some good weather,
You merchants who are not
advertising should rub the cob
webs from your door after this
bad wet weather
It is reported that Dr. Harde¬
man will announce in every
try weekly in Georgia. It seems
he wants the press to live, too
President Wilson Mtya he
not what tomorrow will bring
forth. In other words he means
oil up old trusty and be in readi¬
A British ship was loaded at
Brunswick in three days with
10,000 bales of cotton, 2,000 casks
of tanning extracts and 120
tons of steel billets last week
The bill abolishing capital pun¬
ishment in Tennessee and which
was vetoed by Governor Rve. has
been declared constitutional by
the supreme court, ’i his means
no more legal hangings in Ten¬
Some think after May 1st there
will be a blockade within every
g vernment will call in all reve
nue m$n in dry states. If this
port should be true, ‘‘farewell
wife and ’tater patch. ”
^ ~
If you should happen to the
misfortune to get dawn with ty¬
phoid fever ami linger for quite
awhile, will Sears Roebuck Go.
furnish you provisions on a cred
it and a doctor to wait upon you
until you get on your feet? , Me
sh ... .aid . but , homo
rn not your
people will. Trade at home
' "
m. Then _ few . weeklies
are very m
the Ninth District that uses a
patent side and we are indeed
-pi-oud of it, and we believe before
another twelve months there will
not be any. The only thing you
l^aneas r K °'t and uw is a u little ; t more oir thiu el
bow greece. Put a stop to other
folks l .nning your business
Few of us realize the danger of
Goughs and tolus. We consider them
common and harmless ailments How¬
ever statistics tell us every third per¬
ron dies of a lung ailment. Dang rous
Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a
n^ected raid. Aa your body at niggles
.ighns' void germs, no better aid can
b -had than Dr. King's New Disc, very
its ir-r:t hu.- n tested by old ai d
>' •> ~K Is net -nvr 45 years. Get a
Mtoet vdv Avoid the riss of serious
Lung ai mei'ts. Druggists.
■KiBf FAMnr wCrm ciWJt
Atw«yvStt^oeasLij - Chi i d iva like U
.r jL ill 8I 1 ‘Is ’
('■■r,. t '.--'Tr-.n >*1.5:1 Hi* f uilro
foi!o^!nKt>iI tocou
s.-ruct a National Highway in
"lHi* it f*nac*prl by the Senate
and ITous.* of Representatives of
the United .-ates of America in
('oppress assembled, 'Jhat the |
Secretary of ar be authorized
and he is hereby directed to con
ruct a highway from ()• onee
county, Si".,!, Carolina, in
Government f *) r e s t reserve
boundary, through the counties
Rabun, Habersham, Towns, !
Union, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens,
Murray, Whitefield and Catoosa,
to the Chickamauga National
1>ark ’ 1 l ! ;i ; h<?r< ‘ b> ’;
appropriated , for this ;
purpose out
of the fund () , thfl United States
Treasure not otherwise ’ appro—
mated” 1
~~ ———. j
What about Gilmer holding a !
CO unty f a j r this fall? Those who j
attended Pickens County fair last |
fall saw what a great success
th**y made of it. If Pickens can I
successful why not Gilmer,
We have ve every every fa facility Pickens i
has. Let some one speak out
Those who attended the fiddlers
State Convention in Atlanta last j
week and the one held in Jasper
Suliirday report the bireest;
times of their lives. We are glad
to say Gilmer captured second I
prize of $30.00 by one of our fair- j
est young I t year old girls
Snider, the weather prophet 0
Griffin, says February is going to
a be rip-snorter- He knows, so
does the weather man in Atlanta.
The only difference in the two
men tne Atlanta man gets about
•fft.tHH) per year and Snider gets
nothing, but Snider is mofe suc¬
The L. & N- railroad lost again
in forcing the state to issue a
charter under the name of North
Georgia Mineral Railroad Monday
in the Superior court Judge
l*on;lletnn refusing to order See
Cook ...
nucha charter. The railroad will
appeal first to the Georgia
preme court and if refused there
will carry to the United Slates
Supreme Court
iiM rail a®
Courier iy Ejlii- have ........ been consolidat'd ..j h:i....
int0 the Tinu ' s ‘ Courier, publish
ed by C. F, Owen and R M ‘ Edee i‘ lI 3/
.... 1 he first at hand, and
issue is is
a w0 |, d newsy papt , r ._
Chatsworth Times
The first issue of the Times
Co Uri er, published at Ellijay, by
C. F. Owen and R. M. Edge, has
reached our table, neat and full
ot *»teresting news —Dahlonega
L'ditor R. M. Edge of the Pick
an d a.nsolidarion of the Ellijay 1
v ourior and Times- We wish
them great success.—Dawson
County Advertiser
» l TltOLAX ■
]' st t'.-r constipation, sonr
,<l much, ia/v liver and s tlggigh
bos Is. Si ; s'..
at onow. G ivos a most 'lhof»j
‘i *« sat Bfac-U rj \ is
pain, lio iiaiisea. K e; s v u' s'p<
• cleans d, s«
Ask for Citroiax. Sotd cv
fuL'i i S . ii rr •9 *
K*- Air.--. osw
For Catarrh Wherever L' -ated.
Jl «.* *. -«. eate, t imr -t ried 1 ledy
•for <'.>•• i’i iki•_ Aff’"'li'ias of ■ * ry
description. SoVI by ill T>nig
glafM WTite On Pant!
Columbus, Ohio. They trill ad¬
vise you free.
We have a letter to one 'of EI
business men from the
Copper Co., at Copper
Ten?.., in regard to iiaving
work-men's train extended :
toLliijay. 1 hey \ <; I-j ->
but if the business men of
2 _town will yut up sXcash bond
I40D-00 to guarantee al e t
KK) I'»U men Mil'll continuously IVIIUIIUUUBIJI for nil a il month IIIKIIUI ,
th<vy 0perate , ^ . . t0 . Ai ...
Wl ne aIn
We don't see any reason why
this he done, for there ,
can t are
several stops between here and
Blue Ridge that would furnish
some men « and thcn there are
those who are working there now
" hose homes are here,
when we got it started several
families up there wop id move
here, so all-told we believe would
more than keep uo the required
This would be a good thing for
the town, as it would lili up all
the hoerdioK and va-.vil house.
turn lots of money
our town,
Now we ask that thole who are
interested iiAforking up there to
see some of The men with the pe
titions and sign up for a month
and get it started, we are sure
the business rnen wid m,ek you.
Lets get it—what do’■you say?
Chance For
Timeb-Courier readers
Cupcn Wurth 25c if Presented at the
Teem Bros. Store
; In order to test the Tirnes
I Co,iri er's great circulation and its
:f |K ‘ rior ■“ dvertisi "« we
S2i ^UheToSd^st
t<> offer one of their best
meaieines at half price to anyone
w ho \\if cut out the following
cou P° a an d present it at their
t ’ tou '
of 5.;jl constipation “assrs
and dyspepsia at
IbaH' pric 25c wo will refund the
money to an y dissat’stied
n- U.em „ Bros.
Mr. Howard's specif for the
cure of constipation and dyspepsia Vt
is not an unknown'remedy
h:\smademnnyremarkable eures
right here in Ellijay ; nd s« posi
'i' o ure Druggists Teem Bros, of
Ki eat superiority in curing
they will, in addition to selling it
* ’ ha ■' f price, * refund ^ the
10 an >'°ne whom it does not core
If you cannot call at theirstore.
cutout the .upon £’d mail i
\\ • 1UI rl> . r > < ert.s. and , >0 cent box
Of {he specific \vi i be -ent vea b
“ ^
m ma.u _;i cnuige.s paid. - 1 Do not put
it Off. “One today is worth two
tomorrows. ”
the. A'oters o; Gilmer , untv:
ii> - .
county the ver\- best that is m me
fulfil] the duties of this office.
Very truly,
Legal. Advertisements.
Ci fLi HGIA Gi.’m .• Cooney.
N •' •. • r' ■ t '•
widow of J. L Bramlett, late of sasd
county, deceased, has applied to the un-:
dr signed for a twelve months support j
f.. herself and sis minor children, and
appraisers have been appointed and ‘
said made application their return. 1 the will next pass regular upon J
at j
term of this court on'he first Monday
in Feb., lhlG. This is to cite all persons
interested, kincirc 1 and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why, at the
term of h*.- court, the .-aid pstiti >n
Given under my hand and official sig
natu „., ; ,dda. of January, mu.
W. A. COX, Ordinary
To all whom it may concern:
R. F. Ledford having in form j
to me for permanent Letters of
Administration on the estate 01 Sabra
D, ; dd * lats of ^id c ? unty, deceased,
tms is to cite . all and singular the credi
t ors and next of kin of said deceased to
be and appear at my office within the
\' n If “any
they can, why peran-nent^dminiatration
said R. F.
Witness my hand and official signature]
t h' H :!l 'd day of January,
j ________________
(T l’A : ION
To whom it may concern:
J. S. DeFoor, as the administrator of
.he estate of T. M. l)eFo< r.late of said
( ounty deseasi d. has appli *1 to the i:n
“* re ' 1 ' "
i tate belonging to the said deceased,
j This is to cite all persons, kindred and
creditors to show cause if any they can,
w the '’T first at ^ Monday n L xt to :n T February <AT ihu 1018, Courton why
said petition should not be grants.’.
Given under my hand and official sig- i
nature this Jan. 5tn., 1916.
W. A COX, Ordinary
I Rni i and mud for the schorl
j children
- -is * m* cHh.
Mr Clark Ray and wifo visitc
in DttWbOii comity S.ifurda'
Mr Coke Parks, or Pik**, visited
Oakland Sunday
Mr Clilford West visit’d on
Serougntown Sund.av afternoon
This is leap year buys, stay at
| | home
Miss Ressie Simmoi s has return¬
ed fnun hersehool
Mr John W.Hmm has returned
home ,
Mr Ray -ays the roads are in a
! bad eondiiion
'dr Charlie Wlicder of W’hiie
>tone, visited Oakland Monday ;<f
. teroooti. — * • •
best wished to the Times-Courier
and its readers
Two Playmates
Misses Cora Daily, Bonnie May
GaPtiell and Ethel Willis visited
Iiomefolks at Whitest me Sntur >ay. i
Miss ..... ..................... Ruth Welch.*! visited- Miss
1 °’" S * t “ td, ‘ y *“ d |
Mr 1>1,nl s,m,,,0IKi :l,ui Miss
«« Mamie Reeco
v,sltlM h, ,” ,>ef,)iks Sal,,nia v a ' !,i
?un,,! * y ' 1 ! ‘° v are :lU i 1 • achl "^ Ull,i
' * H ,l ‘ 1,1 ' as
soon as their schools , , are out
Preparations are being made to
tlm rural schools are but *
There was a singing at the schoo
house Sunday afternoon
Tils* literary society will have it-'
iv->n ' • ■ !“Ci n *'..4 • ,| id ! P. I v ite , < .'. J .
uav n-g.
____ ?
EK ‘ oM -MHM*ku roll ckoup. ;
M • 0. AIlt*n, Buseley, Mo., says; :
have- raised a family of foiu
chiwlren and used Fo.-\'s H *
and T»r with u’i of tliein, I fn d
•' l - ■ ' r e. 1-^;. .
• l '■‘ x !' ’•<: I' us ‘Li’ , -r ei^kt
years and • •
for .erotip . n Sam s it’.sfuctory re
• -
-i - Sold
Cv.-f for Fletchers
"\ ‘ 7
an \\. \f’-}~i.»-* 232‘. ‘.=\)\‘.\.\\. .z‘éu’k '~‘-.‘{-‘ “\\\\\ “ ~ :
‘ .
. ‘ us. ”-131-35 ”41,945,," “- ' .. .. ' ’ ‘ ’
, . ' E? ' :51: 9 ' 9' “m - ‘ «.29 4:» . 1343‘: 4
, zv' ’-;‘l ’9" ‘K‘q is,“ I '2. .3, u; " ‘ "I
as smur- » , v- 1‘”: , (1* ”K‘- 5 '
an”: 3 E - 9 ‘ a x. .; 9». a” 1 " 9» 1
A‘» .3 "1:3 a “‘ ‘-. gm .e» ‘73 Lie-A ' l "‘ -_ , '
: ’
5‘ ‘9 WM \J/m m‘ x» x; .‘d’ 3-: ,4 taflt :5. ~ , ‘3: . -’~*2-- t z » »- .‘ - ‘ ‘3 » ‘
r3!» ‘71:}3bxs:r’¢§~§fi}iii\ 9-». w.» " a ‘ \x‘“‘§~‘* “ ‘
W595 , . ,
‘ - x \
The Ilind Ton Have Altvr.ys Bonght, and which has been
iu use for over SO y ears, lias borne tae Sl » na ^? re o£
and lias been made under his por
/^T ^ supervision since its lufaney.
sonal deceive in this.
Allow no one to you
All Counter: ell s, imitations ar I « Jusfc-as-goed of
Exiu Aments t -.t t with and endanger the health
iiiiunts and CIiilOrcn-Exporience against Exiieruaent,
Castorio is a harmless substitute for Castor 051, Pare
jrorie, lIrons a:.d Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, it
eont-ins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. l It = ;ur<* hi its guarantee. I or more t!:an It destroys thirty years Yiorms it
end a:1a,. s ever. .5 ness. for the relief of onstapation,
ls-i« liccn in <*o:;>Taii«. use %
rVitidenev, Y ud Co!ie, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhea*. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates tha Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —Tlio Mother's Iricnd.
Bears the Signature, or
,^JX'-Z rr r.:'zrr"X2
The Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use Fop Over 30 Years
aaaHgBBBMHMr *
fjouannet’s Frost Proof best Cabbage be had Plants- by thousands
Are known as the to anywhere
of experienced buyers, and are offered to you at prices
" T .' ' N ;4*) L0WFR than you pay for common, inferior plants. WILL
HAVE ALL VARIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25,
PRICES: 75 cents for 500 lots; $1.00 per 1C00; 5000 and
over 85 cents per 3000.
ROOTS, one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per 100.
Low rates by Southern Express Co. Cash with order, please.
For a profitable crop send your orders early to or CharlebtonW.b.flrl.l C.bhife AI.FRI !) JOUAFliNET, BOX 198, MT. PLEASANT, S. C.
r --~-r.
1 I
Many women suffer this mis¬ .
ery. It makes its appear¬
learn ance so regularly that they
to expect it and arrange
their household work accord¬
ingly. Few women think of
\ seeking medical help tc get i
rid d it for good. If v/cmea i
only knew of the power and I
effectiveness of B.\ Sma» |
raons Squaw Vine ;
Wine they would not bo j j
without it a moment ler.ger ■
than it would tako-toTyet it '
from' the drug store. It is a I I
-plendid remedy for a?i nau¬
sea or sickness cf the stom¬ ;
ach. The first dose settles 1
the stomach and makes the !
patient fee 1 better. !
Addi- !
tionaidosesactcn the female
generative system, strength- ' !
ening weakened organs, reg¬ j i
ulating the habits, restoring j
tone ar.d strength in every
? part tially cf the a woman’s body. It is remedy essen¬
prepared expressly to meet
in?, need of women who
suffer from the ailments
common to their sex.
Sold by Draggles end Dsalcrs
Price $1 Pe.' Bottle
When your liver gels torpid and you
o* ach ^‘ts queer, take Dr. King’s
Life Pilte and you will find your
teeiing better. They purify the.
give you Ireedom from constipa
i on - biliousness, You feel hne-just dizziness like and indices
lear the you want
t complexion too. 2oe
druggists. Advt.
____ »92casa&a-.n g M t ga __ iva a a
U____ y
_ n
V ' r. .D r '•
'Succeed *ht5 everything else fr.i-r. 3
In ot. - v-s prostra; .v nd female
weaknesses they are the sumer..e
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold g
ve- a druggist s counter r -
Food And Grain Crops V/iil Make
Agricultural Scuth Independent,
Says H. G. Hastings
Afir.nta, Ga.—(Special.)—Tire cred*
it system under which the agricultu
ral south works and stays'poor is an*
alyzed in a striking, way by II. G.
Hastings of Atlanta, chairman of the
agricultural committee of the Charn
ter of Commerce, and a member of
the executive council of the Suuih
eastern Fair. He does not mined
word.-; in talking about t,he situation,
“Every season during the last fifty
years,” he says, “the: e has been trou¬
ble in the cotton belt whenever the
crop was large and the price,low., ftr
the erep short. Each time the cry of
hard times gees up, and the reason
back of it is that, the farmers cannot
get enough money to pay their debts
out of their so-called cash crop—cot
ton. It is disheartening because it is
so absolutely unnecessary,
“A cotton farmer’s, debts are large*
ly for food and grain, charged -up;
against him on the merchants’ books
at two to three times the price that
those same items could be produced
cn his own acres, ard usually without
serious interference with a crop of cot
ton as large as he now makes.
“Tue trouble is that most cotton
farmers owe their crop instead ol
owning it tvhe-n made.
“The credit way looks the easy
way. but it strangles most farmers
before they get through life.
“I have .--aid repeatedly in pub.”-,
p.ddrcs: ?s that no state or section •><
any country can. be prosperous tna,
is regularly dependent on anoihei
section for its food supplies. What
true of a state or section is true
of the individual farmer.
“The great exhibits cf grain, hav
and food products shown a: the South¬
eastern Fair held in Atlanta in Nc
vember, give the lie to the statement
that those :kings cannot be grown
at home successfully and prof
“A good big heme garden kept
and rightiv tended through
season wUl produce half of the
besides _ furnishiag an abur.d
for canning or drying from the
“When we make our food and grain
will have few cr no debts at the
ws will own instead of owe
crops when made, and farm
will accumulate in the south
of farm and crop mortgages"
C ^ • i Ct- O m C*-y
aLD A ^ S T O R ! A