The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, April 04, 1879, Image 4

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CHANGES. I mw to-nitfbt th* girl I loved Besrrof thrwe short year* ago. And 0 my fwart 1 thy specolom R» Irctrf oot a flow. hat form wa» ter* lo earlirt' day* 1 What cheeks of rasy tty*! What graceful motion in her walk f Wbat lustre in bar eye l While trippinr throngb the winding walka, Among her lowers to fair. ••0, favor'd garden V oft I mid, "To bold a bloom so rare." *Twas near the eioee of changeful Spring, Beneath a shadv tree. My speech reveal'd in trembling tone How dear she waa to me, Ah! happy, happy was the hour She thrilled my ruffled breast, Aad heart with l.iart and thought with tbongbt JCntwimd aa I caressed. 0. faithless girl ! this mystic night The little signs lave shown. That from her heart and from bar mind Cotictra for me has flows. Ami now to thee, n y heart of pranks I With mnrmurirge none I’ll own Thut something in her "stjle" has gone, Although to me unknown. « Tea, yes ! her ‘‘sirs’’ ard empty speech Appear so commonplace ; And then—her visage—ah ! I sea! She has a baby face. “The conquering llnee is henaty's test," The knightly tills decide ; But when Time o’er old love prevails He does new love provide. Written ft>r Thi Wcsklt.] Woman's Needs— No. 2. BT NFS. VIOI.A JACKSON. VT* have seen that woman'* first great nerd i* a thorough education of haad, heart and hand*. Granting that parents and teacher* hare been traa to their trust, and that the girl* of oor land reaeb inaturiiy thorough ladies and In every way prepared to meet life in it* •terneat aspect, they still hove mher neri!*. And what ure they T That her Geld be wi, and the doots of business thrown open to her ; that women be permitted to tread with delicate steps paths hitherto open only to mtn. And who is to do thia crest and grand work for her? Man. There art many fine-apun theories in reference to wo man’s ruling the world, but when we silt the matter thoroughly—condense it to the lowest possible point—we find that there ia sot a word of truth in them. ’‘Women rule the world 1” A fins (?) theory, indeed!—one which poets delight to sing of, and novelist* to found stories upon. But it will not stand » test, and practicability is what we now need. Since this is the cnee, women can aeldom succeed withont the approval and co operation ol men. True, the wife, daughter •td sister exert a poteut influence over their male frends. From thise, men term their opinions ol women in a great measure. Hence the need of sympathy and chnrity from her ocx—ihnt women open their hearts and look with compassion opon each other. But, as before suoed, woman’s success, especially wheie she is btongLt bclore the public, de pends chit fly upon men. She has ever need ed his approval, and it matters not how courageous or selt-rsliani she may chance to become, she will still need it. Ah. man !it is from yeur sneers, ycur frowns that she shrinks T iiniiJ and wanting in strength of character, when driven Irom her native heath, she is therefore keenly sensitive to the slightest word or look that does not fully in dicate approval of her course. Then lend ber a helping band, a word of cheer, a smile of approbation ;—not your condescending smiles and patronizing manner She neither needs nor de*iies to be patronized. The fvimer she needs—the latter she will scorn There is work lor each of us to do; yet we often meet many d fficulties in finding Ih' i work. ‘W but is my work? Where and bow must I begin ?” are questions that arise in the minds of those who have bean tiered in the pa:my days of the Soath. And why ? Because of our wealth, and our false education and ideas of work. We have been too wont to bow in bumble submiasiou at the fret ol that iron-hearted queen—So ciety ! Ah. Society !—it ia a false friend ; it will not shield us from the winter’s storm ; it will net Ised the hungry babes, or bting joys to our lieurt, nor sunlight to our dreary homes. A|l cannot find work suited to tbeir Wsie; htDee, some mu»t seek that which is unpleasant. And men and women must awakm (iota tbeir Kip Van Winkle sleep and sui-tait) the true lady, regardless of her m ans ol making a support. Vt ill they do this, is the great problem to be solved. We must admit that the women af the South, as a clusa. have tiscu grandly su perior to their misfortunes and distresses. There are many who earnestly desire to be more than animated lasbicn plates; who ask only tor w< rk and approval. Husbands, lathers, biotin ts- as exuliiugly u|K>o your well filled coflers of shiuii'g gold, and say perhaps, *T would rot have my wile, or my daughter, or my ei'jter engage in this or that woik,” rum moer that there may be in your very midst, among tb;>e “working women," daughters as deli cately reaied as yours ; tbete may bo those once as tenderly shielded Ironi svery lude •lorui as your wile u now ; oce who would faia ehiink liom publicity as the sensitive plant that shuts its leaves and hide* away at every touch. And as you look with loud pride opou jours, aud pray, ’ Father, keep them ever from want!" add, 1 oeg, ‘•And keep them pure aud unspotted from the world." 'I hen open jour hearts, and exercise that rare virtue, Christian chanty and ft mem ber that the Great Reaper may soon c ine and snatch yon from your tender, hot-bouse plant, and tbe, 100, maybe, suddenly and wholly nuprepaied, thrust from her hiding place antPtig the flowers that hedge berpsib, •at into tbe cold, bate world. Then iorget net tbe power, nor abase it. ) bare fai'b to believe that Southern women, although their Irgaciea may be only s bead, a heart and a pair ol bands, will yet riw to gtea'er independence, and that tbe trwly noble, both men aod women, will sus ta;u them in anj honest labor. Gov. HAwrvow ai»d His Mai.tkse Cat.— Governor Hsraptoo b»» a remarkable Mal tese cat—eery large, very intelligent, very fend of W« master, When the Governor was in health, Tom was his constant com panion in his daily walks about the yard, and would occasionally accompany him on longer rambles through the adjacent woods. It made but little difference to Tom that his master was sometimes moanted on such oc casions. Nothing daunted, he would trudge along at his horse’s heels for hours together, perfectly satisfied so long as he could “keep op” or even keep his awner in sight. The Governor's election to affi.-e was a severe blow to his queer follower, as it involved a daily separation which was eminently dis tasteful to him, but. like the sensible animal be is, he finally reconciled his affections to the claims of public expediency, and con tented himsell each morning with escorting his Excellency to tli* gate, at tome distance from the hou-e, when he would bid him a Md, if silent, good-bye, and return to the house until eveoing The Governor always observed as regular hours as possible in the di-charge of bis duties at the Slate House, and generally retarded to lib home about the same time every evening. This regularity Tom se»m« to have remembered for his own benefit, as he proceeded to avail himself of it 1 to the exteot ol hurrying baek each after f noon a little before the appointtd time to the gate, where tie ever and anxiously re mained to welcome his too-long ab-ent Iriend oo bis retam. During the Governor's illness Tom has been a constant end evidently sympathizing attendant— N. T. Tribunt. TdK Eyes or Boston Pioflb.— One thing elae about Boalon people before 1 close. The old people have all the good eyes. All the older musician*, scholurs,anihors,composers, whose names hare made Boston famous in the world ol letters and art, whose fame is as bread us tha continent, appear to have eicellent eyes, and get along on the street and in the library without tbe use of glasses —that is, so far us 1 have been able to ob •vrve. Oti the other hand, the younger class of literateurs and students are unanimously short-sighted. Young men here wear eye glasses as young men in Montana wear re volver*. and young men io Chicaga carry samples ol cordwood lor canes. I have seen boys 11 years old come along the street gluring nt the timid stranger through huge eyt glaa»es that beamed in the distance like gig lamps Once in a while, when joj are just growing accustomed to the white glasses, a tall slender youth will suddenly loom tip be*irta you and glower down upon yon through a pair of blue ones, and the effect is very startling. If you know, I believe there are babies born in Boston with spectacles on I ido not positively know of such a case, but wh>n y«u sec a child 18 months old, riding along in its cab with a pair ol born eys-glasses straddling its nose, you can't resist the impression that the baby was born that way, and would bleed todca h if the spectacles were cut off— H. J. Bur dttte's Boston Letter. Chii.diiodd —Let those talk of fhs mise ries of childhood thut will. I never knew misery in mine ; ard woe to him that makes the glad heart of infancy sad ! He sears the future bud of piomise, he is making th t wolul which God intended to be glad us the angels in heaven. 1 lie wises! and the best of men. let tiara have grown great, and learmd. and honorable as they might, ha vi al ways looked batk to tie shining days of their early youth, ere care had made its nest in the heart, and s»td with a sigh. “0. that I were a boy once more I” Man is a being that must be pursuing some object; ihe ta>y in the country has a thousand objects of beauty and curiosity to call forth his atten tion ai d ardent spirit, and he is as happy as Ihe day is loug. at the same time that he is laying up a store oi strength ard health for years of care and grave duties as he grows op. Ah I those were the times. After years we may be successful and even glorious ; we may conquer difficulties, aud dispense good and achieve gei nine honors ; we ntay grasp power aad dwell in the very lap ol riches ; but there never will come flowers like those then gathered ; pleasures so pqre and ex quisite as those then ei joyed; never such sunshine, never such beauties in air and earth, in thicket and wood and water —never anything so like to heaven—till heaven itself is reached.— William Hotcitt A BKAi'Ttrvi. Twocwht —How few men seem to have formed a conception of the original dignity of (heir nature, or the ex altad design of thtir creation Regarding themselves only as a creature of time, en dowed merely with animal passions and in telleattial facultiea. tbeir projects, dims, and expectation* are circom-crtbid by the narrow outline of human lile They lorget that in stability and decay are written, as with a sunbeam, upon all earthly objects—that this world, with all its pageantry, and pomp, and power. i» crumbling into dost—that this lit* is scarcely deserving of a -tingle thought, excepti, g as it forms the introduction to another, and that he alone acts a prudent or rational part who frames his plans with di rect reference to that future and endless state of being gin has so blinded the under standing, and debased the • flection-, that men never fail to invest some temporal good with fancied per lection, and idly imagine that the attainment of it would satisfy tne desires and Gil tbe capacities of the immortal spirit! How little do they know themselves! The soul is not cf tbe earth, and they will strive iu vain to chain it to the dust. Though its native strength has been impaired, and its purity tar uit bed. aod its “glory changed," it will not always be a prisoner beta. Send it lorlb, if you will, to range through the whels inau-rial universe, and like the dove dismissed from think, it will return without finding a single place to taut—for it has lie rtsiiog-pUce but the bosom of God, Man, with all hwgiaod endowments, finds it difficult to tread tbe perilous edge at an mange peel and keep his nose pointed m tbe directum Ins Cieator in tended it to point. A okSTi.KMAN stopped in Hartford a short time i-go and saw what he supposed was a boat-hook, hot was iulormed that it was a Hartford girl's ebot-buttoner. A vlt uevsr appears to such advantage at when be is standing on his bead in the centre of your pie, and rubbing his bind legs together in tbe air. A sßßvniaNTAt. German gave hissweet beait a flower which ha called, “Hea’i yon forget it.” NEW FIRM! Copartnership Notice. 11l A VK thia day aold « half interest in my bndm-n* to G. f. Turner, and the tnrnr and atvle of the film wiM be known i» fntarr aa Harper * Tnmer. R. T. II ARrKB. January 9th, 1879. We respectfnllv solicit a ahara of tha p«b lie patronage, te-lievmg wa can show as Sne and well assorted atoek al poods as will be found any whtrt. Our stock of DRY GOODS Is complete ia every particular, and iiolade a fine assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods. Linen*, Bleaching*. Domestics, and Fancy Notions af all kinds. Clotbins ! A new end elegant of ('U»hin?r, t-'Tor* M?l«* »n<) ijualitj. Geati’ Underwear a up**- cialtj. HATS AND CAPS To suit the lastet ol the masses, ami at prices that will meet las requiituteutu a( tb* trade BOOTS AND SHOES I Our stock ol Boo's and Shoes, hitting brn bought at a bargain in the Northern Mir ket*. we can afford to sell cheap and ar* pr. pared to offer extra iudaeements t* the trad. Furniture 2* We have also a large lot ol Furniture— Bed steads. Bureaux. Washstand*. Watdrob***, Tables, Chair*.,’etc —which w« will sell at exireinrlj low figure*. Bed room setts s specialty. GROCERIES. Special attention is called to our stock ol Groceries, which is quite large, and com prises every article kept in that line. Our stock is beiug constantly replenished with Goods that are earelully selected by vx perienced buyers, and are bought lor cash •mm first bauds, ihereby enabling us to seil to advantage—both to ourselves and customers. W iih all these facilities we are prepared to ex hibit at all times a complete general stock, and pur<ies wishing to buy can always hud some specialties at Very low prices at our store. GiveusacalL Harper & Turner. S This important crgrin weighs hut about three fl pounds, ami all the blt*od in a living person (about II three gallons ) passes through ft at least once every ■i half hour, to have the bile and ether impurities strained or filtered from if. Bile is the natural purgative cf the bowels, anil if the Liver becomes PH torpid it is not separated from the blood, but car- ried through the veins to all parts of the system, pQ and in trying to escape through the pores ei the Hi skin, causes it to turn yellow er a dirty brown color. The stomach becomes diseased, and Dys b pepsia. Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Fili •Tousnese, Jaundice, Chills, Malarial Fevers, Piles, 4] Sick auid Sour Stomach, and genenil debility fcl- Z|lew. M armbu.'s Hbfatink, the crea t vegetable discovery for torpidity, causes the Liver lo throw M off from one So two ounces of hile each time the PI blood passes through it, as long as there is an ex- Hi cess o* bile; and the effect nt even a fcw donee upon yellow eomplexien or n brown dirty looking skin, will astonish all who try it—they the I first nymptoms to disappear. The eure ef nil bili ous diseases and Liver complaint is made certain by taking HerA rmEin accordance with directions. Headache U generally cured in twenty miraittM, and no disease that arises from the Liver can exist if a fair trial is give *. SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Pries 25 Coats and SIX'" [LUNGS IP The fetality of Consumption or Throat and | Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least one-third of all death's victims, ari cs from the M | Opium or Morphine treatment, which simply stu- Ca uefies as the work of death goes on. £IO,OOO will ™| be pnid if Opium or Morphine, or any preparation Bgy| of Opium, Morphine or Prussic Acid, can be found ED j is the Gi-obh Fi.ow n* Cough Syrup, which has cured people who are living to-day with hut one remaining lung. No greater wrong can be done V 1 than lo say that Consumption is incurable. lie “ Globr Flowkr Cough Syrup will cure it when all other means have foiled. Also, Colds, Cough, ; Asthma, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Read the testimonials of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens Gov. Smith and Ex-Gov. Brown of Ga., Hon. Geo. Peabody, as well as U 1 those of other remarkable cures in our book—free gun to all at the drug store# —and be convinced ii W yeu wish to be cured you can be by taking the SI Glob* Flower Cough Syfuf. I Take no Troches er lozenges for Sore Throat, when you can get Globs Flower Syrup at tame Q price. For sale by all Druggists | [Price 25 Cents and SI.OO IBlaQfill Jk Grave mistakes are made in the treatment of al) diseases that arise from poison in the blood. Not |pH one ease of Scrofula, Syphilis, White Swelling, 0 Ulcerous Sores and Skin Disease, in a thousand, it treated without the use of Mercury in some form. | Mercury rots the bones, and the diseases it pro , duces are worse than any other kind of blood oc disease can be.BDa. Pbmikrtoh's Stillik er Delight is the only medicine ! upon which a hope ef recovery from Scrofula, Sy • ipniiis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can dc M reasonably founded, and that will cure Cancer. £xo,ooo will be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, :or aay ingredient not purely vegetable aud harra- H lens ean be found in it. « Price by all Druggists £i.oo. Glare Flower Cough Syrup and Mfkkell*-' IHkfatine for the Livrk for sale by all L*ru gists in a 5 cent and |i.oo bottles. A 1. MBB3ELL & CO., Proprietor* ~ PHILADELPHIA. PA DR. RICE, 37 Court Race, LOUISVILLE, KY., A r»*nUrlT rtantaS l«**ll» qmIHWA pkrrtriao .nd th. Bsovtsuccessful, as his practice will prove. Cures allforms •f private, ehroaie aad eexualUiecaeee, Spßl’Dlßtor rh*» and Impotencr. •**um remit oimb at uhTs youth, sexual *execsws ia matnrerrear*. ? r other eauaes. aud predurltnc eoine « 1 the following effects: Nei voua Besa. Rvmfnal rmieiieos, Diaincs* e! Sight. Defective Mem ePf. PMvsiemiDeeey, Pitaplns on Pace, Aversion to Sociitvef Feta alee, Conftnioa ef Ideas, laws of Sexua 1 Power, foe., re derlag marriage improper er enhappr, are thoroughly •Bd P.rm.,.nu r e»r,d. SYPHILIS eured aad entirely the svstern; GON* ORRHEA. Gleet, BirVture. Pile, and otherprt. Tawdieeaaee qtiiccly cured. Patleote treated by mail ore*. pre*s. r»nault*tloa fv*e and invited, ohargea reasoaaWfo aid cores»pondence etrietly eoafldentlal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 109 p.g.3, Hit t« ... .ddre.., »-»r«ly Mated, far lUhtg enta. Fh.uld be r*»d br bit. Addre*. .. » ea«< haul. fryiabA. M. Hi P. M. ButiJ.js, lUif.A B DR. BUTTS No. 12 N. Eighth St. Bt. Louis, Mo. Who hae had greater experience In the treatment of me sexual troubles efboth male and female than anv physifian In the Weet, give# the eeeu,ts of hie long and successful practice in hie twe aew vrvrks, iust pigsliohed, entitled The PHYBIOLOCY OF MARRIACE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Bock, that art rwllr fiatd.. ud teU-IMmlm in »i‘. la.t tere pertaining to Bueheed aad Weasenhssed. and supply srantloug felt. They are beautifully Illustrated, end iu plain knguage, easily understood. 'Hi# two books enibrsre*As pages»and contain valuable lefonaetloa for both kiarriedand •bjfle. * ! th all the recent improvements in medical treatment stand wbat our home papers say: “The knowledge imparted »n ■e- •«tte* new works Is in na way of questionable char acter. but la something ihst every ewe sbould know Tbe Teeth. virttm ef eerly indiscretion; the Baa. otherwise perfectly healthy maybe, but with waning vigor in theprima of lifo, aj.d tbe Wajßaa, ia | ■ W from the many ills her aex is hefiC O I "fu 8 1 to. —St Ijouls.fournal. Kl I a I Ll I 2 POPI I.AR PKU tfc-6* ets. eaeh L? Jlk VZ 1 . both in one voluior. $1 ; in rloth gilt, 15c*s extra. Sent under teal, onffl BS S Ttlfl receipt of price ic money or stamps. ■ 1 B ct —■ WIRMXKO BEST ASD CHEAPEST. Prices nnluerd. famphlel free. W'mUHfiSDEHJtt Works : Christiana, Lancaster eonniv, Pm. Office :23 8. Bearer st.. York, Pa ti 29 1> C[MOKP her dukham dan TOBACCO PRESCRIPTION FREE! Forth* srxwlv Cure of Seminal Weakness. L«s» Manhood siidall diaonler* brought on by indis cretion or excess. Asy Druggist has the ingre dients. i» r . w. iiqra * <«.. »«. »*• W«at Sixth Street. ttoHaaatl, O. ■■■ ss am sad Morphine habit eared. IIP 61 ! M |[ 5 i€ 1 RWI Opium fl'tln*. I- w It Sq-.nrs V ■ ■ war IW ■ a urtUsgb a, OrMO. Co.. Ind. WMrh-I *3l«*7. ftrv'X'^aarifih. »n. 50. Over 700 latest.NowSUw a 3* Ag uwsiwOLSo.Saerij-Co.NwloUlo.Toii*. V SS Ucan make money faster at work for us than at ant thing else Capital not re quired ;we will start you 812 per duy at home mads by the industrious. Men ,wo men, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work lor us. Now is the time- Costly out fit and terms free. Address Trcb & Co., Augusta, Maine. business you can engage in. 85 -D-EjOJL to §2O per day made by any worker ot either sex, right in tbeir owd lo calities. Particulars and samples worth 85 free. Improve yonr spare time at this bus'- dcm. Address Svivaok A Co., Portlaod, Mam. Gullet’s Improved Cotton Grin Pi.a».'tki!» are rf-’pedfollv invi’ed to ex ■mine this Gin before hnving 1 will tteen sample Gin, with Feeder. Ondenser aik] G’lllctt'a DenMe Revolving Cotton Pres* (dispensing with a lint room.) slwujrs on hand for exhibition. VVe guarantee tbe most pet* feet satisfaction to purchasers. In every par ticular. T e priec will be reduced n- xt *• a win from $4 to 83 50 per miw on the Gins ond from 81 25 to 81 on the F.-edets. I refer nil to the accompanying certificates of our cotton bnyers and planters of last year, and to the ceriifr-iiies of well known pLnt*-rs who are using Gullet!'s Gins, as to the extra prices obtain'd lor cotton "inned on them J A. BEKKS, Agent. Gr:ffiir. G*., March 10, 1b79. GairnN. Ga . Ma rh 1. 1879. We. the rind r-tgm-d,aiendng th<-Golf tt Improved Lght Draft ■Coii"ii Got *■ ih- Gil) is of snpi rior worainsnsh o For fa’t ginning, sah-tv in runniegand light draft ( o do the sHine work,) «e think it ha- r.o equal ) bat the most important fea'nte is the ana' h me t for opening and improving the ,atn|)!e The tust cotton is improved oy if so as t bring Irom to emit, mid etHincd and dirty cotton irom to l cet t per lb. mote to ihe (inffin matket ttmn on other Gins (Sigtietl) W J Bridges, T W Manley, J T .Mauley. fjsirriN Ga.MivlT 1878. To J A Bcek «, Agent for the Gitllclt Gin Mun'fg Co. Gi ijjht. Ga: —At pur re quest, *e, planters and dealers in cotton, givt t the public our opinion of your Gm. We lake pleasure in saying to all in need of new Gins 'hut it is now u well established fact that cotton g'nited on these Gins firings a higher price in our market than any other, and 'he Gins are in public favor Cotton ginii'd on them sold last season at from 4-4 to 1 cent per pound above the mar ket puce. Mr. Uulietl’s attachment lor im proving the sample oi cation, we ate sutisfh d, is what he claims lor it. The Gin appears to have reached perfection in gm machine y. (Siguvd) A(J Sorrel, T J Brooks, R P McWilliams. S B McWilliams, D YV Pat terson, K li Siius T J Bloodworth. I am also agent lor the celebrated Eclipse Portable Engine, manufactured by Frick & Co, lor tbe counties of Bjits. Spading Fayette and Clayton. J. A. BKEKS. uiai2B;3ut THE NEW DAVIS Sewing Machine fs now generally conceded to be the best in it’e. and thousands have been sold to delight ed pnrchaseis all over tbe country. It has a vertical feed, runs at a hiirh rate of speck which, combined with its peculiar feed, enables the operator to turn the wotk at anv angle while the machine is in lull motion., without changing the tension or length of stitch, consequently it ean easily do in a given time one-tbird more work than any rotary or four motion feed. It exeels in hemming, felling, tucking, braiding, cording, binding, quilting, rufflii g, etc . and tor all of which it has attachments especially adapted. It uses a shuttle which holds a large amount of thread, and which gives an even tension in tbe most simple For sale by G. W. Hrndemn. Hampton. Ga , April 19-Iy tu f I 6*l€ 11. h. tt ifet , i Hlliti 'Gil, Ga sep!3-ly Furniture. S. S- Middleton, HAMPTON, GA., Has on hand a large and assorted stock of FURNITURE, Bareaus. Bedsteads, Chairs. Secretaries, Wardrobes, Cupboards, And is prepared to manufacture to order anything you need to furnish vonr house Upholstering and Cabinet work done in the latest stvle and with dispatch. Coffins ale-sis on hand. <3> CiCi 1 week in your own town. 85 out free. No risk. Reader, if yon want a business at which persons ot eithir sex can make great pay all the Cnte il ev work, write for particulars to 11. Haluctt & Co. Portland, Maine Situcaiaa lor luk VVkkklt —§l 5o t-er auaw. Rated to $1.50! e» Hard Times no Excuse THE HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. PCRI.tSHKn WRTiV KRJPAV Hompton, Henry County, Ga. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER. SOUS'D IS 7 PRINCIPLE AND UN SWERVING FROM PARTY LINEI Confident that Democratic snnremsey em» only he maintained in the .State bv strict adherence to the cardinal principles of Dem ixvary, and unfailing courage in their sup port. THK WEEKLY will never oe found ieniiss in its duty, either hy departing in the slightest degree from Democratic doctrines, or failing to miintain them to their full ex eat at »!! times. B lieving it also to be a fair a- ninpiiop h t a Urge proportion of lie re ,d h of •eeeVly ncwsp.p rs see no other, •.’ •'ns wll tie taken 10 present each week, • hough uecesMM-ily in a eua*k u*ed foim ALL THE NEWS OF EVERY KIND, AND FROM EVERY QUARTER/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ooe - v »*- r 50 six month- Throe months **’’.’'*