The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, July 25, 1879, Image 3

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HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY HAMPTON. GA.. JULY 26. If-79. MARKET REPORT. pftrtDcrr. Correct*! vteitif by 1 T. Mon mu. Dealer in Dry Good* anil Urocnies. Floor 85 50 to 1 25 Mngnoli-i H«m« ]2 Clear Rib Sides . c Lard p Molasse* New Orleans Svrnp 4ft to fift New Orleans Sugar 9 to 11 rv ’™ 85 Chicken* 15 to 2ft 'Vheot Bran, scarce 1 25 Ba» t sft Oati 50 to 65 DAILY HACK LINE. tjeore* McPnnongh - - 7:00 A. m Arrires at Hampton, - - 10:00 a. m leaves Hampton, - - - 3:30 p. m Arrive* at McDonough, • - 6:00 r. m Pare. 81 00. *T. W. Maxwrll. Around Town. Butt* a is scarce. The days are shortening. W atrrmei.ons are plentiful. PkAchss are not very good this year. Sek Dissolution Notice of McDowell & Brooks. Mr. !>. C. VVhitt s and lady are summer ing it in North Georgia. Frank’s pony is an object of admiration wherever be goes. Four new brick buildings going np at once looks like business, doesn't it 7 Two button kids—opera shades—so eK per pair, at the Nrw York Stork. Two handsome brick duellings will be erected this summer, in different parts of town. Prof. Speir’s school of mathematics and penmanship opened last Monday, with a fine attendance. Hon. W. T. Pickkn has introduced a bill providing for fees to jurors iu appeal cases id Justice Courts. Wi are under obligations to several of our friends for kind remembrances this week, )n the shape of fruit. Mr. J. G. Zachrt, formerly of this county, bat now of Washington, D. is on a visit to hia father at Castle Mound. Quits a crowd went up to Atlanta this morning to witness the baseball tournament. The ‘ Excelsiors” decided not to enter the contest. Cot,. Rraoan has been seriously ill for several days past, but we are glad to know that his condition wa6 somewhat improved yesterday. Con. McCollum is fitting np the bouse in the rear of Bivins' store as a bar-room arid restaurant. It will be for rent about the 15th of next month. J. B. Wright, principal of the colored free school, stood a very creditable exami nation before the School Board the other day. He has given general satisfaction so fur. ’Squire Jim Farris solemnly avers that be hasn’t bad a real good rain on his farm in two years ; notwithstanding this fact, his cotton crop is said to be as promising as any in that part of the cannty. Wilson Gray has resigned his position ns bailiff of this district, and will devote bis time and attention to agricultural pursuits for a season. B. A. Belding fills the posi tion now, in connection with the office of Marshal. “llt Grandmother’* Cham,” is the title of a new song jost issued by R. W. Carroll & Co., Cincinnati, 0. The magic is by Prof. Schoeller, of Dalton, Ga., and the words by Mr*. Schoeller. We return thanks to the publishers for a copy. And the night shall be tamed into gas light, From oar brows the sweat we shall wipe, Then grab the pillow by the back of the neck To give the mosquito a swipe. Rev. W. F. Smith preaches at Mt. Pleag aot to-morrow, delivering the initial dis course of a series of revival sermons that are to follow daring the week. He will be assisted by Revs. R (J. Manley and S. H. Griffin, and probably other local divines. Ms. M. A. Jrsks, who resides in the lower part of the county, was shot and seri ously wounded by the accidental discharge of a pistol last Saturday. The ball entered bis right side aod went clear through, com ing out near the backbone. He will recover. In order to make room for bis Fall stock, which will be quite large, the proprietor of the New York Store is anxious to close out bis present stock. During the next thirty days, therefore, and for the purpose mention ed, be will sell goods at cost. See adver tisement. Da. TcsMPsrKD’s kitchen caught fire last Monday morning, and it seemed for a while as if there would be a serious conflagration. Thealarn^a^roropti^^j7enJiow|m^ and with the aid of a few buckets of water '.be flames were soon extinguished. The damage was slight. T*t largest fishing party of the season went out to the river Inst Wednesday, armed and equipped with seines and enough tackle to cateh all the fish in the Flint river, l atest advices, per special courier, report fine suc cess and a large time general'y. Rev. F. H. M. H unperson has given notice that, at his next appointment, (to morrow week.) he will begin a revival meet ing at the M. P. Church. The services will be protracted several daes, dnring which the pa*tor will be assisted by Rev. S. C. Master*, an eminent divine of DeKalb county. With a view to erlarelng his business. B. P. Thompson is having a cellar dog under the house which he has occupied for the past two years, and proposes next Fall to do a wholesale bnsiness. The work of excavation has been in progress for several days, but will not be completed before the first of September, until which time be can be found next door to W. S. Brooks. Pine Grove Lodge No 177. F. A. M. I Hampton. Ga., May 27th, 1879. ) Members are hereby notified to appear at their Lodge room at the regular communi cation. fourth Saturday in July, at 2 o’clock r, M. Business of importance. Members heretofore specially notified will take par ticular notice. Vetbum sat tapienti. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly By order of Lodge. G. W. Henderson, Sec’y. Thkr* ia a movement on foot to bnild a new academy, and jndzing from the interest that is beine taken in the matter by some of oar citizens, the enterprise will assume tangible shape ere long. Between three and fonr hundred dollars hnve been subscribed already, and there is hardly any doubt hot that the necessary amount will be raised in due time. Subscription Jnts hare been placed in the hands of Messrs. R T Harper and A. J. Henderson, who will gladly re ceive the names of those desiring to assist in the enterprise. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr. J. G Hughes, an old resident of this place, which occurred last Sunday morning, quite suddenly. He was in his usual health Saturday night, and did not complain of he ing ill until about 3 o’clock next morning, when he was seized with a severe pain in the side. I)r. Tnrntpeeed was called in, but found his patient already beyond the reach of medical skill when he arrived, and in less than two hours he was dead. His remains were interred in the family burying-ground Monday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Thb neighborhood of Stock brdge was the scene, a few days since, of the most shocking outrage that we have ever been called upon to notice. A fiend in human shape, who goes by the name of “Babe” Cochran, attempted to commit a rape upon the p rson of his little neice, a child not more than twelve years of age ; and was only defeated in his purpose by the heroic resist ance of his victim—who, wild with terror, mnnaged to elude his gra«p and make her escape. Unfortunately, he was allowed to get away, and has not been seen since. Hanging would be too good for such a mean, unconscionable villain, and we shall not cease our prayers until he does get bis just deserts Some one has suggested the practicability of organizing a hook and ladder company in our city. In the absence of any organiz'd plan or system whatever for the protection of property against the ravages of fire, the necessity for some such organization is cer tainly apparent, and should meet with the attention that its importance demands. A hook and ladder company could be fully equipped at a cost of not more than a hun dred dollars, ar.d it might be the means of saving thousands of dollars worth of prop erty. A fire, once under headway in the business part of town, would be fraught with the most direful consequences, so compact are the numerous blocks of buildings which line our princpal thoroughfare. Verbum sat. McDonough Locals. T. C. NOLAN, KDITOR. Tn* cotton crop in this immediate vicinity has been greatly benefltted by the recent rains. Wr regret to announce the scrioos illness of Miss Fannie Turner, who is prostrated with a severe spell of fever. The Griffin Nevx says that the Dorseys of Henry county have invested in a rich gold mine a few miles above Atlanta. Hon. W. T. Dichin has introduced a local bill in the House for the establishment of commissioners in this coonty. Col. G. W. Bryan has a fine vineyard Dear his premises which will yield a large quantity of grapes during the season. Rev. R. W. Rogers is confined to his bed with fever this week, but we trust that be will soon convalesce under the careful Dursiog of bis family aod friends. A protracted meeting is in progress this week at Philadelphia Church, four miles east of this place, and the visitors report a fine attendance on the service 9, with a man- The contemplated extension of the Macon and Bi one wick Railroad from Macon to Atlanta is meeting with popular favor among the citizens of this county. Messrs. J. Q Nolan and S E Dailey have purchased a steam engine, and have commenced operations to erect a gin-house. They propose to he ready for business by the opening of the cotton season. A farmer in the eastern part of this county is doing some wmk on a practical scale. Having lost his stock, and not hav ing the means to purchusc more, he puts his wife in the plow to cultivate his crop. When the woman tires out he takes her place, and thus, between them, they are endeavoring to make a living. They certaio'y deserve suc cess. Personal —Mrs Jus. H. Turner, of For syth, is stopping at the residence of A. W. Turner, K-q. Col. Andrew Sloan, of Savannah, has ar rived in town, and will probably spend the summer here. J. G. Coldwell, E*q., of Brooks Station, was in town on Tuesday last on legal busi ness. Misses Ora and Fannie Blalock and Mr. Thomas Cochran, of Barnesville, are the guests of Mrs. J Q. Noliu. Mrs. Sallie Campbell and Miss Lonln Walton, of Augusta, are visiting the family of G. M. Nolan, Ksq. Cburlie S[>ch- and Charlie McDonald are in Atlanta this week sight-seeing. Pre-eminent a« an elegant hair dressing stands Parker’s Hair Balsam, deservedly popular for the beautiful hair it produces, and its cleansing and healing properties. Oomrnencing ai the roots, it promotes a luxuriant growth of young hair, and unfailingly restores gray or faded hair to its original youthful color, giving a soft, rich and lustrous appearance of great bennty. It is pleusnntly cooling to ihe scalp, cleanses it from Dandruff, cures itching and humors, and stops falling of the hair. It is perfectly harmless, exquisitelv perfumed, never soils the skin or gums the hair, nnd pleases everybody by its many ex cellent ond attractive qualities. A patron assorts ns that he has n--ed 12 different hair preparations and that Parker’s Hair Balsam surpasses them all. Sold in large bottles a' only 50 cents and $i by all first-class drug gists. The Latest Musical Wonder. The Orgninette, representing Organ and Organise, Music and Musician. No toy or hnmb'ig, but the most marvellous musical in strument of the age. Plays from one to a thousand tunes. No limit to either kind or quulity. Plays hvinn tunes, quadrilles, pol kas, waltzes, popular song*, etc., with perfect accuracy. A mere child can piay it ; has the tone of a cabinet organ. In a tiandsome case. Weight only 10 pounds. Pries, with six tune*, on'y $ 10. Kxtrn tunes 25 cents each Guaranteed tc give more satisfaction for the money than any other musical instin ment in the world. Money refunded within 10 days if inst'ument is not satisfactory. Agents wanted everywhere. Send lor circu lars. Addiess I .udden & Bales, Savannah, Ga., Wholesale Southern Agents. “The Paris Exposition Has been a source of wonder to many, and of profit to srime,” among the latter being the manufacturers of Boss’ Patent Stiffened Gold Watch Cases, who received a medal These Cases are made of two plates ol solid gold overlaying a plate of composition metal in such a manner as to present ouly a gold snrltce. They retain all the beauty, strength and solidity of the genuine article, and while costing bat half the money, are guaranteed by s|iecial certificate to wear 20 years. When visiting yonr jeweler ask to see them. It won’t cost anything, and you will be surprised at the handsome designs and elegance of finish. Should he say he does not keep them, tell him he is behind the age, and to Fend for an illustrated catalogue to Hagstoz & Thorpe, Sole Manufacturers, Sixth and Chestnut sts, Philadelphia, Pa. PBICE REDUCED I Oullet’s Improved Light-draught Gin, Feeder and Condenser! I am agent for the above Gin, universally conceded to be the best in use. Testimoni als from the best farmers of the country pro nonnee it superior to any machine of the kind ever manufactured. The Bigelow Engine! Horizontal Engine with Vertical Boiler, mounted on four wheels. For ginning, threshing, and running all kinds of plants tion machinery. Farquliat’s Engines and Sepa rators! I am agent for all machinery of A. B. Farquhar’s manufacture, the reputation of which is too well known to require recom mendation from me. A large lot of Studebaker Wagons, Bug gies, ete., always on band. A. J. HENDERSON. Hampton, Ga., July ll;2m TIT | 1 A LIMITED NUM lAJnmnrr r BCtire ’ energetic lfV 11 ll— l l canvassers to engage ins 11 lAiiiUUUpleasjnt and profitable bus iness. Good mco will find this a rare chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, inclosing stamp for reply, stating wbat business they have been engaged in. Nooe but those who mean business need ap- Aiktreaa -gpg SADk jC^arj. Bottom Fricss REACHED AT LAST! T’q the Farmers of Henry And Adjoining Counties! HAVING just' opened n large stock of Dry Goods and Groceries in Hampton, I desire to say to the people ol Henry, Butts, Clayton, Fjyette and Spalding counties, who visit this city, and desire to examine or pur chase goods, that 1 am prepared to supply all their wants at as low price* ns can be had anywhere. My stock is large, ample and well-selected, and consists of everything usually kept in a strictly first-class Dry Goods and Grocery Store. Recognizing the demands of the times, I have marked my goods down to the lowe*t living figure, and shall have but one price for everybody. An experience of several years has enabled ine to understand the wants of the people, and I shall lie prepared at all times to meet them with such articles as Dlt Y GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, and Plantation Supplies of all kinds. Give me a call. Gr. Ei. Wise, Hampton, Ga., Feb. 28;ly EMMtmmtauuauttHMW OLD AND RELIABLE, ii Sanford’s Liter Inyiooratob! ! Standard Family Remedy for jw!! flea of the Liver, Stomach I 3owelß.—lt is Purely j lt never || JDebilitaten —It is JK Bfi {Cathartic and WW UL*'* \! gf oni c. ffll iJPv S I -! j Steyr'S I M j! ciiW^v p i! ■it® py In vigors, tor J has been needs my practices y the public,J than 85 years,J unprecedented results. J SEND FOR CIRCULAR.£ £S. T. W. SANFORD, M.D., SSL? J ANY DKIUCIHT WILLTKI.L TOP ITB REPUTATION, £ THE ECLIPSE ENGINE! * % Vv* - lAM agent tor the Eclipse Engine,and the genuine Geieer Separator, the best in the country. I have the exclusive control of the sale of these machines in the counties of Henry, Favette and Clayton, and have also the privilege of selling in Butts county. Parties degiring any of this* machinery will please drop me a postal at McDonough and I will go their houses and see them. I will also sell Saw mills. Gins and Presses as cheap as they can be bought at the factory. 1 will be iu Hampton every Friday. Give me a chance. Mr. J. H. Hightower, of Jonesboro. Is my agent at that place. J. H. BRYANS mayI6;4m For Sale. PURSUANT to the will of Q. R. Nolan, deceased, and for the purpose of a distri bution of the estate, I ofler at private sale a valuable plantation lying on Flint river, in Fayette county, Ga. It is situate one fourth of a mile from North’s grist mills, four mih-s from Fayetteville and seven miles Irom Hampton, on the Macon and Western Rail road. It has 100 acres in woodland and about 100 acres of good bottom, well ditched and in cultivation. The entire tract consists of 432 acres. A neat four-room dwelling, plastered inside, has been erected upon the premises within the last 12 months. There are four good tenement houses, with rock chimneys, oo the pNce. The well water is a« good as any iu Middle Georgia. If pur chased by lath of February arrangements C>*i be made to deliver possession in time for planting a crop ; if after that time, the place will be turned over next fall. Any person desiring to purchase such a place on reason able and accommodating, Grand Ginning Gut Salt I ■'■! .!!. 1 L .JUHS-'iLir GOODS AT A SACRIFICE FOB THE HEXT TIIBTT MIS I I TO make room for our Fall stock. Which will arrive about the Best of September, we will offer our entire stock of Dry Goods, Boot*. Shots, H its, Notions, etc., at and below cost. This offer will be withdrawn Ht the expiration of thirty days, as it is made olely lor the purpose of clearing our shelves in time for the Fall business. Largest and Only Exclusive Stock of Dry Goods in Town 1 No SUCH PRICES CAN POSSIBLY BR MKT WITH ANYWHERE r Except at the NEW YORK STORE. PROVISIONS ON TIME For Gilt-Edge Paper I ABOUT the 10th of February I will open a GROCERY AND PROVISION STOKE, and shall keep a choice stock of choke Staple Groceries, consisting i» part of CORN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, MOLASSES, SYRUP, SUGAR, COFFEE, AND TOBACCO! Wliieh I propose to sell at the lowest time figures for GOOD PAPER ! J. M. Williams will have charge of the business, and would be pleased to have all his old customers cull on him. and many new ones. GEO. SCHJ3E3FER. Hampton. Ga., January 31;6m Tho White Sewing Machine tin the latest out and the best, the inventors having obtained the three first patents in 1876 and the three last in 1877, the dates ®f which are stnmf>ed on the throat plate. Examine the different makes of much ine* for yourselves, ond don't take any one’s word as to which are The inventors are free to admit that many of the old patent sewing machines have then* particular good points, and after a careful ex amination of them all they have selected the best principles from them and embodied theai with their own new patents, thus producing a machine that excels the old patents in many Buy the White snd save peddling agents’ commissions, as we do not peddle them. W« give buyers the benefit of the peddling agents’ commission, which is from 810 to S2O on eae k J. D. & T. JU SMITH, GENERAL AGENTSI 59 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, U A. V. McVickor, Agent for Henry coonty. aug!3;ly Headquarters TQR SQOB BARGAINS! The Very Best goods At the Lowest Prices! —— PLEASE give me yonr attention while I throw out some strong, broad remarks, full ol interest, if economy forms any part ol the new leaf you have pledged yourself to turn over at the beginning of the year. 1 will begin by telling you (though it is hardly necessary,) that the country has resumed specie payments, and that it will materially change the monied values of ail articles of merchandise. It is bound to bring every thing down to what is called SOLID HOCK BOTTOM. I will add in this connection that I have in store and shall be constantly receiving, at intervals to suit the seasons, a superior line of goods, comprising all articles usually kept in a Dry Good* and Grocery Store, and if you are a lover of Nico Goods and Low Prices, tou can’t fail to appreciate my efforts to please the public in every way. Because resumption placed gold at par, you must not get it into your head that I atn too proud to take it. On the contrary, gold, silver or greenbacks arc alike to me. 1 take any legal mouey that is offered, and agree to give in exchange the best equiva lent that can be had in this market. Give me a call. 11. P. Mclntosh. MAinrgpSere— That she will osver get j ALWAYS AT THE BOTTOM In Prices ! And at the Top WITH AN UNTARNISHED Reputation for Fair Dealingl; THIS may be cnlled a fine speech by thos« who have never taken the trouble to make my acquaintance, or to study my mode of doing business. Still, 1 don’t ask, any body to take my word, or ir. fact to be infiki-. enced in any way bv a mere advertisement, but cordially invite all to call and investigate for themselves, feeling sure I can provu that I mean business and every word I say. Fair dealing helps trade better than fair weather. Nothing but steady, low prices, year in and year out. will create aad main tain a trade such as I have had since 1 com menced business. No need of argument prices alone tell the story. I have now in stock, aod will continue to keep such articles as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES . BOOTS. SHOES, HA TS, CAPS, PLANTAI ION SUPPLIES, And a varied and choice assortment ©I GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Tlianking my friends and patrons for their former liberal support, I hope, {fy keeping the best and selling as low as the lowsst, t» merit a costiosance of the same. sca ' that the Jersey varieiy was not