Times-courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1916-current, August 11, 1916, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    // Hm
Ellijay, Ga
Just opening a complete stock of lumber and building
rial of every description, to supply tfie trade of Gilmer
Onr li. includes Flooring, county
e Ceiling, Siding Shingles, Laths,
Doors, Windows, Builders Hardware, Brick, Lim:, Cement,
Plaster, Ready Roofing, Etc,
L. & N. DEPOT.
j Cocal anb personal i
........ .............|
Arriving and Departing
Time at Ellijay. Ga.
Kflec tive Sunday, April 2nd, i!)16.
a Daily b Daily except Sunday c Sun¬
day only
Leave Arrive.
Knoxvifle and North, ii-15 a m i, 14 p
Blue Ridge and Murphy 7:21 P m6:47 am
Marietta & Atlanta, i 14 pm n:15 a m
Marietta & Atlanta 6:47 am 7:21 p m
Copperhill c 7:21 pm c 6:47 am
J- I. Fowler, one of Mountain
town’s clever citizens, was in to
see us Tuesday
City Marshal Webb with a crew
of men are hauling rock and fix¬
ing the road to the depot
Mr. W. F. Nailor, of OUie,
was circulating among his friends
here Friday
Mr. Garmon Kincaid, of Eto¬
wah, Tenn, is spending a few
days with relativns in Gilmer
Mr. G J. Mav, >f near town,
has been quite sick but is able to
be out again
Mr. and Mrs. J. tV. Wimpey
carried their little daughter, Bu
nis, to Atlanta this week to be
operated on for adenoids
Rev. Sam Orsborn, of North¬
east Texas, will spend about a
month with his brother, Rev. N.
L. Orsborn, on Rt- 2, and other
relatives and friepds in the
Mrs. W. 0. McMullen and Miss
Irene Warlick are spending a few
days in Jasper with W- C. War¬
FOR SALE— Improved 170
acres 3 miles North-west o f El¬
lijay. $5.00 per acre.
Homer Artis
West Badan, Ind
Little J. B. Richards, III., of
Atlanta,spent a few days with his
great-uncle, Rev. J. T. McHan,
and family here last week
Mr. J• J. Wilson and daughters,
Misses Alice and Dinah, of Coosa
wattee district, were in Ellijay
Friday. The Misses Wilson were
taking the teachers’ examination.
Mr. W- L. Pritchett, of Tails
Creek, was in Ellijay Monday
Mr. Pritchett is one of those
farmers that lives at home and
boards at the same place
I Mr. J. A Jones, of Blue Ridge,
| was in Ellijay Saturday and in
formed us that he had recently
j shipped four cars of sheet} from
Gilmer and Fannin counties
He Coaid Hardly Walk
Deranged kidneys cause rheu
natism, aches pains, soreness,
Stiffness. Ambrose Gary, Sul¬
phur, Okla, writes: “I wasboth-
3 red with kidney trubie ten
(rears and at times could hard'y
valk. I began taking BVey Kid
key Pil's. I got relief from the
first but continued till I had rak
kn three bott'es. I feel like a
lew man ” Sold everywhere.
Mrs. Ed Frady was carried to
a tuberculosis sanitarium in At¬
lanta last Saturday for treatment.
Mrs. Brady has many friends
who are real anxious about her
and hope she will return soon,
much improved
WANTED— White woman
without home, age 25 to 35 years
to live in private family and do
housework. Call or write, R.F.D.
No. 1, Box 2, Resaca, Ga.
The many friends of Mr J. F.
Brown, who some time since
moved to Oak Hill, will be glad
to learn he has again located in
Ellijay, and in the near future
will be in the blacksmith busi¬
ness with Mr Warlick
There were 98 who took the
teachers’ examination held here
last Friday and Saturday. Great
interest is being manifested in
Vhich our county along educational lines
show a marked advance¬
Mr. E- F. Waterfe, one of our
clever merchants, has been suf
fering very much for the past
few day from a sore finger caused
by a gouge from a buckle, almost
setting up blood poisen
FOR RENT-One 2 story house
8 rooms, very suitable for board
ing house- Rent reasonable. See
T L. Webb, Ellijay, Ga.
Mr. W. D. Walker, who has
been teaching and who is also in
the real estate business at Monte
verde, Fla., is spending a few
weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Walker, at Snider.
Mr. Walker has many friends
here who extend to him a glad
Mr. B- S. Holden went to At.
lanta this week to consult a
specialist, as he has been suffer¬
ing from nervous and stomach
trouble. His many friends hope
to hear of his recovery soon
Mrs. W. T. Charles and chil¬
dren, moved to Copperhill, Tenn.,
Tuesday. Mrs- Charles conduct¬
ed a boarding house here for
several years and will also oper¬
ate a boarding house at Copper¬
hill. Her friends wish her suc¬
Game Chickens
Quick sale. Georgia Shawl
necks, some one-sixteenth Red
Quill, beautiful as a pheasant,lay
like Leghorns. Pure dead Game
stock for sale at low prices, also
furniture at bargains here and at
Whitepath, Ga.
T. H. Tabor, Oak Hill, Ga.
No one can either feel good nor
look good while suffering from con¬
stipation. Get rid of that tired,
draggy, lifeless feeling by a treat¬
ment of Dr. King’s New Life Pills.
Buy a box to-day, take one or two
pills to-night. In the morning that
stuffed, dull feeling is gone and yon
feel Letter at once. 25 c, at your
' We are sorry to chronicle the
death of Mr- Jasper Akins, of
Roiston, who died last Saturday.
vlr - Akins was an upright and
influential citizen and his death
is quite a loss to our county. We
extend our sympathy
Mr.-C. T. McWhorter, the L.&
N. operator at Ellijay, leaves
this week for MannsviHe, Ky.,
where he will spend several days
clever f » home disposition folks. has "Me” won b, many hie
MeodMuriajt his * stay J ° JS here that „ho
with a vacation
Messrs Frank Bryan, and
nephew, 0 G. Bryan, and Mr.
J. E. Burnett, of near Round
Top, were in Ellijay one day this
week and while here called by to
see the Times-Courier gang
This is a trio of farmers that
Gilmer county should feel proud
Mr. J. C. Allen announces in
this issue for the office of Ordi¬
nary of Gilmer couniy. Mr. Al¬
len is well aquainted with the
duties of this office having served
the county in this capacity for
many years and his record is
pointed to with pride by his
L. B. Greer and wife.of Atlanta,
are spending several days with
relatives at this place. Mr. Greer
has been employed at the U. S
Marshal office in Atlanta for a
number of years and is held in
very high esteem by all the Rev¬
enue officers. He is an old Gi'mer
county boy, and he and Mr. T.
B. Kirby edited and managed
the Ellijay Courier in the 70’s
While here Mr. Greer made us
not only a very pleasant call, but
handed out some good points in
the printing line
The First Baptist Church of
Ellijay held their first service
last Sunday a. m in the new
brick church on River St., Rev.
G. B, Hurlbutt, the pastor, con¬
ducted the meeting. A large
crowd attended. Rev. Sam Ors¬
born, of Texas, filled the pulpit
at the evening hour and delivered
an excellent sermon, full of the
spirit, The new chuich building
is arranged for all modern con¬
veniences. and not many town’s
the size of Ellijay can boast of a
We have added the following
names to our subscription list—
L. A, Grizzel, Talking Rock, Ht. 1;
Frank Ellington, New York, N.Y;
C. L. Pence, East Ellijay; Mrs.
W. T. Charles, Copperhill,
New Barber Shop
Come to the new barber shop
and enjoy a good shave* Next
door to the moving picture show.
W. L- Curtis
Why Endure Summer Colds?
It isn’t necessary to have a stuff¬
ed head, running nose. To cough
your head off as it were. All you
need do is to use Dr. Ball’s Pine
Tar-Honey. healing The soothing and
balsams 0{.en the clogged
air passages and in a short time
you get relief and start on the road
to recovery. Your nose stops run¬
ning, you cough less and you know
you are getting better. Get a bot¬
tle, use as directed. Keep what is
left as a congh and cold insurance.
Sold by all druggist
First Baptist Church
~ "
G. B. Hurlbutt, Th. M., Pastor
Services from now on in the new'
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m,
Worship 7:45 p.m.
Prayer-meeting Wed. 7:45 p.m
Choir practice Friday, 7:15 p.m. at
the home of Mr. .1. H. Penland
A cordial invitation to all
questions and answers of the last eleven
State School examinations in print. We
mail them all for one dollar. Descriptive
circular free, B. S. HOLDEN,
Box 7, Ellijay, Ga.
Death of T. J. Long
Un ~ Mond
I 1916, ft *y night, August 7th,
„ our city
was called on to
mourn the Joss by death of Thos.
Joseph Long, 72 years of age
For many years Mr. Long had
been a most useful and valued
citizen and merchant of our city.
Had been a consistent member of
lyounc ce Quite a a
|VeteL“ man- d „
a " offi “ «eker. S»'t bad Med the
• office ot Mayor of Ellijay; married
I Miss Mira Virgii.ia Davis in 1868.
i He is survived bj his widow
* an d the following children: Mrs.
W. Hutchison and Mrs. A.
P Jackson, of Dalton; Mrs. John
W. Anderson, Mineral Bluff, Mrs.
W. A. Kelley and Mrs M. E. Pin¬
son of Ellijay. with a number of
grand-children and other relatives
as well as a very great number of
devoted friends.
A most beautiful Masonic and
church burial was his, which was
attended ~b y such a large con¬
course of people that they could
not all enter the church for fun¬
eral services. Rev. Z. W. McNeal
conducted the services
Mr. Long’s death was caused
by paralysis.
We extend sympathy to the be¬
Wb*n Visiting Strange Places
It is well to be prepared with
a reliable cathartic. Salts and
castor oil cannot be taken by
many. Foley’s Catartic Tablets
are wholesome and cleansing,
act surely but gently, without
griping, headache, pain or nausea. Relieve
sick biliousness, bloat¬
ing, sour stomach, bad breath.
Fine for a torpid liver. Sold
Of the Woman’s Work for the
Mountaintown Baptist Associa¬
tion, August 19th, 2 to 4 p.m. at
Cross Roads Church:
Song—“Glory to His Name ”
Devotional—15th chapter of St
John —Miss Mary Tankersley.
Song—“Just When I Need Thee
I. “The lost power of the unen¬
listed woman’’--MissFannieLee
II. “Personal service in our or¬
ganized work” — Miss Annie
Maude Johnson.
III. Discussion of W.M.S. prob¬
lems and methods—Miss Fan¬
nie Lee McCall
IV. Bible study in W.M.S.—Mrs
Mary Eisher.
V. Y.W.A. demonstration—Mrs.
VI. The need of Religious Train¬
ing for our boys—Miss Lizzie
VII. How to makeReligiousWork
of the Sunbeams interesting—
Mrs. Crawford.
Dismissal prayer.
These subjects will all be dis¬
cussed in an iuformalway and all
the women of the Association
will be expected to take part in
the discussion with the women
who are on the program as leaders
Scoffers Pay Tin Penalty
Those who ignore warning sig^
nals of disordered kidneys and
scoff at dangers of serious conse¬
quences often pay the penalty
with dread diabetes or bright’s
disease. If you have lame back,
pains in sides, sore muscles, stiff
joints, rheumatic aches—take
Foley’s Kidney Pills and stop
die trouble before it is too late.
Sold everywhere.
Card of Thanks
Mrs. T. J. Long and children
hereby tender their most grateful
thanks for the many kindnesses
extended them during the sick¬
ness and death of their husband
and father, T. J. Long
Remember w e represent the
'Western Electric exclusively in
Gilmer and keep at all times
[telephones, and all telephone wire, insulators, bells
accessories, and
do any kind o f repair Wurk.
Cali and see us.
Ellijay TelepboaeCo.
Governor Harris: Confederate Sol¬
dier; Jurist; Christian Gentle¬
man; Statesman.
Shall We Dishonor Such a
Man, a Man Who Has
Done His Duty, By Fail¬
ing to Re-elect Him?
Your Governor, the Governor of
every man, woman and child in
the Georgia, is on trial and stands before
and people of a state that he has lo- ed
served for half a century. He
asks that they re-elect him to the
office of Governor, one which for a
year now he has held honestly, fear¬
only lessly and conscientiously; asks them
to do for him what Democratic
precedent has made a custom in
four Georgia—to give to every Governor
years and which is now advo¬
cated by the majority of the candi¬
dates running.
Will you reject a man whose ex
perience and ability »bf“ as an able jurist,
and whose long and valuable service
in the legislature amply qualify him
for the position?
Is it __________________________... wise to substitute now an in
experienced man, one who has never
been tried as Governor, for one who
has consistently devoted every day
for over a year to the position ?
Can you afford to neglect a man
who has carried on a splendid busi
ness first administration, in history, and who, for the
time had a thorough
audit made of ‘ the ‘ state's books, thus
establishing a precedent for efficient
management of the state’s funds?
Can you conscientiously dispense
with the services ef a man whose
work on the Western & Atlantic Rail¬
road Commission makes him best
able to handle the. present crisis that
has arisen with respect to this, the
state’s greatest asset?
Can ___ VL- you afford T_ra -u. to vw help M defeat a
man who has thus far successfully
fought the L. & N.’s efforts to destroy
the W. & A. R. R. property? Don’t
be deceived about the opposition to
your Governor.
Can you deliberately hurt the man
who established the Georgia School
of Technology and is still Chairman of
the Board of Trustees; who is a Trustee
of the University of Georgia (his alma
mater) and of the Wesleyan Female
in College, Georgia’s and educational has always been a leader
Can reflect progress? who has
paid the you school on a man
teachers of the state
promptly and is doing so now for the
first time in the history ef Georgia,
s Governor who ha* fought more for
r-autx ... ->
: v ,. '--wss
New Prices August J, 1916
The following prices for Ford cars will h c ef¬
fective on and after August 1st, 1916
Runabout $ 345 .OO
Touring Car 360.00
Coupelet 505.00
Town Car 595.00
Sedan 645.00
f.o.b. Detroit
These prices . are positively guaranteed against anv re¬
duction before August 1st, 1917, but there is no guaran¬
tee against an advance in price at any time.
Burpee’s Seeds Grow
FOR * forty forty yean have we tried hare to rendered make each faithful c*a tiervici service. service more For
nearly ■ly ideal. ideal. year* Thi* Thi* we untiring untiring effort effort hat hat built built rear for for only
tt* ut nol not
the World’s Largest Mail-Order Seed Business, but also a
The world-wide Fortieth reputation for Efficient Edition of and Burpee’a Undisputed Annual, Leadership. the
**Landing American Anniversary Seed Catalog for 1916” is unlike
any brighter other, and Thi* Silent Salesman It tells of the the House plain truth of Burpee aboutthe is
better than ever.
best seeds that grow, and is mailed free. Write for it toda,.
A postcard w3l bring tt.
W. Atlee Burpee & Co. Seed Growers,
Burpee Buildings Philadelphia, Pa.
t“ e common schools of Georgia than
any other has ever done before?
Do you think for a moment that
there can be any truth in the mali
cio " s charges against the courage and
backbone of a man who fought glo
the riously for the South, and v/ho made
Prohibition acts possible in the
face of tremendous opposition and
threats ?
Will you deny to Georgia’ the priv
liege of having as her Governor, for
the last time, a man who honore.d his
gray uniform beneath the grand old
stars and bars of the Confederacy?
We do not believe that you caa say
believe “yes” to any of these questions. We
that you and thousands of
other patriotic Georgians, will honor
selves your state, your governor and your¬
Please by help voting this for Governor Harris.
* in v Q good _____ fight c ___„ by sign- _. 0 „
# J sending in the below,
an( coupon
Governor N. E. Harris,
State Capita
Atlanta, Ga.:
Dear Governor—You can count on
my vote and influence.
Name ...........................