Times-courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1916-current, August 04, 1916, Page Page 2, Image 2

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QHj Rig, TIMES—COURIER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF GILMEK COUNTY. i F. OWEN R. M. EDGE Editors and Publishers Ibtored at me post office at Ellijay, Ga., as second-class mail matter' Published Every Friday ’Phone No. 33 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year...................$1.00 gix Months................. 50 Three Months.............. 25 Advertising Rates Very Low and Made Known on Application ———————iisa FRIDAY. AUGUST 4th, 1916 ‘ Cherokee Superior Court will convene at Canton next week We notice where a bill has been Introduced in the Senate to es¬ tablish a branch of the State Uni¬ versity at Dawsonville The fellows who have been cussii.g President Wilson for not declaring war are the last ones now who will enlist Oh, you old humbug It has always been a strange thing to us when a fellow sees a habit is ruining him why he doesn’t stop- A man who has no will power is no more than a thing You can usually find what you want in > our home town, if you cunnot any merchant wili order it lor you. If you fail to patro¬ nize the industries of your town 'what will be the result? Just as we go to press we art in receipt of a telegram from Congressman Tom Bell, stating that a bill hdW just befen pafocd* appropriating $540,000.00 as a relief fund for storm sufferers in Georgia, North and South Caro¬ lina The Lower House in acting on the copper fume question, renew¬ ed the old contract with the cop¬ per company for a period of three years, with a few minor changes. Representative Burtz, of Gilmer, made a hard fight against the re¬ newal, but lost One of the worst murders ever recorded in the history of Georgia was that of John Wurm, who so mysteriously disappeared last Sunday a week ago, and whose body was found last Sunday by some parties in a boat on the Chattahoochee river where it had lodged in some brush on the Cobb county side. His hands were tied together with copper wire and from the cuts made by the wire it is supposed he was thrown in the river alive. Tne Atlantic Steel Co., where young Wurm was employed as night time-keep¬ er, has offered a $500.00 reward for the arrest of guilty party,and the State is expected to offer the highest reward possible. Several ■uspects have been arrested. Wurm left the plant rbout 10:00 Sunday night, July 23rd, ^ith the remark that he was going to get a soft drink. and that was the last seen of him until his body was found on the river one week later A Coed Thing For C ildren F i aity e Honey and Tar is a ipariioulkrj}' good cold, cough •and croup medicine for children Ifcecause it contains no opiates or habit-forming drugs. The “lit¬ tle colds” of summer, as well as the long standing, deep seated coughs, that hang on for months, are banished by its use The first dose brings relief, and com¬ fort. Sold everywhere. f 3 , _ \Y hitestone Mr. Willie Chester spent Sunday with friends in Ellijay Mrs. Fry and Miss Grace Ben¬ nett, of Ducktown, Teun., were, the welcomed guests of Miss Bon¬ nie Ricketts Saturday night aud Sunday Miss Ola Simmons was the guest of Fannie McCravey Saturday p,m. Mr. J. T. McHan visited Mr. John R. Gartrell Sunday Mr. Olin Griffith was an unex¬ pected visitor at Mr. MiUravey’s Sunday afternoon VVe have just heard that Mr. Ernest Walker is taking a few days vacation from his summer labor. Wish him much pleasure while oil. Mr. N P. Pratt and brother, Lewis, were in Whitestone on nus i«.ess this week Quite a crowd attended the Box Supper given by the young ladies of Whitpstone Saturday night. The proceeds are to be used tor repair¬ ing school house and organ Whitestone school opened, up Tuesday with Miss Leila Davis as teacher There will bt an ic» cream sup¬ per at Whitestone Saturday night. Everybody cordially .nvited Harry Chester is now living in liis new dwelling The “Two Crooks’'were sick last week and failed to show up. The doctor says they are improving very tast aud will be able to write the dots hereafter Mr Will Chester is now taking i course in telegraphy at this place Two Crooks A Season Of Torture For Some Hay fever causes untold mis¬ ery to thousands. Asthma, too, counts its sulferers by the hun¬ dreds. Foley’s Honey and I ar soothes that raw, rasping feeling in tn the me throat mroar, relieves rette\cs hoarscru-s nuarsem.s and wheezing, makes breathing easier, heals inflamation, permits refreshing “Sold slumber. Contains no opiates. tv* ifr where r ■ Committees Meet The two Republican Executive Committees met in the Court House a few days since, in joint session, and nominated the fol¬ lowing candidates: For Clerk, J. L. Weaver; For Tax Collector, J. G. Ellis; For Treasurer, W. S. Henson; For County Supt Public Schools, S. F. Pettit; For Survey¬ or, Floyd Cantrell; For Coroner, Albert Cantrell. The faction of the Democrats called Slicktails, through their committee nominated—For Ordi¬ nary , J. C. Allen; for Represent¬ ative, A. H. Burtz; for Sheriff,R. L. Milton; ior Tax Receiver, R. A. Pinson. Both committees en¬ dorsed the action of the other committee We understand that Messrs B. L. Hensley, candidate for Ordy., and J F. Chastain, candidate 1 or Superintendent of Schools, re¬ fused to go before the committees for endorsement and will run on regardless The Simonpure faction have as yet made no nominations. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than al! other diseases put together, and for years It was sup¬ posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre¬ scribed local remedies, and by constant¬ ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by con¬ stitutional conditions and therefore re¬ quires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a consti¬ tutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. ; ! I i | ' »wn? I 'bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures ! diabetes, weak and lame backs rbeum.v and 1 tisin bjfyourdrugtfisi.'tvifn^Tei^by and all irregularities of the kidneys miuonre^ i ceiptofS). One small bottie is two months’ states. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2S26 Olive Street. , 8t.Louls.Mo. Sold by druggists. —Adv. Announcements We will charge the following prices for announcementsthisyear. ThesaitA fee will be required of all, no matter what date they announce, and will be strictly in advance— Judge Congress.................... Superior Court........ $ 10.00 10.00 - Solicitor General............. 10.00 State Senator............... 7.50 Representative.............. Offices, 7.50 County except Survey¬ or and Coroner............. 5.00 Surveyor................... 3.00 Coroner...................... 2.00 All political matter 5c. per line, unl*#s electrotype charged is furnished, which will be by the inch FOR CONGRESS To the Voters of the Ninth District of Georgia: I announce as a candidate for Con¬ gress subject to the rules and regula¬ tions governing the primary September 12th. I shall go before the people-in all the counties as soon as I can leave Washington without neglecting my du 'ies. I have a message to deliver to the people and hope to meet per¬ sonally every citizen of the district before election day. In the meantime I will appreciate the support and influ¬ ence of all good citizens. Sincerely yours, I?6il Thos. M. For Judge To the voters of the Blue Ridge circuit: I hereby announce as a candidate for Judge Democratic of this circuit, subject to the tember 12th, primary to be held on Sep¬ 1916 If elected, I shall endeavor to dis¬ charge the duties of the office in the manner presciibed by law I am going to try and see as many of the voters as possible before the pri¬ employed mary. The will legal matters in which I am deal of time; necessarily for take a great my this reason it will be impossible for me to make a thorough canvass of the circuit. I shall, however, see as many of the voters as I cart In a large degree 1 will necessarily have to depend upon my friends to look £*£J ndUa,qr whetherIgel tosee i have many friends and supporters on each side of the fight for Solicitor General; therefore, 1 have not aligned myself will with either of the candidates,nor I do so. Any statement to the con¬ trary is a mis-statemeut of fact I will sincerely appreciate your vote and support. Respectfully, N. A. Morris. To the voters of the Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit: I announce my candidacy for re-elec¬ tion as Judge ol uns circuit, subject to the action ot tne Democratic primary to be held September 12, 1916, and promise if elected, as 1 nave done during the present term, to use every effort to keep polities ;.nd factionalism out of our courts, and give to every litigant a fair trial. 1 will continue to arrange the bust ness, of puBliShed the courts in advancev suyl ‘have^same "so as u> give ’par¬ ties and witnesses notice, and have the business transacted with the least pos¬ sible expense and inconvenience to the parties litigant, and to the public treas¬ ury I thank the people for their past sup¬ port, and earnestly solicit, and will ap¬ preciate, the same in this campaign. Respectfully, etc., H. L. Patterson. For Solicitor-General To the voters of the Blue Ridge Circuit: I will never forget my many frieuds who voted for me in my first race for Solicitor General. I have endeavored to the best of my ability to carry out my promises made to the votersof the Blue Ridge Circuit in that race. I have -not used the office as a money-making ma¬ chine, but have done my best to temper justice with mercy, and at the same time, in my humble way, help enforce the law ot our land. When an officer has done his duty it is always customary to re-elect him to a second term, and I hereby annonnee my candidacy for re-election to the of¬ fice of Solicitor General of <the Blue Ridge Circuit, subject to the White Democratic Primary, to be heidSeptem ber 12th, 1916. Mr. Charles L. Harris, of Forsyth county, will be my Assistant if elected. We expect to run an open, fair race and will appreciate the support and influence of the voters of the Blue Ridge Circuit. Respectfully, Heroert. Clay. To the votersof the Blue Ridge circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor-General of the Blue £‘pffmary September, U to’ b S e U SVn S SSTdaJ a of 1916 Section -1922 of the Civil Code of Geor¬ gia prescribes the following oath Tor the Solicitors-General of this state: “I do swear that I will faithfully and impartially, and without fear, favor or affection, discharge my du¬ ties as Solicitor-General, and will take only my lawful fees of office. So help me God.” If elected, I will discharge the duties of the office as set lorth in this oath In the event of my election, Mr. Gor I . don B. Gann, of Cobb county, will be assistant solicitor-general for the entire j Your vote and influence will be great-1 I y appreciated. Respectfully, William Butt. Rlue Ridge, Ga., June 20, 1916. FOR ORDINARY | Taiona, Ga . July 1st. 1916 To th? voters of Gilmer count : Geiuinien: Alter making the race', for Ordin..«y ol Giimet county in i»12. with a thorough understanding mat I wpuiu make the race in 1916 for Ordinary 0 ‘ : Gilmer Count), and after being cieieai ed at tilf P olls ’ 1 m “ ae ni. announce-. ment next morning after the election , that i would be a;standing ran idaie for Orffinary in 1316. Now, Gentlemen ! . renew my candidacy for Oidinar- ; this county. If a man promises you expect ^ th T so l! you get I nothing wou won l oe die stand for Americanism, P ace, Pro»i>ei.t/ and preparedness, ou. country is making great si rides and moving forward, why not Gilmer county fall in line and go with the procession? I am in favor of better public roads in Gilmer county and pledge myself if elected to do all iu my power and co¬ operate with the people and help them make better roads in our county which are so badlv needed. I am opposed to outrages perpetrated on the people of Gilmer county by the Tennessee Cop¬ per companies and am strongly in favor of making them pay damage done the people all the of our sodiers county. and soldiers’ I am in favor widows of old being pensioned ' they as there are but old few of them now an r are getting and a pension would help them in their de¬ eming years. I am in favor of an open free range for the stock ot Gilmer coun¬ ty free for every body both white and black, rich and poor, God Almighty made the biggest pasture in the world iree for all the people. I pledge my¬ self if elected to execute the laws and treat every man fair, I stand for equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Now gentlemen upon these prin¬ cipals I go before the people and appeal lo them for their support at the No¬ vember election. Thanking the people for past favors, hoping for a continua¬ tion of the same, I am as ever, Yours for success. B. L. Hensley To the Voters of Gilmer county: for I Ordinary hereby announce of myself a candidate Gilmer county. If elected, I pledge to the people of this county the very best that is in me to fulfill the duties of this office. Very truly, Lawrence M. Davis FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN¬ TENDENT To the voters of Gilmer county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Superintendent of Public Schools at the next general election. Thanking my friends lor their former support influence, and I asking Very for their votes and am J. F. truly. Chastain. FOR CLERK To the Voters of Gilmer county; I announce myself a§ a candidate for re-election to the oliice Clerk Superior Court. Thanking the people for past favors and soliciting your support in the coming election, I am Very tiuly yours, J. L. Weaver. FOR SHERIFF To the <oters of Gilmer county: 1 hereby announce myseil a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of >..ifiner county. I stand on my record anu promise if again honored with the oince to continue to perrorin the duties oi tne office faiihiulij. 1 inank iny menus lor past tavors ana solicit tne suppott of all tne voters l ours truly, R. L. Milton. FOR TREASURER To the Voters of Gilmer county: 1 hereby, re-election announce myself a candidate lor to the office ot Treasurer of Gilmer county. Thanking the voters for their past favors and soliciting the support of all, I am, Very truly, W. S. Henson. FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters of Gilmer county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Col¬ lector of Gilmer county. If elected 1 promise to fulfill the duties of this office to the best of my ability. Thanking you for past favors and asking the support of all, 1 am, Yours truly, J. G. Eiiis. FOR TAX RECEIVER To the Voters of Gilmer: This announces my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver ot our county, in making this announcement, 1 wisn to thank the people for their generous sup¬ port in the past, and ask a continuiance ot same in the coming election, and re¬ main, Yours truly, R. A. Pinson. To the voters of Giliner county: Having received many solicitations ana consulted many lrieuds Horn ditl'er ent parts of the county, I hereby an¬ nounce niyseir a candidate for Tax Re¬ ceiver ot Gilrner county. Thankingyou ail for past favors anu asking for' j our s.pport at the general election, am, Very tru y, L. B. Chastain FOR SURVEYOR To the Voters of Gilmer county: for 1 hereby announce myself a candidate Surveyor of Gilmer county if elected, 1 pledge to the people of this county the very, best that i; in me to fulfill tne duties oi’ this office. Very truly, F. C. Cantrell FOR CORONER To the Voters of Gilmer county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Coroner of Gilmer county, Assuring you'that I appreciate your port of past all favors the and soliciting in the the sup¬ voters November election, I am, Yours very truly, A. R. Cantrell. A Woman’s Kindly Act .^ r,s III., *- T - writes: U. Eveiand, Duncan J “1 was strixeu wirh lumbago,-,u.able to turn in b. Kiuuey A Pills, neighbor brought had Foley' .'•die be n si in'-' ila iy affl * j t ■ : thev cured ir. I WilS ou;ed by three bottles.’' A the kidneys do not. function, iutiu bago, rite nuiti-.., aches, pains a.o up 1 tor .-till Sold evvrvwheie _____ Kemenuer r . i we represent tne Western h-lectric exclusively in and keep a t all times telephone:>. wire, ; llffiuiaiorb, n .„| rnrc Delis all telephone accessories, and any kind u 1 repair work. Cail a ‘“ d ^ up¬ KJJiiav ■* Telenhcmcfo J L tpiiuiictu. * You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take—Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com¬ posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “1 think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. “Shield Brand” Clothes MADE RIGHT $10*2 $1222 $1522 The new designs we are showing in Men’s Clothes for this season by far outdo all our previous efforts. The makers of “Shield Brand ” Clothes have Low Excursion Fares ATLANTA TO Cordele JO,Albany 3.00, Fitzgerald VIA A- B. & A. RAILWAY Tuesday, Au£. 15 th, Tickets will be sold for trains leaving Atlanta (Terminal at 7:45 a.m. and 11:00 p.m Sleeping cars to all three points on right train Tickets good returning on any train on or before August Persons living outside of Atlanta should buy tickets to and on arrival secure round trip tickets to destination desired For further information write VV. W. CROXTON, GPA., Austell Bldg., Atlannta, Ga. Demand the genuine by full name— nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA. GA. Burpee’s Seeds Grow In OR forty years we have rendered faithful service. For nearly forty years we have tried to make each year’s service more ideal. This untiring effort has built for us not only the World s Largest Mail-Order Seed Business, but also a The world-widereputation Fortieth for Efficient and Undisputed Leadership. “Leading American Anniversary Seed Edition of Burpee’s Annual, the other. This Silent Catalog for 1916” is unlike any Salesman of the House of Burpee is brighter best and better than ever. It tells the plain truth about the seeds that grow, and is mailed free. Write for it today. A postcard will bring iu W. Atlpp (Iro iOCC Burpee Buildings Philadelphia, Pa. •