The Courier-sentinel. (Ellijay, GA.) 18??-1???, April 28, 1898, Image 1

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THE COURIER VOLUME XXIII. CANDY 1 y jV CATHARTIC cathartic XXfc&GQlW'i CURE CONSTIPATION ALL DRUGGISTS Malsby & Company, 57 S. Forsyth St Atlanta, Ga. GEN Eli AT. AGENTS Erie City Iron Works. Geisa r Mnnufactit)g Company, /■-.-v '• I 'be New liinlsall t'orndany, — '•! uni or Imp'd System for Ginning li line & Company, ctiry Disson it .Sons, li es Olileen it Sons, riiener Govenor Company, ■ rilicrtti.v Injector Company, Foot Manufacturing Company. < •• 1)111’ C<’II.|;|<1 n - *t Kngmp*. Hoilers. Sawmills, Keara Giisnulls, Cotton t'eed Crushers, Saws, Pumps, Injectors, Gr prs, Seam i.nd pipelinings. Proinpi atieuiiou givtn to or ersand inqunics. BORN September 18 ? 1841 For more than fifty-six years it has failed in its AveeKly visits to the homes farmer sand v.Hagers throughout the states. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happiness, for improuement of their business and home interests, for tion, for the elevation of American manhood and true hood. IT^HAb told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of doings of the world, the nation and states. • II' HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods cultivating and harvesting his crops, at the proper time to vert them into the largest pnsssble amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers villagers, and for over half century has held their and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY and we fnrnish it with the SENTINEL, ANE YEAR FOR 31.25, CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to THE ; ^ rs, y VV rite your name ami address on a postal card, send it to Gen. W. Best, Gltice, New Yoork Oil v, and a sample copy of THE NKVV YOKE WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. Mo matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. a < i20 tal ____________ SubscribeiFor THE COURIER-SENTINEL, and get the news of your county and State. Job work done neatly, and as cheap as city prices. ELLIJAY GA., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL28. 1808. Governor Atkinson Will go to Atlanta, Apnl20.-If the gia militia is sent to Cuba nor W. Y. Atkinson will with the troops the hazard of war. , r The governor is by the of his office the ! chief of the state forces. He (begin not clamoring for the trouble but has made up his i that if the militia is called uj to jcin the army of invnsi m will take the li<4d in person, * lie has recently received a ber of liearlren ling letters ir motliers who are opposed to ing their sons sent to Cuba. anxious correspondents point the many dangers from i which prevail on the island perils of active warfare. The COVEHNOB ATX1X303V of delicate responsibility’, and he realizes it. If called upon, how¬ ever, to furnish Hie si;.to militia for the service of th » nation in war, he has no alternative, and ho has made up his mind to share the risk with them. Should the governor carry out his intention in this matter, as seems practically certain in case of war, Hon. Robert L. Berner, president of the senate, nil! be called on to assume tlm gubernu tional h ir. Bv reasons of liiso - fice, Mr. Berner is next in line to the governor and the duties of the office Would necessarily devolve upon him. Capt. Oscar Brown, acting adju¬ tant general, has yet received no advice from Washington with re¬ gard to the use of Georgia troops in the conflict with Spain, which now seems inevitable. Instructions are hourly expected i and when the word is received < r ders will be install-1/ dispatch’d for the mobilization of the require ed number of troops. OA8TOHIA. Tts he- li ilail9 ei eljanuts *r»y 8V«7 |W. of MONTHLY ] SUFFERING. 'T'housands of women are troubled at monthly inter- | vals in the with head, pains 'sr*f-~‘WA back, breasts, * J i shoulders,sides i hipsend limbs, need ''ti Nt-'k-; 'f i.’ i t But they not suffer. /£m1 These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men¬ strual function should operate painlessly. Widol makes menstniation painless, and regular. It puts the deli¬ cate menstrual organs in condi¬ tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after mouth when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs $1.00 at the drug store. Why don’t you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special ing directions, address, giv¬ symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,’’ Medicine Co., The Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tt:;n. Hrt. R0ZEKA LEWIS, of ConavlHe. Teros, sort! “ 1 was troubled ?.t monthly ir.terva's / •ith terrible pains In my head and back, but bare been entirely lelierea by Veins bf Carcui." WIIMfc Of IAKU THE INVENTORS LAW COMPANY Tlie Inventors Law Company occupies rooms in the Iveutive Ago Building, corner of Stlriuid If streets, N. W., W ashington, I). C.. coud,,ct a « es,eral lrt " bu * 1,,ess relating to patents and l, ade-maiks. It is a recently in-| corporated association of ! ine,> 1,1 and long'experience 1 in ^‘ent law practice. Its prosi I dent h ” 8 occasionally h £ d business i befon> the l ,atmt oifice luring the 1 last Mme VPara , 13 a ‘^.hberof the - 1 Massachusetts bar and j Slates supreme eour ; vice president is well " m>hington as a got: | b ' f ’ b staiu,,n ff his has practiced beI ora | ° mco «>»»tiniously 17 years, as well j a3 occa9 ' ol,ai 'y befoie t ie United ) York ?tatt ' 9 bar s,, « >reme ItK ^urt and the said No a ‘ treasurer is to i etandl ^ aml years practice. A »« h "' a * el1 *•«*“ P*™ >•* | yer in Washington, is tegarded as i>n expert patent office practice. While a fifth was judge upon tlio bench for 12 years and is an < mi ■lent corporation lawyer who has j ^iven special attention to (ho fc r m at ion ami incorporation of com¬ panies, whichigili ‘t be embraced in the business ok ,l.e inventors Law Company. Two years ago li. J. Warren, a druggists at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply #f Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. lie sums up tlie result as follows^ “At that lime the goods were unknown in this section: today Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ii a honsc-hold word.” It is the same in hundreds of communities. Where ever the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy be come known the people will have not hi: g else. For sale by Bearden, Bros. & Teem. Mucklen's Am leu Sul r#». The best salve >n the world for ('u)s, Ihuiscs, Sores, U eels. Salt Rheum, Fever So; c*,-'iciier, (.'happed Hands, i ions, liilhlains, i orus, and all Skin Krupi and positively cures Piles, or no perfect pay nqiiircd. It is guaranteed lo give satisfaction or money refunded, •'rice 2 f> cents per box. For sale b\ Hr. J. si. Tnikcrslcy. < Ufy A Sn tuple If you receive a copy of this paper and have not subscribed for it, it means that some friend of yours who thinks you would like it has given us your name, and asked us to send you a sample copy. If you want it, drop us a line and let us put you on oi.r regular list. Wv want you to get it every week. An Uncertain Disease. There is no disease more uncertain In its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree, it is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter imw severe, or under what disguisedyspepsiaattacks yon, Browns’ iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealersl PREIS TR l\NI‘OltTATTO\ FOR K V////{ i ts to Till-: ommia i:\rosi ti o.\. Marietta, Ga.,* April 5th, 1898. To All Agents—You will please a'd vise all interested parties that the A. K. & N. Railway will transpoit free of charge, over its owii line, all exhibits intended for the Oma¬ ha expi s tion ; and will also return these exhibits over its own line free of charge. This exposition is going to be a very important affair, and wo will be glad to have our marble, copper, iron, gold and other industries well represented. You will therefore take the mat¬ ter up personally with the repre¬ sentatives of these industries, and | have proper notice given in yourj local paper. Ilespt. J. E. IV. Fields, Genl. Fit, Agt. NOTICE. | All people in Gilmer county i w ho are interested in vocal music P arc requested to Boardtown‘district meet at New Sa-I lem church in on May Saturday before 5th 8undny ju lor the purpose ot organizing i will be ^ ers present and a good lime is anticipated. CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. Thehz r^lle »: » rizsittrs ei VJJJJIJ m THE ££®WT0f 'crop more q >y i (Workable season.i Clubbing- 1 '3 j ') i-1 man ’Ui Ith The Atlanta . or , takin\3Gkly y coastitu- CoilSlitU ago I tion. r - catari -gjj.jr word contest of T dozen ’opkly Constitution cur 9m first of March and na Pution has sent out in dad zln V(0, which is divided #- n^ivr" j* ea ^j—i pe^Jt4;‘I red 10 der.^ thoseY>nteriug-4ini from ihePuhseriptions of contest, to be divided among those who success¬ fully guessed at the missing word m a given sentence. Tho Consti¬ tution announces that the word for tho contest which has jRstclos¬ ed was “soothsayers”—the sentence _? -PIStarch's ^ I ives bo mg as follows • “At first it was considered by the soothsayers as a good omen,” Among the successful guessers one came from Montana, one from Kansas, four from Mississippi, four from Texas, two from Tennessee and several each from Georgia, Alabama, Routli Carolina i.nd North Carolina—this being a won¬ derful tribute to the wide spread popularity of the Weekly Constitu¬ tion. As more than $1,000 was divided, it will he observed that The Constitution’s subscription list had a largo increase during the period of the contest. The Constitution now makes the most romnrknkle proposition ever made to the subscribers of any southern newspaper, lii ginning w ith the first of March it makes a cash offer of $5,000, to bo divided among thoseuf its subscribers who guess nearest to tho size of the cot ion crop of 1807-98—tho crop grown last year and now already in. The exact number of bales of the crop w ill be announced in the j arly fall and figures given by the well known firm of Latham, Alex¬ <fc Co., of New York, and iheir figures will be a-'ceptcd as In this com ection it may bo in¬ to have the figures of the acreage and number of ulesjjin the crop for several years as follows: Sru Mon. Acres i*lunted /fit/ ’.w in Crop, ........ 18,961,897 7,010,803 ........19,362,073 0,938,290 889-90. ......20,171,896 7.311,322 .... 20,809,053 8,652,597 ......20,714,937 9,035,379 .....18,067,924 6,700,305 .........19,084,000 7,549,817 _____21,451,000 9,901,251 ..........18,882,000 7,157,346 .........22,341,000 8,757,964 Estimate of the acreage for t he of tho season of 1897-98 is 23 acres. Two thousand five hundred dol¬ of tlie $5,000 offered by The will be given to the making the exact or tho nearest estimate of tho size of the 1,500 to the second nearest, $1,000 to the third nearest, the guesses are made (lur¬ the present month. Every sub¬ to The Weekly Constitu¬ will he eli t it led to a guess pro¬ it is sent along with (lie sub¬ The names will hecare recorded and it is needless to that much interest will he i m the c< ntest. • Tbis P f 'P” r c 1,1,39 with The Week Constitution, and wo offer a clubbing rate for both at 50 and all those who accept this offer will be entitled to a the Constitution cotton ° !> co,)t ' '*• On receipt of the for ‘ bt> two l ,a P er9 > the mime j subscription, with the guess of cotton crop, will ho forwarded lorpiiine CHLORAL AND COCAINE HABITS A radical, positive and permanent cure in 5 days. Absolutely harmless. u ‘tapering t otf” p( roccss — No subr.titw method, T particulars addrM3 ia w, Vine lent confiicnct* R. A. QllNN, M.D., 41 East 2lst Street, New York City. ELEVEN MEN SLAIN. v I several ......... others he law are de knpwiyg that to I'.eAns that their ll be drawn into nverlesa to pre raved against each largest fanii tjr. They go arm¬ u ing to kill each fy particulars ^vrrtfon iAe of^t.ho v m.’. • hard to lean,] hot tho facts le anted fodhy from a resident of the county indicate that the feud will prove one of bloodiest in the history of the state. % Ballard Howard owns dOt) acres ot timber land. George Baker owns a similar tract adjoining. Three weeks ago Baker ..out 800 logs. Howard claimed that he crossed the. boundary and cut them on his land. This charge caused a fight, in which Alex lhi k o', aeon of Georgs Baker, was killed. The Baker family swore to exterminate the Howard family. Officers of the law were given to understand by both sides that they would brook no interference. As one of tho belligerents expressed it: “You just leave us alone; we want to fight it out among our¬ selves.” Lnst Monday Ballard Howard and throe sons, who had been to Manchester tc procure arms and ammunition, were waylaid live miles from town by old Baker and three of his sons. Ballard How¬ ard was shot, through the shoulder. Jim Howard, hiB *om and Joe An¬ derson, a hirkMl-man, weru killed by ihe first volley from tho Bakers. When the Bakers came out of the hushes to complete their work, they were fired on by the two un¬ injured Howards, and Joe and •James Baker were killed. Old man Baker retreated and escaped. Last Wednesday morning George Baker, while ridingaloiig tlie road, was met by Jim Howard. Both commencedd shooting. Baker was killed. Howard was unhurt. Knowing that some of fife Bakers would come to hunt for the old man. 'Howard got three other men and went back to where lav the body of Baker. Concealing theni -eives they awaited they ouoniy. In an hour a party of five Bakers arrived. Waiting until they had dismounted, the concealed parlv fired, killing two and wounding another. The remaining two of the Baker faction mounted the r horses and escaped. The Howards, after surveying their work and thinking the wounded man dead, departed. The two bodies remained in the road ail day. For fear of an ambush, their friends did not remove them until night. Last Thursday night John How¬ wliilesiltii# in his house, wuis tired at through the window by one on tho outside. The ball passed through his left arm. Grab¬ bing his pistil, ho rushed to the and fired at a man whom lie saw running. The in airfoil. Before Howard could return to house , ho w as killed by some 1 concealed in ti e yard The ^ ' lie shot escaped. j lt is reported here this morning there was a battle yesterday i which several were killed 'I ho particulars and are not known here. Both ss have been ro-inforced by families of the count y, and P r " 9 P«cts for the -angel of to do any business in that 1 "~‘ section in the near is not very reassuring. Are Ifou \\rak1 IVeakncss iri;ni4l>sfs itself in the loss oi amhilion and aebiag bones. The blood is watery; the tissnerare yriin;—the door is iK-inir opened fordixoisei A Untie of Browns’ Iron Hitters taken in time will restore yonr Etromoli. soothe your nerves, make your !>loo«i rich an t- red. Tin yon mart pood tban su exiaent8|4spr mr, einl course ofmmU-ine. Browns’Iron bipa? it sold by all dialers. At •>!><* timT in* 8p,i 81 : n rtil-’d r. st d! world and - ubb ■! i How tins n igi ty has fallen . *‘333333 * 3 From the papers we see that ! Judge Geo. F. Oober, now Judge of the Superior Court of the Blue Ridge Circuit,*»s now a candidate for a place on the_Huprcme'Beivdr 3 of Georgia. A 'selection for this position rs medo by a veto of iKo > whole state. Thoro are five of them and all might bo taken from the same county or from differnt distant couniies. Thero is no lim¬ itation or direction as to this. But I we think it preeminently proper that they should be taken from different localities in the state. We have no doubt but that Judge Gober’s electioo would satisfy tlie section in which he lives and in doing this th!* whole state shon'ii J># mltgfihd. Judge Gober is too well known from the seaboard to mountain# for us to say anything in praise of his qualifi ation. ( Ho is thoroughly versed in law and has relaxed nothing in his studi¬ ous habits since he has been Judge. Ho carries with liim a dignity and firmness,in present position well suited to tlie high position ho seeks. Wo, with his many friends in Fannin county hope to have tho pleasure* of cuigiattluting upon his success.—Morganton News. DhMtAMs li(mvr$ CUBAN RELIEF cures F , N’»iiral(rtaa«d Toothache ^in five minute!*. Hourfttoinarh - and Summer Complaint*. Price, 25 Ceuta. ELEVEN CARS WRECKED. Kingston, April 20.—Freight train No. 8, leaving Atlanta at 0 p. m. last night, ran off tho track at Cement, two miles north of Kingston, last night, derailing elev¬ en loaded cars amj the engine. Tho train was in charge of Con¬ ductor Ilildorbrand and Engineer Tube Johnson. The trainmen ull escaped with slight bruises. A n“ gro tramp was pinned under tho wreck, the ears 1 piled above him. He called for help, and was res¬ cued, but will probably die. His head is cut badly, leg broken in several places and is injured inter¬ nally. Two wrecking crews are at work and the track will be cleared in a few hours. Tlie morning Nashville trains, were run via Kingston, Homo and .Southern railway to Dalton. A broken rail caused the wreck. Aineiicaus are the most inventive people on earth. To them have been issued nearly 600,000 patents, or more than one third of all the pa¬ tents issued in the world. No dis covcry of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy, or hasdone'inoro to relieve pain and snflering. J. W. Vaughan, of Onkton, Ky., says: “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic. Chol¬ era and Diaiilnea Remedy in my family for several years, and find it to be tlie best medicine 1 ever used for cl amps in Btomache. For sale by Bearden Bros. & Teem, Co. ridill*! CUBAN OIL cures v Cute, Burns, Bruises, Rheu¬ matism and Bores. Price, 25 cents. Notice to Stock Men. i have purchased the celebrated Ten¬ nessee Jack, Joe Knight, formerly owned by II. M. Ellington and will keep him for service the present sea¬ son at inv farm on the Ellijay and Morganton road near IVhitepath. Fee $‘>. 00 , nioi ey due when mare is known to be with foal, traded or Re¬ moved from tlie county . Not respon¬ sible for accidents, but no charge will be made where the. accident was un avoidable. This jack lias many of the finest colts ever foaled in t his county. D. M. MIi.I.EB. Tlie average temperature in Cu¬ during the hottest month is 84, ! bo ( *-’O'cst 72. ALL WOMEN Siioul.l know ttiat the “Old Thao" JSemedy, Is the best for Female TroaHe*. Corrects all Irregularities taken In Female Life organs. Should be for Ifcaaje ol and before Child-Birth. Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the test for twenty years. Made only by Kew Spencer Medicine Co., coat-1 lanooga, Tennessee.