Times-courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1916-current, February 18, 1916, Image 3

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l% y itylLe M. C. KIN V3, PRES J. A uT'^I ^v * V MGR *-*-•** w — r\ k r Si! I?" UMfcll !H 1 V V liij.il s Si * ill J W i 1 i t s El! Aijay- V O 'Ojrll list opening <i complete stock of lumber and building mat— , * al ot <!Vei 7 description, to supply the trade of Gilmer, Ouf Ifi.e iitclndts county Flooring, Oilin. , STing Shingles, Lu! iS , 'Windows, Builder.* Hurd .v.ire, Brie!-;, Dime, Cement, filler. Ready R-.ding, Etc. DUR SPECIALTY IS COMPLETE "house patterns KOltCASH OR OX TERMS. CALL AND SEE US, OFFICE AND YARD SOUTH OF | L. & N. DEPOT l Coca! anb Dei t ' ' CZ *){ ’’ f I l ‘ft [: ! i -7j j LCUIVFLLE 6- NASH VILLE RAILROAD A rriving arc! Dc r:rrtin Time at Kllijiy. Ga, j I All Trains Daily. | Fffpi'tIte Stitnlny OctDber4th, I Leave Arrive, ttnoxvii'e Hfiil Xori h, 11 35 a M i.I4 i lilue Ri Lie ami Murphy 7:21 p .\rG:49 am IV' aritliii & Atlanta, r 14 p m ri-’C a m blarietta & Atlanta G:49- i. M 7:21 p 1,1 Advertisement Col. Burtz was in Atlanta Tues¬ day w. B. West, of Roy, was in town Tuesday Mr L. F Bryan was in town cne day last week Col, F. E Pettit spent Thurs ' dty afternoon in Jasper Mr, Frank Long, of jasper, I Was here on business Saturday. , Ex-Tax Colector Rack lev, f | CartcTcay. was in Ellijay Friday. For imndiato s i!e, 5 m i! ?.?. j EJ W, Watkins-J?. Air. Noel Sanford, ot Roosevelt, j was in town one day last week Mrs. Dr. Goss spent several! days in Atlanta this week ✓ Esq. D. V. Miller, of Mountain- - town, had business here Friday, j Miss E;he! Cobb returned to j Atlanta Sunday for treatment. All*. J B. Chadwick, of Pik e. was here on business Monday. It L- StiVi't o: Etj.vih, spent Friday at Eilijay ! Mr. H. 3 Mu!key, on? o' i Cartecay, was in town Th irsriay. See us for reed Irish potatoes, onion set garden seed, etc. Tankers'ey Bros, Co. Mr G. W. Kikor. of Cooprhili, Was in Ellijay recently on busi¬ ness Mr. 0. R. Ray, of Ellijay Rt 8 was i n town Friday "a n d took Constitution clubbing All who owe the Massachusetts Bond and Insurance Co , please pay E L. Greer, personally or at office. E. L. Greer Mr W. F. Cantrel 1 , of Cacte cay, came *to Eilijay Friday on business Sen. Roscoe Pickett, of Jasper, was in Eli! jay .Saturday and came by and paid his ‘'respects” to the Times*Courier Messrs Jason and J. M. Akir., two of Ralston's best citizen* and While here renewed their subscription to Times-Courier Every account I have over sixty days old, will be sued on ul'ter Feb. 15th. So pay up or make good note, this means body, absolutely Ed W. Watkins Jr. WAMTED! To cdnti-aet with mills for cut of Pine, Oak and Poplar ber C, \Y. Kikee, Box 03G. Copperhill, Tcnn. Em Miss V. lith Akins, " of ' Copper- I ~ j '"ill. v-'sitc-d Miss Reb Weaver j Sunday c j .! Rev. J II. Bailey preached an j interesting sermon Sunday at the ! ^ouJiein ..iethodist Church j Mr. Carl Murphy and famiivj j of Jasper Rt. 2, is visiting rela* lives in sr.d near town i Price our vulcan plows, they turn your land, satisfy or your money back- Tankersley Bros Co. Mr. Joe Corbin, one of Tails | Creeks progressive merchants.! came in to see us Wednesday J { . Mr. J. A. Logan, of Mountain-1 town, was hare on business Wed- 1 nesday j Mr. A’ L. Piemntons, of Board town district, was in town Wed Now is the time, to sell your chestnut wood, $3.75 to $4.00 per cord—Tankersley Bros. Co. , j Mrs. Tilda Painter, who h a g! • Ala- ,, senamg some time i.rr Gama, returns hopieKaturaay, Dr. F. C. Richards, of Jasper, ; here on provisional ... , , ; was last week I Mr. J. R. C. Walker, of near j ’arteeay. was here Thursday | with a load of fine potatoes LOST—one small locket tlr.dj chain, Mps/LiLiiacRAwFORo finder please return to! u I Mrs. B- B, Holden met Mr. lit Iden, who has been located in Fla , for some time, in Atlanta this week Early spring dress ginghams, in beautiful patterns now on hand iankersley Bros, t o. Mr. V’/. H. Seafcey, of Cherry .Log, \vas in E’IiJay Friday. Mr Searecy has an ad of it is mineial land I’orYitiu iyAh.-L issa-p and :vo c irdiiig t . 1 K* Gtfologie.-d r-j,ort, no In.s I he f'ie.ho-t miner.,! in tins urt, of rim eounii-y, having t : «>m ( ‘ tin e since shipped several ear loads of iron <1 • J'.r m his place. Here is an oppert" ;Itv worth mvosti ; i"g Call for your cash tickets when you trade at out- store, they en title you to all kinds of Rogers silver ware. Tankersley Bros. Reeomineaded ‘or. uwJii. W. C. Allen, Bos&Iey, Mo., says: have rais<*d a family of four children and used Foley’s Honey and Tar all of them. I fmd it the best cough and croup medicine I ever used, I it for eight or ten years and can rec ommer.d it for croup. ” Same tory results for coughs and colds, Sold everywhere. Advt. -- 131:1."79'1452- $52.4 M Wfi‘hgfifififlg'fizfiw" *r 2 (a: m’w» v- ~ - ' ' 1: ‘* ’ fig: xFF R‘W‘é‘g K§gd$ 1;?» A“. 3: z§$iqfiltk 757,-} ' EWK1'9§1€&§ fr wwwfi éfiié ".71: iiiii'l-‘fi '53; . ‘¢- a; .,.:,r~ :;:- , W 5 a: «£~“ 9““3 $5ifl§idfl 17» -.,-.,-.:‘ 1133*“ -' 1 “ "5‘1“ 1,... r _ .‘ -..,~.,:-.m‘ M" ‘~"- ”:3 is?“ ‘7; 42—": ‘ '- Q "‘ "r?”ii ‘ ‘7 h ""5 i ' a ' *2 a 5,. .7: “:fi Fri-fig w €sz " “tin 7‘- 'iw‘: 553*. 4' -‘1 7 I. ANN"; 3‘ ‘42; Jute: ‘ '-..*M%=J$:~ tn x... F “We‘7' .- u» n5”“—‘1e*54"-"-"‘"’- ““33" “W73; Ax)! firs: ‘u .- . , <3? key-«43:; shag? 9:3 u' a = A ._- :17. V. 52-1. 2' ~21¥W§ ' {filfififlg r3333: '55 t '~. r " 5 if NEW “1“" 1‘” an}? £“y“.~...v:*-: my??? . .2 fifiz’ifl‘” " ~; ”» ‘ v "77‘3"; "-‘ v.1.- cage; 'r. *gr’ifig‘fi +‘.-§“~=?~'-7'- 53:9}; (1‘ :75“ _'i ‘3'“ ‘ 4:53? “5“"&‘ A V ' h I ’7 " ' g; Y . y ‘ Q: : Zr.‘:§‘?-‘7~‘T“§rjr' n. «L P- ,gimxla‘flz- '35539'71‘531y" 1‘1 ’ .. ***• j The Southern Methodist Church j I $16 f, ar l® 77 Ragre at the Aid parce: Soiciaty. past realized sale at II uePost Office Thursday evening, Uesdames Rogers and Purport, . who are visiting in Atlanta, will return to their home at Ella Dap, we understand some time in March Messrs Roy and Max Cobh, who been visiting bamefoiks, have returned to their respective positions.. Roy to Mi ledgevillg and Max to City Point, Va. Miss Mary Tankersley, who has been seriousl* ill with pneu* moma, we are glad to state is improving and thought out of danger now ! Messrs Bill Mashburn, of Pike, and F.L. Byers,of hoardtown.t.vo ot Gi mer’s.big hearted fellows, came in Saturday and wanted our paper and the Semi-Weekly Jo.nr nai anotner year Mr. Pete Kell was in our < ity Mr. Kell is one of* the boys who went to the farm from our City and has made good. lie has recently purhased a 'arm! Wc wish him success Re id the* millinery udvjrt.ise nient in this i-stie <>f Mi.-s .\iury P. Welch, oi>* 1 r her before bovine J 01 "' s l'fing hut / ----- .--- SdV7 Mill For Sale A No. ! Deloach saw-mill with table feed, in good condition, for ba ^ e oiie»p. See Times-Courier ^ hl % . Cit D“'“ Tuesday,-ir. , in ° ur V T - A. Harper, one ot Gdntcr’s prosperous farmers, informed us that hc h; ' lf ’ recently p"t his grist mill in . first class condition with of some real good carpenters, and says ho can now grind a of good me d every ten minutes OBSEKVK THE WAXNIXO. A cold tlfsit promises to “hang on nil winter'’ is to he dr« ude-.i. Proiig’t. uetion sIiquIJ be taken, at! first warning Ufa cold-sn.-er Htilliues. Hi.-ht sl.iv-KT K«i,.v’a Hmtey and Tar makes a T' kh ' vo ' k of c0 "K hs iUl,i " *«P. ir- (aears air pas-agen, stops ,‘, co'ieh- ^ !ISV< d . mcalt eiU S „M m-.-vwlw For Ladies, Misses and Children Just Received a Nice Line cf Spring Millinery. Everyone cor dia.-ly Invited to come in and see my line, upstairs over the Times Courier 1 ffiee Miss Mary P. Welch 35 \imo;mcemonts FOP. ORDINARY To the Veters of Gilmer county: I hereby announce myself a candidate | this county the very best that is in me to mini] the duties of this office. i Very truly, i Lawrence M. Davis ► -.^DSt<TjM5!te.\DK<;, FOjK ekocr. l V\’. 0. Allen, Bosidt^, Mo..says; “I have rairiHii, a idVAiiily of four chbd.vn and tried Foley’s H'"' r -.v : and Tor with all of them, I fiiul : it the best cough and crong i.-intrl ever usevL I used it for of ten Years and can recommend it for croup.” SaniP satisfactory Sold suits for coughs and colds. everywhere. j For Sale My house and lot that is known ns the Alliance Storehouse in East - Ellijay ElVijav " ' near non bridge, J cash balance • 1. i, 2 - and o ° ,, >'e- lis . " 1,,e | D. M. Hyatt i ' Sweetwater, Teiin, immmm r Tcxfiu TYoru' r cures kidneT end *“■ | Madder diidtei tionbios, c:-.k arid ti: iaiae ;bo 1 v- Itaeks, a gravel, euma- cures cures smb l-j'A'u.--••.AY.‘.?;r . : t7iaJ,iA-3-.'.iMi if soul bladder in TeeR&u I WG.ien. uuM not ceipt by your ftf driest. One OV stnafi vA- ue bottle bottlu . > ml is months tn-.Ynf.hs cure- 7 7 of SI. oi. .o iS two SfcLoKis./Ja. States. Dr, L. W. Hi.ii. veR Olive Streat, Soldli-drusaLtk,.—Adr. I Miss Allie Davis, of Atlanta, paid ner brother-in-law, B.P. Free’ man at Roosevelt,a visit Saturday returning home Sunday. I Miss Mary P. Welch has mov j ! ed building her'miRinery store from the in which t h e Ellijay i Courier .vas located, to the j building nearer the square, in w hich is the Times-Courier office, Times-Courier down stairs, millin-: ery store up stair§. Don't fail to read the adver¬ tisement >n this issue of “Gilme; j County Norma!” to be held at : the El'ijay Institute March 13th J May 1st, by Prof. Waiters, i Prof Walters is well up on the courses advertised and this is a great opportunity for those who ; wish to teach or those a ! read> teaching, to batter themselves. We liaye added tin* W ! t* names 10 our .“ithsc! ipi on Its* I Miss >!ii trie Jolt’ son le w ng Green, Fa.; A. L. Flee a , (.hi ry Eg: S. A. Pletumoi s, Oi ->ec-. ; rant:.; Benjamin Akins,- Claytoti, ; New Mexico; ,\\\ B. \\ cs:, R-n,; Ga. For $ 1.60 we will send Tiir.es Ooarier, Atlanta Bern'-Weekly | Journrl. Everyday Life, Farm! Life. Home Life, GenUewcmin. ! and Household Journal and Flor¬ al Life all one year t WO'.'.KKI) JX T1IK HA’ FIELD. Arthur Joi.es, Ad. n K ttt,, writ' a ‘‘I hrvi-. mid k Ik’..‘ ji t:ottI>!<*d with bhtd | - r nitn-v tioubbs for a jjootl manv Vi !t>v. If it wore not for F<>- ! Ky Kulticy Pi:Is I would i ever lei able to work in che bay- field." Men and women jia-t- middle are liod these [.tills a S|.Undid remedy n.r weak, overworked or diseased kidney?.. S. hi everywhere. M ol ice 1 Parties owing me old accoun's, must come in at once and settle up or make good notes, or you wi ; lfind thsm,n the ^nds of a collector. Respectful y, Ei F Hill, • Ollie, Ga. r»j ^WlALCR \m QW 0 iS THE ONLY «5?KUJiSE IlliiQira For Sale Will sell for cash vxt-hnng I” »-"’ J «»' *hn i,', Georgia or northern Oklahoma, 1200. acres «,f'good mineral ty, with mining privileges. Thi property abounds with iron ore, liningaiwse, cold, stive.-ai d copper, all < f which ri substantiated by the United States Geological [See •‘Kllntiv F„lic.”l B. ride the above minerals there are tsar 0,1 u! ‘ the E. 4: X. railroad, with plenty of water to do legitimate mining, M ill sell cheap \V. H. SEARCEY, Cherry Log, Ga, HLLP YOUR LIVER—57 PAYS When your liver gets torpid and you stomach acts queer, take Dr. King’s ; New Life Pills and you will find your j self feeling • better. They purify ihe j blood, give you ireedom from constspa | ! tion. lion. biliousness, You feel fine—just dizziness like and want feel. Clear you j o the complexion too. 2»c I at druggists. Advt. Dental Notice < j I have m ?ved my family | EUijay to make my home here and will be at my office from now on all the time ready to serve the public. Cab and see me when YOU need dental Work. { B.B. VanderuRIFF, Dentist 1 Arivt AUVU j Ellijay institute, March 13—May 1st l or thy LcRcnt < f these already engaged in the profes si. n or these Preparing themselves for such, this Nor¬ ma'. Course is given with the hope of Extending the Preparation ol oar leachersas builders of Human Lifts ! here will he Courses in the Elementary and High School branches. Including Nature Study, Physical Education, Primary and Elementary Methods, School Government. Music, and Domestic Science her Further Information address HAWLEY D. WALTERS, Supt. As Wear-Proof as the Hide on the Cow’s Back $ Millions ot slices that are sold are not solid leather t^ey are made ol cheap subterfuges. lose Every time you buy a pair of such shoes you money. “BATTLE AXE” Shoes are made of real, live, lasting leather that wears like the hide on the cow’s back. So you save money every time you buy “BATTLE AXE Shoes. Every shoe that bears the “BATTLE AXE trade-maris Q good shoe. The inside is right as well as the outside. "We want vou to come in and let us show you the BAT ____ TLE AXE” line of shoes. You will find the very thing you want fot yourself and family. Prices are tnoney-savers. “ J. W. WIMPEY Ellijay, Ga. — Do you want that much rupnev gx gofiJi,. will be EASY -You clan get rt if you want it. And it to get TTie Atlanta Journal jing to gi va away piles of gold, and you can have $1,500 all fa jsr own. u you want it Are Yon Interested? It you are. fill out tite coupon below and mail to The Atlanta Journal -3L> ' Y : { The Atlanta Journal. Atlanta Ga, Please send ine full particulars of your big Gold Distribution ]Name........................................................ Postoffice........ ................................... R. F. D. No..........State............... iimiiSi it our scHom Tiu-re will he an entertainmen at Sharp scimo! house on tL-night of Fe‘ ruurv filith, the jiroeends are to go for the school library. j Opening add o.-! ami reading or hy j # L . p ark8 j Song—‘ ‘Bohiine-is” Dialogue — “Oh! you T- aelter’ ! , )V g ,.j I(>(( - i Dialogue Petnrtowu I ropng- | ' :l1 ! Dialogue^ Romance at lidme. j Bung “Lull dog on the bank. ; , | Flag drill—by.'8 boys and girls. I j Drab gue—‘‘The Lost Dog” Dialogue—“Betty Betsy” j Song—“Polly. Wdly-Doodly” j Dialogue—‘‘Thirty thousand dol¬ lars” ! Dialogue—“The Silent System,” Song—“My Sugar Babe” Dialogue—“Popping the ques¬ ! tion : Recitation ! Dialogue —“The Census Taker” ; ■ Song—“Ain’t I feeling good” i Everybody come and have a lug i | time Jemima Gatlin Briefs As i have seen nothing from these diggins, thought 1 would write a few scratches ; Mrs. Nancy Price, we are sorry to say, is very sick with grip, hope she may soon recover Mr. C. S. Northcutt has-been his orchard in fine shape, Northcutt has one of the orchards in thecounty,ana s showing what can be done by pruning, spraying and which is a great help the fruit industry of Gilmer Mr Oscar Plumley has sold out will move to Dalton, to make - ls { u t ur e home. We are sorry lose Mr. Plumley and family our community, but wish we u | n their new home The school at this place is pro¬ fine under the manage ment of Miss Winfred Hudson Rev Henry Cantrell filled his regular appointment at the Bap¬ tist church last Saturday and Sunday Quite a lot of our people went to Ellijay last Saturday, but we forgot, that isn’t news ?.lr. Edward Chapman, better known as “Goab”, of Calhoun, wa3 shaking hands with friends here last week Mr. Everet Ilcnson, and sister, Miss Pearl, of Oak Hill, spent last Saturday night with their grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. A. 13. Rackley, of this place In fear of the waste basket, I close, with best wishes to the Times-Courier and i t s many readers. Romper