The Courier-sentinel. (Ellijay, GA.) 18??-1???, September 28, 1899, Image 2

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hStedtt^Tdo not 6 feel
wll jJLhaye a cough; losing my
fHT6 sore * «UH
'a uesn. j. TilThat vvudl WldU clinll i T uy, r?o ?
Your doctor says t«ice CUTC uT
yourself and take plain cod-liver
oil, but you can’t take it. Only
the strong, keaitny person can
take it, it, and they cant tales it
long. Itds SO rich it Upsets the
stomach. But you can taka
It is very palatable and easily
digested. It you will take plenty
of fresh air, &r.d exercise, and
there is very little ______ doubt Stout
your recovery. hypophosphites ill it;
There are
they give Strength, and tons up the
nervous svstem while the cod-iivct
Oil feeds and. nourishes.
scon & pc.*nd$ru».andruiptt*. bowks. choarfstt, N Vo
- *
Official Organ or Gilmer County
--------- N
Published Every Thursday Morning
— IIY—
Editor and Proprietor.
s u iTsciuFrKpr ilates^^
‘'ix Months................ f
Three Months...............
Advertising llatos T .
er> : 7 0W anU
Made Known on Application. ..
w •
' '
Monev in Wheat *
Tho wheat crop is a sure money
crop. Lot our farmers think
Ut .... tins and , ... s.inotiung ,, .
2 see n
tiiid of laud may
to a. stale where ii.. i .
rwheat f\\ neat may mav be id ,r„. p. j
|e actual cost of culti
irvesting tiio grain
comparot ijl u
If 1 otho 5
ffTd* l^W^hto tho
wlieat lands in
Little 1 slmv to , bo ■ sure
plot cost tho owners
|rn tact gives them an
BTfial prefit from the start j> 11
is done in this way. i lie land is
sown in wheat, then when the
wheat is cut the land is put in
peas, sown broadcaster drilled
which is better. Then again the
land is put iu wheat and followed
bv another crop of pens. In this
way two crops are made every year
Hidiand is getting better all
the time. In a few years the
poorest kind of land becomes rich
,ud loamy. Of course, if tl.o tim
mer is able to use fortilizers
work is more quickly done, but
tlteAvheat and peas will surely
it H it if it ir is kent *6^’^P- itn
We would like to sea our Clay
county farmers turn their atten
tion to wheat. This grain will al
"P WNt to*"» d h
good price. As a money
there are few things that will 'beat
it. Don’t put off beginning the
work wOik until until some some ether otuei Gum atn„, hrt
begin nos to prepare for a crop to
be sown during the coming fall
We believe it will bo successful
tried uietl. We o hone nope our oui taimers farmers will will
not bo discouraged by tho short
zirS crops made ^ this year,which was Z
..... *?”>■ ^
would probably be a good idea to
use up the sorry grain that was
made and buy good seed for
-mx-t cron l '. Ado,..nor 4 dozm. nr BO so of ot nllr 01,1
farmers might go in together
evero.l hundred bushels
wheat and thou
BTuda thoroughly for the new
Let he tried . at , and
lop. it once,
ot not one wait for another, but
get about tbe matter in a business
like wav y ~ —Yount? * Harris ILni.s News News.
-------------- --—-—rrrr
w m
Are prepared from Na.
ture’s mild laxatives, and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
rflsp £.WiP>ff®
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
everywhere, Constipation.
25 c. per
Prepared by C-l.Hood & Co-.Lowell,1
To the Eli,-jay Baptist Association and, through your body, to the
Let us study this subject in the light of the word and teaching fif
Holy spirit and if we are not fulfilling the requirements, then let us to
igether as ministers and deacons and laymen having a common interest
strive to find a remedy for the lack. The one thing necessary for the pas
t()1 . ; s complete consecration to his calling that he may feed the flock of
taking the oversight of them, not by constraint, but willingly, not
ijJthy lucre but of a ready mi:id, neither as being lords over God s
i )i;t ensaroplcs to the Hock. He should be entirely given to the work,
! :(m! in ttt! ch pravtr should give himself to seeking the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. He should fully realize the fact that the discipline of his
wiii never above his idea of discipline; that as the church had paced in
him their confidence and as some local church had oidaiued him and staked
on him its own charcter that then the church calling him to its
would follow his teaching. And as their teacher he should not
about vvoids to no profit but should study to show himscif dividing approved
| God a workman that needeth not to he ashamed, rightly the word
of truth He must shun profane and vain babbling. He must nave
i faith and know that tbe foundation of God staudeth sure. He must
I youthful lusts and follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them
call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart. Foolish and
J . strife. He must
qiiosti; ns he must avoid knowing that they gender patient, in meeknees in
j«tiive but bo gentle unto all men ;'iipt to teach, all
j j sti acting those that oppose themselves. These qualifications of God are is be
sary because through the church the manifold wisdom to
I known. And the pastors are expected to preach the gospel to every
j of men. He must preach to men who are lovers of their own
et ous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, without natu
1 rai affection, breakers, false accusers and those that iiate
SStfftS instruct .hose
; t ,f t i luse c i aS8ts w ith the hope that he, in meekness, may
1 oppose L themselves, if God. peradventure. will .... give them repentance to
j acknowledging of the truth and that the classes just named . may . .
I themselves out out of the snares of the devil who are (akt-u captive bv
| , at his will. And In addition to all the above necessary qualifications blameless,
pastor must be of good sound Christian character. IIo must bo
the husband of oiiewif. , vigilant, sober, not given to wine, not greedy
filthy lucre; and he should be willing to wait until all these qaiificatious
first proved. And, also, the church should Wait until in her
j judgment all qualifications are met in tfieir gift before he is seat out
j heAo lead among the churches. Where are the old lime exhorters,
| grand v et humble men who wen; so well-fitted to help in our
| Those good and usei'iii men who were always ready to come to the releif
tiieir pastor with the lire of the Holy 8eirit on their hearts? Have they
all been ordained to preach and has tilt* chinch erred in her goodness they iu or
j darning and sending out men to preach the gospel who forget that
! long to the church and reverse the principle . or rat her the application .. the chujc or
1 principle that the preacher is the servant of the church and that
i .Christ is hi i niuiter. Jesus I hu Lord t. ar.d lutil ourselves kkm was your taut servants we pie..ti^ foi •‘1 .Rsiib , ‘ s..k.. 1 ‘ s I , ” oj
our sained
God who commanded the light to sliiue out of darkness hath
our hearts to give the light of th knowledge of the glory of God in
face of Jesus Gnrist Ami wonderful as id U ! is
j oiio w no it called of God to preaen tliego^cl has . God tbio and tiia»nic not of in cai A
V( . SS( ,jg tliat the excellency of the pi wer maysbe of us..
\ I must take time just here to say, and 1 fully realize the responsibi*it\
' in what 1 about write, that it is ui! too common among
take am now ' to ‘ '
! ' v * lun l ‘ u “ Mimch ordains and sends out men to preach that among t
: ‘'\ rsl t biu ...... S 8 fi,„ fch8,,! ! n, ’'' te!8 ...iii.d tmi.u "P ,,u iMiln l ° d °’ is is tn t0 rcornnite r‘nmn llirnsr ! ‘-"C iu
j , eliurclK.'S. , lie Jiuils some wonderful danger in some . othei man o
i uud will thank God for sending the gospel to him and his people and
times pray fervently that all nations may hear the gospel and believe,
then’stuud for an hour and teach his congregation against doing the
) that he has just prayed for and men will usually pray what they
i and it is, yet men who would lutii jovvn ten miles from
lilt for the fact Lupon to regulate made
who have
|self-appointed ^kiv.-ing misled leg
_hi by the very
Is to day.
1“Y boiieut,
from their
niling? nsTd this success
ffitir minissry U plains, their personal
| before iu ’’chinches. They were d? poor in this
! | goods and with loving desire of 1 * Christ f \ '. that • t they ndgiunje tilisted 4 1 i ia or use f tlni. lw,i in their gooda^s .rlwnl nouc day and aad lltlM u
i | they *- llu hinder kinder I • I the the .1 gospel gospel I ot Liu 11 st _ I have ... t trusted .... ... m -. men guuu
y declare the whole counsel of God test they
doubt have shunned to -.. .
ii,o of Christ,, iiiid the most of the reward that some of our
j 1 almost Tpitsof at ^cmiiitiw'umt their own expense t!ie is to churches have it ought said of to them discipline and them that ^froni for
p U “ against the danger of
, itiill WB YV \y a .. c f uouj , oal ti c.»i***^ , n to vv li;ao w . u -ned w--. - --- --- great 3 qj v.
| the teachings of these same men who have been our leaders for this genera
! lion. And 1 leave these self appointed reg|itutors to auswei w aetiiei they
j believe ia what they pi ay 01 in vmat tuey ^ncaca that they can
believe in both, what they preach, no sound minded man could admit
one moment. Now these are plum words. They are intended to be
And no man ought to insuit tile intelligence of any chinch or any means
_______________ _____ himself and loving
asking the respect of others when he will not respect
Baptist church and having fully dote, mined that no influence under
shall ever uieuiute my atleotious from uer and looking to her as the
of this country and knowing that my work is well uigu i.o-ie that 1
reach you through vour pulpits. I want to deal honestly with you
plead with you that we strive together to make the church what Christ de
I j Die Baptist IT 1 '!™ church i.’’ never be made a paradise foi men wuo have nothing to
i £oundfaull wi;h olher men’s teaching.
And now we come to the duty of the church ^ to her _ pastor.
! that your pasfor has the New Testa incur qualifications aim is but m every way
| 80lludiB fa! th ne may not he the choice 01 the entire cninci you
! g0Uf , llt „ uidauce oft!so uo !y Spirit ami called him and on his being .satisfied
l. 0 f tnocaii he also taiks with the Lord, and when he lias asked the Holy
! Spirit for direction, and the answer points him to that particular work and
i Then brethren vou who did think him the
llhn> t . |ke hi | tl U3y<niV servant, you ought lo respect Him wishesot a de
j c p| c q utajority of \ our brethren. Your iuieresls arc ia counnoa, their sue
cess is your success, their failure is your failure and we are building for
' etermiy. You should lend your ialluvnce togivefcuu the best congregation
V ^ ib ,^ (Dve idm your presence in your business meetings ou Saturday.
j ul , ll; , a as we il nail up your chuicii and burn your Bible as to speak re
proachfuii v of \ our pastor iu the Ji-eanng of your children, ii you expect him
lead voir children to Christ. Rcin.«y not be iu all things just what you
1 would have him be, and yet he is iu ait probability the one mau who can
( ^ oui . chi , dK , n to Christ. And brethren as \ou prize the salvation of
vou ,-' chi.dren J plead with you that you lake him into youi hearts and into
Vour homes. Never complain that your k pastor does not come to , "' L ' 11
| hia) fe j. t welcoim . |* u VO ur home at any time; do not embarrass your pastor and by
;uiy act of indifference, uc deeply feels tiis interest iu his charge is
studying vour best interest; he is your servant and faithful to Ins calling,
! fabv realize that he is the piope.rly of the church, Wat lie belongs to ue
; ciu ,V c h an d the church docs not belong to him. Tne reialionsbip oetweeu
i c hurch and pastor are sacred. The uoly r pi: it brings the two
Then brethren deal faithfully with your pastor; he is u> iug you service, if
he is tit to be vour pastor, he is entitled to your respeef. Help him by your
i k ‘ l ldl11 kuo ' v ' pray for him, and last but not .eiisl
know that you cure for his condition at home, no a one a r.a.c ..or. visiu.a
j ^j s j U)tQe _ no has sickness too and neeas your presence, mi'c yo;i gone
j u nd sat down with him ami prayed wnii his family, end if you have not dome
: this and have not given him as blot! has piospered you. i hen rrotlier some
I day about the close of ins pastoral year you goto ins home and you look one
limuiat0 the pale £ace 0 f t he mother of your pastor s cuHdreu and ass her
w liat it cost's to have her husband preach to vour church, tehe need not fell
j vou lunch, you can see written in tier face some lines that led \ on and you
|r tU(1 V ou may read between tbe dues that it costs somebody something to
bave'ihe Gospel preadied. It has cost her the absence of her husband Horn
home when you enjoyed his presence and counsel in \ our home it baa
i her many auxions non is watching beside the creulieot Sick cui.dren. -------- at
cost liei the sacrilice of a life of enjoyment ia company wtfh one to whom
Isiie pied-md 5 the iove of her youth.' Your pastor them has the same interest t'ice in
his family that vou haw. ia tours and he owes the same se
, yem owe’to voiU- family, and as voulmi* calle d him to do you
rs oKi.r.
ItJs a Imltii'jl" We to
JISZ collw
Jars each. They Jure wcrn by the
best people./ 'forward -a
GENUINE Pomona Diamond,
mounted on a heavy ..... ring, pin or
[ j stud to any address upon the re
ce :,,j 1 0 f ,. r j ce $1.00 each. Ear
j rings, screws or drops, , f_ .. per p;..r,
Ring sottmga are made of one coii
; tinuons piece of thick, shelled
! j an warranted not to tar
i°. ’ atJ( ,
___. , , . .. —?
n * s *• vp .cn c . . .. , .
, for ten days only 1 Ring and stud
: ?CM) t an y address upon receipt of
gy ' Send for catalogue. In
. „
j ordering ring give linger measure- r
: ment by using a piece of string
j a j s0 full ^particulars. Address
j 1} ] j,j]y,
11 81-1183, Broadway,
Now York.
There is now under construction
<* ~ "’
j be named ‘J he Georgia, which is
to surpass in speed and ornament
| Q ceau Greyhound, The, Or
j e 2 ,,n Her largest guns are to bo
t'.vei v o inch ai.d of these eho vmJ
carry four; backed up by four eight
inch guns; sixteen three-pounders:
six one-pounders; ten machine
guns and two field pieces—she will
carry in all some Wventy guns, all
of the most modern pattern and ef¬
ficiency. It is said sho will eclipse,
in her all round fighting capacity,
anything that i3 now to be found
e British intv.v. She will have
J : the speed i equal J to-our fastest erui
; sets, and will levolutionize . li. st
| j c ] r>£S battleship construction. The
ic-ssons learned in tinr late war
i , <»f
’ 1 1 .. 1 t mip
. navy at Santiago and* Manilla,
| proves llint the rapid fire ordnance
j a | )oart j ship are the guns that
the . B greatest execution . and . damage. .
and it was this class of ordnance
that won the great victories for tbe
stars and stripes at Manilla and
Santiago, The plan and efficiency
of “The Georgia" is a fitting trib¬
ute to the Empire State df the
A WdgiUtm Nure for Diarrhoea.
in up,m!r tiail
idmofi given was bmoght hack
In perfect lieal’. ll by
Colic, React Cholera editorial. and Diarrhoea Remedy.
^ liis
I suffered with diarrhoea for a long
time and thought I was past being
| cnrt;1 j j i)a(1 S p en); s <>muoii time and
1 ‘ uff , d „ ‘ "
, y. , •
nopeof rec u. ry and await the re¬
sult, hut noticing the advertisement
of Chamberlains Colic. Cholera aril
Diarrhoea Remedy ami also some tes¬
timonials stating how wonderful cures
had been wrought by Liis remedy, I
decided to try if. Aft* 1 taking a few
doses f was entirely \ftd! of that trou¬
ble, and I wish to say further to my
readers and fellow-sufferers that I am
a hale and hearty mau to-day and feel
as we!I.«« 'ife^rO. K.
Sold by all druggists,
Admiral Dewey‘arrivod off Now
York at dawn 2G inst. and tho O
lympia ancliored#!i American wa¬
ters in the light of Sandy Hook.
The Admiral is the picture of
health and is fall of gratitude for
what the people are doing for his
reception. On the arrival of the
<>'»*• u» Bi! “™ F " n
Hancock fired a salute of
guns and the flapship replied with
twenty one. It was the first tituo
an admiral’s salute’had been board
in years.
The woman who is love’y in face
form ami temper will always have
j has constipation or kidney trouule.her
j mpure blood will cause pimples,blotch
es,.skin eruptions and a wretched oo.n
J plexiqn. Electric Bitters is the
| romaeh, medicins liver in the and world kidney to regulate and purify
j j u,e blood. It gives strong sk'n, nerves rtcli
bright eyes, smooUie, velvety
j complexion. It will makea good-looks
, ]n ^ c harnnng woman ot a run-down
;;nvatid- Only 50 cents at J, S, ranker
sley Drug Store.
The Cotton Beit 13 the Great
ThrougIi^g^jj^Ajj££5 sas,|_Tt ■ x «s.
and the Great booth-west. Before
s making artangement for your tickets
j write t0 H H. SuttoD, T. P. A., 119
Wegt xinth St, Read House Block,
^ , r , oi , i s. . .po re..
i j maps, ‘“ l! and '’g'*- ;u information ^l.i , iw concerning
your trip.
mr affGuardiau
Brown Bearden a minor, (now tie-j
ceased), shows by his petition and
vouchers of file that ho has
fuli V disuhar "° d llis 6aid trust ’ a,1<1
£l?rj:: _
at ;VlrwlTiL or before the l November term n of o y ;
thisoourt. why at the said term
(lie prayer of petitioner should not
be granted. Witness rav official
signature. This Aug. 7th, 1899,
3m. J. C, Allen, Ordinary,
GEORGIA—Gilmer County: !
Jemima Weaver, widow of J. M.
Weaver, late of said county deceas- J
oil, in behalf of herself and four j
minor children, has applied for aj
twelve months’support out of the ]
estate of said deceased, and apprais j
ers have made their return. I will j
pass on said application, on the j
first, Monday in October next,
Witness my official signature. This
Sept. 4th, 1899. !
J. C. Alle.v, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Gilmer Comity:
JAY.Holt, as the administrator
of the estate of R. E. Holt, late of
said county deceased, shows by his j
petition and vouchers of file that
he has fully executed his said trust, '■
and prays to be discharged there-;
from. All persons concerned will ■
show cause, if any, at nr before the
December term next of this court,
' i
why said the .
at term prayer ‘, or
fthouid .
titioner not no
Witness my hand ond offici.d sig¬
nature, This Sept. 4th, 1899.
3m, J. 0. Au.kx Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Gilmer County:
Will he sold before the court
lioust; door iu eajd county within
tho legal hoars of sale on the first
Tuesday in October next, the bil¬
lowing described property tn-wit:
Three parcels cf land Nos. 81,
and G9, being about 60 acres in
land lying in tho 26th district a;ul
second section, levied on as (lie
property of J. M. Boon and
da .falio Boon in favor of J. A'.
Moreland. Defendant notified.
Levy made with ft fa August 16th,
1899, byJ. F. Fore, L. 6-., and re¬
turned to me. This Sept. 4, 1899
A. J. Fisso.v. Sheiift.
GBOUGIA—Gilmer County:
A. -I.,.Cole, as the iplnlqistrater of
the cstilte of J. M. liMbo.i-yd r>!
said county shows by hi- petition and
vouchers oi'iile that he lias fully
con ted his said trust, and pray s to lie
discharged there from and receive Id
tore of dismission. All persons
corned will show cause, if any, at or
before the October term next of ihi
court why at said term the prayer of
petitoner should not be
Witness my band and official sig
nature. July 3zd, 1899.
3 m. J. C. Allen, Ordinary.
it' vou are going to Aiksttisas,
as, Oklahoma or Indian Ten
the Cotton Belt Route is the c'i.-s at.
quick iiac, uud operat, s elegnat Pur
for Cafe cars. Free Bvc'ini: g Chair
Cars, .aJiiy C.vujhea nt,d 1’ddomu
j Sleepers. Far lov/cst -rates-. County
iu;;'i-:. and <J.*.-e; :;i' i' e nntter < f Ar and Texas, apply to II. II
Sutton, 1 rav Pass. Ax' . 119 Best
Moth Mrii-t, Read Ho a:-.: Bock,
Chattanooga, Term.
To PS7R1T Gosd ideas
r, ;e be secured by
our aid. zVddiess,
Oaltiiiiore. Md.
! Eu'oacril'tious to The Patent Record Si.OO per liunuiii.
As usually treated a sprain wiil dis
jured person fur three cr
| four w <-ks, but If IffmailM-rlain’s Rain
! lialm is freely applied a complete cure
j | M,a Pain Y a_! " f! - also cro!l cures in . a rheuinalistn. ' ‘‘‘ J ,ew cut;;
! bruise? and burns. For sale by all dreg
Atlania, Knoxville & Nsrlhsrn Ry
Th«ir>darj !*c»!v !F.r« .-tivo Karrli !», ’l*9| Daily Tbur-i- lar
U9?l,l“ 8.4;Ar. : Lv. Ducktown Knoxville Arj ‘j 6.50PM. 2-05
2.‘io Ar BiueRidge Lv; 105
2.3GP8.LV BiueRidge Arj 9.1DAS.
9 2.50 Rll ArMin, ir Min RIlTfF Bluff “! l ft..GO 8-59
8.35 Culberson Ranger “| “j 8-10 7.55
4.10 Ar Murpby Lv’ 7-30
6.86M.! 2.45PB.[LvBlue Ridge Adl2.«M. 9.2 £ .pst.
6.23 3.08 ’A rWhitePatb Lv “|l2-08 12.22 9.02
6.37 3.22 “ Eliijay 8.48
7.12 3.57 “Talking Rock“ 11.33 ait 8.13
7.29 4.11 “• iasoer “11.16 7.56
7.42 4.27 “ Tate “11.03 7.43
7.50 4.35 “ Nelson “10.55 7.35
7.59 4.44 “ Ball Ground “10.46 7.26
8.28 5.13 “ Canton “10.17 0.57
8.43 5.28 “HollySprings" 10.02 6.42
8.59 5.43 “ Woodstock “ 9-47 6.27
0.85 6.15 “ Marietta “ 9.15 5.50
10.35 7.30 Ar Atlanta lv 8.15 4.50
Trains make close connections in Atlanta
Union Depot for all points in East and
South> i„ Knoxville for all points in
North, Northwest and West. Through
Tickets for sale by all A., K. &N. Ry.
agents. For Rates, Maps, and other in
for mation
- ^
First class painting done at
reasonable prices.
EG 6 JES ft mi
^UiLOtSP *->
Contracts solicited from Jasper
to 1 oiiiee J unction. Address ns as
a ,UVI! -
163 Marietta Street,
h, J. ADKINS, Proper.
--------.---- ----- ---- I —I------
Ail kinds of Cancers, external
internal, . , . cared , by . local , and
.. .„ treatment, , Par
unable to pay, treated freo.
J. M. CURRAN, Specialist,
84 N. Broad Bt., Atlanta, Gn.
Posesses all the modern improvements to
be found in any first-class machine. Sold
at popular prices. Warranted ten years ......
BOLD BY.....
‘■HtWA’SS E iiODTit .”
? -?, '’•rtr-'i-*” f":
M you are raiog to
T b p l V n u a
‘u fc
START flit
The Pns:;cng-r Department of the At¬
lanta, Knoxville & Northern Railway lv.-.
placed with all its Agents diircisg.
Tickets to All Points in the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba and
Porto Rico, both Round Trip and One
Way Tickets.
You can save Time, Money and Trou¬
ble by buying your ticket from the A.,
K. & N. Ry. Agent from your starin'.;:
point through to your destination.
Agents of the A., K. &. N. Ry. will
cheerfully furnish Maps, Rates and an;
other information desired. On Th: :u;d;
Tickets, all Baggage checked through t-.i
J. E. W. FIELDS. 1. li. Mc'SJLUAMS,
Traffic tSanag?r. G^a. Pass. A-oni.
The Luxury of IrareJ
Can best be found on the trains 1
ff'F-rf MSf'
Elegant new, luxurious
Parlor Cafe Cars ’ 1
KsS have been (meals placed a Ja in carte) the day trail
Memphis and Texas.
The seat fare is but 25 or 50 cents,
according to distance, thus affording
the greatest possible comfort for the
least expense.
Elegant wide vestibuJed
Free Chair Cars
(with ladies’ dressing room and gentle
men’s-smoker) run through on al!
trains to Texas. ■
Pullman Sleepers, Comfortable Day Coaches.
V7iiether you prefer Parlor Car, Chair Car, Coach or Sleeper, you will
find greater comfort and fewer changes if you buy ycur tickets via the
Cotton Belt Route.
Write for time tables and illustrated pamphlets on Arkansas, Louisiana
and Texad. They will be mailed fr^yfjfgijjn'.'riticj^iliis paper.
£XA&l ....
in Z.avt Oct. 4lh, 130.
WORTH non Jil>. No. 4 No 79 Hoff
Lv A flan* a i 30'»inl 4 5Upm
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R- >me. La;::| 7
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Train No. » earner PuUt.*i»- a S!#»»;>©r 1
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Besting with \*89iibnlH tr -.n for Chi,
Train !\ • j. 4 arrios, P iilmtui Slor.^tj
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without cht: go. PrAImun S'.depefl
Chattanoogs, pnsf&ngena r<n KAin.jJ
7 o'clock a. m. Pn!lnsoa Siocpcrj
Kuosvilia ria A.. K. ft N. Ky.
Train No. 7U comto *t«» at Bayes v. i^
for Cincinna t. This t rain caiitq
otHioh Atlanta to Ivotne.
To the South and UastS
fOUTHEOUNTD. No. 1 No. 3 No.31 No.7
f/v Chal’noc Nashvillr . 2Aiy. 0 lonm !■; Jci'in.—..... 5 55a
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ViHe, OhaUanoJea &ud Ailflata to JacIfBoa*
Train No. Snarrirs Fuilm/iu Slrcfcv 'Lc^
Augusta vUliot^t eltnjigd. PuEman SJeor-el
ChR.UuutMjw'.'k to Atlanta ^pe.n for pasaeu^oi^
CliP-ttanooRa 0 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sletspci^
KuoxtSLo lo Atlanta via A. K. & N. Hj. 1
further in formal ioa wiito to
H. F >k>UTH, 0. N. HABMAIJ
TriiiT;.*, Lir.iHHjor. Lea. 1 \na», A
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Did:idiSry _
Successor of the “ Unabridged
oftlK-C.S.Cov'tPrlntlng IT. l
OllitK-, Court, thi: .-ill the* 8. Stalo Supremo Hu- (
nremeCourts.nndor ,
ly ail Uio Sciioolliooks.
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j dciitg,aiKlotlrerlStl«cird>r8 or Schools, l.'oUese 1-resi-, 1
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fesshmat the teacher,
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It Is easy to find tho v/ord wanted.
It Is easy to ascertain the the pronunciation.
It Is easy to trace growth G l « word.
It is easy to learn whut a word meant.
Tho New Orleans Picayune aaysti
' [ hrllUant It stands scholarship, now a monument and mechanical to patient skill, InduatryJ hub
> ono published of tho in most this complete country. and useful works ev<J| M
1 C Tf" Specimen pages sent on application to [ «
G. & C. MJSRRIAMCOPublishers t
Springfield, Maas., U. S. A.
CAUTION. Uo buying "ot be small deceived . '
___—................... in so-
1 called 44 Webster’s Dictionaries.** AH '
1 authentif Abridgments of the International 1
' in tlio various sizes boar our tradti-niai k ou ‘
' the front shown in the cuts.
cover as