Newspaper Page Text
Local Lines.
Home News And Social Gos¬
sip Briefly told.
ft. L. Smith, of Roy, was in the
City lust week.
Jus. R. King. of Atlunta, was at the
Teem Hotel Monday.
W. F. Teem is now a regular sub
sciiber to this paper.
Mrs. Pink Davis, of near town was
in to see us Monday.
Col. John P. Perry went down to
Jasper court Monday.
M ss LemmaWarlick was quite sick
for several days last week.
Mr. J. R. DeJournette, of Blue
Ridge, was here a few days ago.
Mr. R. H. Clifford, 'of this place,
made a business trip to Canton lust
Mr. Steve Nelson, of Nelson visit
ed his brothet, M. II. Nelson, here
this week.
Drummer A. S. J. D.ivis, of Knox
ville, was registered at the Teem Ho¬
tel Saturday.
Mr. T. J. Long, of the firm of Hipp
& Long, made a businsss trip to At¬
lanta last week.
Mr. L. L. Bishop and little son.
Harry, went down to Atlanta last
week on business.
Mr. S. L. McKinney, representing
Stovall Calloway & Co., Atlanta, was
in our town Saturday.
Mrs. Lula Reed and little daughter,
Alvoriue, of Powder Springs, are
visiting relatives in Ellijuy.
Mr. Ed. E. Mulkey, A. K. & N.
trestle foreman, visited homefolks
here Saturday and Sunday.
The A. K. & N. Railroad authori
ties have purchased two new freight
engines for opperation on this road.
Messrs. Jim Osborne and Bob Ray,
two A. K. & N bridge men, visited
friends here Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Nick Tankersley and sister,
Miss Mary, visited relatives and
friends oil Tails Creek Saturday and
Mr. E. M. Aiken, of Tickanetley,
was in the city Saturday, and gave
U3 a call. He reports everything
quiet up liis way.
Miss Aurora Wutkins, who is un
assistant teacher at the Oakland
High School, Curtecay, visited rela¬
tives and friends here Saturday and
Mr. W. L. Albright, of Mineral
Bluff, was in the city the latter part
of iast week. Mr. Albright is an ex
pert miner, and is favorably impressed
witli the. resources around Ellijuy.
Air. S. P. Coats, representing the
Chattanooga Steel Roofing Co., was
at the Teem Hotel Friday Mr. Coats
firm has secured the contract to fur¬
nish the roofing for the new Col
Shippen Bros, received twelve
mules and four large wagons Monday,
which Mr. Will H. Shippen bought
on his recent 1 1 ip to Kentucky,
They have transferred tluir logging
crew from Tulonado Cherrylog, and
will use the mules and wagons for
that purpose.
Mr. Lester Smith left Ellijuy last
Saturday for Los Angles, Calif,
where he will make his home. Lester
is ail industrious business young
man, and lias many fiiends here who
rqgret his departure, but who will
wish him health and success in his
far western home.
Rev W. R'Stillwell, pastor of the
M. E. Church, South, preached two
interesting sermons last Sunday.
There was not a very laige audience
Sunday morning, but he was greeted
by a large audience Sunday night.
His discourse Sunday night was very
impressive, and caused much com¬
ment among his hearers
Messrs. Hipp & Long, wholesale
produce dealers, are doing a rushing
business in that line now. Tins is
something the country people have
been needing for.some time. These
gentlemen pay cash for produce there¬
by giving the people privilege to trade
wheretheyplease. When you conic
to town give them a call
Sheriff Pinson went over in Whit
field county last Friday and arrested
one, James Parsons, who is wanted
in tbisicountv, being implicated in the
Worley murder which was commit¬
ted here several years ago, and for
which Harris Bramlett is now serving
out a two year’s sentence in the pen¬
itentiary. Ho was placed in jail here
Jor safe keeping and to await trial.
U I Best Best Cough Cough Syrup. Syrup.Wl Tastes Good. Use V
T. H. Tabor has sold some
town lots.
Miss Sophia Holt, of Cartocay, was
in the city Saturday
Miss Mamie Allen is visiting rela
lives at Cartecay this week.
Ge nial James E Findley, of New
port, was in the city Monday.
Capt. D. M. Hyutt has
a new buggy from the Summerville
Buggy Co.
Rev. David Mulkey, of Oak
called last Thursday. We
ate his visit.
Mr. C. C. Anderson, of Roy, was
into see us recently and “greased the
editor’s palm.”
Air. John Waddell, of Protection,
spent last Thursday night at the
Fra«ly House.
Engines, town lots, wagons, liar
ness, and many other things for sale.
— T H. Takou
Dr. Ford is winning golden opinions
from those who patronize his dental
parlors in the Hotel Hyatt.
Air. R. G. Aloorc, Jr., of Dyke, was
in town Tuesday and had his name
enrolled on our subscription list
Air. Bud Davis, of Owl town, was
here Saturday. Bud always comes
around to see us when he is here.
When you ask for Ur. M. A. Sim¬
mons Liver Medicine, see that yo 1 get
it and not some worthless imitation.
Miss Mamie Johnson and sister,
Carrie, two charming young ladies
of Owltowa, were in the city last
Malaria cannot find a lodgement in
the system while the Liver is ill per¬
fect order. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver
Medicine is the best Regulator.
We would be glad to get letters
from the little folks for publication.
We will want them, like all other cor¬
respondence, with perfect liberty to
use as wc prefer.
Air. J. N Duckett, of Town Creek,
gave ns a pleasant call Alonday morn
ing. Air. Duckett is now a citizen
of Gilmer, having fo: merly lived in
Pickens county. We welcome all
such men among us.
The singing at the Alethodist ser
vices Sunday night was excellent and
added much to the beauty of the sei
vices. When the Baptist and Aleth
odist choirs combine they do some
line singing.
•The postmaster at this place, Air.
Larkin E. Bishop, has succeeded in
getting another raise of salary for
his assistant, making the salary now
something ike a renumeration for
the services required. Aliss Sallie
Hid is still the assistant.
In regard to the personals of the
“fun column” we will say that all
was intended as mere fun and the
writer of the same would not have
brought in the names of any for
whom he did not entertain the most
profound respect and good will.
However, the fun column will be ex¬
punged or its character changed.
The editor hopes to have some leis
uve from the office in order that he
may work in the interest of the paper
in other ways during the coming
summer, and while away from the
office, Homer P. Mulkey will receive
and receipt for any money due the
CouuilCH Sextixkl. He will also be
glad to enroll the names of new sub¬
Any one desiring to purchase a
gold mine will find it to his interest
to correspond with B. A. Logan or
the Editor of this paper at Ellijay,
Ga. Air. Logan’s property has sev
oral veins of rieh ore which have been
opened at various places. In one
place the vein is ten feet wide. Pla¬
cer gold has been found in consider¬
able quantities. This properly lias
been pronounced rich by mining ex
ports but can now be bought cheap.
We are hoping that many of our
friends will find it convenient to pay
their subscriptions court week We
arc always needing money and a lit¬
tle always helps. We hope to large
ly increase our subscription list also
that week. If you are not a subscri
her, come in and let us enroll your
name, and if you are alread.y a sub
scriber speak to your feiends and
nel, •r*-. one among the best ,? ocn weeklies m
Georgia. Alanv will subscribe if the
matter was only- brought to their
A very interesting Epworth
League Institute was held at Oak
Hill in connection with the Quarterly
meeting last Saturday and Sunday,
The Institute was opened Friday
evening and closed Sunday afternoon,
Several very interesting discussions
were had and some instructive essays
read. On Saturday evening Miss
Beulah Ellington and Alaster Wes
tern Chastain recited some tine
selections. Presiding Elder Robb
was on hand and delivered some very
able sermons.
Royal Absolutely Absolutely 'Pure 'Pure Powder Raking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Air. A. B. Davis, of Tate, visited
liomefolks here Saturday and Sun
Alias Nettie Smith has returned to
her home at Roy, after spending sev¬
eral days visiting here.
Editor G. W. Gates, of the Courieb
Sextixki,, attended court at Jasper
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Andrew Long, who has been work
mgat Palatka, Ga., is visiting rela
atives in and near Ellijay.
The Alisses Truman now have a j
tennis court on their beautiful lawn, |
and enjoy the pleasant evenings play¬
ing tennis.
Depot Agent AI. F. Hugerup, went
down to Atlanta last week. Airs.
Alattie Kelly- is temporarily acting
in his ubsencc.
Airs. Pearl AfcHan and little
daughter, Aleta Enlow have return
ed from an extended visit to relatives
in North Carolina. j
People say Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures when all other preparation fail
to do any good, and you run no lisa
iu giving it a fair trial.
Bearden Bros. & Teem Co., have
had steel shutters erected on their
windows in their brick store for
protection iu case of fire.
Dr. M. A.Simmons Liver Medicine
Clears the Complexion, gives Buoyan¬
cy to the Mind, cures Headache, Regu¬
lates Stomach, Bowels and Liver.
The A. K. & N. Railroad will soon
commence to opperate their night
trains, carrying through Pullman
sleepers from Atlanta to Knoxville.
The Noontootla Entertainment is
growing in interest, and will b the
event of the spring season. It prom¬
ises to be a genuine good show, as-the
best local talent is iu it, both young
men and young ladies. There will
doubtless be a very large crowd from
There is nearly two thousand men
Gilmer county-. Fivejhundred should
raise a mule worth $50 to $100, and
all should lend encouragement to the
raising of fine stock of every kind.
Call and see my fine stock, turkeys
and chickens. T. H. Tabor
Air. J. C. Specht, of Big Stone Gap,
Va., was registered at the Hotel Ily
att Monday. He is the gentleman
that proposes to erect a steam tan¬
nery here. Air. Spedht looked over
several locations around here and find
them easy accessible and is favorably
impressed witli the outlook for a
steam tannery here. However, it
will be some time before it is definite
ly known when and where it will be
The Confederate Veterans met on
25th. No business of importance
transacted. The Commandant ap§
pointed the following as delegates to
the Re Union at Charloston, S. C.,
May 10th: Dr. E W. Watkins, Pink
Milton and W 111 . DeJournette. The
Commandant will call a meeting dur
ing court week and it is hoped a large
number will come out. as they wish to
discuss the subject of a camp ground
for Gilmer county.
Dr. A. B. Vaughn, of Nacogdoches,
Texas, will preach at the Baptist
church next Sunday at 11 o’clock.
Dr. Vaughn will probably preach at
night, as pastor Bartlett has been
quite sick this week and may not be
able to preach Dr Vaughn was
pastor of the Baptist church here for
thirteen years and his old members
and his friends are glad to have him
with them again. He will probably
return to Texas next Tuesday.—
Canton Advance.
It is reliably- reported that Hon. J.
R. Allen, of Talking Rock, has bought
The Wilson House here from Air.
Becker and will make some additions
and improvements on it. It is said
that his intention is to build a brick
store on the vacant lot adjoining the
I hotel and connect the, two. using the
“r a sKfs£
j p ei *j eriee( j and successful hotel man
: :in d merchant, and we hope that the
report that he has decided to lacate
among us is true.- -Blue Ridge
Southern World.
j r
I Tells the story. When yonr head
j Laches, and you feel bilious, consti
‘pated, I and out and of tone, appetite, with your just t
! stomach sour no (
t buy a package of
!| Hood'® PUB® pills.'
. > And take a dose, from 1 to 4
You will be surprised at how easily "
( ’ , they will do their work, your (
( I headache and biliousness, rouse the
1 ) liver and make you feel happy again.
I (25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. I
a card of Thanks.
Mu. Editor:
Through your kiudnes we wish to
express our thanks and appreciation
to the good people of Ellijay for their
warm welcome and great kindness to
us. The elegant dinner prepared by
the kind ladies for us, and for the
delightful Pounding on Thursday
evening, brings us under many obli
gatious to all. We had heard before
our coming, from others, and also
informed by- our presiding elder,
Brother Cook, who told us wc were
coming to a kind and hospitable peo
pie, so we were prepared to some ex¬
tent; but as we greeted the large
company with their arms full, and
their bright faces and happy smiles,
and looked on the table filled up with
so many things beautiful to behold
and tempting to the appetite. Like
the Queen of Sheba as she beheld
the glory of Solomon, “the half had
never been told.” Surely ’tis a
pleasure to labor for such a people.
While we were delighted to have
with 11 s the older brethren and sis¬
ters on such a pleasant occasion.
We wore the more pleased if possible
to have so many- young gentlemen
and ladies, boys and girls.
May- God make us a blessing to
all. W. Ii. andC. K. Stillwell.
Resumed His Work.
“I suffered from indigestion and
was not able to work Alost of the
time I was confined to my bed.
Aledicines did not seem to do me any
good until I began taking Hood’s
Sarsaparilla, When I had taken
three bottles of this medicine I was
able to go to work.”—Clifton Bur¬
ton, Marietta, Ga.
Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick
headache, billiousness, indigestion,
Mr. Perry Writes a Card.
To all whom it may concern :
In the interest of truth, I will
say Miat so far its I kii'ow, all fer¬
tilize! s sold by Bearden Bros. &
Teem Co., at .Elliray, Ga., are as
represented by the guaranteed
analysis under which the several
brands are sold. But if the analy¬
sis of the State Chemist, taken
from samples from the several
goods sold, show the same to be
deficient in any particular, the
public will be duly advised thereof
and the purchasers of the same
protected as provided for by the
law applicable and governing in
such matters.
I desire to say further that the
report current that I cut or caused
to he cut seventy-five or any num¬
ber of sacks of any brand of fer¬
tilizers handled by the Boarden
Bros. & Teem Co., at Ellijuy, the
same having been condemned as
spurious or adulterated goods, is
without foundation, and I trust
the report will hereafter be_ denied
by any who may hear it.
Ben F. Perry,
Fertilizer Inspector.
Menstruation made Regular and
j>ainless, and Pains in Sides, Hips and
—in;bs by Simmons Squaw Vine
Wine or Tablets.
The prize for prize-fighting comes
to the boxer by the way of the box
“A Word to the wise is sufficient,
and a word from the wise should be
sufficient, but you ask, who are the
wise? Those who know. The oft re¬
peated experience of trustworthy per¬
sons may be taken for knowledge.
Mr. \V. M. Terry says Chamberlaiu’s
Cough Remedy gives better gatisfac
tion than any other in the market.
He h s been in the drug business at
Elkton, Ky., for twelve yetrs; has
sold hundreds of bottles of this reme¬
dy and nearly all other cough medi¬
cines mannfactrued, which shows con¬
clusively that Chamberlain’s is the
most satisfactory to the pe iple and is
the best. For sale by al’ druggists
If a girl will not marry when
may she may not marry when
Why cough the celsferated and risk Dr. consumption,
when John W.
once) HmewS^^uretoro^tand
lung throat troubles. and hoarseness For bronchitis, invaluable. sore
it is
Will cure a Hacking Cough.
recommend Doses are small it. and Price pieasaiitR take. druggists. Doctors
25 cts. At all
PPRlL c 37
Ellijay is becoming famous as a
snmmer resort for those who wish
to spend the summer term in the j
mountains. A great deal of this
is due to our well conducted hotels
! which are becoming better patron¬
ized each year. We think it will
pay the proprietors to increase
their facilities for accomodating
more guests, and advertise in the
dailies of cities to the south of us.
We are expecting a large number
of city people here through the
summer and we should prepare for
their comfort and entertainment.
Nothing adds more to' the attrac¬
tiveness of a town than nice
smoothe streets and good paved
sidewalks—these Ellijay- will have
this year—thanks "to the mayor
and council.
Other things sometimes over¬
looked by the residents of a town
but which catch the eye of a
stranger, at once, are neatly paint¬
ed houses, well kept lawns and
flower yatds, all betokening cul¬
ture and refinement and increasing
the respect of strangers for the in¬
telligence of the people.
Of course it is expected that hog
pens and rubbish will be banished
from public view and at the same
time a general “cleaniug-up” insti¬
tuted. gates and fences repaired,
and everything done that can be
for the sanitation of the town.
Among the things that could bo
added a good library and reading
room would prove a wonderful at¬
traction for those leaning toward
Excursions should be planned
for the Cocsawattee Falls for fish¬
ing, and for hunting to the Cohnt
ta Mountains and other places. A
comparatively good road for wag¬
ons and other vehicles can he made
to the summit of the Cohutta at
the “Tater Patch,” which is some
fifteen miles from Ellijay. No
one who has not been there can
form an adequate conception of
the delight a visit to that place
would afford. The beauty of a
sunBet and sunrise from that point
would repay the tourist for the
trouble of his journey, and the
night spent in camp or cabin
would never be forgotten. (How
memory reverts back to our boy¬
hood days when we went to hunt
the stock among these wilds!)
The panorama of Murray county,
as seen from thif mountain, will
remain permanently in the memo¬
ry. and ever after when tho tourist
talks about pure air and water he
will have a clear comprehension of
his subject.
I was reading an advertisen ent of
Chamberlain’s Colia. Cholera and Di¬
arrhoea Remedy in the Worcester En¬
terprise recently, which leads me to
write this. lean truthfully-say I nev¬
er used any remedy equal to it for o'.l
ic and'diarrhoea. 1 have never had to
use more than one or two doses to
cure the worst case with myself or
children.— W, A. Stroud, Popomoke
City, Aid. For sale by all druggists.
Anxious to Play Base Ball.
Ellijay is making arrangements to
play baseball this season. We just
darn you down here boys, to play the
Jasper team; but first gut in shape
to do some fine playing.—Jasper Her¬
It would seem, to one acquainted
with the facts, that brother Mincey,
by the way lie tnlks and dares for
the Jasperites, had forgot the time
when the Jasper boys bit the dust on
the Ellijay diamond, to the time of
23 to 11 in favor of the Ellijay Red-.
Understand brother, the Ellijay nine
is at the same old stand, ready for
business. —Moral: He that dareth
had better know whom he dareth
A Torpid Liver causes Depression of,
Spirits, indigestion, Constipation, Simmons
Headache. Use l)r. M. A.
Liver Medicine to stimulate that or
® an
WANTED— A man to represent
an old line life insurance company 7 ,
as district agent. A No. 1 contract
to a good business producer. An
experienced life insurance agent
or Confederate Veteran preferred.
Address E . A. Fox & Co., Lowndes
j Atlanta, Ga.
: -
i Dr. W. W. Ford, L. D. S„
permanently located at the Hotel
I Hyatt in Ellijay at Room No. 11,
| firstfloor, near the Office. It is
not necessary te wait for court
j ) in veek Dental ’ he ' viU Science do anything in first yon class need
manner, guaranteed to please you,
without judge or jury 7 . So there
is no necessity for you to wait for
court week to have your Dentistry
done. Prices reasonable; work
fine and durable. Teeth extracted
without pain—no sore mouth af
. eXtractlwJLl. ...
Catarrh is otif Coun¬
try's enemy. La grippe,
lung troubles and
other diseases ol
the ; mucous mucous mem- mem- 1
_________ WRH■■■■■>
vi'.» ! n
where the membranes are clean and
healthy. F.-Cyettevillc, Tenn.,
Mrs. Lou Davis,
tells in her letter how J)r. Hartman s
great catarrh remedy, Pe-ru-na, cured
her of la grippe and serious lung com¬
plication. She says:
“ I was afflicted with a disease com¬
monly known as la grippe two years
ago; the doctors said 1 had consump¬
tion. I got one bottle of Pe-ru-na and
the second night my cough stopped.
I took several bottles, and I will say
that I believe I would be a dead woman
now if it had not been for Pe-ru-na.’
Mary M. Pruitt, l’alpa, Mo., says:
Pc-ru na Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
“ J had la grippe for three successive
years; it seemed to got a tighter hold
on me each year. It seemed I was in
the jaws of death. What had helped
me before would not do me any good.
I saw an advertisement of Pe-ru-na. I
procured two bottles and it cured me.
I have not felt any symptom since.
You may use this in auy way you
please.” <a
Brushing Improves the Hair.
Tho very best brushes should be
chosen, and at tho very least one
hundred strokes b day should be
vigorously administered. Tho bris¬
tles of the brush should not be so
hard as to drag the hair out in case
of a tangle obstructing their course.
Nor should they bo yielding. It is
useless to brush the hair unless the
skin of tho head is brushed as well.
The friction stimulated it and
makes the hair groat. Brushing
the hair with slow and languid
strokes is simply useless. Vigor
and iutention are necessary to pro¬
duce areally good effect and induce
the bright, healthy gloss that hair
should have.—May Ladies’ Home
Thankful words written by Mrs Ada
E. Ilart, of Groton. S. D., “Was taken
with a bad cold which settled in my
lungs; cough set in and finally termi¬
nated consumption. Four Docters
gave Hie up,saying I could not live
but a short time. I gave myself up to
my Savior, determined if I could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent ones above. My hus¬
band was advised to get Dr. Kings
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. I gave 1c a trial,
took in ail eight bottles. It has cured
me, and thank God, I am saved and
now a well and healthy woman.”
Trial bottle free at J.S. Tankersley’s
Drug Store.
Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Guaran¬
teed or price refunded.
The Pound Parties.
The pound party at the Methodist
parsonage last Friday 7 night was a
most agreeable affair and a success iu
every particular. The parsonage was
over run with the visitors and the
young folks took possession of the
front yards and amused themselves
with various plays. The Noontootla
String band volnntecred their servi¬
ces and discoursed some elegant mu¬
sic. A large table was loaded down
with the gifts. Mrs. Shippan and
the other ladies who worked for its
success were surprised and happy at
the result and the new pastor, Rev.
Mr. Stillwell, showed his' apprecia
Another pound party came oflTTues
day night at the residence of Rev. J.
T. Ware, the Northern Alethodist
preacher. It was a surprise to him
and all the more agreeable. It was a
clear moonlight night, and the walk
down to Watkins’s farm was just the
tiling for a long promenade, The
donations were liberal. The music
was excellent, the plays delightful to
the young folks, and all enjoyed the
Mothers wishing stout healthy girls
should give them Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets as they ap¬
proach puberity.
S.ioul l know tuat the
“Oi- -line” Remedy,
i i
Is the best for Female Trmfttai. Corrects all
irr hilarities In Female organs. Should be
taken for Change of L«fe and before Chiid-Biftb.
Planters “Old Time” Remedies have stood the
^st for twenty years. Medicine Co., Chat¬
Made only by New speno r
tanooga, Ten: r«nnefcsee.
Excursion rates have been arran¬
ged on the certificate plan for del¬
egates and members attending the
following meetings:
Annual Meeting the Medica
Association of Georgia., Macon
q A pril 19-21, 1S99, Certificates
and >°k-n-s*. Burr Brown, h.™*, Special Agent.
Certificates to be honored on of
before April 25, 1899.
Graud Chapter and Council of
Georgia Arch Masons, Macon, Ga.,
April 25-27,1899. Certificates to
be signed by W. A. Wollihin, Sec’t,
and Burr Brown, Special Agent.
Certificates to be honored on or
before May 10, 1S99,
Grand Council Royal Arcanum,
Elberton, Ga., May 5-6 1899, Cer¬
tificates to be signed by C. S. Con
r.erat, Sec’t., J, A. Champiou, Spcl.
Agt. Certificates to be honored
on or before May 10, 1899.
J. H. McWilliams, G. P. A.
Knoxville, Tenn.
WANTED-Scvera! trustworthy per¬
sons in this state to manage our busi
nese in tiieir own aiid nearby coun¬
ties. It is mainly office work con¬
ducted at home. Salary straight $900
a year and expenses definite, bonafide
no more no less salary. Monthly $75
References. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelop. Herbert E. ness
Pres’t., Dept, 31, Chicago,
First class painting dono at
reasonable prices.
Contracts solicited from Jasper
to Tellico Junction. Address us as
163 Marietta Street,
A. J. ADK*N 5 , Pro p’r. -
Bear, the _ /)Kind Y ou Have Always Bought
•Tiny- Si e kouTc.”
'.t!an!a, Kncr.iiie & fori-iorr, Rv.
t you are pr ing to
L Li.)
The r .sseng- r Department of llie At
ialllit. Knoxville it Northern Railway has
dared nitb ail its Agents Through
: ickets to All Points in the United
tales, Canada, ,Mexico, Cuba and
orlo Rico, both Round Trip and Oue
Vay Tickets.
Von can save Time, Money andTrou
ale by buying your ticket from the A.,
K. & N. Ky. Agent f otn your starting
point through to your destination.
Agents of the A., K. ft N. Rv. will
cheerfully furnish Maps, Rates and any
other inform ition desired. On Through
Tickets, all I'aggage checked through to
j. e. vv. fields. I . h. McWilliams,
Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent.
and fatal result*
follow with
alarming fre¬
quency. All of
these troubles
are catarrh, and
cannot exist
awwm’ “ '
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