Times-courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1916-current, August 11, 1916, Image 1
BY THIS CONSOLIDA¬ TION, GILMER WILL HAVE THE LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUM OF THIS SECTION. - Ellijay Times Establshed 1899. Log Roiling At Fainnonnt Aog. The Woodmen of the World «U North Georgia are expecting a great day at Fairmount on Aug, 17th, 1916. This is the date the second annual “Log of the Blue Ridge Rolling Asso¬ ciation, and many of the Camps have a 1 ready notified us that they and their friends are going “shut up shop” and everydody come to the Log Rolling at Fair* mount s Beach Gamp, located at mount assisted by the entire town and community, are exert* ing every effort to be ready to interest and entertain the crowds who will come. They are ex¬ pecting three or four thousand people, and are prepairing to feed more than that should they come. Fairmount never does things by halves, and the following is a partial list of the attractions ar¬ ranged far: A big parade Music all day by one of the best bands in North Georgia. Speeches by some of the best speakers of the State. A “Tug O'War”. Baseball,and various other sports. Big Class Introduction at night. Fairmount wants you to come; Beach Camp extends a cordial invitation to all Woodmen and their friends and neighbors—in fact Fairmount is joined by the entire surrounding community in making the invitation to ‘“Who¬ soever will”, / P., A. GATES, Con. Com. S. N. BOBO, Uierk. Talona Dr. A. C. Ayers, of Copperhill, was a visitor here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Crawford, of Ellijay. were visiting Mrs Crawford’s parents Sunday Miss Pearl Holden was the at¬ tractive guest of Miss Ina Grif¬ fith Sunday Messrs Gus Gartrell and C. L. Coleman and Misses Cora Daily and Lelia Davis motored up to Talona Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. and Mrs Coker, of Canton, were visiting here the latter part ot last week Mrs. B. F. Thompson, of Jas¬ per, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs L. Griffith. Mrs, Rice, of Atlanta, visited relatives here recently Miss Lemma Goble attended the Teacher’s Examination at El lijay Friday and Saturday Miss Ola Simmons received week, by express, two white rab¬ bits Some pets. There wasn’t here Sunday on account of Superintendent being absent Rev Beaver delivered an esting sermon at Talona night B. L Hensley was a visitor near Ella Gap recently Kitty Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as cannot reach the seat of the Catarrh is a local disease, greatly fluenced by constitutional and in order to cure it you take an internal remedy. Hall’s tarrh Cure is taken internally acts thru the blood on the mucous faces of the system. Hall’s Cure was prescribed by one of the Is physicians composed in ot this country the for years. some of best known, blood combined with some of best of purifiers. The perfect bination the lngredien’S In Catarrh Cure Is what produces wonderful results in catarrhal tions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, All Druggists, TjC. Hall’s Family Pills tor constipation. TIMES - COURIER 'We Push For Prosperity—Give Us a Puli' Vol . i, No. 32 . Enthusiasm Growing In Hardman’s Ranks Atlanta. Ga.. Aug. 9.—Accord¬ ing to reports from all sections, Dr- L. G. Hardman still leads the 1 ; governor’s race, and is steadily gaining ground, Two years ago he carried upward of sixty coun¬ ties, and as indications are that he will get nearly every one of these and about thirty others be¬ sides this time, his nomination is being predicted on the first ballot Dr. Hardman is jubilant over the outlook, and not only practically all his former supporters, but great numbers ot new ones in many counties, are rallying to his cause, and interesting themselves in bis behalf with more enthus¬ iasm and zeal than ever before adv Big Creek We have been having some nice weather for the last few weeks and crops are looking considerably hot¬ ter Everybody is stirring in their crop this week Big Creek sohool is on a boom this summer , We are sorry to hear < f the deatli Of Jasper Long’s little bov the fourth Suuday. We extend sympathy Sunday school is prospering nicely at Big Creek church and school house Everybody is talking war and starvation Mr. Ray aud wife t*#» visiting their daughter, Mrs. Martha Aaron this week Mr, J. M. Stanley has moved into his new bouse, but he hasn’t finished it yet Mr. David Stanley and family visited Mr. Joe Ellis, near Etowah, Tenn., last week Luna Stanley and Willie Aaron, ha.e good schoolsin Dawson coun¬ ty this summer Mr. J. M. Stanley made a busi¬ ness trip to Ellijay this week We are sorry to state that Mrs. Ham Garland is seriously ill at this writing Reed Aaron and Ina Stanley spent Sunday with Eva and Kit tie Stan lev and report a nice time. Guess who went boat riding Sunday Frank Tipsou was at his same old hi tolling post Sunday Come on with the news from Afton. Kitten Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and , quickly Stops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The be^t rubbing liniment is Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At aft Dealers. phtldron Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA ELLUAY, GA.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1916. I IRS. JOINER GAINS TflffiTY-FIYE Engineer’s Wife Says Health Was Completely Broken Down— “I have just finished my third bottle of Tanlac and have gained thirty-five pounds,” was the tru¬ ly remarkable statement made by Mrs- Wilhelmina Joiner, wife of Richard Joiner, the wellknown engineer on the M. D, & S. rail¬ road, residing at 115 Third street, Macon, Ga. “Before I began taking the medicine my health was so brok¬ en and I was in such a badly, run¬ down condition, I couldn't give sufficient nourishment to my young baby—in fact, I was com¬ pletely broken down in every wap. “I suffe-ed from nervous indi¬ gestion and have been in a gen¬ eral run-down condition In fact, for nearly two years I have suf¬ fered from nervous prostration brought on by this trouble. “I tried doctors, I tried medi¬ cines, I tried nearly everything you could think of trying to get relief, but it just seemed like the harder I tried to get well, the worse I would get. Finally my condition got so I coludn’t eat any solid food of any kind with¬ out suffering torture. It just looked like I was on the verge of a physical decline, and sometimes I almost despared of ever getting well and strong again. “Thac’s just the condition Lwas in when I began taking Tanlac, and it wasn't anj- tfm* hardly I . taking it before , after began . I began to improve. My nerves got better at once and I got so I could enjoy a good night’s sleep. Then my appetite returned, and it just looked like I couldn’t get enough to eat. I could just eat anything put on the table, and everything seemed to taste good and nourish me. And the baby, why, you just ought to see it. It is just thriving and is getting plenty of nourishment. My com¬ plexion has cleard up, too, and I have a good color now for the first time in years Before I be¬ gan taking this Tanlac I was as yellow as a lemon. ‘ My husband thinks there is no medicine on earth like Tanlac, and my friends are alt talking about how I have improved. I am only too glad to tell you what it has done for me, as it has been nothing short of a blessing in my case ” " . Tanlac is sold by E. W. Wat¬ kins & Son. I have in stock telephones, in¬ sulators, brackets, wire and batter¬ ies. I represent the Western Electric Co., and can fill your wants in telephone needs. Call on me. B, S- Holden. A Hacking tough Weakens the System Don’t suffer with a hacking cough that has w eakened your system -get a bottle of Dr.King’s New Discovery, in use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use it, the soothing irritated pine balsam with tar heal the air passages —soothes the raw spots, loosens the mucous and prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr. King’s New Discovery induees natural sleep and aids nature to cure you. Sold by all druggist CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tiis Kind You Have Always Bought "•tears the Signature of 1 The Big Explosion I - On Black Tom Island Frank Ellington, a former El* lijay boy, who is now with the Signal Corps of the U. S, Army stationed at Bedlees Island in New York harbor, has written the-falfowing account to his fath¬ er of the big explosion of twenty five million dollars worth of war munitions which were stored on Black Tom Island and which caught fire and blew up Sunday., July 30th: Fott Wood,NYH.,July 31st,1916 Dear Pa: ^ You have probable read something of the explosion here by this time hut am satisfied you didn't get the details of our part in ,t. Will proceed to relate what I saw of the occurrence To begin with, we are situated on about 5 acres of ground some¬ thing like looo yards from the scenes of action and the island stands up a little higher than BDck Tom, where the munitions we;e stored. Well about two o’clock I was awakened by a thundering explosion and opened my eyes just in time to get a glimpse of the blinding glare of light which followed the first re¬ port and to see the falling glass and plaster which littered the floor of our barracks. My first impression was that we were in the midst of an earthquake as the betiding was severely shaken and the rumbling noise followed the exolosion for some few seconds. -iA»aTone shouted tjiat’the; prop jerty office was on fire as the con cussion had started the fire bells going. Most of qs got dressed or partially so, and tiegan to take the fire fighting apparatus to the fire which we found wasn’t. About the time we had raised our lad¬ ders and found that the alarm was false somebody said get from under the ladders that another explosion was coming, so every one made a hurried get away. For the first few minutes I was so dazed from the shock that I hadn’t paid any attention to any thing only to mechanically do what I was told to. Then I no ticed that every one on the island was up and running around from place to place, some in night clothes There are about 35 w’omen and children here besides the soldiers so we bad quite an aggregation on the parade ground Well, the flames were going up in cloud? and flashes and making it quite hot over here and we were expecting a second explosion each second. It was decided that the parade ground would be the saf¬ est place (o wait for it in spite of the falling bits of iron bolts and shrappnel as the buildings had already proved their danger by cutting some of the soldiers quite severely in the face and arms from flying glass, and then we fully expected the next shock to bring the whole thing down, so the biggest part of the crowd were gathered in the center of th< parade ground and there wailed for it Some of the women wer a bit hysterical but I can’t blami them as that powder warehoust certainly did look close in the brilliant light, f must say that l felt mighty funny while I was waiting for the dig one to come and to make it worse for myself I had taken a 4-months-old baby from one of the women to hold and I knew that concussion was more dangerous to an infant than (Concluded on last page) Consolidated Jan. 1st 1916 . 1 Kinds f Money yours if you will m^ke up ^irLto save a little each week and Put It in the Bank It is the only way to get ahead in this world, because ft en ables you to start in business for yourself whea the proper time comes, and also insures a comfortable and peaceful old age. Don’t put this off until to-morrow, do it now. The Bank ol Ellijay FOUR PER CENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT^ SAM TATE, PRESIDENT. r. l. McClain, vice president. E. T. HUDSON, cashier. 1 I “Shield Brand” Clothes 1 MADE RIGHT PRICED RIGHT $1022 $125* $1522 The new deilgna we are showing in l.fen’s Clothes for th4 •©ABOii by far outdo all our previous ellorts. The makers of “ Shield Brand ” Clothe* have &t -'.ro in the;; Idstor”. Come to and see them. — , * . ELLIJAY MERCANTILE CO., Ellijay, Ga. v ; ......... mi IIS ....... - *g~ sssasifiP r .a jt^ffer the ^VDalk^ your first and best thought is Oftenest thought of for its deliciousness— highest thought of for its vho'esomeness. Refreshing and thirst-quenching. Demand the genuine by full name — nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Send for Free Booklet, "TheRomwe* of Coca-Cola." WE GUARANTEE DOINGS THE BEST OF WORK IN OUR JOB DEPARTMENT. CALL AND SEE US. Courier Established 1875,