Newspaper Page Text
happenings: of the past week
...;■. -
tV. H. Warlirk is now' at work
his new shop on River street.
Rev. R. H. Robb held the Eliijay
Quarterly Conference Last Wednesday
James Pettit writes for the Coi-rier
Sentixei. to be sent him to Ponder,
Ripley county, Mo.
Sheriff Pinson carried Sal lie Waters
to the iunatie asylum at Milledgeville
last Friday week.
J. R. Kincaid, cx tax collector,
tvfls in town last Thursday. Jim is
not yet out of politics.
Creed Fulton Ilipp, one of our Id
school mates, now of Whitfield coun¬
ty, visited relatives near -Eliijay last
John B. DeBordc, W. M. Woody
and Nimrod Teague were among the
many by whom we were greeted
Stephen Smith, of Eliijay, lias just
completed a good job on a mill for
Rev. T. A. Brotvn, Uncle Steve
knows how.
We have heard of people playing
-’ hob” but the boys at the Creamery
school get their jackets striped for
playing Hobson.
L. L. Stephens, C. W. Hughes and
A. Holloway are building a com¬
modious barn for W. F. McHan, on
the Mountainvicw Hotel lot.
John M. Garrett, of Buckfown, was
in to see us recently and informed us
that Mr. Marion Weaver is in very
bad health, which we regret to know.
James E. Harper was on our streets
last Friday. Mr. Harper takes the
Courier-Snxtinel, which fact we
consider an indisputable proof of
The Courier-Sentinel and Scnri
Weekly Journal both one year for
1. 50. cash in advance. Call at this
office. You can't better do in the way
of good reading matter.
P. A, Gates and family, accompa¬
nied by - Mr. W. D. Everett and his
sister. Nancy, were the guests of
friends and relatives in Eliijay late
Friday fyid-ffaturdaj’ iveek.
We afe glad to know that W. M.
Davis of Mountaintown improving in
his walking: Mr. Davis had his hip
dislocated more than .year ago and
has had to use a crutch until recently.
Mr. S. J. Cole, of Birmingham,
Ala., was on a transient visit to see
his mother and other relatives in this
county last Thursday. Mr. Cole trav¬
els for Ginn & Co., publishers of
school books, Boston.
For Rent: Twenty-five or thirty
acres of goad farm land.
For Sale: One two-horse wagon;
one good, pony mule and five shotes.
Call on, or address at once,
B. A. Logan, Ellljay, Ga.
J. J. Jones subscribed Saturday,
and Mr. A. P- Deaver and IV. A.
Beaver both called near the same
And isn’t it funny both paid us some
How it all doth jingle and rhyme.
The Pickens County Herald will be
sent to the subscribers of the defunct
Republican. "While we personally
regret that it was found necessary to
discontinue the Republican, we will
say to its erstwhile supporters that we
believe the Herald deserves their pat¬
C:. A. Gates, of Mountaintown, is
a typo in the Courier-Sentinel of¬
fice. Arthur is a splendid hand for a
beginner, but if his pa should find
out'how popular he is becoming with
the young ladies of town, we fear he
would take him home and put him
between the plow handles again.
The Exchange Hotel, 1G3 Marietta
street, Atlanta, is quiet and home¬
like, and there our farmer friends may
hear the rooster crow and the mule
bray, Mr. Jack Adkins is a genial
liost and treats his guests with friend
like consideration and care. Remem
ob the place, only a few blocks from
the Custom house,
Rev. G. A. Bartlett has accepted a :
call to serve the Baptist church at j
this place for the ensuing year. Mr.
Bartlett preached on the third Sun¬
day and on Saturday night before,
and will continue the appointment
on tho third Sunday in each month
and Saturday night before. Compe¬
tent judges pronounce Mr, Bartlett
an able preacher. We hope and some¬
how we tinst that this will be one of
the best years this church has ever
I In tltno. 1 bf I'aman Good.’ Use [
-CfM S GlM feTJ
Best Bargain in Jeans ever offered
in I’.liijay, at ALLEN S.
We are gratified to state that the
health of Mrs. Ina Kirby is improv
'* n *'
We are sorry to learn that Jtfr.
Hyatt’s health is still poor but glad
to say lie is some better.
.^rnore Sags of the same
jUSt rCCe ‘ V ‘ d
atAu "“ ! " > ’
Mrs. N. E. Bishop came down
from Murphy Saturday to spend
few weeks with her children here,
For Sale—F ive nice town lots
for sale, nice building lots situated
on Blue Ridge road and College
close to Now School Building.
W. M. Tedm.
When you have produce to
goods with, or cash clt to spend, don’t
forget to call ori’W. A. Alien. —
buys goods cheap for cash and will
sell cheap.
Buy your Fertilizers of Bearden
Bros & Teem Co. Scott’s High
Grad0| Piedmont and Acid Phos
phate; nbate- a l s0 Guauo cheap for cash,
or good notes.
Wo have removed the Courior
fcentmel office into the ,, .
... Hotel, TT , . stairs t . ... F, „
v tew ’ up over w.
McHan , s store where . will ... ,
glad to have our friends cali on us
J. M. Froam,in, an expert printer
of Knoxville, is now with the Cou
iier Sentinel. lie has shown his
skill in turning out the minutes of
tiie Toeoee Association of Primitive
June Kell has returned from
Gainesville. We are glad to see
Juan back again looking so well
and carrying the evidences that he
has fared well in the city of the
“Cracker ’ of the crackers.
1 will exchange a good $ JOG on ■
gino for lumber and workmanship
to finish my houge. 1 will se?.l
town lots, woodland valley lunjd
besides two farms, horse, bttggi i
wagon, harness, -some young- jacks
and jennets etc. T. H. Tabor.
The town council is having the
roftd between the Cr^amory and
the railroad widened and macad¬
amized. Tiiis was very much
needed ns tho road at that place
becomes well nigh impassible in
rainy weather, and several have
fined for riding on the side
walk, which at best is none too
good for pedestrians.
For Sale. A Gold Mine in the
Diamond District'. This mine is sit
Dated between the Lucky Eight nnd
Loving.mines and is about seven and
oiic-liaif miles from the famous
While Path mine. Width of vein 3A
, depth 20 fT . stripped in length 1
For particulars address
J, L. Stover & Co ,
Pisgah, Ga,
Notice to School Teachers. j ;
I will be prepared to pay teachers!
for the last quarter of 1.89? at Eliijay
on Saturday, January 2Sth. I will ;
also have registers for those now teach*
ing. L. M. Simmons, C. S. C.
Fair warning!
■ After thirty days I will sue every
man who owes me on notes or ac¬
counts unless satisfactory settle- j
ments are made. I will make my
words good and if those that owe
me don’t want trouble they mustj
pay inside thirty days. I will havej
a man to represent me at my office i
in my absence. Respectfully. j
- J. S. Tankersley.' ;
Hj^lijay, Ga., January 24, 1899. i
- ;
Frank. 'Greer has left Eliijay !
and gone to Tennessee near southPit!
ts burgh. He thinks of going to ■
Colorado later to make that state
his home. We regret that Frank has
become dissatisfied with hie native
heufh and desires to roam o'er Jf-iirer :
fields. !
Sore lungs, pain in the chest and pain¬
ful breatiiing, tho fore-runners of
cared pneumonia, are old quickly reliable relieved and
by the Dr. John W.
Bull’s Cough Syrup. It breaks up a
cold in oao night. Try it at once.
teP— 1 *
Will quickly heal Sore Lung?.
Doses are small rad I’rlce pleasact*to take. druggists, Doctors
recommend it, 25 cts. At all
! E. J. Akins, of Protection, was
i u to boo us Monday.
W. M. Parks, Jr., and T. J. Gate s
wore on the streets Monday.
! Evan * l.asta...quite,ick'
'of lat*», but is now convalescing.,
B. L. Hensley, our new tax ro
and county treasurer, was in
town Monday.
John Long. rocontly employed
W. F. McHa'i, is now working ;
for V'. E. Evans.
H- JI. Craigo, of Mountaintown
is visiting hie daughter, Mrs. ]>, F
Gates, Cleveland, Tennessee, i ;
Col. E. \V. Coleman came up to
Elliiay Monday. Woweie glad to!
agiai. grasp ihu hand of the g-nia!
Tho Beet Plaster,
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and
bound-on to the affected parts’ is
superior to any plaster. When
troubled with a pain in the chest
or sides, or a lame hack? give it a
trial. You are certain to be more
than P lfl a«d " lth the prompt re
lief which it affords. Pam Balm j
is also a certain cure for rheum a-!
lisar. For salo l>y nil Druggists. ;
•T, N. Sellers was quite sick for a !
dav or two last week, but, we are j
to say, is at his place of busi-!
uoss again. I
Robort p...i n DoBold v> -,i. ° !S • a,,;o i , l0 , c ” me ! j
to town again. Ho still uses crutch
but . . it . hoped , , will ...
is soon :
able , , , to wane ,, without • , them. ,
Ftesfe® 3
If your liver is out o' order, causing
BiUoueness, Sick Headache, Heart
hum, or Constipation, take a dose of |
On retiring, and tomorrow your di- j
gestive organs will be regulated ana !
you will be bright, active and Thi3 ready!
for any kind o{ work. has
been trie experience of others; it
will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS are
sold by all medicine dealers. 25 els.
J. R. Bishop loft Saturday for
Goorgia-A1 abama Business College
at Maeou, Ga. Rob. ( is. a quiet,
steady yoiingienan, wlo tak*s a se¬
rious Tfi4S cl life, andw-iil no doubt
progress well with his studies.
Ex-Sheriff IT. M. Bramlett came
down from Ducktown last Satur¬
day. Don’t forget that Milt i*j
Siill a citizen cd Gilmer county ;
when you begin to figure on the list
of probable candidates for 1900.
of Sunday NOV- 27 1898.
the song of the shirt.
“With lingers weary and worn,’
V\ ith eyelids heavy and led,
A woman eat in unwomanly
rag9 ’ '
Plying lier needle and thread—
S titch ! Stitch i Stitchl;
In poverty, hunger and dirt,
Aud still with a voice of dolor
. UUS pitch,
Would that its tone could reach
tho rich,
She sang this ‘Song of the Shirt!”
Would that this song could l'each
the innermost heart of those men
who living in comfort and seeming
affluence now may soon die leaving
such a heritage. Bitter indeed is the
lot of the wife and mother who is
left dependent or in Want. Better
far better, would it, tc make as.- 1 :r
aace doubly suro and spare us ef
until a policy fora sum ado
qnate to the needs of dependent on
es ^ 2as been secured. A policy in
the Massachusetts Mutual organ
*zed in 1S51 the leading Massacbu
setts company is the most desirable
because it has Behind it not only
the guarutee of the company.alwys
reliable ancLstaunch but the laws
the commonwealth of Massachu
sf, t‘ s . which do more to 'protect
policy-holders than the laws of
any o-lier state in the union many
find this out toolate why not exa
mine these laws befor placing your
insurance It will do no haru and
men send policy them aud together other with interesting speci- j
literature, at your mim et. Write
to day , giving name, age and-ad
dross to T. S. McKinney, s Bluo
Ridge, Ga. ;
M hen you can not sleep for cough
ing take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It always gives prompt relief,
It is most excellent for colds, too. as
it aids expectoration,. reliever the
lungs and p:cvents any ieach-ncy. to
ward pneumonia. For sale .In All
D ' u SS ists - - 1
Absgsjuseby Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
royal etxtrta pqwoc? co.. nt# ycbx.
fPmiBRP li- hz %£ -.j 'hz I h’J £ i, d
to o m
l; Catarrh is an
Ml WjjC*? i fh? American Greger, disease. Bag by,
|r';; :.™../Ate o .
--te 1 Tex.,says: “Fc-ra-r#
f hcsdc-nc- son. ehgood
— for me that I cni shte
yj Am/sh-'d ' i to do my own v.c k.”
Y {V Mk v JacoT>Grif&n. Elmer,
| /•;? Mich., writes: ‘T was very
i, ’ and onubia to
1 nervous
work. I have taken several
%% holt as of IV-ru-na acd
‘ am entirely well.”
0* j Esther Luther, Frank*
linsville, N. C., ' J.
A says:
?; took your Pe-ru-na for
feiSs(-CR : deafness can hear row as
well as*I ever could.”
Av;~. Trylcff, Jit. Clem
* fiA;«. ens, Mich.,writes: ‘’Used
f y ' la grippe and it left me
t: V ' Y with a terrible cough. I
' • v .j. took Fe-ru-ua and was
<i » ; 7 cured.”
Mrs. E. Guest, Kecrrey,
BufiVJo Co., Neb., wriits:
ti; \ *+* fl a I took yotir Fc-ra-na for
i *- • I ’ : cat^, 1’, and con sav that
I cm now . . cured
of it.”
■sub II. Ti'altcr Drady Cas¬
cade. Ark., rays: •• I Lad
B V'A;' rum)jr.jf ears. It vres so
. offiensiva I excluded
■jr ,>;VAV ^v‘0?(/v' self from all society. After
1 had borno it fourteen
years I read Dr. Hartman's book called
•The Flis of Life.’ I took seventeen
dollars’ worth of his remedies and am
entirely cured.”
Mr. F. Hf Flynn, of Minneapo¬
Minn.Ms in the city. Mr. F.
prespeefing for grid and other
m3tals in our county.
Did you ever hear of a gentle
man’s watch, gold filled, guaran¬
teed for 10 years, Elgin movement
selling for $12.00? Cur
j t ] oes jp
Prof. Wiley Do Horde is teaching
at the old Acadr-uiy. Wiley holds
a first-grade license and 111 :- had
considerable experience in teach
A start;ini
John Og
N'l IqvLfp
“I - -.vas - 'tW — V—
My skin was ail most yel'ow,eyes sunk
c-n, tongue :c^ed pain continually in
back and sides, no appetite—gradually
growing weaker day by day Three
physicians had givejv me up Fort a
natolv, a f.-ieml advised t-.-ying *’Kii*(i
trio Bitters,” and to my great joy and
the first bottle made a derided
improvement. I continued them
for three weeks, and am now a
• T know they saved my life, and
the grave of another victim.
one should fail to try them. Only
cents per bottle at J S Tankersley’s
Drug Store 6
. ■ ir _ r ..
| ip/.i W ! »:1
i* g ' jjg- f - ■ ........ i i&d ' 11
Ii** demonstrated ten tbonmnd .]
times thnt it is almost infalUbie
- m r* v,.; zuf a -:'”’ ■ j
- j
-te -• w-r-__tx. ^ *
!r*-?palsr!tie3 ?.ra dcr'n^cTnenf.w.
It h..s become vae 7 ,-y; .c<' 7
for this class of t rou ;j*3. P: •: - rti
a vyoaderfulJy hev'ij.o-. rt - • U'
the < r\U\g uml Fvioviiiii? inliuon'”-: 1 evirea oil M
Menstrual organs. T
It * ‘ whites’* Soodi^ ardfaHiDgcr tl'ft r.-ciRb.
stops £ii 1 rcii-i: tcs sup
k mj'ii v. Lte. >
t>rc*s~e^ unci xnr-r,*«trHp.L ; -rn,
Tor Charge of .Li/e it. is tht? fc- L !
Mcdicias niav.e. It i fconcncirl
during Sot iring'chiidri years. pregnancy, It ii invigorate*, iut * homes hoipa ninii* r-: to i fj i j
la'r c L^rftTie-l -i - -- ~ f be ft
any rroinan r*-a other ?j r
Trith csrts.ii ieiieT t= iihin it : ?
Win a c4 Ori.ii costs ?-a.d 0
pjr bottls s.d yea? dru g s^ore.
For advice* in vises '•w. ii-ivj s-A’fa! • |
directions, addre.-s , q jIkj z:;*rvr:.f.:'\ ;.|
the “Ladies* Advisory Jledieine J^vorti.v Co*., Caat- x’,*’
The Chattanooga
iencoga, Tenn ri :
Rev. ‘‘K y J. V5lfs W. Li SWSTH. :s *» ins Camden, of Csr4:j! . .. 5 j?ss j ^
forfallsny cored her,” ci i.* ; a woisi) z..e ii enb.jlj 1 1 !
1 - -.V- i '• • A-, .L ‘. -.J,
feftr ;.
Mr. Elisha Berry, ot this place,
he never had .anything to do
so much good and give succ quick [
frsra rheematism as CKamber-1
s Pain Balm. He was Doubled '
shooting pai u from hip to i j
be usee this iinement, which
prompt relief. B. F. Basi-r,
Paris. Ohio. Fm sale
All Druggists.
y Vt r L W A A T ’ T ‘ c;
\L"i. a: A ‘ :fr c.- ; r y' q r ..
JflNuftftY <a<», /sti
; BaruesviHe. Ga. t has the Jarg> s.
uiuterwear mill in the South.
'iilios 20*y* ar gnaraiilted ladies’
Id-fi ; l Elgin itiovenwutwatch
i e? are only n> 2.C0 at Clifford's.
Rev. P. P. Carre! 1, of Mountain-:
| town, has moved to his farm m-ar
Cohutta, Ga.
Valentines 1 Jmt in receipt
‘-f first shipment.
\V m. OU ss HETT. i
C. \V. MulKey was *u town
| Tuesday.
Put a bright, new cover on these ;
work's, best Nickel, bezel and 1
screw-; k case, at Clifford’s for,
only :f i,50.
All those indebted to me wiii
please cal! at once and -ttle, and
thereby save unnecessary worry
sud extra expense.
Jan. 26. V/. F. McHan. j
n-.e signs of the times indicab^gar
dening While, us yet, Winter,
: : :
male is moved by the love for tho J
(lowers and delight in svoing grow-,
ing things to prepare fo tho time
when the bursting of buds and j
singing of birds shall come.
You want the best medicine that
can be obtained and that i Cham
beriaiii’s Gough Remedy.
only give quick relief but •fleets . -l
pernunant cure. #
You want a remedy that will re¬
lieve the lungs and keep expectora¬
tion easy,
You want a remedy that will conn
teruct any tendency toward pneumo
You want a remedy that pleasant
;md safe to take. hAid
........ Coi:i;h Bm,Ov |,
the only medicine in use that meets
all these requirements. This reme
is famous for its cures of bud Colds
throjigboiit the Ui.iicij 8iuteg,'jind in
without .:. - - and . its ., spiendm ,. , qual , j
I a peer
] Kies arc everywhere admired and !
j j praised. For sale by All Drug j
gists. • J j
-— ----------
| Luther Holder, a young man , f <
y ...........m-n, recently di' d a{ i
j ...
| the . home , o his -top lather. ,. Ihos. j
craig. Luther was a bru nt boy j
; and wo sympathize with tho gri d -\
stricken mother over his early do- ;
The Deadly. Grip.
Is again abroad in tiie fiinft The air
you breathe may be full ui *-s fatal
germsl Don’t neglect tiie “Grip” or
you will open the door to Pneumonia
urd Cunsaniptiou anil invite
Its sure signs are chills- with fevtr,
headache-, dull heavy pairs, tnuc.iias |
| discharges from tiie nose, sore throat [
laud never-'let-g-o cough. Don’t waste |
precious time treating this cough wiih 1
troches,tablets or poor, cheap •’
Cure it at once wHli I;r. King s "etv
Discovery, the infarlable remedy fur j |
r.ehiai ! roubles. 1 1 1-; iff:, the disease
••• -c ;.!s i’e- lungs and prevents;
!, <i afier el! ct» ft m the ma
cis. a- 1 si.GO. Money ,
.-nr„U. .. . i! b'G ! i v^r«''
. . '.
i h ore by ann-Minco my.- -if a cai
iHfiafi- fur n:atrinndiy. Kit uti--n i
to occur at any limb -nil;;'lo t-> •
other party. Yours faithfully,
\Y. F. Moll AN
‘SOME OF ALLEN'S DA is-.M;-.-.
Men s Brogan Shoe.*, if 1.00, other* j
charge *1.25. !
-'tens Brogan at -. h-l-u
others charge you .f 1.50. '
1 - y. - you.,!. --/,y - -; Gi-ove G:; ;;;n Snoey ;it-vl
others charge yon $1.25.
-K -ii s Saits at *?5 .g.O; other.- c-:a:-f--
you 87 50.
19 Bails Thread for 5 cents: other:
sell you »j.
Tho first'Quarterly- Meeting for
Mountaintown circuit
Mas held last Saturday and Sunday j
Rt ( ~ HTe 3 Chapel, -The new pastor
^ V( jUcnoweth was on hand j
RiH ^ - )!s sermon cu Sunday night j
v,us > V ”R received. La was once!
a student in the Ireminary and is;
w ; ' h .drd w horever !m preaches,
Fr.o : temi-terly C.,nf rouce made *
lio^ml ass. sn.ont for him and the
ar-; favorable fu? a good
'«>'<”■ ih.-r- •.-.•«.* a ; te ;
«!-• • H-.rday m.d Hundav!
' • • -.-,1 cm -i ; mi ,g thV
!i..A-, if. ii. Robb.
P e 3
•- r
A Purely V J .i i**r alter
Remedy A £: .-i.iUniii'il
.* . - a: ■. 1.1 i 'I.T' cu*-**d com
Ci:;e. -m* v p perraanent, for
-i -.e had n touch of
. .h.ilgh many times
: ' : irn'i cold weather.
If the p-;; .you M. Tii’pell,
true cans*- or have had Philadelphia. experience
would be ••
meats and L ••a k.vow that it
and dis:.!/,' ■ r - . v< re each year,
Rfeeiinmli iihi r blood diseaa&»y
of the- blv-- ; - b . are . unable to
therefore, <>•■! c-;e it. In fact,
Bui all 1 , • the only remedies
Rheumali -m. winch they pre
disease, oiv v are potash
blood re,.- -J ; d mercury, an‘d
a mere o.rie. ’ y ii; igh temporary
the only ; i'-'H -f may result
promptly - .. ll* remedies pre
of even ti; u, dace a stiffneaf
A fev«- . j--h:is and onljj
flaminanr.-.- y ■ ■ ■ ■; ; iic dteoase.
mild at tire*.., ?„• r <li:-:jppoints- these deejjf
tense that I v..- ■
walk, t trii d a.-*; b-'VonS
eians nud took ■•-.I oilier remedies]
fully, but v.-. .; nGy RlieumatiSI
relief. Iiifart. Scrofula,Bczenfti
grow worse. ; v ;
entire body. ’ d diseases. It
:: • !i
Marcit 1 su:' -i .. mi o -.l remedy guar
patent m 1 ■ in
Upon fl. the liny h \7~ .stable
try S. fu .
it, however, h d- by
chemist,an L in-.,* Swift
Bounced it ii- dwny, Atlanta, 'Ga.
A. K. & X. RY.—Change of Sched
ule .
Effective December IHih, 1SS3,
the following change in schedule
v. ill t::k'> effect on the A. K. &
Passenger trams’goingsouth will
leave Knoxville at 8 :15 A. M., ar
riving at Marietta at 6:15 P. M..
Atlanta 7:30 P. M. Leaving At
Itnta going north at 8:30 A. M.,
arietta 9:15 A. M., arriving Knox
villa at 6:50 F. M,
i ntia living Khio Ridgo at
arriving Knoxvjl’o at 7:00 , P. M..
returning leaving Knoxville at 8:00
A. M., arriving Blue Hidco at 8:80
P. n M., TT will be abandoned. Train
!:.-,. ins SI.ri.lU .1 10:00 A.
” rrivi "5 Bl “» «. \!» P ■ » ■
r, ' lum * n " ^aveBluo Ridge at 2:09
P ' M ;. ar f ivin S at Marietta 5:30 P.
• " ! ‘l lie abandoned
If* -Mo\» UXIAMS
On September 20th,Octoper itli and
38r!! _ x 0V ember 1st and I ,!h, l>« C emt
berS'.h f!m l 20ih, J.-stn;, the Colton licit
Route will round trip tickets from
St. !.<-unq Cairo and Mnmpnis, to aii
point.-- in Arkansas,Eauiriana and ’i e:
as and Oklahoma, at one fare plus fg.oo
t''Tthe round irip. Stop-overs will be
ongoing V,. £ ^ trip within ir» -i ys
a! , ;| . j( . k( , ;rf (o r<>: |Jrn
p, 21 day^'f roi n date of sale,
Tiie cotton Belt passes directly
through the bi->t portions of Arl an as,
Louisiana and l exas, and this will be
a splendid opportunity lor
ers to seciirc a^i.oil lucai ion.
r-r fre . copi-4 of ban Homely
! rated ! -. abi.ut Ai-l:ansas,T.oti
Kiana and Texas, write to II;
ton, Traveling Passenger Agent,
f'hati.tnoyga, Ti tni.
Reai! ITouvo Block,
" L- Beacmc, <>. s', and I
,,r * - v> • 1
b-.uns, M
O Ahk. SS *S? O S=5 TZ cfk..
Boarstka ’Y >?li« Ki?d ‘t-'.'j lir.'i Always 3-T'pM
1st ■*
EXl l 111) I hi 5
iis-Yifs utrcr. 1 ,
n-usct: v/•-c i: t a: i :: i: o <> .i r s
pi ')])!’
t:g i.-i-vr per .
-n. ii: t!«:-- - -!•-•? our Hi:-i
: . .'A . i
me. Salary straigiit f!h)0 a year
nd i-xp: :: : -s—gofinite. io.-.nifitl .• no
M R Illy $75.
R.nccs. E « !f-:it!<ire'si d !
in.v.-!op. Herbert E. Hess, j
Dept. M, Chicago.
r'fb" •• ■" :tes
teb.Uw-S si *r
>r any other ladies who wish to , y r ,_
fi n -m 1/Jib T kOlitij fJnvmtr 1
Mill i-i
working for us in spare tifte at j
home bn our cloths. \Ye offer you
a J- id chance to rank plenty, cf'
spending money easily, in leasure I
Imurs. Send Id -. fir cl... tli and full
directions for work, and
at nee. doth sent anywhere !
Adores;. !
CO. (334-0) B< Ian, Mass
Mrg. Dtpt.
I ^ *V&or* 0 % ws
4 (
TEX/13. ^
Schedule in Effeet Oct. 4th. 1338.
KOKTHHOUNI). No. 4 No.?3
Cv ^ Ar Mn'HnHo a sT^nmi 0 C.VaGi] 8 U lt'pin mm 5 45pni 4'-vvzii s
] 11 Si'flc: j ........ 7
I! Ii 4Jn vn 11 41pm S l»>pnx
Ohur’no-jitfn! KtisUviUo C 1 ofipinj uicinj 1 DOiira 0 U-ipm
..j .
T'oiDj.ltis :^pVnlTroSiu 7 8-nmi i
\ ,\y '?.< r.ouhL.. TjfShvu
. : .-.Bit v'».' ,\i ; i u
gffifeRSMtS V feStH ll dlgS
; Train Ni>. Soar. i«mP uii-.n.ias’.iwporbeirwo
Jacks J^viJJe, A1 Jan 1 a t J M.-uih ril?e, »;:/»•
120 'jliujc vvi h vo«Jr.»aI« 1 for Cliieajfo.
Train K-:>. 4 carrion, Pullman Sl<tt»p«r 4«gustf
cr t 'l Atlanta to &aukviUo and St. J-ouis iiirouglf
v/itl out cbongo. Pullmii SJoojaoj* Aflaata t<l
CkJ^tiauoogii, passeugora in gar aufeti
*7 O’clock n. a., Rl, >a,
Knoxriilo rii! A.'L.t
Train No. 70 conno Hs with Q, m 0.
for Cincinnati. This traift carrioa through
ooach Atlanta to Homo.
| —
To the South and Hast.
j sownmoir.m. No. ! j No. S j No.01 No. 73
j h 0 ie lOp) iujhh ........
“ '.*.’boo ,a 'I .vpin! 1 8 :&nm| 2Utk!u SHfiam .
i R-'ini'f. 1.'. 4 11pm 4 7 llain .
« " i'-yu-ito.. 64i>timj 4?5pm}.......| 9 7 4Ham B ai!!
' 7 _______
7 bOpm 1 '» ijULJoUO STjidi: 8 Oiaia
hv At Av**tr.77r&£f' r> r ion .....ill lfiLHiji! loam 7x0pm.
Jgv ‘^'Ulon.....| k'nrliltr} 2 50amI 3GApm.......
' * * U 4^fur»|Id ...
Ev* A tiaata . <.! 4^&pn
Ar Mrtron . jll ispuljll iO»m f XCyw
fccTnijvih ____________ " _ . B _ COn ml _____ ft QDpni*.. "iiopm
■ fiv Atia&tA III #ir#ai| 7
! “ p‘ : - . 113■> !lC l 16ynil........
Ar “ Aihc*:6 ^ii-rtvon^.! — \\Q%i]y 0 Itpnij 7 I'innl 7 lnam
“ v - ' 1 ^' , * fcn|10 Skua U oliwn
[ ik.( u A.'Uini ir&Jpm
Train No. 1 carried I’ntlii.r.-i iilcrper NasV
vli’.o, Cbaitauooift aiid Atlonta to Jookaon*
vide, Pin.
T: c... No. ?. carries Pullman Slcepnr Ft. LouM
«o Aujrost a erii Lout chango. Fu liman Sleeper
Csiatlii-.iooga to Attanta spoil 'for \uhs enters
m.attcrooga S o’ck-ck j». m. Pnllmau Fleopof
thioxyii'.a to Atlanta via A. K. & N. Ry. Far
further information verite to
TrafT'.; Manujer. Oem. Pass. As*.
Vsinnblc to Women.
Espettally valuable to women is Browntf
Iron Biit. rri. Backache vanishes, headache
disappears, weakness, and strength the glow takes of health the place readily of
conies derful to ttie pallid taken. cheek when this won¬
overworked remedy is ii For sickly children
or men lias no equal. No home
shnnld i>e without this famous remedy.
Browns’Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers
The following notes, of m.t^
it to wore cliippod from the
oni World, Bluo Ridge:
Mr. Charlie Nelson is at hf
Fide. Mr. Henry, who boards'!
Mr. Nelson’s, is also very sick.
The many friends of Capt. T. J.
he out on tho streets again.
T ; , rof , TI V Br yant, of Gil
* - ouo
nn.-r county’s foremost school teach
r - r3 , was in Blue Ridge last Satur
, * ;iy ' IIe Tr 18 . now teachln , ,. 8 at . Cher ja
This morning (19th) ahoij
j’clock Can. Stephenson,J
g'iiog to his work, nttemj
cross a train of cars. Tho traf?
®°v e f! and caught his foot between
the drawhoads, mashing it almost
off. Dr. Daves is giving him r met-as
ical attention,
Buskteaf* A.nuc* #4
The best salve in the worldYorCffbP
Bruises, Sores, Peers, halt Rheum
Fever Soies, 'letter. Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
required. It is guaranteed togive
perfect satisfaction or money refiureU'd
Pee 25 cents per box. For sals by
Dr. -J, S. Taake -sley.