Newspaper Page Text
'mgpm on. ma;
Items of The Past Week
Briefly Penned.
My, didn’t it rain Sunday. is like lien’s tooth—scarce.
Tom Stephens spent Sunday with
fiends here.
Alex Barclay and family have mov¬ j
ed to MeCavs, Teno. ;
Tax Receiver Hensley made us a j
pleasant call on last Saturday.
We have been having some rea
spring weather the last few days.
According to old saying, March will
come in like a lamb and out like a
All the sick folks in town are con¬ '
valescent at present. Roseola is frill I
l lie principal complaint.
butcher and j
A professional an um¬
brella fixer, struck Eljijny Monday.
Quite a pair wernT they?
Baileyj & Pritchett have recently
opened up a blacksmith shop in the ;
Davis shop on Ne\y River street.
1>ee those pretty gold watches and !
chains a.t f 1.11 Eol.n's Mho jeweler. |
They are guaranteed for 20 years.
Cieo. D. Tai’kerslev, the popular
A.K. AN. conductor spent several
days with his family here last week.
Drummer Solomon .McKinney, rep- j j
resenting Stovall, Calloway <fc Co.,i
of Atlanta, was here the first of the
Boux—To 3rr. and Mrs. S. K. Dot
son, a girl baby <>n the night of Fob.
12th, 18S)‘.l, and is appropriately nam¬ |
ed Ethel Zero.
Onr.Tob Department lias recently !
turned out a lot of nice card printing j
for A. E, Boling, operator < 11 the A. j ! :
K. it X. at Ball Ground.
All my subscription and advertis¬
ing accounts are in the lmids of A.!
Ingle, J. P., for collection,
J. If. ITrivnisow .
Hood's Sarsaparilla never
points. It may be taken for impure j
ami impoverished blood with perfect
confidence that it vvilUcure.
\W F. 3fcllan requests 11 s to say
tliiit he will pay the highest market
prices for country product, chickens
and eggs. See his ad in this issue.
We arc compelled to leave out a lot
of reading matter this week on account |
of a rush of advertising. We will,
however, try to make up next week. '
3frs. Emma Hagefup, of Algonia,
Wisconsin, mother of our popular de¬
pot agfnt. arrived here the lirst ofi
the week to visit him at the Hotel 1
FOR SALE—One No. 7 cook
ing stove mid cooking utensils. I
Only u?ed ono month. Good as|
new. Cheap for cash. Call at!
this otfico.
Owing to the rush of business on
the A. K. & N. Rv., the ar .hoi.ties
have recently purchased three new
freight engines. The freight traffic
on this road is increasing rapidly.
Ex-E litor James It. Hutchison, 1
left last. Monday for Canton, where
we learn, he will be connected with
the Canton Advance. Jim is an all
around good newspaper man and we
wish him much success. His wife
will remain here for tho present.
NOTICE—All persons who tiro
indebted to us will please come
forward and settle at once. W->
have waited patiently, and shall
expect y>*u to come up. Wo
the money. A. L. Ar.i.itx A Co.,
East Ellijay, Ga.
We omitted to mention lart week
the return of 31r. 31. L. Cox, wife and
children from Bluff Dale, Texas.
They made quite an extended visit
to relatives and friends there,
ing in good health and kind words
for the people of the Lone Star State,
3frs. Emma 3Iulkey, wife of Boyd
Mulkey, left Ellijay last Saturday on
her way to join her husband at Gran
bury, Texas. The good wishes of a
host of her friends go with her and
the hope that she and her husband
* may have health, happiness, and
cess in their new Western home.
Fon Sat.e. A Gold .Vine in the
Diamond Districf. This mine is sit
uatcil between the Lucky Eight and
Loving mines and is about seven and
oue-half miles from the famous
White Path mine. Width of vein 3.1
ft., depth 20 ft . stripped in length 14
ft. For particulars address
J, L. Stover & Co ,
Pisgali, Ga,
j Best js^mrur^flusT~ Tough byrup. Taster. Good. Use
in time. Spiff by druggist.
There Wttf no preaehing'at the 31
K. Chtircli, South, last Sunday owing
to the seveie rainy weather.
Constipation of tuc Bowes may be
easily cured by a few doses of Dr.
A. Simmo;:- Liver Medicine,
The south-bound passenger train
which passes here at 3:22 p. m.,
three hours late last Friday.
Sirs. McMillen, of near Canton, is
guest of he f daughter, Mrs. W
11. Warlick, on Oilmer street.
To rest 01 c the Clear Skin, tlic Rrelit
Eye. the Alert Gait and Pound
use Dr. 31. A Simmons Liver 3!odi
T5. .T. Everett and son, of Ocoee,
Tenn., spent last Thursday night in
town, the gi^t of J. S. Iiverctt on
Dalton avenue, —
Dr. Tanker-ley's new barn is
ing completion. It is a model
am* fanners would do well to to examine examine
it before building.
F< 11 8 A I F. i,u . LiOgai.l 1 . Allege! ,,,
I ' Ii > '.II I. on ‘ l'.f;uiil DIF l
0-gan and a Wheeler J; Wilson
No 0 Sewing Machine. Both
new-just out of the factory. Terms
3nd prices reasonable. lit. Ei.mxutox.
Flushed Cheek-, Throbbing Tom
pies, Xiusea, Lassn.ude, Lost Apneli e
Sallow Compiexioii, Piiio’es, Biolehes,
are warnings. Take or. M. A. Sim-
111011 s Liver Medioine.
Wreck on A. K. & N'. Railroad.
Freight t rain No. 7, Engine No. 15
in charge of Conductor Powers, left,
the track 3 miles above Ellijay Tnes
day evening at oue o'clock, derailing
fifteen out of seventeen cars which
composed the train.
Eight of the cars were upset and
piled together across the track.
No one was injured.
The wreck is supposed to have
been cauW'iI by a deliciency in the
,. ac j{
Tlid truck is now Beared and tli 1
tnJnB urc nianto ns usn;ll .
Ladies desiring a contcnl d red hre;
py old : . • -'...min n-e S'liimmi- <p t .ae.
Vine Wine or 1'ah’el*., no miicncig r.t
4') \c.s>s o!'< a :d coimni’ii °
, ‘ Clinage ( ... hauge oi' o. Life ...
News From Verdcile.
EtJlTOli- CoUltIFH Skatixel:
As I haven’t seen anything in
your valuable paper fio.n Verdcile. 1
‘ i;‘
V . U1 a , a few nos .
Last Sunday was a solid wet day.
Mrs. Blaylock. f hear \ eidetic,
is sick with LaGrippc. W c h' pt
she will soo i iecover.
Tlie fanners have done but
work this whiter, in this sect ion.
John R. England, of U.nou eor-oty
has moved net • Vudeilc. We wel¬
come him in on ■ midst.
Joe Watkins lms sold out and
going West, 3Ye wi-h ii! 1 ;! success.
This is the fiu tiu-iS need:
Corn i:i the crib.
Chickens in til? yard;
Meal in the -inokeh
And a tub full of laid.
Miik i:i the dairy,
Buitor-bv the load;
Coffee in the h e;.
And Sugar in th? gourd.
Cream in the pitcher,
Ilonev i i the mug,
Cider 1.1 the deini: i»n,
Wlii-ky in the jug.
I wdi close for fee:- t!:i; g'c-s i
the waste basket. Slice. to
Column S,.n iixi-.n DR V
The Curat ire Properties,
and Effect of Dr. M. A. Siiunions
er Medicine a'c al»,:i» s the same.
eanbot be equalled.
We must collect what is
us and if you owe ns an
or note, you had bettor so Lie
once or you will have to
with an officer. A word to
wise is sufficient.
II v att, Log ax &
Is often a warning that the liver is
torpid or inactive. More seri»u3
troubles may Joliov,-. For a prompt,
efficient cure of Headache and ail
liver troubles, takij
fia&di*® ar
While they rouse the liver, restore
full, regular Tint action of iho bowels,
they thixxr do not gripe rrrtr»c* or r»r rain pain, do dr, not n-.F 1
irritate or inflame the hit .-rhal orgims,
but have a. pc.:--iiive trmie effesb 25c.
at all druggists or by mail of
. C. I. Hood & Co., Lovseii. Mass.
Our esteefced fellow townsman
Luther Dunn, is off on a business
trip to Culberson, X. C., and
John Buffington made a
visit to Blue Ridge last week.
R. L. Smith, of Roy, was in
town recently on business.
Andrew West, an employe of the
A. K. & N. Rv, was here Sunday.
j 31 M iil Suippen ; has t!:e interior •
j furnishing of his residence about
complete and is moving into the
i Misses Annie and Susie Fowler,
'accompanied by their brother James.
j and L<> talking ' v5s Johnson, Keck visited 11111101 relatives
noai ."> .
^ Henry McFarland has moved out
, to Ins residence ,, Caiteeny ,, .
near river,
The school at this place
! to flourish under the efficient
,-igeinent of Jiissos Mary Tinkersley
Ella Warlick. It will probably
coiitiuuG three weeks v et.
The (juilting given some of
young ladies at this
evening was an enjoyihle affair.
| Mix: Read;;u.
Ninety Per Cent
Of the people are afflicted with
; form of humor, and this causes a va
! ri.-ty of diseases. Tim reason why
j Hoou’s Siiisapui'Ju cures whin
others fait ... i- f■••und i:i . theTact , , tuat , it .
j effectually expels tin humor. Send'
. ula, salt rheum, l>, i!s -and all crop
j lions are peimuuenlly periiiauently cured cured bv by
great medieitw*.
i IIooo’s 1 * the host family
11 . 1 .-: ate
j ctitJiiirtie and iiver tonic. Gentle,
reliable, sure.
Caticcay items.
(Intended for last week.)
; Alii. Kditohs:
j As i have seen nothing from Cur
teeny I wi l give you a few items.
j Everything is moving oil quietly
since the recent snowy weather.
Thos. Jla-hbum and John S. Da
j vis, lot of this piece, li:ivo cold lost weather. quite
I (>f eggs (lining the
Joe Johnson c£ this pail iius pur
■ oliiiSed juioi 1 v teal «.stale ami says
i is ready for stock law as i:e lus
1 ty of wo: d and water. Hurrah
i J 0e!
Oakland College is flourishing.
They auy^ydhBg are having quite u good
al; d Liv "Tm geutii
wishing.lo enter ethocn should g- »
Oakland. ,■
J. S. Hud-on is ho. dVg and
nishing rooiii:; to a iiuinbu - of su.
. Several of our young people r- ct-iv
ed some rice Yah utk’i a..<i
uiirst say to lie i av i) s»
that they were highly iq.pucinU 1.
i J 1*. Cowart will be
at tue
j Roads in a si-orl lime wiuuc he
| engage iu black-mi, ni g.
Our young people me having
times uilt .ini: g s.i.c rimi
bn akings.
Joseph Allen has recovered from
! severe spell of fever. .1 > is
! quite wil, and is cenipliou-atcd,
| only by yoirag .’auns.^ cat by
| (; aes.
3Iiss.Tam.-r Pieium./tis v. i
been tcacliiug reb,:.>i at 1. •
sti.-piudiri last week on nccoaut
tile -now.
Banyan Alulkcv lias been
moving blucksnitii muleiiu'.
could not 1;fi all order-.
Lester Holden ami i-' ■
homefolko u \i.-it Salui.liq' r. i
day last.
Tom Tabor and wife \ i-it- d t Le i
daughter on 31 - uiuiiin.U v> u S;.i.>r
liny a lid Sunday.
Tout Johns.o:i is ei.-e'.i. g u
mill in this si ■ ion. IB wa ks
i: iles and puts in : houi •• a
limis wouht be U . i r rve
more nu n I'd:. T
Quite a t.umber of pi pie
clunch seniccs at Kh-i.vzai
and heard an • xo oi
preach id by Rev. Sam Ji . -o
Tin: Sam:: (', > i- .u.i. >,v.
Mis. J. SMvei-- D p
lb v. II. C. Ibuloci i !.
so b.t 1 i.e cool.- - race- ’i a. .ii
and'.v.yu:i..:i oy i»r. M. Sunm
Liver Meihnee, vv 1 1 • c 1 > b. >
to me, and ! cu.-cd me or bniiyesi i.m.
1 thiiiK it belt, ill in Diuck
After thirty days I will
man who owes m,e on notes or
counts unless sati&fa'riory setll
ments are made. I will Vnike
words go-d and if tii"se that
me don’t want trot!id they iv,
l ,a I insiuc thirty ilat’S.
a man !:> renre-." t ni" at m\
1 . l! 5 . .... i.
■ ■■■ :
J . S. Tax : ,.
j Ellijay, Ga., January 21,
! i Will lie the Hyatt Hotel, Eilijay,
f 01 . t| )e Pn i; r e summer and will do the
j K , S [ ]),. u *.,| work, for those wl o
will call on him at the hotel, ti e ■
have ever had done. Teeth extinct
td without pain. -No -on- gums a i
• ter extracting. Alicessed teeth treat
j *“d anil cured. Teeth beautifully and
I permanently filled. Any kind of ar-!
! tiScial teeth Known to the profession ;
j j heautifuDv made bv the old doctor.;
' ^
^ . |]s<) n . ak< . s c:owns c , (|lvn ,
lie lias come back to E!>i ;
j jay to slay a el gaiunntces bis work
; without liiiii itioil. Come, and get
him to work for you and you,
will ciine again Has been in
constant prim; ice for f-etyfour ;
j years. Charges. iiglit
1 have been afflicted with rbetiti;:;- j
tism for lot-teen y«-ars and nothing!
seeiiM-d t.i give in"" rrVf. I was .-.tile
to be rrn.Mid a" t i e Hire, net > • a
j s U !i<:lng, I 1 d tr -d i-vei v -
i i thing thing I 1 coo <>..i>.d id •«*- .»* of of i.t <! d a! >e hi hist iva >
|t«hl to try <'i*nti>!u>i-':.»nb !*;::» Balm
wfiii-l* T tiM! ami w.- •umicdiate.j
1 Hev-d a ml in a short time o.ur< <!. 1
am' haony t< say that it lias not siii.v
returned.—Jo-u. Kr>:: \i>. <teruiantowm
leal. ' For sa'e liy all drnggisis.
3Ve lear.v of the death of Miss Mat
tie Keith, of near Ratcliff. She died
Sunday night and was l#h'kd at the.
.Mountain town graveyard Tuesday. 1
Robbed Hie Grave.
A startling incident of which 31r.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the;
subject : is narrated by him as follows :l
I was in most dreadful condition j
My -kin was almost ycllmv,eyes sunk
on, tongue :oa‘ed. pain c: ntinuaiiy in |
bank and sides, no apeetile—-gradually j
gr 0 v; 1 ; g weaker da j» liv by iiav day Three |
jiliysicians had given me up k'ortu-i
nately, a friend advised trying ‘‘Jilcc-!
tftc Ritters,” and to my great Joy and |
surprisc.the first, bottle made a decided )
improvement. .1 continued I heir use
jor three Weeks, and am now a well
man. I , know , they ,, • saved . my iile. .... and: , :
robbed the grave <1 aaotber victim.-:
N<> one should rail to try them'. Duly j
fi.) cents per * bcltlc at J S Tankers ley's j
Drugstore ,, .. (> , !
■ &mes J. I). and Jam
left Ti, ..-day to-join their husbands lands at at
r s y
Miortt n the. mna of ('■ nfuiement, !
Sire gtli'-'- Mother and supple mease. :
milk for c.lii'.d be usi •rXinimoi-. ; ; quaw
Via.' ii'iue or Tu-.; >i»'
Vv- have a comnianieafion frum
Fannin county that will appear in our '
next issue.
■t .vj
i F-
l. .3
Pleur'ay and pneumonia are acute in
ilammation3 of the lungs, and if not
promptly allayed, the worst may hep- W.
pen. Tho celebrate! Apeedily Dr. John
Ball’s Cough Syrup allays all
lnRanimation of the Jungs and effects
a cure in a wonderfully short time.
U HW rift n ski 1 ^
• Cures Pleurisy and Pneumonia,
recommend Doses are s:mll it. and Price pleasant to At take. all druggists. Doctors
25 cts.
| Fon of Rent: go id farm Twenty^r-e inui. or thityj
Fon Sat.E: One twr.-hor.-c wagon j
| «« K‘>«>d, pony mule and live sl.ctea
Call on, or address at once,
i’. A. !,•:>.Iri,;.;..! av, Ga
i. --------
: $ ij
r: 2 Wi - ---
!j Eli the — ~7Z !
c, —- -* — ’ -’ »- c - .- * -
which wo;;:::
suffer is cr.--.jE
' ly vir.i.nsss or iV.
c.; rangsre.;:.! in
the jjrgar.3 CfH \ -
ii : K‘Jar ly : : sJ-.-.t .. .
h v ■ • a r ..
i ci-jahs :re a;. .cuL
M H -j ; ; ■ ; . .1
: . : is very xrxrv:
; b a A:.
‘' f :d .1, _
: .
■ ■ ■. w *
-. i i rrc- -
f-f • . on.
: Vi Itcu'ir a.!j "is:MA:v‘. ■-•e.'' !t
:: f -.; y effe sivs for ' 1 la
j f-j tecsts, ar.J ti, - y ■
■ r.-.estic rr.e, - J c. •r:
fi fits w-crr.a : eppre ike per':' 1
II knov-r. e. 3 tr.c " : c.: ’
-- E.i« . T: 'j .-'J : i
l—;. y ...
r ’ ! Fe-a-J-iee ir. c-- ' - - - ----y
the "Lx Ass' Acvfg-ry
i V^C.y': ::;:Jy. —.... C... .— -
BJCric., rfl. J.
ti ‘ 11
First ' class painting 1 “ done at
reasonable ,, puces.
c. w. mm & sons..
(’outraefs solicited ,/rom Jasper
i„ Tel 1 ;c*o Juncti.>u. Address tis as
;l i>oYG.
>-\ GGLldi-iY \\\ 3;
1 Tnsi 2 A 7 ie:if
■......' ,/yJ/'- “' / frf; Cut.:; ; /: isoarcoun- 1 sgrippe,
f -t : •• g tvoubios and
1 . e •di-.eascs of
| i he br. cm: take 3 nan- hold
^ • |v of <>:-r people
~. nrV- r andfaralresalts
: v follow with
f ( , quenej". All of
.. v GV-- ,L’> tl’.cso those tvouhles
ere catarrh, end
' !i : >■> .. 1 S 1 ; n 11 o 1 exist
where tiro mesilii’ar.cs arc cKaa and
kea’iiiy. yce.cviiD. Tenn.,
jf rs . ], 0 n Daris, T':
telli in her 1 ' ter k >.v Dr. lhiri:ncn*:>
great catarrh dr, I’c-ru-cn, cured
her of la gri; ■ send Ko*‘iov,.j ag wnn*^
P 1 -’ —..ou. can says,
“ T was afflict-, i wit': r. dircaro-crm
mow';.- Unov.-.r as Ir. t.Tippa ivo years
*go 5 tho docrora wul l .... 1 coas-imp
^ o;; - 1 cot i uv 1 - * u 1,3 “L'
the seco-id pi my cough stoppeu.
1 took , : 1 . , IV P;el 1 , WUI88? ,n„ r
^ y f v . ..-ja bo a dead women
novl j? it ha.' : . bvea lor Pc-ru-na.’
Mary „ J 31. Drum, lwlpa, Mo„ saye:
Pc-rv _ /Ui sJcu. Cj., C <•/ umvus, . O. n
•. « .
it im;-.>ed | to geb l oiter hoi t
ruie each j i-i-ar. ’^^FTaT fl . ! Help was in
the jawa of <U ath. w
me before word j not do i gny good.
1 aavv : ndvevri.*. ' • ■: f i’e-r . ra. i
piiTC .1 two i■ and it eered
1 have nut felt c::> syfnptom f.ince.
Vo-i may use *uis in \ * S- J J G J
Ask any druggist for a IV i'n
•ir. Almanac for the year I SCO.
Fnm K A .<? m "’‘Mg J G Y
w - 1-0- . .. V.
or other ladies who v,i. 1 1 "to wo ’.
:a« Earn Let? of
working for us in spare rime at
home on our cloths. We offer you to make plenty
spending money easily, in lease re
hour;. Send 12c. for cloth and full
directions lor *vorK, and comn.r-ree
Ci ltll S >!1! .11 X 1 l 1
WINOOSKST CO. (3.H-Q) Cu>ion, Vsss
Mfr. Dept.
•O -Cu fft LJ C3» ZH 2 JX. -
Sesr. *1-9 Ite Rl-td V« !!?.-? jthwvt L'.-t’.I
: ,.:y:. tf Y;47:
■vp i -...V.- ...
h i CL l /OA?~77
. i iiOvV :JO
mKs ■ i. - ' : A ’ - - vTA-i '5 ::
' : -y
..-b---b. jS'- '"
Spring Opening of
fliilinery Goods at—
_is . I H. CLIFF ORD’S i
Mv. Spring Stock of Millinery Goods is
beginning to arrive and I am now pre¬
pared to offer the best bargains in
ever offered in Ellijay before. Note some
of my prices as follows:
Trimmed Leghorns from 15c up.
Straw Sailors from 15c up.
Infants’ Caps From 15o up.
Of 'J’rimined Flats for Ladies, Misses and Children, and
Everything in the Line of Trimmings at the very lov
est pricesv Goods guaranteed to be Up-to-Date
ti:c Latest Styles.
Evorybodv in Gilmer and surrounding
are cordially *■ invited to call and
my goods and get my prices.
Mrs IL F4 ■ vIFFORD,
mmm U suiiamg, Uu River rut SteeSi
rt»wn.»- ■-» —I. ■ . IIM >
V$P0L* % tf L«f\ x
hii&zazl \id
R d;i 54 §ra a H ij
1 elw u y d l $ iiy y vs
Etcre. 8 -nd you are not
hn im W •"* .-*13 you secure
some of tlie extraordina*
ryJ^ rgiHBS li e t evory cl ay m Ml
u «■* complete i j js o
j ry ICC Va.Ci-, •rf *r» iOOS,
Boots, Shoes, Hats,
cv f.QfftfiA
td? * • i r. '-.j' <r„
-w Y- J <? Y »■- it Vj ►' - J ia> A t j* -
an -i svcrytliirv; that is fcciicl in an
C SI (>]’(». 1 v a!i o I:as a full
I he
Esrte t '-- ■■■’irvfs » .. i 11V. r • n a ” • yU n* r 'V. a ’ 'r; • till(A and
j ' -’ -r.-s yrip *t- r ' y t j—, > —, *.
J *™ / *-■* A - -
' "'w i ' •
- - ■ -• .. - r y v-;
; C ome c * lr ] v and ovoid the rush.
E iv 7 - l f ’ .CaHJ,. ^ 1 A N
V 41, FSilL
Get a Start
Oa Catarrh
And Save Endless Suf
feriiig which Winter
Tho most offensive of all
oases becomes more intense as cold
weather approaches. In fact,
many who have been under
ment for so long, and during the
summer feel little discomfort from
the disease, are almost persuaded
that they have been cured. But
the first- chilling blast of winter
proves that the disease is still with
them, and as the winter advances,
their* Catarrh grows in severity.
Those who Catarrh have felt- Only be a^slight that
touch of may sure
only cold weather is needed to
velop the disease. What appears
to fe only a bad cold will prove
more difficult to ©ure than for¬
merly, and will return with more
frequency, until before long the
disease is fully developed.
“For years I suffered from a
ease of Catarrh, and took several kinds
of medicines and used various local ap
ever. I was induced to try S. S. S.
(Swift’s Specific) and after two months
‘Ilarrodsuurg, Ky.’
It is easy to see the
t>f prompt treatment for Catarrh,
Those wlio get a start, on the
ease before the cold and disag.'
able weather aggravates it,
find a cure less difficult. Cats
increases in severity year by yt;
am i becomes one of the most
;-finale and deep-seated trouble!.
But it is equally important that
^ | 10 r j^],- remedy 1 be given. Alt
local applications <>f 'prays..
washes, inhalations, <-tc., can
never cure Catarrh, for they do
, -f . not reach thadia
f ruse. Catarrh J3
in the blonfifTfnu"
oi 1 1 y a oiilood
Jm IW '~'~ f remedy can euro
k y it- Local appli
r-.JSgc.*:? v’fcQ ^ * - cations only
XV. ^ reach t heirritafed
, surface; the right
■£~ -.ifcs£-.-w;* remedy must be
taken internally. i?. S.) is
Swift’s Specific (S. tho
right rf; n H; dy for Catarrh. It
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