The Courier-sentinel. (Ellijay, GA.) 18??-1???, March 02, 1899, Image 2

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mpg... 02. me? "No Eye Like the ' Waster's Eye.” j You are master of your health , and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order. Hood's Sar¬ saparilla will purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blo;>d, kidneys, bowels or liver. Kidnevs - “ My kidneys me, and on advice took Hood’s Sarsaparilla wbiih ":lv l prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep is refreshing. It cured my wife Pa** Mt ’ I) I U> lntt ' PUtsbure I Scrofulous Humor -‘•Lfc^ in terrible f r< 1 semfuious bn several raor. doctors. ««#'worse under j treatment of Tlicsecined Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills. me thoronaWy.” J. J.uniA Futton, N. t . j i Hood’s rill* rare liver Ills; the non irrlMting:and only cathartic to take n un Hoo< fs Sa rsaparilla. aT E COURIER-SENTINEL. ■TCI A I, ()<U1A\ <*r Gu.MKK Co’.NTY IP. Hate*. K. Hirer GATES & GREER xOITORS AND 3UBSCIIIPTION RATES. One Year...................$1.00 Sis. Months................. dO Tlircs Months............... ?•> Advertising Rates Very Low- and Made Known on Application. Correspondence solicited solicited on all •subiects, but the writers name must •company his article, not for cation, but as a guarantee of good faith. We are not responsible ioi correspondents views. (SUABAXTEeSaTBCIJIiATIOA, 1,100. THURSDAY MCH. 2ND. 1899. A ROMANCE OF A. H. STEPHENS’ LIFE. In ono of the early years of tho £ 4h*s_Mr. Stephens, th en a voting lftan, paid a visit to the home of Dr. Darden in Warren county. There he met a flaxen-haired, blue j face eybd and girl lovely of sixteen, in character, beautiful piqu-: in j ant, witty fil'd gifted with mind rarely cultivated. An grew up, which for yems did not) {lass the formal bounds of friend-1 ship, but which was sacredly cher¬ ished by both. The boy lover was poor in this world’s goods, fragile in frame and harassed by sickness; lie did not dare to aspire to the hand of one whom ho had learned to love and yet forebore to claim. With womanly devotion tho young girl read the secret in the young man’s eyes, and truo to her heart she could only-wait and lovo. One evening in 1849 a party was given at the residence of Mr . Lit¬ tle in C’ravvfordvill. oncii more* tliero There the two met they ", cd- j toyed . that , swbet . born! / communion ot perfect , , trust, . . and , there AI Mr. fetephens-foudcourage to speak the the word which for years had fought for expression, until at last, he could no longer contain them. 1 Are you sure that there lives [ none other whom yon* prefer to j me?” asked tho maiden timidly, hap-| j ^lf shrinkingly, yet only too to feel that she was favored in | eyes. ‘In the whole univorse there ex s not another,” said he passion ■ely.] Thus their troth was plighted, the day sot for their marriage and all seemed auspicious for the ers. But clouds lowered o’er their 1 hopes, J matters of a private nature! Which is . not , wnhm .... the . domain , . °f, j the public to know, intervened 1 and deferred tho fruition of their i hopes. The one became burner-1 3ed in politics, and racked wit n j physical ills hesitated to outer a j state where ho feared the happiness i of the other might be marred i The lady found her duty by the: side of an invalid mother, who long lingered with a confining dis- i ease. Thus the years flew by, but the plighted troth was kept. Mr. Stephens never addressed another and ever kept the image of the fair young girl in his heart. The lady w’as the recipient of admira¬ tion from many but to all she turned a deaf ear.--Ux. T!: - '•"* IN ™ E H,,s " The Newspaper Makor ha- tho about the newspaper in homo: • A paper has a strong ami j hold upon iis regular std fibers. * It enters tho home and forms a part of it. Itsfaco is familiar a id very dear with, thn passage time. If it be but a half-hour late in coining.' the hoasdtohi is stirred hecausv of the delay. No other call take its place-one j may subscribe for a dozen mote— v «. t ii u . re i s ouo that is first in the hearts of the household— ticular favorite ia\o*uo to iu which tin- no |>ers g*> for authority as well as the news of the outside world, So closely does it entwine iiseli the affections that it seems (j |jO illlbllftl With lit’**, Jlllll OllU speaks of it as of a clear, lifelong friend. It may make mistakes now and .then—it may get on the wrong side of a great public it may censure where praise | deserved, hut these, aro forgiven it for thd pleasure it has brought and the pleasure it is sure bring again. Usually, tho'fault, except it be a glaring one, is overlooked alto¬ gether, just as one refuses to see the faults in one who is tend ; h 1 ved. There U no getting away from the home pap. r. tho faYoriti of tll0 housohedd’. ’ Or if, from nnv the stopped, , _ paper is »■ late subscriber mourns as for ,yj en d that is Q 9 ad, and will not be content until he find? it again. Buckltin’o Arnica. The best salve in the world for tints Bruises, Sores, U.ccre, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krupl ious, and positively cures Piles, or no ay rcguiied. It is guaranteed togive. perfect ?aMslae!ion or money refiu.dc*# l’ce 25 cents pm- box. F.u .-.alo hv Dr J, 8. Tanke ’sicy. A I’anqiiet will bo given in lien¬ or of William Jennings Jtryan at Chattanooga, March on 20th. N’OTJCK. AM debts of A. J. rl 3i S. Uutelnsnu for blaoksmithing have been placed in niy hands for collection. Parties wish ing to avoid extra cost will please set¬ tle at once, V. L. Watts, _^ Att’y-a -law Some ftanderr: Thoughts. Experience is not only a good schoolmastii' in the practical business affairs of life hut is, also, a'highway into the deepest and knowi of existence, No one knows how to sympatliize with the poor hut he who has drunk of Poverty's stinted cup, and no one can appreciate the value of the less ons learned in Poverty's school but he who lias been long a diiiigent though, perhaps, uuwiiliiig pupil. No one can as fully and joyfully docilities*of the Bible as lie who has been overwhelmed in the ocean of scepticism and doubt concerning the resurrection of the body and the im¬ mortality of the soul. No onecso conceive of the blessed lessons learned and of the great joy that is brought hv atiiiction and sufl ^"gb«t the herv furnace, ho who has passed tliroi^h * And . . . all tins, ' vet, in spite ‘ ot men ... . . , , ' race! C!lly fAwcalth: iu t | lcil . natures in a mad neglecting the lable for fiction in literature and religious ser j vice for amusement in shows and | theatrical performances; snd making themselves abjectly miserable when afllictions come upon them instead of j accepting that higher good that i comes to the spiritual man whe? the j animal passions and propensities arc laid low. Alas! no one can fathom the depths of the human heart nor foreknow our individual destinies but the Infinite ^ ur philosophic musiugs h*ad us into W T C1 ' maze9 ’ aml the hi S 1 lcr " e as cwul tIie hil1 a£ scieBce 1 hc , ’ more we al ° ama5! «! at the extent of onr ranee, while rev elution sheas ns bnl liant light on only a few facts, con. paritivdy, but makes that few so plain that he who runs may read aii lUat is CSSDtial t0 knoy - Xo other medicine Builds Up and Fortifies the system against Miscan i a " easwo11 as Ummons !i, l uaw ViUB _____M_ COIJDS Colds are easily taken and often de¬ velop into broncliitis or consumption. with You should John cure Bull’s aeold Cough promptly Syrup. Dr. IV. This celebrated remedy is most effi¬ DcBolSi cient and will cure a cold at once. COUCH SYRUP Promptly cures Stubborn Colds. Hoses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors itotiium«.ud it. iTicc *5 els- Atall^fruggists. F VvikK V: ;NS. Th- gr■ ai • *«’!•> Ui - » u the path of • - tiro • !'»V- ;• 2 • men is tlw l.iek ot lu-r^ v* They d<* lrot-s'iek t ai v pursnit long enough C* >•<, proficient in it. 'They are—k an easy and short road to* st¬ and honor. Disappointed in dreams. they soon bis* all ambition and settle down to a commonplace existence. Taach often grieved ■ , , ers are at. Im? ta.e leseucss of bright boys -on! girls of the present day. \\ hat's tha verdict of history? > Have presidents; statesmen, ’ and • great generals found it an easy j task attain their lot pm-i- . to tv : lions? By do means. Through! poverty, hardships, and suffering they worked their way to the top and were never discouraged by p-.iiy failures. Work made an Edison and a | A :nuc rbilt: persistence mace a Orant and a juacoin ; faith in the right made a Paul and a \\ ashing toil. Let us be encouraged by these noble examples, and remom or that “Work wins—Kx. < HAMIITltMlX’S COl b'l! IHU? illtV. ; Tins remedy is - intended especially j j for couglis, colds, -croup, *.v! • p »i.; i cough anil influenza, i ua • dm j famous fer its cures ■ ini ■ : over a large pari > .ie tvt ! j :l!S i ii:g e-tsaioni- j ais ii.n e tx*-t. * ■ ■ .. ..... , of its good work- ■. ..e aggrava ing persistent cough.- it lias eur-.-d; of severe colds that liave yielded prompt¬ ly to its soothing ellects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it lias cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous con¬ sequence.;. SoM by till druggists. Thoro are only six states time now adhere to tho annual s-ossions of . ■tho iegislat'.ir*.*. i’ir - aro South j Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, Maszac'uusoUs, Now York ami Now Jersey. Pending in Notv York is f a constitutional amemlirent pro¬ viding for biennial sessions.—ot. I.ouis Republic. “Rob Childbirth of its Terivrt and .Minimize the Pam and Dangers <f L i¬ bor by using Simmons Squaw V ine Wine or Tabirbj. WANTUT)-SRVF, 1,A1. TKU8TW0FTHY I'Kli sons in this state to manage our luisi-1 ih'ss in their own and neat by counties, j it is mainly office work conducted at home. and expenses-definite, Salary straight bonaiidt, ftiHW a year j no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. Uci ■! i. nccs. Enclose scif-adtlresscd stainpe mvelop. Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M, Chicago. GENEROUS TO A FAULT. , But Cariess cl and Cruc-1 to iiis Famiiy. [From “The Savannah Morning News” of Sunday Dec.4 1898.] This is the man who fritters away his earnings for their present delight, but deposits no savings for the iusuranco of its continuance j hereafter. Life Iumrance, as writ-1 teu by tho Massachusetts Life, j nienns safety when danger is hard-1 by, relief when disaster comes, v;d- \ ub in times of depreciation, assets when liquidation is imperative f , , - .- . -, - 1 >P ' ^ ‘ 10 8 * nu aB ni ' " “* D .‘ C >anK V , l>utun ., u ° This solid, honestly managed and conservative old company, writes l> **■•*- {, ys ul to f-"itic.<..y pnlicy-iioldera >t Lugo u .i.. an-; • j aa ‘ dividends, which, U not take.* to reduce the cost of carrying the j policy, may be used to increase the amount of insurance each year, or. may be left to the company at compound interest, to make the original policy paid up infull many years before the time mentioned in tho contract as the maturity date. After the policy is paid up, it con tin lids to increase in guaranteed j cash value each year, the same time paying the policy-holder handsome rJ [ cash iy shows dividends. guarautc-ed The policy plain- j tho amount c.f I cash or paid-up participating in- i surance available in event of'laape at two any annual time premiums. after the payment Tho of, | j com pany makes liberal loans on poll- i cies, which often prevents lapsing! when hard times press the policy holder. Send your name, age and i address to T. S. McKinney, agent,! Blue Ridge, Ga. for a sample poi- j icy showing what can be done in yc-ur particular case. o aa, ss *£' s a, . Boars the _The M Yc u fo,- Alwa ys Bcugai. Sign: tare of r» 1 fjttmvt X* -V i ^ ,, J \ T * X L.' T \J €\ ! f i- a m A* 1 . e . ■-J\ •: \Ji' cr =. L- r. -« VV- f -H. * it J : '' W • ’ ‘ M a i n J fmi-i j's h lu £ . i i % i s : t | 4 k -J i il «i iijy-h j . i i S* ,-V ;-M*t \ -,-i K Ww.-vct i ■ J***. - : ■' % •> ‘ : • - ... ll • is r.i-'.kiug a sp-enitty ■>! selling h -avy, all-wool pants at COST. Bra::-i-. ,v lino *>» .-nmr.i r pants, as fine as yoif can buy iy Af biiita or Knoxville, CHEAP." ■-Se¬ ij £> Utc— ST. T1 <5* A ful* ne l .« nm j““- s * *.......E The cheapest on the market. ; g . -r S.‘l”^» ' A big lot of hav;;v_; :;s j:i-t arrived, chiefly ci nip* Si d of ct iking stoves an 1 supplies H * : »i - y-iPK i-- ; . '..-v*'£■«■ K -S ' V? . 3 aH" inters. -r: . liigh grad ■ aciil pin■ -rli.'.with potash, on the niar kcl. , guano for sale. f l ’f > : - X-: ' - ■. ' ■ ■: i ; r- - ;•: li-s-Huy; . "*"■ t i'" ,.-x i n * XL* wnnls all lha count :y :: unco, chick its and eggs ho can got and %|1! pay yon the highest■ market prices THE ^ Mila : rallixll.......MI ------- 11 ■ T he above cut is an exact reproduction ot . the COl R! hR SENTINEL’S JOB PRESS which is kep busy turning out up-do-date Job Printing. City Styles Duplicated Envelopes, Notcheads, Letterheads, Circulars, Cards. etc. JTlail * orders given special attention. Addres all to THE COURIER-SENTI NEL, Eiiijay, Ga. Jicv. iv Ed wilt!-, l or of the E» Bapl ist Church at Minersv'lit*, when stift'eving with rheuniatiMU j advised to try Chanib* rlain’.- Pain { y‘‘ i-ays— A tt w i his liniment proved ol great ser- ■ j .nbdiied t!.■ nilb-.mtna i 0! , * iK > pao*. siumid sufferer profit by giving t'ain a trial it will plea-* me.'’ For ° :!i! To school Tvaebci r lie lexl b> • •' - I ■ of Study to; to- .. be: ‘*W<.yiin-: ks f a T -.,-t t*e-iiooI Ko.ik D: e - :, 7 V* hiudiali sr.eet. a a : edition oi Im go •- uy and vac ti cc , American B< U Go., At u< Q a> One dollar eae-i post; L M. Simmons, C. S. C. . Free Pi I - Send yonaaddri-.-s II. E. liucklen A Chicago, anp get a free sample of Dr. Kinf’s New Lib Fin-. A will convince you of their merit?, j pill? are easy in action am. are : efiective in the c are of For i anil Liver troubles they have proved invaluable. They are to be perfectly free Iron* deleterious substance and to be They do not week- j by their action, but by giving tone j Bis stomaeu an<d bowels great in¬ the system. Regular sixe - rl)l ' x . isErowag Iron Bitiers. Backache vanishes, headaohs »nd‘thI‘siowLf hlaltFreadily -mes | rl™^ 1 Br0 '' riS ’ I in Ult,sri| hj « H deKl ^ I ‘ ' _ •Subsciibe for your Jionie j»ap-. r! ’.he hit st news. O m K’O. 37i 3! Bears the /> R» W YSS 8s» i BouFt Sigiiatara af xT*N'- l Cazian sJsqU ij /'GG <l-,* 5. ^ Journal With The Atlanta £?-nl»Wcakly sending U J to every one oa# dull... Jackson’s for a African jeu* s l.imUess -ui',-,i, r i. Cotton, ..i. ^ y grows 8 to ie feet hi :;i. and is said ^ to produce double the *»uant:ty of 3 ordinary cott n. it costs to trv it." The sad are scarce, but ) Tils Sca;i Weekly :;r “i has seiur d a qusnlity do:S an - any .Us 'I on*: sending cue r *.i seed ■ lies. subscriptivr of ii.c« GsuTzagc, e OplirgOOn, O jF* her. % . A cGLrtron of select sermons by &►, these great divines sent live to any ~ on*- -a”.-.’: y( <r's L Rf-y j I'iie ntsni-Weskly 4 f 7 ) z^am f 4 < ^• Sam Jones writes rrgularly for The 4 Atlanta Journal, ;:d hs. letters ap- o Mc/onis ^ifeniod 0 h O o j _„_ VOT'.fueti ...... v* b w A live ;nt 'vjntd at every town 4 an I h in I he su-uth- Liberal z C' R.n.H- ■* t'.» :i..v.nts und extra 5 induuu:v...;Ns ? : tne of attract- 4 jvc*; • t > iLwoc bLi.j liirge J lists of Dc'.int:*. In Addition ta t Cosninission-s In addition to libera! commissions . agents who send us ioo cash sub • scribers for a year before next of $10. May ^ ist, will receive a bonus Those sendinc r o will receive $f. ft j Extra fifties or Send hundreds the subserroers in the same f a proportion. along and keep account of them. y 5 n 4 me Semi-Weekly f JOURNAL, j {} Atlanta, Georgia. J V SSS&Stmsia n For Infants and CMIdren, The Kind You Have Always iecgfit Bears the Promotes Digest! .Cheerful¬ Signature on ness andResUCofitair.s neither of Opium,Morphine nor ;Iki£ral. l*iOT Il^AStC OTIC. Hcapc cfOld U^SdMEiduldrfC u iS? punifthui Seal" ALx.Sama * JiocKdxc Sails - The An-sc Seed * Jipfisrrnsnt Ca.r. xSodi - 'Jttr. * IfamSctti *hijf/yriln - ‘ffianr. Kind | ] ApcncctRemedy Sour S'-ornach,Diarrhoea, for Consllpa lion. .Feverish¬ Toy lave Worms .Convulsions ness and Loss of Sleep. TacSmule 5:^natur<®i? Always Bought. KHEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF V/RABFEB GASIGli THE CEKTAUfl COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. r<rpw&m i WANTED POPLAR, WHITE PINE, HICKORY and WHITE • OAK LOGS. Delivered at iKiiuls ou a UL:>’iau A, IC. & N. II. B. and Murpliy Imtuu Ii, oh either lino, within sixty miles NortU or So.illi of JhHijoy, for which Sliippon Pros, are ready to contract ivitli rcliaho parlies—to wlioni they will rent log wagons at a small fig- * ure, to haul logs for them. This is a goorl opportunity for parties to sell their ‘limber and for those having idle stock (to feed during winter) to employ tl lem profitably. For prices and further information ! * j ' vU< • *., t.o BHI1TEN 15 IK KLL1 JAY, GA. In the Dreams of Most Girls & p % T A H A vv sj ) Is. % A A j*. Hus a very prominent placed* A Piano or Organ of tho best makes of this country ' c;U i now be bought from our house upon terms of payment very little ' Jjjgli, ;• than is renttirod for the simple rent of an instrument. Our | prices and terms are most reasonable. i m\r\h of Hie Moiiey Save!# ^ 1 1 [il [I v Py buying your Piano direcl from the factory. We inaiiufactur* llio.M \T<’I!LESS“BALDWIN” PIANO and the Tilling ten and Valiev < * m Pb.m-s. Jim me-t p<*biilar Pianos of the day. Wo also manufaeUire tlic IlauHiton and Monarch Organs. POINT]-: its: We nianufactnr* ■ Pianos. W^rnnnufacture Organs. ; Our rr-putuli -n is um[uostionod. Our* walvanty tho heil. , Wc s dl Baldwin Pianos. ! We sc-1! \V.....11 KHingtAn Pianos. Pianos Valley Gem Wo soil Hamilton and Monarch Oignns. We sell for cash. We sell on time. Write for catalogue ' FACTORIES: THE BALDWIN PIANO, Cincinnati. D. II. Balchvin & C°o Gilbert Are. O THE ELLINGTON J'lANO, 117 N. Penn-St. Indianapolis, ln*^ Xt.i.ymI]i*,-r ..v i’ujjiar-SIs . I’omdi-Ave., Louisville, Ky. < iii'. innafi, yi. I’:! IV. Fom-fh-Sf.,Cincinnati, O ' THE VALLEY GEM, S10 Wabash Are., Terra Haute Bay in i 11 e r -St„ C i r* e i n r. a t i, i >. irnl. TIIF HAMILTON ORGAN, r>ir Church St. Nashville Term. Henry .it., Chicago* Maim-St. Memphis, Tenn. • Wax ted- severa i. TursTwouTHY pek sons in tir-g state to manage our basi ncso in their own and nearby cour, lies. It i? mainly office work con ducted at home. Salary straight a year and expenses definite, Conafide no more no less sn , ary. Monliiii ■ $/o References. Enclosv self-addressed stampe-'l envelop. Herbert E. Prc-'t.. H.•pi. M. OlicagQ. Georgia Gilmer County : .1. |>. Bearden as the administrator o the estate of Roland Bearden late c ?:* *1 count y deceased, shows by hr petition and vouchers of file, that he b» s fully discharg <1 bis said trust,an*: P ra J s f ° be disc. ,nl fhei tfroiD. persons eoncerned, will take noi <r j that, . f will ... pass on said application, a t j, c >[ a! •!] term J.S9!* of this court, b it ness ray band and offb.-ial sign a • i (err 1 hi-' Dec.. r >Mi 1S9S. J. < . Au,f.n. Ordinary