The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, November 07, 1879, Image 3

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HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY llaoipton, Oa.. .Not. 7, 1879. AO K ET RF.PORT. PRonrc*. Correct veeet/g by Z T. Atnnwm. Dealer in Drq Gorrlt ami Groce lies. Flnnr—Extra F-milv ? B 00 " Fanrlr 7 50 Msgrinli* Mum' 12W1 ; f'levr Rib Sides 8 laH -r 9 to 1« \l n)s»»>!.. 30 New O-leais Svrop 40 to CO \ow Qrlesn* Sugar 9 to 11 Cnffi* 18 to ?5 C orn ft* Veal 90 Chickens 10 to 20 VV(«.... 15 PnMer to 70 Wheat Bran I 25 Hit 1 50 Data 55 to 70 cotton irimm. Corrected vtcL'y by George Schafer. Cotton Factor. Sew York 11 *a At'anta 10*s Ftvannab 10 11-16 Uamnlon.. 10.^4 Receipt a to date. 5 886 DAILY HACK LISE. !«*▼•« McDonough - - 7:00 *. n .Arrives at //amt>tOß. - - 10:00 a. k. Leaves /7a rant on. - - - 3:30 p. v. Arrive* at McDonough. • - 6:00 p. a. Fare $1 00 J. W. Mxxwm.i- Around Town. Thkrk was a killing frost last Tuesday morning. Skrvtcxs at the Christian Chorch next 8-hbath. Mr J. H. Malum is run" : ng bis mill. by strain now. Falk-pay wns well attended last Taesdsy in McDonough. Wg enjoyed a virit from Col. R. T. Par,id, of Griffin, yeaterday. A hoi-6* sold in McDonough last Tues day for ore dollar and eighty ceots. C'.iji. MK'oux* and Reagan are in attendance at Fayette coart this week Pos’t forget to call at B. K. Tucker’* vbrn yoo want good goods a! low prices. Pitt* conrrv will make tbe largest cot ton crop this year that she has made for yeais. A Bricnm line of gentlemens’ black Cloth dress rsi t just received at B. K. Tucker’s. I nn ig wheat-sowing time, and tbe recent r*. in the price of that ctreal should admon ish us to sow heavily. B K Teresa b»* just received another large lot of new goods, which he oflera very cheap for cash. On* of oor most popular merchant* col lectrd thirty-6v© hnndred dollars last Sat urday on notes aod accounts. J. G. Coldwhju E*q., will shortly re move to Fayetteville, where be will engage in tbe practice of his profession. Mb. W. C- Sloan has purchased tbe house now occupied as a parsonage, and in a short time will bring his family OTer. Harness end Saddle* cheap ; Boots and Shoes cheap; Boots and Shoes made to order a specialty. Repsirtng done promptly. All at J. T. Bright's. A PBccßssios of twenty wagons came in from Butts eouoty last Saturday, all loaded with cotton P. S.—And they returned loaded with goods. Billy Kinsul went down to Washiug tnn c ißnty to marry off a friend last week. We retorn thanks for suodry remnants of tbe wedding lesst. Wg were mistaken as to tbe candidacy of Dr. Wynn is the recent election for Core etc is-toners. We understand be deciioed .o allow his name to be used. Last S-torday was tbe largest day ever known in Hampton, in a business sense. Over three hundred bales of cot too were received from dill-rent sources, and contin ued to roil in after dark. Taos* who are indebted to me, either by note or account, are hereby DOtifiel that if the same it not settled between Ist aod 15:b November, they will find tbeir papers in proper baud* for collection. Tak! doe notice and govern yourselves accordingly. B P. Thompson-. Hampton, Ga.. Oct. 23'd, 16*9. Mb- Saxtb, Davis, an old resident of this county, but who for several month* past has been v airing relatives in Louisiana, returned borne tbe other day. and on Sunday last a family reuoioo was held, at which fifty-four persons wfre present, including every grade of progeny, from sons and da ugh tern to great-grandchildren. He is now in fcis 63d year, and gives promise of many years of usefulness yet. UsnnnD business and other considers tioos Itave kept me in McDonoogb for tbe last three or four year*. I am now making mv *rr»«getnen'i to change locations; there fore, I must close up my bosi-ess at oscb. All parties Indebted to me wiil p ease call and set tie wimediaiehj. No second not will be give®. E M. Nolan, M- D. I have for rale, cheap for cash, two Soe coons horses, boggy and harness. ss.WHe.elc. McDonough, G»-, NoTcaber s‘.b, Godet’s LadvV R»ok for December closes the year 1879 with flying color*. Tbe pub lisher* have more than In'filied their prom ises made in Jartu.a- . and fach oonM of tbe year as it has succeeded has exceeded 'be last. In the December number we have an exquisite steel plate, from Darley’* original design, suitable to the se son. reminding a to whom we should render homige at the cheerful Christinas gatherings. In addition is a beautiful colored winter scene and a d lUble page of dainty trifl s for Christinas p-es* ots, at onee be-awful and sugges:ive. The mammoth colored ia-hion pL»ie is very fine, and tbe costumes of great taste and beauty. Besides this, are sevetal page* ol fashion patients of articles to help a lady in making a tasteful awl becoming toilet. Tbe pages of li'erary matter are very choice — i two Uhri.-lmas tales aod poems, a continna- I tioo of tbe series of -Representative . Women ” und several pages ol the interest ing Dovel, “A Risebul Garden of Gris.' Tbe recipes for a C’lnstmas dinner make the mouth water, aod in every department is shown the beauty and finish that character izes every issue of Godey’s L-sdy'a Book Tbe publishers promise a still better book lor 1880. It is a iny-iery bow they can make odp, but if they say so, they tr ill do it. Brilliant Wedding. One of tbe most brill-a -t social events of the season occurred iQ Fayetteville last Wednesday tveniog. The occasion was tbe celebration of the nuptials of one of Geor gia’s fairest and most gifted daughters and one of her rising aod taleoied young lawyers. At an early hour the hand-ome residence of Mr. L. F. Biahck was thronged with the i friends of tbe family, who had come to w it ness the ceremony which woaldf lose them one ol tbe brightest ornaments Middle Geoi- j gia society has ever had Tbe chandeliers lit op tbe spacious parlors with richest splendor, and shone o'er tbe assembled group with an effect that was troly enchantiog. Bright eyes met each other aod r- fleeted , back their own loveliness, and we dare say more than one luve-match will date its in ception from this happy boar. The contracting parties were Col. Claod Estes, of Gainesville, and M ss B a lock, of Fayetu-ville. Tbe bride was the picture of beauty, grace and love lines a« she walked into the room, leaning upon the arm of tbe man whom she had chosen above all others to lead her through life. The groom bore himself with that proud digoi'y and prepossessing manner which becomes him so well, and dearly evinced his con sciousness of tbe important trust which had been reposed io him . The attendants were Mr. C. Z. Blalock, of Fayetteville, and Miss Tommie Ford, of Maeoo ; Mr. O. T. Jeooings. of GainesviiJe, aod Mias Maud Bia'ock. of Fayetteville. Tbe ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by Rev. A E. Cloud, after which tbe whole party repaired to tbe lar*e dining-hall, where a magnificent repast was spread, to which e*ery one did ample justice. Toe table was one of the hand somest and most artistically arranged that we ever saw, aod would have dooe credit to Ddmonico. Tbe presents were both rich aod elegant, and will ever be treasured by tbe bappy couple sb soaveoirs of this memorable event in tbeir live*. They were sa follow* : Silver butter-dish—Miss Tommie Ford. Silver butter-dish—C. Z. Blalock. Silver butter-dish—Mrs. Crawley. Silver napkin rings—Miss Birta Blalock. Stiver napkin ring*—O T . Jennings. Silver csrd aland—A C. Blalock. Combination sett, (silver)— Mrs. J. T. Spence. Silver flower and fruit stand—Mrs. L F. BUlock. Bible—G. C. Looney. Silver butter knife—Willie Blalock. Silver pickle castor —Miss Maud Blalock. Silver pickle castor —Mrs. R*xa Blalock. One hundred dollars in gold—L. F. Bla lock. To the bright young couple, who have tbas begun life so aaspici&oriy, we tender oar warmest congratulations, and trust that every day may bring flowers aod saoshioe, and happiness unbounded. McDonough Locals. t. c., editor. Cot,. T. W. Acton, of tbe Conetitution was here on bis annnal round last Wedne*- dav. He left us with a smile »f beaming as usual. Sour of oor boys went down to the Macon Fair, had tbe jo'liest of trips, saw all tbe fun on band, and come back chock foil of tbe glorious good times they bad. Mrs. A. C. Nolan has a few hundred of tbe finest strawberry plants io tbe market for sale. Now is tbe time for transplanting, aod a small investment wiil repay any ooe by Spring. Qcite a cumber of people visited town on «ale day, attd property was rattled off at good round figures. A good deal of land was put upon tbe market, and Sheriff Good wio. io auctioning it off seemed it. bis glory Mr. Thomas Keixt is canvassing the I coanty in tbe interest of the “IllnsTrated Famdf Herald.” He proposes to offer to i to tbe pablic that will be bard to r 'use. He makes a good agent for bis , paper. Thu tnenihem of Fraternal I/vdge. No. . 37. are earnestly requested to attend the monthly eommnn’eation on tbe 3J Saturday ‘ night in this month, as business ot vital im portance to each and every member will be transacted. Mr A. F llabtkb harpetted to a errion* sccid nt ooe dav last »r* k. while out attend, ng to some buaine a in f*i» fatttt. He was standing in his wagon, dirretiug some hands, when the suddenly started, throwing him out arid dislocating his atm »t the sbi‘al der joint. Dr McDonald promptly attended to him, but he is still confined to his room. Thv grand jury of 'his conniy to their te ccot presentments passed a high compliment upon our friend, M r ('. M. Spar. for tbe t fficient manner in which he has discharged hie dn'ieji as Clerk of the Superior Court Never was a compliment more deservedly bestowed. as all will testify who have v'sited his office since his initiation into public sec vice. Mr John Y. Evans, an old resident of this county, died on last Wednesday morn ! ing. He lias been help'ess for several moo'bs. and wbl'e his death was expected, it was soddeo. He was probably tbe larges' man in the county, and woo'd have weighed in the neighborhood of 350 pounds on the day of bis death. His remains were interred ai Bethany Church on Thursday. An election was held here on last TValiJ for County Commissioner, which resulted ’.a the seleciion ol Messrs. R A. Heoder-on. J. W. RoaDtree, Anbury Vk . Turner, Andrew Dick<oo and W A. Speer. Tnc vrte was not as large a- it would have been bad tbe election born more widely known. Th-' bo;ird elect i« comprised of good citsa-ns. who liave their connty’s welfare at heart, and will without doubt ably represent us. On last Friday night a week ago a remarkable n>e!eor passed over this eoautj, appearing in a roatbwesterly dinctiou. and going diagotmlly across to the northeast. Those persi-Nis who witnessed its fight give a most glowing description of its ap|>e*raDce aod beauty. About 8 o’clock, r. ■ ll ap peared near tbe western borie-'O, ar.d rose rap'dly towards tbe moon, which was ‘b ; ni‘ig in meridian splendor. Tire light was so brilliant as to eclipse the shadow# cast by the moon, throwing tbe shadows f-om an eastern inclination to a western ns it passed by. making the figures of ttees and I,ousts imaged on tbe ground by tbe moon's ray* appear to tremble as if tbe moon itself w»* in commotion. After reaching seem ingly the position of tbe moon, it diverged into two flaming bodies, moving rapid.y to the north-a»t, where both seemed to pao-e an instant, and then bora! into many sbiuing fragments. About one minute after its di appearanre a heavy distant rambling, as •' thunder, which lasted probably two minot-s was beard by many of oor people. Some assert that the windows of their houses rat tled. as if from tbe slight shock of an earth quake. Upon the whole rt was a remarkitble occorrence, and for a short time caused con siderable nneasin-sa. Among the useful Toilet articles we not ; ce a much-liked preparation for tbe hair, possessed of properties so remarkihV that no one who care* to own a cle* n and healthy scalp with b-autifu! hair sh u d pass it untried Its prooerties are cleansing, invigorating sad healing snd sf ter a few applications tbe hair CJ-*f>« tn fall. Daod-uff and Humors disappear and the hair grows clean, soft and silky It keep* tbe head 000 l and com-ortable snd eradu.illy restores the hair if gray or f*ded to tbe natural and life-l’ke color beautiful to look upon. It s Parker’s Hi>t Balsam that iuis woo such popular appcecV.ioo br its many excellent and beaithfal pr pert -s. Sold in large bottles, at only 50 cts. and sl. by all fifsl-claa* druggists. lion Watches are Made. It will be apparent to anv ooe, who w II rxam oe a Solid Gold Watch, that a# ie Po m the necf-assry thickness for er.grav d? and polishing, a large proportion of iHr precioos metal need, i« needed only to stifle and bold the engrave! portin'* 1© place, sod ■apply the necessity solidity and strength. Ibe surplus gold i* actually needfess soAar a* utility and heaotv are conceiLed In JAMES boss’ ’patent tfoLD WATCH CASKS, this waste of preei-u* metal is overcome, aod tbe same wtiidity and strength prtxhiced at from one-third to one halt of the o-a*l cost of solid ea*e«. This process is of tbe most simple na’ure. a* fol low* : a plate of nickle composition metri, especially adaptol to the purpose, ha* two plates of soli! gold sold red one on each ►ide. The three are tfe-ti passed between polished steel rollers, and the recall i» a strip of heavy plated eompoeition. from which the cases, backs, centres, br* -l*. etc . are cut and shaped by suitable die* and formers Tue g ild io these ca»»s is ioScienriy thick to admit of a d kind* of chasing, engraving and enamelling; the engrived cas-s hare been carried ou'ii worn perfectly smooth by time and use without removing the gold THIS IS THE ONLY CASE M ADE Wll H TWO PLAT Es OF SOLID GOLD AND WARRANTED BT SPECIAL CERTIFICATE. For &die by all Jewelers. Ask for Illus trated Catalogue, and Is see warrant Library of Universal Knowl edge. Volume two of this very excellent, and from an ecooom cal point of view, extra >r dio .ry work, is is-ued October 25th. It# 376 aeatly printed and well bound p-iv ! ccntaio a wealth of kDOwledw * 1 j tbe alphabei between care t and Biroc *pch *>n gone T’ aid , ner-r before procurable for the tr fl ; ng snm of 50 rents ! 7Ttc 20 volt, complete con- ! tairmg over 40000 dis'inct articl s. and j nearly i- many more incidentally mentioned | subjects, with complete index, are si.fficieut of to I'flord a hheral educatioo to ■ any one of limited r»sourc-s. Asa nutter of course, ttay are finding their way into 'he ha uls of hundreds ol thousands of those! whose love of krowedge has cxc-edcd their j power to buy it at 'he great price* charged j for CyelopediA* heretofore publish'd in thh | conniry, none of which equal this in the j MiHoont of matter given Volume three will j be ready e»r!v in Nov.mber. and Tbe re- i maming volumes will apyiear ab-ot tv* eaeb month ihereaft'-r. The pub'Ubers will seid a specimen volume, which may be returned if not wanted to any part of the United Stales, for the price, in cloth, 50 cent*, half morocco. 75 cents, or on extra fine heavy piper, wide margin-, bound io half Russia, gilt top for 81. Their cata- I I gue of standard publications will be sent j ' fine on teqnest. American Book Exchange, 1 Publishers, 55 Beckman *iiet. New York. Worthy of Attention. We advise all our readers, whether they own a foot of lard or not. to supply them wlves with 'bat treasure of useful, practical, reiiible information, tier American Agitati 'Ui ist, so named because start«d 33 years ago as a rural journal, but now enlarged to em i brace a great varietp of most useful reading \ lor the H tosehold. Children includ'd, for tbe Garden, as well as the Farm—for all classes. , Each volume gives gome B<*o origin! En gravings, with descriptions of la'Htr saving ■ml labor-help Dg cootrivat ceu of plants, fruits, flowers, animals, etc., including many large and pleasing as well as instructive, pictuo* lor young and old. The constant, I systematic exposures of Humbugs ami Swindling Schemes by tbe Agncollunot are of great vaiu - to every one, and will save to nn»t persons many limes its cost Alto gether, It is ooe of tbe most valuable, as well a- cheapest. Journals any where to be found. Tbe coel is only #1 50 a year, or 4 copies lor $5. Single nambers 15 cer t*, scribe at once for 1380, and receive the real of this year free, or send 3 cnt stamp for po-tage «.u a specimen e©py. ATlrees O auge Judd Company, Publislnrs, 245 Bread way, New Yolk. New Merchant. NEW GOODS, AND New Prices! I AM now prepared to offer rare inluce ments to consumer*. Mv object is to sell honest goods, dividing tbe nsoal large prufi:* a*ked with my customers. I mein what I ««y; call and 1 will prove what 1 have asserted. Mv stock consiiu* principally of bd abor ted lot of Groceries—graded Sugars. Cuff-©*, Rice Cheese. Mackerel. Sardines. Oyster-. Ov-ter Cr.ickers Lemon Crackers. Soap. Starch, C-iodfev, Fiour Laid Meat an ! Meal, nod a splendid lot of Tobacco and Cigars. Mv D y <io <d= can’t tail to please, bo’h in q ulity mid price. I have a large sti-ck of N’otions ir.d Fancy Goods, such as Lidies’ sod Mtsae*’ Shswis and Sacqaes. (x-piiyr and n;«era) plain and fanev H me. L'n- n emhroi di-red and Silk H iiidkerchietu. Ladies’Col lars. Collarettes and -Cuff*. Empress Frai«e. Psrisias Silk. Brocaded Dies* Good-, sod many o'bvr article*. I have also a large and well a9*orted lot of ready mode Clothing. Brsits Sbo"* aod /fa's, Shiniog and Sheer ng ; a so. tients’ ■ud Ladies Underwear. Men* Dress 8 .irtw, from 81 up. Jiaus lr in fifteen amt* op. 1 m-isi sesfiec'lslly invite cit sms of Henry and adjainiog counties to call and ex amine my stock. D. W, D3RSETT. Hampton Ga.. AuguJ 22:6m liery Goods. MRS. A. LOWER hasnpeneda Millinery Store at the old stand of Mr* J S W il ciain-. No. 24 H ill street. Griffin, Ga., aod has received a New Stac k of good# in that line, and is p epared to famish them to the ladies ot Griffin and the sorroonding eoootrv at the Lowest Possible Pri ces. 1 shall aiway# keep a (re*n supp yot cacti good* as my trade demands, snd I *sk the public to exarn oe my sioc* before pur chn-ii.g 1 have juft received a fine assort ment of latest *tyie drew bats. »i king hats, children’s Imis. etc.; also a be*oi fui assort ment ot pattern bats, and everything usually kept io toe Mlilinery line. With the as*i«- ; ance of Mis* Mamie Jacksoo and Miss Kate Camp, I hope to be able to please all who will favor me with tbeir jiatronage. oetlOtf MRS. A. LOWER. Furniture. t». S. Jliddletou, H.LHP 70S, GA^ Ha* on band a large and assorted stock of FURNITURE, Bureau*. Bedsteads, Cliaire, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Capboards, GRAND FALL OPENING! THE BOTTOM KNOCKED OUT! UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES! NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS I i fP H\VISU jnat retained from market with an entirely new s ock of goods, I am now prepared to serve my (rlends and customer* with anything in the way of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions. Boots, 'Shoes, Hats. Caps, CROCKERY AYI> GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, Etc., they mav wish, and at prices that absolutely rlefy competition. I krep no »h«Uy goods i tiny are first cits* in ev. ry pjrticular ai d are cuar.nteed to bv a* god I would direct attention to my Dress (io-A Departu»-nt es{*cia ly, w.ucb the U'lß are eordially invited to call and ex imme. ~ . ' Jfcg.' I shall a!*© keep * lud line ol Groceries, which 1 esn aff >ra to sell as cheap a* anftma Renv-mber. 1 will not be undcinukl by anybody. Give me a call. *t the new *tore next tc G. E. Wise's. _ _ A- Grlaser. Hampton, Ga , September 25. 18<9. A Card to the Public! lo the Citizen* of Henry and adjoining Count tes •• f , H-viug locatetl at ILnpton and engaged in tbe mercantile boatness. I brg leave to tt>- foim roj old friends and ihe pablic generally that my atock nf Bry Goods, Clothing, J Totloos, Boots, Shoes, Sits, CAPS. DRUGS HARDWARE . GROCERIES, Etc, is now in. and 1 think ample enough to supply the want* of all From an experience of twentv rear* in bo«me* I have ow to the e-metasion that good go are the cheat«st to the huv'er and I -hall end.-svor to keep none hot good good*, und sell them a* tow as can be afforded for the citsh. Thanking you lor past pationage. I sol cn a cootiouanee of Iba same. Call and examioe my stock belore pureha*ing. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! I have bsn dolv appointed to act as agent fo* Wanastatcer k Brown. Pbilade’pbia, the largest clothing house in llte world, and am imw ready to receive order* for sny kind of clothing ibat msy kedttind Suits made to order, from 813 50 to S3O f*o according to q iaiitj. I his i* the ooly method of securing a g «od fit a d without extra co*t. fbava lust received a full line of run pie* for the F-ll ir» de of 1879 together with fashion plates descrip'ive ol stvles etc. which I would be pleased to exhibit * o l^«■\ T . f *’ ur with a call W * C * SUU> Hampton, Go . September 26. 18,9. A SEW DRY CO CDS STORE IS ORIFFISI MACK BROTHERS Have just opened with an snd fashionah'e stock of Dry Goods Cloth ing, Boots Shoe*. Hals Etc-, purcha*d direct at bisdquartera aod for Cash, winch eoatiles u? to DEFY ALL COM PE 111 ION. DRESS G33D3, SILKS ASD SATISS. CLOAKS AHD DOLMA flits KNIT SHAWLS, SACQUEB, CORSETS, Ac. Our Ciotbing and Shoes were nianafac ored expre«»ly for os. and we invite an examine* lion of oor slock and price*. Remember, our goo<t§ are all !r***b ard new. sot shcif-woro or packed away from ooe st-asou to another lor years p*»L Give os a call. MACK BROTHERS. *-.26 No. 31 Hill street, (Flemitier k Brooks’ old stand.) Refreshments FOR THE IHHEB MAH! Finest Liquors and Best Restaurant in Town! Having recently enlarged and otherwise improved my Salottu, to meet the require ment* of a con-tanily increasing trade. I am now prepared to -ave my patron* in a style that will in-ore a full return of pieisur* for •he moony invested, and shall make it my aim tn conduce lo their comfort in every conceivable way. My -lock of Wine* and Lquors i* not excelled in the State for parity, and I ihall mde-vnr aiwaji to keep it np to !’• present standard My restaurant, which it now open, will be in charge of Henry Smtt. tbe best restaura teur io Middle Georgia and tb.»*e desiring a goal meal will always find here the v--ry best that tbe market aflord*. Meals at all hours. CIGARS! CIGARS! Beer oa Draught! BILLIARDS AND POOL I Lovett'a “Private Stock” always oo hand. Call and see me. B. F. THOMPSON. Hamptor,, Ga* Sept. 19;tf Legal Blank* of ail kind* for sale at Tbe W eekly < ffice. Job Work -.jiicited and executed with neatness. ALWAYS AT THE BOTTOM lel Prices 2 And at the Top WITH AH UNTARNISHED Reputation for Fair Dealing! THIS may be called a fine tpeech by tboss who have never taken tbe troabis to m*ke my acquaintance, nr to study mv mods ef doing ba-ines*. Still. 1 don’t ask any - body to take my word, or in fact to be influ encerf in any way by a mere advertisement, but cordially invite a!! to call and investigate for themselves, feeling sure I can prove that I mean bu-ioess and every word I s»y. Fair dealing helps trade better tbao fair weather. Nothing but steady, low prices, year io and year oat. will create and main tain a trade *uch a* l lmv“ had since 1 com menced bn-me**. No nerd of argument precs alooe tell the *tory. 1 have now in stock, aod will cowtinae to keep sach articles at DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS. SHOES. HATS, CAPS, PLAN TA 1 ION SUPPLIES, And a varied and choice assort meet of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Thanking my friends snd patrons for their former liberal support, I hope, by keep eg the best and selling a* low as ;be low«st, to merit a con tin ol the same. Z. T. Manson. Hampton, tia.. March 2i-ly PAY FOR YOUR td. a p r ri