Newspaper Page Text
manhunt: v \r .:»~
‘ Makes the food more delicious and whohsome ;
ROVL ammo-pm: 00. NEW YORK. .
M ‘4 - » , u a‘ ‘ ‘2 ‘mS. ;
~ » ~v ‘ hfiéifiaé; Wit *G'VMHM“ {us-2&4 w:- reéwma-wm 3“? 2r:
Ool. E. W.Coleman,of Canton,
op last Thursday on business.
* 8e>e breeching, $2.50 and
my up:
Tboy’re cheap aud good.
Stanbbuky .
_thanks are due \v. J. west,
cash on subscription.
tns Ibappiness Squaw Vine
I barren homes.
Pry pleasant cali one
pi H. L. west,of Roy.
idle Calico just
, A. Alien’s*.
Pthe system alter child
Gening' complete and
Try,Simmons Squaw Vine
[>lets are invaluable.
will Foster has had his paper cliang
ed from Catoosa, I. T 7 , to waxabach
ie, Tex.
Frequently protracted constipation
causes inflamation of the bowels
Remedy—use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liv¬
er Medicine.
Aii persons who owe me wiiipleasc
come forward and pay up by October
court. T. II. Taboii
5f. P. Weils,of Jefferson, Okla.,and
II. Buckner, of Owenby, X. C., are
among our new subscribers.
To run a woman crazy, let her men¬
strual ions be either too frequent or too
numb .t o ne time. Simmons Squaw
"The , r Tablets correct this trou
: P. P. Prather and family have
moved from Blue Ridge to El 1 1 jay.
Mr. Prather is telegraph operator.
The great success of ChamltattbUirs
Colic, Vhjj&r'a a ad Diitrriiora
^ent of boWej,
r the
'in the
%{ Bnr..! rtte pa
■tfiimeo’.it on timer glowing with
Pts accustomed cheer and brightness.
Miss Siltas Brown, Warsaw,
writes: Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver
Medicine is a must wonderful medi
for torpid liver, constipated bowels,
eick headache, indigestion and chronic
diarrhoea. I think its strength and
action far superior to Zeilin’s and
Black Daauglit.
Rev. W. J. Hyde, editor of the Bap
list paper at Gumming, Ga., was at
the association and also pastor Bart¬
lett, both Joing excellent preaching
^1 taking active part in the discus
s lid that Carl Crawford, Sam
H —C. Curtis and Mr. Gil¬
liam, of Blue Il(ef§e» were visitors at
Ellijay -Sunday. Come again, gen¬
tlemen, you will always find the city
with open aims ready to receive you.
The directors of the crown cotton
Mills, of Dalton, declared a dividend
of S3 per cent at a recent meeting.
A project tp build another hundred
thousand dollar cotton factory at
that place is on foot and will be car¬
ried into elfect at once.
Having bought Wra. DeJournette’s
stock of goods at Ellijay, I oiler same
us a whole, or in part, to suit the
trade. Any one wishing to go into
the Confectionery business at this
get a bargain THIS
J. R. DeJoukxette.
p L lias been turning out
Cbbb & Co., M. M
Gunnels, Town of
■Teem, Ellijay Baptist
•others, during the
(Fare due the thanks
% toJ. K. Greer, for ser
Brof. C. L. Gunnels arrived from
Ball Cround with his family, last
Saturday. We are glad to welcome
them Jo a home in our midst and
•hope that they may find, in
their lot among us, that they have
made a good and profitable selection
for a field of labor.
Among the visit ora at the
■was Rev. Joe Parham, of
nm Cfrtfiuy: Mr. HtrBara is an
land-mark,” connecting the last
present generation, and lias been
conspicuous figure at associations
Miss Eph C. Yother, of East Elli
jay, is very sick.
Ladies’ Capes: Cheapest
intown at W- A- Alien’s.
Henry Atkins and Ed Stover, of
Liclog, are on our list as new subscri¬
Rev. W. R. Stillwell filled Ilia regu¬
lar appoiutment at the Methodist
chuich Sunday.
Sick headache is the bane of many
lives. Dr. M . A. Simmons Liver Med
feine cures and prevents this annoying
M. H. i^ison is building a rock
wall on'the lower side of his lot on
Kell street.
Take your apples to W■ A.
Ailen and e;et highest prices
See Mr. Bruner’s ad, is this issue
and be sure to see his shop when you
need anything in his liue.
To eat with appetite, digest with
comfort and sleep with tranquility,
take dose of Dr. M. A. Siinmans Liver
Medicine occasionally.
Reece Hightower and Mr. We be,
drummers, veteran knights of the
the grip, were in Ellijay last week,
John R. Fricks, of Rober, called
Thursday and secured a sample copy
of the Couiier-Sentiuel. Call again
Mr. Fricks.
M. M. Davis, of Ellijay, visited his
brother, M. H. Davis* of this place,
/lie firs/ of /lie week.—Duck/owu Ga¬
S mmong Squaw Vine Wine or
Tnolets regulate the menstrual organs
and guars,ntee regular, natural month
I^litor Johnson, of the Times, has
sick for a few days, but, we are
,o say, is again able to go to his
f.c unhappy mortal whose liver is
Active is miserable without apparant
'cause. Dr^M. A. Simmons Liver Med
icine makes life worth living.
Charlie Welch, who hasbedn down
with fever tliwj^odd days, ijj though
to be improving We hope he will
soon recover.
51% frail and winter ShOes are
in; will IS ive Special bargains
for cash cr good produce. W
A. AU<ln.
Judged C. Allen was moderator
and P. G-. Ilyatt clerk, of the Moun
taiulown Association, the same offi¬
cers as last year.
Who greeted you first Wednes¬
day morning when you went out?
Why, Mr. Jack Frost, of course, for
ho was at your door.
We print some of the matter from
the minutes of tire Ellijay Baptist
Association this week, because we
think it will be of interest to our sub¬
W. E. Curtis tells us that the brick
of the big chimney at the lumber
mills is now for sale. This is said to
be a fine lot of brick. We bate to
see the “great pyramid” demolished
and think they might let it stand for
a light-house for air ships it they
think it will be needed soon.
Uncle Frank Nolen has been spend
ing several days in/own on his way
home from the association. Uticic
Frank says it makes no difference
where he goes, lie either goes or re
turns viaEiiijav, whether his trip be
ZoBhie Ridge, Atlanta, Dalton or
NOT^l.—A meeting of the Re¬
publicans of Gilmer county is hereby
called to be held in Ellijay, Monday
of court-week, for the purpose of re¬
organizing and other purposes, The
Executive Committee are especially
requested to be present.
II. M, Ellington, Chairman.
J. S. Everett, Secretary.
Dr. J. D. Watkins hands us /he
‘•Register of Eas/ Florida Seminary,”
! n t Gainesville, I la., of which
M a/kins is one of /he Board of
j Trus/ees. This scmiaaiwjis a &t»*e
i ius/s/u/ioa, is well equipped, has ex
, cellen/ buildings and we are impress
Ctl ihR [ U U a » ood P !ace to obtai “ 5111
' l ' lilu:; ‘t loa -
We me > attne Association, Sunday
J | morning , that old veteran of the
Cross, the Rev. N. L Osborn, who
; has, perhaps, done more preaching
for as little pay, as any preacher now
in Gilmer county. He has
many associations, aud was joyful
over the harmony and good feeling
asion ofthe
and the
ever been in Ellijay. See it aud
be convinced. Stansbury.
The Edi/or re/nrn /hanks for an
invi/atioa to a//eud /he Golden Wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Tabor a/
/heir heme on Car/eeay on Tuesday’
/he 26/!i, ins/. These are /he paren/s
of our fellow townsman, T. H. Ta¬
bor. Long, happy and prosperous
has been /heir wedded life and we
hope for /hesc good old people many
dayscou/iuuance of /lie same. May
/he golden sunshine of heal/h and
peace brigh/en /heir path /o /he end of
/heir pilgrimage, and af/er /ha/ e/er
nal blessedness.
We are sorry 7 to have to chronic¬
al the death of the eighteen
months’ oid child of Alex Gaddis
which eccurred at the home of L.
H, Gaddis, the'grand father, on
the 17tn, iust. The little girls’
name was Emma. She had been
cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Gaddis
since the death of her mother
which took place when the infant
was only a few days old. Tho Sav¬
ior taid, “Suffer little children to
come unto me, for of such is
the kingdom of heaven,” and as
uncle Hub and wife are living for
Inaven they should not grieve,
knowing that the separation i3 only
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, bift skm "eruptions rob
iifeof joy. Buckleu’s Arnica “Salve
cures them, also old. running and fe¬
ver sores, ulcers, bmle, felons corns,
warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds,
chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile
cure on earth. Drives out pains and
aches. They develop every power of
brain and body. “Sets.a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by J. S. Tankersley,
Knoxville Carnival.
Knoxville, Tenn.. Oct. 11-12-13,1899.
The A. K. & N. Ry., will sell round
trip tickets to Knoxville for above
occasion at the following rates:
Blue Ridge.........$2.7<V
Tickets will he sold on Oct 11 and
32, with final limit for r> turn Oet. 15,
1899, Tickets will also be sold at
rate of one first class fare for the round
trip on 0c‘. 10, 11 and 12, good for
return Oct. 20, 1899. We will also
run special train from Blue Ridge to
Knoxville for “Flower Parade Day,”
Oct. 12th. This train will arrive at
Knoxville 10:53, a. m., returning,
leave Knoxville at 6:00, p. m.
TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady,
cured of her Deafness and Noises in
the Head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artiti
ciul Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his
Institute, so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums may have
them free. Address No.-1357, The
Institute, Eighth A ventre. New YorST.
Mr. J. W. Ciay/on, of Cha/Zanooga,
who was raised and spen/ his boyhood
days in /bis coun/y, has loca/ed in
A/lan/a, and will reside and do bust
ness in /he Ga/e Ci y. Mr. Clay/on
lias made a fine success as an luvcn/
or and we believe /lie larger business
oppor/uni/ies afforded ia A/lan/a in
crease his /rade.
“ -hm
SitilUl 1 »i'
e£l suffered for tv/enty-five from
heart trouble, and tried &adl«s reme¬
dies without relist. I steadily grew
worse and became unable to he
iiutter, down; aiy and fcca: t times would It palpitaiepmd seemed
at as
though I could not get my breath. I
used three bottles o: Dr, Miles’ I Icert
Cast, and thank God I am enjoy mg
good health as a result. It cured me.
Mrs. Ella Schinohelm, Mt. Vernon, la. 77
l 'DR. R%ELm*
j I# •ear f
| GiM8*@
is sold by ail benefits druggists c-n guarantee back,
bottle or money free.
heart end nerves sent
now that neTs unable to vzbfit or
go about he will appretiaTe any
recognition of hie former services
that Iris friends see cause to give.
Prize Essay Contest.
We regret that wo cannot give
this week School Commissioner
Simmons’ notice of the above
contest in detail but will give it
next. Premiums are offered the
students'of schools from the pri¬
mary grades on up for the best es¬
says on the topics named.
First class pupiis will write a
Reproduction Story from “The
Way to be Happy,” Baldwin’s 2nd
reader. Second Class—A Story
of Cat. Givi a #RI®i0NN^lS8<ih%*
cat, lell about its habits, etc.
Third Class—A Sory from*Picture
Sent, “Cotton from the Seed to the
Picking. Fourth Class—Story of
a Drop of Water, tell all about wa¬
ter. rain, rivers, etc. Fifth Class
—A Story of the Geogiaphv of
Your Homo and County. Sixth
Class—A Sketch of Your Hero A
mong Foreign Military Officers
who Aided America in War of
Revolution. Seven th — Class—An
Account of the Mineral aud Man¬
ufacturing Interests of Georgia.
Teachers’ Premium, $50.00 on,
Science as a Factor in Public
School Education. The cash pre
mrcims -for .studen t’!" mit 1 ’.g tr-fiom
$10 to $4o. The contest will take
place at the court-house on the
14th of October. Teachers and
students intending to compete for
the prizes should bl getting infor¬
mation on the topics suggested.
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the
civilized world. Your mothers’ and
grandmothers’ never Ihouht of using
anything else for Indigestion or Bil¬
iousness. Doctors were scarce and
they seldom heard of Appendicitis,
Nervous Brostiai.on 1 or VZA Heart liCitLt Failure T .UIUIC
etc. I hey used August ugnst F^^ef to
ele/tn out the- undigvp systei
mentation of
late the liver, stimulate ijhi nervous
and organic action of tli|e system, »
and that is all they took when feel
ihg dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few
doses of Green’s August Flower, in
liquid form to make you satisfied
there is nothing the matter with you.
Sample bottles at Bearden Bros, &.
Teem Co.
We wish to collect all subscriptions
and other accounts due the Couuiek
Sentiniil during th#months of Sep
ember, October and November, in
fact, it will be necessary for us to
collect those accouutoon subscription
which will, on the first of December
next, have been due a year on-more.
Miray'Wilr btr6wiL^“#re l Jrt^nt man
•jgenient for two years’ subscription
on that date, if they do not settle ear
Her. We bought on She faith that
those accounts would be paid and
hope friends will come to our aid at
once Do not neglect ^is and put
it off tor it all means much to ns. If
you cannot pay at once let us knew by
letter or personal interview when you
cau so that we can arrange our bus¬
iness accordingly. BcspectfuHv, ^
W, Gates
Ilismark’s Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous ener¬
gy are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order.
If you want these qualities and the sue
cess they bring, use^ Dr. King’s New
Life Pills. 1 hey^ bv elomMErypow
er J. S. of_hra.ii Tankers] and ind ey’s hot body. drugstore.’’ at
★ ■Right View.
The No. 1 Hand Power Huiler will hull and clean from
lo to I5 bushel cow. peas in 60 minutes
Will clean wheat, oats and rye without any adjustment.
| It is ope'ratT!?l^BB^^BPfiandles Which insures light draft.
Is made strong to stand heavy work. The No. 1 weighs
1400 pounds.
If you want a money maker secure one and hull your
| neighbors peas at 5c. per bushel.
Sold by J.# DeJOilMTTE,
SleiToir Sunday the I7th. mstYl
Rev. J. II. Dunn officiating, Miss
Julia Charles to Mr. H. R. Todd,
The bride is a beautiful and highly
inttlligent young lady of sixteen
years, while the groom is a model
young gentleman of twenty-one.
Soon after the marriage the happy
left for the home cf the bridegroom
near Atalla, Fannin count} 7 , Ga,
We extend to them our kindest re¬
gards aud wishes for their future
prosperity and happiness. The
Editor has been acquainted with
the handsome bride since baby¬
hood and she has been ono of his
students at school which, with his
high regard for her fathors’ family
flamkes him feel an uncommon in¬
terest in the young people who
have thus taken on themselves the
God-ordained relation for the pre¬
servation of all that is pure and
holy in .domestic life. May their
success iu life justify the wisdom
of their choice!
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers of children affected with
croup or a severe cold need not hesi¬
tate to administer Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy, it contains no opHte
or narcotic in any form and way be
given as confidently to the habeas an
adult. 'The great success that has at
tended its U’e in the treatment of colds
a,Kl croup has won it the approval and
Unibg'^-States praise it has receded and throughout foreign lands. tho
FoFsale by all druggists.
Mr. W . F. Hill came in a few days
ago and renewed his subscription, pay¬
ing in advance, for the Courier-Senti¬
nel and Semi-Weekly Journal. Air.
Hill tells us that lie must now work
hard to keep things iu proper
about his farm. His business methods
are an example of neatness painstak¬
ing, as lie always act3 on the maxim
that “Whatever ife worth doing at ail
is wortii dou g well,’’'
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a promenent *
of Hannibal, Mo'., lately had a
ful del'veratice from a friglT”
1 n telling of it he says: “1 \
with Typhoid Fever, that
Pneumonia. My lungs be;
ened. I weak 1 '
was so <j
sit up in bed.
when l heard of Dr. Kin
cevery.' continued One battle it, gavi]
I to use an
and strong. I can’t sa
its praise,” The quickest marvelous nr
is the surest and cure
world for all Throat and Lung T?
Begular sizes f>0 cents and $1.00. TrTal
bottle free at J. S. Tankersley Drug
store, every bottle guaranteed.
Are You Going West?
If you or any of your friends con¬
template going West, I will gladly
furnish ail information necessary
on application. I will thank yoif
to send me tho address of any you
may know that desire information
as to rates, routes, and schedules.
If advised in time, will gladly
meet you at your nearest railroad
statiqn to furnish ticket and check
baggage for^ou.
All pevsons overYS^lve (12) years
of age are charged full fare. Half
rates for children under twelve
(12) and over five (5) years of age.
Children under five (5) years are
carried free, when accompanied by
parent or guardian.
Evary full ticket entitles the
holder to free transportation ef one
hundred and fifty (150) pounds of
personal baggage; every half tick¬
et, seventy-five (75) pounds.
'thanking you for any informa¬
tion you may give, I am,
Respectfully yours,
W. T. Rogers, T. P. A.,
Knoxville, Tenn.
nl1|}. .ill“
I have opened an up-to (Sato Harness and Saddle shop in the Hipp
old store building on Dalton avenue, where I solicit tho patronage of
the people. I have an experience of over twenty-two years in ths nmu
uf acture and repairing of harness and saddles. 1 will keep at all times
a fU My*motto isf' »o\Z!>7£sa 7m
“ S would have them do unto
you." You give me a share of your patronage at.d I will reciprocate
by giving you the benefit of the very closest prices on a full line of
Harness,^Saddles. Bridles,^Collars, Pads, Halters/Whips, Etc.
I am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on short notice, and
with a view to durability and neatness. When in town call and see
my goods and get my prices, YOURS TRULY,
C. L. GUNNELS, A. B,...............................Principal.
J. T. WISE, Ph. B.y................................ First Assistant.
Miss ROMANIA WIIELCHEL, A. B ,............ Second Assistant.
Miss JEANNETTE GRIFFIN.....................Music Teacher.
Elegant brick school building with all the modern appliances just
completed. Building convenient, commodious and attractive—an aid
and inspiration to good school work.
* The Faculty consists of thoroughly trained and experienced teach¬
ers who will use all their energies to properly train the hoys and girls
committed to their charge. In matters of instruction the very best
methods of instruction will be employed.
The expenses will be remarkably small for the advantages offered
Good board can he had for $G to $8. Tho rates of tuition ate as fol«
1st and 2nd Grades....... ............$1.00 per month.
3rd and 4th Grades...... ............$1,25 per month.
5th and 6th Grades....... .............$1.50 per month.
7th and 8th Grades....... ............$1.75 per month.
Higher Grades........... ............$2.00 per month.
Tuition payable monthly. An incidental fee of 15 cents for
pils under 12 years of age, and 25 cents for those over 12 will b<^
ed for each quarter, payable in advance.
Fall term begins October
r above occasion the
will sell round trip tickets to Macon, G
these rates: Jasper $3.00; Talking Rc
Ridge $4.40.
Tickets will be sold from points in
12, final limit for return October 14th. From points in Tennessee aiff
North Carolina October 9, 10, 11 and 13, inclusive, final limit October
15th. Parlies residing at stations where there tiro no coupon tickets
can be secured. J. II. MoWlLLIAMS, G. P. A.,
» Knoxville, Ten
Options On Mimes
and fiinfmg Lands!
I have had twenty-five years experience in the min¬
ing business, such experience as is gained by the pick and
sjjovel. 1 worked .'nine years in the gold mines of Colorado
and several years in the copper and iron mines of Wisconsin.
I know a good thing when I see it and have a large ac¬
quaintance and correspondence with capitalists and miners
of the North and West, i will assist you in making tests
and will examine your ores and give opinions of their val¬
ue—Gold, Iron and Copper.
Call cn or aderess,
Ellijay, Ga.
I keep on hand for sale a supply of
the following articles:.....
(Standard and other styles) from The best Mowing Machitws^
$10 to $20 apd up, owing to grade ars and Rakes—the IfcCnl
and quality. which lias no equal.
The best one and two-horse Wag- Also a lot of Organs just received
ons made: the best Buggies hand from ths factory 7 . Brices from$35
made and guaranteed. to $75 and up.
| The above articles are sold under a
guarantee—you try them before paying
one Cent. Call and see the goods and get
prices and terms to suit you, when in town
Respectful !Vd
Ellijay, ua.
.7 ”W ,4
l Lo