The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, April 11, 1890, Image 6

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FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Ola. Mr. Editor: —Road working seems to lx the order of the day with us, and not having been worked before it wa» greatly needed. We tender our thanks to Messrs, liatey, Cowan andJßaird for the most excellent manner in which they worked our school road. We had the pleasure of listening to one of the most interesting sermons last Sabbath, at Sardis, by,Rev. J. M. Book, that it has been our lot to hear in some time. • Would like to know when the Far mers Alliance order will reach Hen ry. What is the matter with McDonough cotton buyers? We noticed Samuel A. Austin hauling a bale back home last week, he reported that he could not get an oiler. Jessie Barnett’s favorite dog (Wade Hampton) concluded last week that he would go mad and started to take in the neighborhood, but thanks to Mr. W. A. Ilooten for mixing buck-shot with his carcass. The dog is dead. Johnnie Ilooten, who has been quite sick for ten or twelve days, we are glad to announce, to hi* friends and school mates, is improving rapidly, under the skillful treatment of Dr. Curry. Rev. T. J. Bledsoe commenced plant ing cotton this morning. W. I*. Norman has a good stand of corn. Uncle Henry Barnett has been quite sick, at.this writing, we are abbs to re port his improvement. We will announce our ticket so far as made up; for representative, R. H. Fargas m, Newt Glass, sheriff, Buck Dickson clerk. Fhihkt. April Ith. fll|iptis. Mr. Editor: —As you haven’t hail aitv correspondent from this place in some time. 1 will endeavor t« give yon a few dots. The sun now shines again; the far auers have jjacliued the idea <4 having the Hilues, and smile tinder the heat, of the sun, us lie illuminates the earth. Mr. U ard Berry aud family, of Florida, are visiting, Mr. M. R. Berry of this place. Mr. Berry is in very bad health. Mr (J, A Anderson is still confined to his room with rheumatism. Mrs Alley Harris is quite sick. | The little babe of Mr. 1 ’hi 11 ips, the t "’Y ,7' ", y( "Mr John Rowan earned Ins little daughter Anna to the gate city last week, and had her throat treated by Dr. Crawford. Miss Annie Harris has returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives in Griffin. We still have SabbiUh school; about fifty in attendance List Sunday. Rev. T. J. Johnson preached at the Academy last Sunday. Prof. J. P. Ward opened his school this morning; he did not have any school last week on account of the lain but has a very good school again this week. Success to him. Success to Tin; Weekly. April 4th. Random Itiilcli Town. 1/c. Editor :■ —-March liar, passed quietly away, ami April lias taken her place with beseeming modesty, ami spring -eem-; to have bloomed out in all its effulgence. The bristling weeds and grass that have peeped pp through the wreck of winter, the budding trees of the forest, the beautiful flowers that deco rate the yards of #ur homes, the sweet scented honey mickle and apple blooms that affords their share of aroma for the honey liees. and the aerial songsterts, that warble their matin homage, and the warm sunshine that piovokes a gen tle lassitude, forces the proverbial ‘•spring time upon us in unmistakable terms. Since the rains have ceased, the far mers have takeu courage, and have gone to work with a will; resolved to work while the sun shines. I'he Sabbath school at County Line is in a prosperous condition, and num ber* over fifty students. Preaching at Mr. Canuel ia-t Sat urdav and Sunday by the Pastor. Mrs. J. K. Babb, was the guest of Airs. H. E. F.xum last Sunday. Several of the boys gave brer Babbit •.mother chase last week, and killed thirty-six in one day. lie had better pick up his carcass and immigrate to a less sanguinary section. Ask Lee Hill who caught the wild duck. Wonder if a certain young widower, living near Babb, ha-- killed that big dog yet ? We mean the one that met him at the door and politely took off his cravat. Ah, George. beware of mad dogs ! We certainly have reason to sympa thise with Shortfellow, for recently lie had occasion to visit a neighbor on bus iness. and a surly bulldog uiet him iu tlie yard, and left the inference that he was mad, and Shortfellow seeing >hat there was some aniniositv existing, and remembering to have read in some book or other, that a soft answer turneth away wrath, - ’ proceeded to ap jiease his anger, by the utterance of kind words ; but seeing that he heeded him not lit endeavored to make good his escape, and the further he went the faster he got, ami the faster be got the farther he went until he came in reach of a wagon, ami having nothing else to' defend himself with, he gathered up ' the wagoil and threw at the ferocious canine, but fortunately for Bull he threw it with such vehemence, that it 1 missed its mark, and left Bull unhurt. The wagon however, is minus a tongue now, and Khortfellow doesn’t go there anymore. He thinks Bull has hydro phobia. Don Jtax. April 2nd. Habit. Mr. Editor :—Since our last report Mr. F’rost, of Troup county, visited our little city and organized a F’arnters Al liance club of eighteen members; so hard times with our farmers will be a thing of the past, and we may see joy, peace and good will towards all men. Bast Saturday we witnessed the burial services of Miss Cassie Fannin, at the M. K. Cemetery ; and in the evening at the M. I’. Cemetery we witnessed the sad scene of Mr. and Mrs Heurv Ste phen's litlle infant, whom our Savior thought was too precious to let wander any longer in this world of sorrow. He said suffer little children to come unto me, forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Our road overseers have all worked their roads, and have got them in good condition. Vo Local had to set file to a portion of his road and burn the broom sedge off so the l>oys could find the road. .Mr. John 11. Coukle, Jr. is very sick ; the docter pronounces his case typhoid fever. The rest ot our sick seems to he getting better. One of our young wi lowers, while visiting his best girl last Sunday evafl- I ing, met with a very warm reeeurton j not from the girl, but it was lies' Path- , er’s large cur dog who met kiln at the door, and informed him that he was not a welcome guest; so. young man,; you had better go slow next lime. Mi«s Ella Pritchett is visiting in the gate city this week. Sheriff Dick Moore, of Hampton, worshipped at, Mt. Carmel last Sun day. Singing at 2 Vdock l*. M. next Sun-: day evening at Mount Carmel. April 2nd. A. V. 51. ( Nliuke Kw|£. Mr. Editor :—lt lias rained four - days this week, and it has put the far ! rners further behind than ever. Wheats and oats look very promis ing -u titis - The first of April passed off quietly, and nobody was very baffly fooled in this neighborhood. To-day is wash-day ill over this coun try; ami the beatling-stiek sounds so norously in the air; this little diver sion always causes late dinner. The mud-holes are getting a little t >o deep to suit some of the road com missioners; guess we will have to let I them off. they are none too good. Why do lawyers and editors wear derby hats ? Is it a sign of good luck, | if so let us know. Please give 111 the name of the books I adopted hy the hoard of county school commissioners. [See report of county school commissioner .J. C. D.iniel on another page. —Ed] Rev. (>. B. Ijuiilans sermon at Beth el on lasi Sunday w as a splendid effort, lie held his hearers from the beginning to the end of his discourse spell-bound, and they all pronounced it excellent. Stockbridgo was well represented at the meeting. Elleuwood was also well represented, and Till: Wi.eki.v’s cor respondent from that quarter was on hand in full force. The other twin babe of Mr. K F. l ook died on the 31st. nit. and was bu ried on the Ist. inst. at Union ceme tery. Mr. William Preston, a well known young man, of Rockdale county, died on tlie 31st. ult. and his funeral servi ces will lie conducted by brothers ,1. ! Hamby and John F. Aliuand, primi tive Baptist ministers, of Rockdale couuty. Heu fruit is so scarce aud cheap that | the liens have decided to retire from; business and sit awhile. Oaks. April 2nd. Kllrnwowl. J Jr. Editor: —After a silence of a good \> liile. we will try to give you a lew news items. In company with Mr. .lohn Guthrie no took a trip through the country, down to Mr. Tom Laney's ; found ev erybody iu good spirits. Mr. Guthrie has moved down there to take pictures. Mr. Guthrie is a fine artist, and those who desire to have their residences ta ken will do well to see him Indore hav ing them taken. We attended preaching at Bethel last Sunday ; heard a very interesting sermon from the Rev. O. B. (juillau. He also preached at the school house Sunday evening. Guano is scarcer than we have ever known it to be before. We kuowof some young men that would go ten miles any Sunday even ing. and go through rain. mow. sleet, mud and storm just to get to misbehave at a Sunday school. We think if they just knew how badly it appear* they would stop it. M rs. J. M Bowdeu is teaching a j very flourishing school at Auvil Block. Mrs. Bowden is a fine teacher. We hope that Muggins coate oat all j right in T ncle Sam’s court, and will f get his pay when he needs it. April 2nd. Cite*. Nberirellew. Mr. Editor :—We are justly proud of our excellent WF.EKI.T. The Editor and correspondents are so original in all they write, that one feels like he I is talking with the whole brotherhood 1 when he takes up the paper. Originality is the life of a neiwspa |ier. VVe always feel at ease in the: association of men who exercise their native talent and call things by their proper names. Disguise is wicked, and liable to ex posure. Mrs. McVicker has a hen that keeps her nest near a paint keg. The original color of this hen is often ob scured. In dry weather the artificial color predominates, but in wot weather the original appears all mingled, with paint. In the lattter plight she makes a horrible picture, and well illustrates the contempt in which assumed ehar ; acters are held. The other day Doc 1 Bald) looked out and exclaimed, “Ha! ! what kind of a chicken is. that?” | When he was informed tba* she was ! painted lie had no words that would ex i press his contempt. He only said j “pshaw!” Your editorials, aud the letters of vour correspondents are appreciated because they are not borrowed from great men, nor encumbered by circum locution, J found circumlocution in the dictionary. Once upon a time I tried that style. Becoming terribly rust less iu tb- army I repaired to head quarters to ask for a furlough, with a | long string of dictionary words, well ar : ranged, as I thought. Before the otti ! cial I spoke my piece with all the pa thos of a funeral sermon, carefully ob serving the rules of rhetoric, and, with al, emphasizing mv words with jestures j sublime. In the meantime the officer 1 looked steadily at me with one eye shut, until I had rounded the last pe riod. Then in a gutteial tone he asked “What in the h—l do you want sir!” 1 turned away iu disgust, determined to speak straight thereafter. p When exercising longue or pen. Just think of that McVicker hen, And never try to ape the saint Id rubbingou deceitful paint. As your able correspondent, Bro. .V, V. M. gives you the news of our town in full, to repeat the same would lie. monotonous. Therefdre, I leave tli/t department to him. If. through the.mere io* .of (did, health returns, I will watch tha flight of the birds, and by your j>ermission will give your readers the benefit of such discoveries as I may chance to make. As others are naming their men for legislative honors, please allow one to sav. that the people’s first choice is rendered unavailable by my protracted illness; therefore, the next best man shottld be called into requisition. That man. in my opinion, is Col. C. M. Speer, of MeDenough. He would take the bull by the horns. April 3rd. Siiortfkllow. 'f'livMiiha w, M r. Editor :—Did the April Fool mob get iu their work on you ? The sunshine is glorious after so much raia. Hope it will continue for sometime. Mr. Tailor Hunt has the right name. He beats the Jews hunting. He came over the other day and killed seven squirrels on a half aero wood lot. Me were willing before he came t« make an affidavit that there was not seven squirrels in the neighborhood. Rev. J-. M. Bowden tilled his regu lar appointment last Sunday at Phila delphia. Two youths of this neighborhood, who were anxious to cultivate a mus taelie, did tli# razor act ou their upper lips. Failing to have the coveted mus tache to come to time, ayouug lady in formed them that thu mustache had bro ken out above their eyes. Their in itials are, J. K. and VY. W. Mr. .John 11. Guthrie, artist, has stopped over in this neighborhood, with headquarters at J. T. Laney’s. Messrs. Sam Daily and C. A. Mc- Kibben made a pleasant tall on Uncle John McKibben last Sunday. Mr. Ike Smith and Kd Cowans at tended Philadelphia church last Sun day. Mr. AV. A\\ Duffey ii feeding his hor ses on corn that was raised in 1880. As yet he Las not touched hit corn crop of 1887, except to house it. He has several large cribs full. If the far mers would adopt the rule to make a living at borne the couuty would be safe. • Formerly it was the custom of Billie Craige tx make the welkin ring with his joyous songs as lie went to his work, but we have not beard a word from him this year. Is it because you are mar ried. Ilillie, or what is the matter? Mr. \\ alter Whittaker lias a red head and gray horse, but where is the damsel with auburn hair? Cicero. April 3rd. A writer in the Detroit Free Press heads half a column with “How to Iron Shirts.’” Should think 'twould be cheaper to steel shirts. A’cic Haven yet ct. Mr. Editor :—Here we come again with our little batch of news. March is getting in iu work on wet weather tip year. Farmers are becoming very appre hensive on accoent of the numerous de lays caused by rain. Quite a large number of them have not done plant ing corn. The guano crop is not all planted yet. Rev. T. J. Bledsoe preached a splen did sermon last Sunday at Liberty Hill ;to a large and appreciative audience. The people who attend Liberty Hill church are highly pleased with brother i Bledsoe. ! The mumps have this neighborhood by the neck. Billie Wilkins has been prostrated with them for sometime. Wonder what bas become of Prof. : W. T. McMillan ? He has cause to smile on our community. We like to i see him around, and would like to ! shake his genial paw often. Billie Nash, in reply to Don Juan, says ue lias not had the felicity to find Charlie yet. but says if Juan will come to see him be will give him an “itemiz ed statement” of his bereavement. H. T. Avery has equipped himself with a new buggy preparatory to going to the big meeting, elections, parties etc. lie says he is for primary elec tions, Buck Dickson, Rug Rowan and A. V. M. Misses Ida and Annie Massey, of | Babb, are visiting the family of Mr. j H. T. Avery. | There is an old bachelor in this neigh borhood who says lie is geing to give the youag and maiden ladies a fair | chance to catch him this year, and if 1 they fail he will make another three years run until next leap year. He is a pretty good looking old fellow, lie has enough hair on his to keep a flv ; from putting tar on his sock while , making an excursion across the top of ; it. K. 1. Abercrombie, a young geutle- I man of eighteen summers says he lias not been courted much by the ladies this year, but if he lucks well will do a i bettor part by them next year than they j are now doing by him. Muggins is about correct, so far as our view* go. W® do not think it | right for Spalding to have whiskey and j Henry none. i Messrs. Jno. snd Tom Ridgedill, of your town are visiting their uncle, Hen- U'V Ridgedill, of this section. The public roads iu this section are I » bad condition and we think the over ■ seer should put them in condition be i fore it interferes with farm work. April 2nd. Plow Bor. From “1,." Mr. Editor :—Please permit me to notice, briefly, a few expressions of C. A. B. it rather those of his obsequious followers in your last issue, and es; e cially one of C. A. B’s own calaber of 2nd ult. “Owing to the pressure of business wo have neglected to notice the whimsical utterances of L. of the 9th inst.” Mr. Editor, who under the sun ever heard of C. A. B. being press ed in business, the trip to Birmingham, (Sand Mountain) being even consider ed ? Preposteron thought, “pressure in business, from 9th to 27th ult. Pressed through rain, bad weather etc., he and his .satelites, whom he unfortu j uately misconstrued as superior lights, ; spread along for eighteen days and neg lected to notice etc. We say satelites, for if C. A. B. had been left alone he might have presented a better reply, although an idea of suicide had addled his crauium. “Neglected.” it seems to us there is some contradiction here. Pressure of business—we did not have time, yet neglected it—carelessly or, designedly omitted it. A pressure in bu siness sufficient to obstruct our aims, | aud a neglect to accomplish those aims at the same time. d*n’t seem to harmo nize very well. We reasonably suppose that C. A. B. and his forces remained silent till they could arrive at the same mind which exploded in imaginary effulj gence in your last issue. Great minds fiow iu the same channel, aud vice ver sa. Now, Mr. Editor, in order that your readers may properly understand C. A. B. and bis associate quills, aud that’wc may not be accused of a misconstruc tion of his, or thair language, we res pactfully refer to a question propounded to you in vour issue of 2nd ult: “Would you commit suicide or, get on a com plicated drunk ?” Had you answered, commit suicide, C. A. B. might have been to-day a dead man. He is certain ly under obligations to you. which he should under no circumstances disregard. In the question is there not conclusive ly a suicidal intent contemplated? Iu view of this is it not the very quinte*- cence of impertinence, to say nothing of the egotistical presumption in a would be self-assassin to allude to the “stupid ity” of any one ? This intent is sure ly sufficient to supersede even the pro priety of future reference on our part to anything that might eminate from a pen almost stained in a suicide’s gore. In conclusion we are sincerely glad C. A. B. is living, and truly hope he may live long-become very happy and ex ceedingly prosperous. April 4th. L. Reunion of the Nineteenth C>eo> rffin Regimen!. Mr. Editor: —Somtime since we suggested a reunion of the Nineteenth Georgia Regiment at Salt Sptings, Ga., and as far as we have enquired the proposition meets with general satitfac tiou. The place being agreed on we would suggest, Saturday, July 28 as the time. If there is no objec tion to this arrangement, the members will communicate with each other, and have it understood that we agree ou time and place. Mr. Editor, we are sure you will ren der whatever service you can in the premises. We hope that Captain H. 11. Kelley I will call a meeting of the Henry Guards j at McDonough at some convenient time at an early date to organize and arrange lor a meeting. J.vo. M. Thi rman. April 4th. RICHT HERE IN CEORCIA. Wh*t Oar Friends and Neighbors Say an a Matter of Vital |ui|>Srtaiice. Below will be found a sample of the multitude of letters of encouragement Messrs. H. 11. Warner & Co., of Roch ester, N\ Y., daily receive. The sub joined unsolicited testimonials are from your friends and neighbors, ladies and gentlemen you know aud e»tenm for their honor and straightforwardness, and who would scorn to be a party to any deception. What has been done for others can be done for you, and it is folly, nay suicidal, to longer suffer when the means of recovery lie at your very door: i Atlanta, Ga., (168 Jones street), Jan. 14th, -1888, —“Warners Safe Cure” is an old friend here, and we all use it. In fact we can’t do with- Savannah. Ga., Jan. 9th 1888. — “Warner’s Safe Remedies” deserve all the praise claimed. I speak from ex perience, having at several times had occasion to prove their efficacy. The Rock, Ga., Jan. 4th, 1888.—I have used several bottles of “ Warner’s Safe Cure” and I think it the best medicine comes to middle Georgia. I have used it with gOod results. Cfo-trpVf. Bklltu.n, tic, Dec. .13th, 1337. “Warner’s*SaA Care” )s a, most valu able medicine. !mv • used it with great benefit to mvVdf. Grantville, Ga., Dec. 13th, 1387. —“Warner's Safe Remedies” are in great favor in this locality. Noecboss, Ga., Jan. 19th, 1338. About five years ago I was taken with a risiagand thumping and at times a quick beating of the heart, so fast that 1 could not count the beats. I had a dull, numb feeling between my shoul ders, and a pain in the small of my back. I found temporary relief by taking some simple treatment hut nothing permanent. The spells kept increasing in number and severity until I was suffering all the time. 1 sent for a doctor, tfie best we had, and I told him I thought I had heart disease and requested him to examine me and find out what was wrong. lie did so, but could not locate the disease. He left me some medicine which I took, but found no relief, and gradually got worse. _ I became so nervous t hat with the least excitement my whole system would quiver like a leaf in the breeze. 1 sent for another doctor. He exam ined me and left several bottles of med icine, but he did not. tell me what w.ts DEAN’S AST GAIJJRY. ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS. CRAYON PORTRAITS, - GOID+AXh+VEkVET-sPIC-TCKE+FBAiHES Ma<ic to Order: Old Piitun s Copied anti Enlarged. Celebrated lCstey Oryunx and Via nos for Sale, either Cush or On Time. GRIFFIN, GA. April fi. 6m. The New Planing Mill, We are prepared to make anything yon want in the way of Building Material. If you want Ddors. Sash, Blinds, Window and Door Frames, Newels, Pannels, Hand Rails, and Moulding of all kinds and description out of the Best Dried Lumber you can set it at the New Plaining Mill as cheaply as you can get it in Atlanta. By buying your Buil ding Material of us you Save Freight. We are deter mined to Duplicate Atlanta Prices, and il you give us a trial you will be convinced you have made money by favoring us with your trade. We will keep constantly on hand a Large Supply ot Lumber, Shingles, Brick and all other Building Material. You can Save Money by Trading With Us. Mill near the Depot. S. G. TINGLE & CO. Oct. 7th. the matter with me. I was then suffer ing very much and every dose of the doc tor’* medicine made me worse,—no res t day or night. I got so lew that when I looked out everything had a dreary, gone look. There came to my mind a statement which I had some where seen, containing numerous rec commendatioris of “Warner’s Safe Cure. Though opposed to proprieta ry medicines, I resolved to try it. I sent immediately for a few bottles of i it, aud as soon as it came I began to j to ta ke if according to directions for a severe case. In 24 hours after taking the first dose I felt relief right away. ! After taking ten bottles of "Warner’s Safe Cure” I felt as well as usual. ■■ W arner s Safe Cure” saved mv life. ' A Woman’s Discover), "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven vears she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved ou taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been mi raculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.” Thus writes \V. C, Hambrick Co., of Shelby, N. C.— Get a free trial bottle at C. D. Mc- Donald’s Drug Store. © "v > 1 ■ w rrygsua i i ( 1 EORGIA, —HENRY COUNTY.-—Where Vi as, \Vm. J. Colvin, administrator of Tftlton Colvin, represents to the court in his petition duly made, that lie has fully ad ministered the estate of Talton Colvin.' This is therefore to cite all persons cone rued, heirs and creditors, to snow cause if anv they can why said administrator should not lie discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the Ist Mon day in June, 1338. Wm. N, NELSON. •ho. Ordinary. A CARD TO TAX PAYERS. 1 ■'lease allow me to insist ou yam all, fo make returns the tin*t, opportunity. laist year about J rfo-thirds of the returns were made after tin- Second Round, and a ; great many were made after ths last round. The. law allows only till ‘.Tulv the first to re ceive returns, those neglecting it later than that can pay a double tax. From the first of April till July, three months, is time enough for. everybody to make returns. ITease come up as opportunity offer Mo! oblige. Yours, etc. -• ■ ■—■—nJUihi-J.'' 11 It. T. R. 11. Cf.‘ y“ first Hound. Tussahaw, Thursday, April. sth. Bersheba, Friday, April, (ith. McMullen, Monday April. !)tb. White House, Tuesday, April, tilth. Brushy Knob, Wednesday, April 11th. Shake Rag, Thursday. April. 12th. Stockbridgc. Friday, April, 13th. Sandy Ridge, Saturday. April 14th. McDonough, Court Week, , Tussahaw, Monday, April 23d. Locust Grove, Tuesday, April 24th. Lowe’s Wednesday, April 25th. Hampton, Thursday, April 26th. Sixth, Friday, April 271 h. A. A. WOLFE. 'fax Receiver. All in in is. Ira tor's Hair. I t EORGIA HENRY COUNTY.— Bv VT virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, nil 1 be sold on the Ist Tuesday in Mar, in the town of McDonough w ithin th - legal hours of sale, the following property belonging to the es tate of John F. Wolfe, deceased, to-wit; Fifty acres of land more .or less, on which deceased resided at the lime of his death, in tile seventh district of sain county, and bounded on the north and west bv lands of Dora \\ olfe and Allen H> Hand, on the cast by lands of Alien Holland and on the sooth by lands of J. W. Alexander. Sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. March 30th. . Wni.T DICKEN, Administrator. THIS PAPER^’^swsa