The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, May 30, 1890, Image 3

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HEAD THIS. T. D. STEWART & CO. THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, will sell you Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. HOW IS THIS FOH LOW ? A gcod hand saw for 50c, Good Flour $3.50 per barrel, • Car load of N. O. Syrup from 25c up, Splendid all-wool suits, $5.00 per suit, Solid, whole stock Brogans. 90c per pair, 1,000 bushels red, rust proof and feed oats, 25 barrels granulated and Orleans Sugars, 30,000 pounds of the best wheat bran, 100 boxes tobacco—all grades, Car load of young mules. Buggies and Wagons, Farming Tools. A LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS Always kept on hand, consiting of Shoes, Clothing etc. They are prepared to furnish the country with Supplies and Mules ON TIME, and will GUARANTEE PRICES against anything or any body. They give you THE TOP OF THE MARKET FOR COTTON The year round. There is not a House in the State that can offer you superioradvantages, orthatis better prepared to buy goods at inside figures and sell them the same way. If You Want To X>o Well And Prosper DO AH,YOUH TRADING WITH THOS. D. STEWART & CO. THE ATLANTA GUANO CO. IS NOW OFFERING The Celebrated SUNNY SOUTH ACID PHOSPHATE, Manufactured by the Atlanta Guano Co, This Popular Acid has been adopted by the HENRY COUNTY ALLIANCE. THE RAINBOW AND EDESTONE CUANOS, o well and Favorably known, are now being offered at Prices as low as the Lowest. We have no middle-men. Our employees work for a salary, and when you buy our Fertilizers you buy DIRECTLY from the Factory. When you need anything in our line call on our Mr. A. F. Harper, McDonough, Ga. JOHN M. GREEN, president. ATLANTA GUANO CO. -—THE EAST TENN. VA. & CA. R’Y. SYSTEM fc r “-w”' wV A iUU *v C 1,.." joHliPCc q’l&rt “* '* jJ . „ T- E N N I ♦ Somerville ; a"O* AsHtviLL* c r MISS XL . * I* ( «e\obou\ \ 7 * ';'W ’B zb~ _* hu * 5 w \_ KSO NVI LLE%I MfflHfS y * -'** X • ygS y lIAUGIISTmt t.', SHORT AND DIRECT LINE to the NORTH, EAST AND WEST and the SUMMER RESORTS of EAST TKNa. VA. ii NORTH CAROLINA. Summer exeuisiun tickets on sale May loth, no signatures required to annoy fam ilies traveling without escort. No passage limits in either direction, as much time a* desired can lie consumed from slai ting point to destination ancT vice versa tickets good to return until October 3i,l*Mß. l iru-sl I*iilliiiiiu Sleeping Ciar Service iu a lie Hontli. For any information ar.plv to Agents or CHAS. N. KICHT, A. C. P A. Atlanta, (.a. B. W. WRENN, C. P. A t.A.. Knoxville, Term. In advaced age the declining powers are wonderfully refreshed by Hood's Sasaparilla. It really does”make tie weak strong.” T« i lie I‘nlific. This is to notify the public tlmt .). Hinson, colored, who being under con tract with me to cultivate my crop un til the 20, of duly, 1890, Ims left my employment without cause. Any per son employing sail Henson will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law April .30. A. B. C. Dailey For Sale! ON Eof the most desirable homes in the delightful city, of McDonough, on the K T. V. Alt. It K and terminus of the t.corgiii'Midland Jr Gulf R. R. Known as the Hutton house and lot. The dwelling is mw, built ofthe best material, and tia“lv finished. 11 has five rooms and a good pan irv including a good stove or cook room and closets. It has a nice piaza around the North and East sides. It has to be. seen lot* appreciated. The lot comprises one acre without buildings, all inclosed, and elo.e to public square. Terms either cash, or i asv lor a term of years at 1% interest. IV,’, or. ' U. VV RJiVAN, Ml DfclifcUgh, G HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. McDonough, (la.. May So, is;io Homo Affairs. Can \ou unravel this riddle? 1 There 'ived a U'lng in d.n * of olil, OF which 1 make a wonder ; Hr li ad in him a living soul. Which after OoJ did hunger. He never sinned in all his days. He was so well ho’ aved , He never had a spark of grace, And how can he he saved 1! He (Hd obey the voice of God, Although he was no professor ; He was given as u rod To punish Hie transgressor. The fruit crop is poor. Judge Picken visited Atlanta Mon day. Ask I.intber Jim where Hilly How leg is? A trood many cotton squares have been reported. Miss Josto Howden lias been quite sick for several weeks. Jesse Harnett, of Ola, was in the city a few days since. Mr. L. S. Stanley of I- iat Shoa’s, was in the city Wednesday. Messrs. Lura and Bob Williams, of the Grove, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Laney HUnUinship, of Peach Stone Shoals, was in the city mondav Messrs. T, D. Stewart and C. R. Walker visited Atlantata last Monday. Messrs. James Cochran and Dave Fargerson of Macon, wer e in the city this week. Mr. G. B. Tye, formerly of this place, was iound dead i t his bed iu Denver, Col. Clerk Dibkson, was quite sick sever al days this week, but we are glad to note is up again. Mr, W. A. Speer and family, of At lanta, spent several days with relatives here the past week. Mr. Akron B. Stephinson, of Flat Shoals,visited friends and relatives in the city Wednesday. Mr. John J. Smith, the machinist was in Rockdal county a few days this week repaiiiug engines. Mr. D. R. Starr, of Scotland, Geor gia, spent sevejil days with his Henry county friends this week. Col. C. T. Zachry w-is called to At lanta by telagram to see his daughter Mrs. McCalla, who is lying dangerous ly ill. George Knott w’H go to Atlanta June Ist to take a course in book keeping at “Moore’s Buisness Col lege.” Mrs. W. H. Smith, we are sorry to n te, has been confined to her bed for some days, but is. at present, some what improved. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church last Saturday and Sunday, the presiding elder and llev. T. S. L. Harwell weiein attendance. Mr. T. D. Stewart was called by tel egram, 'I huisduv, to !e, Indiana, to see brother Jeff, who had his leg broktn from being thrown a from buggy. The recent rains have made the ground wetter tl an it has been since Cbrismtas. It finds the crops in pret ty fair condition, and no fear of grass is entertained. The handsomest summer shirts we have seen aie to be found in the stock of Meßsis. T. D. Stewart it Co. Call and examine them, autl you will find something prettier than butter (lie's wing. John Rowan will plant five acres in potatoes this year. It will be remem beied that he made over S2OO. on a little more than an acre last year. He will perhaps rnaka more clear money than many men who plant fifty acres in cotton. Mrs. J. M. Johnson, one of the most heuevolent ladies in the Sixth District sent a nice basket Of dainties to Mr. C. A. Audersou, who has been coufiu ed to his bed for more than eighteen month*. Her example is worthy ot imitation by other good neighbors. The following Census Enumerators were appointed lor Henry county : M. C. Lowe, Luni Shields, John Flor ence, J. C. Dauiel, W. S. Shell aud W. S. Foster. They are good men aud all good dem ocrats. The gland cyclops, who had the appointment could not have made better selections. Sam Tingle comes again to the front with profound expression of satisfac tion. Some would think he had found a bag of money at the end of the rain bow, or that some relative had died and left him a large legacy so well pi .used he appeals. But it is nothing of the kin it comes from having a cvv ten pound Ikjj. We are feeling awful uppyty sine, our sanctum is beiug decorated witii a new double deck ;oitico it, fro t. When completed there will no i»c a more handsome building in the • utility than the Stewart uilding. It i, due nr Thouia* D. Me war to say that i does not believe in extra scoll pi aud trills, hut when it com. s to wuat in needed I e never ‘pinches hi bliu ' The creeks in I’enry county are iju* merous, and the fish—well, • they are not so numerous, but the boys go just t e same. That good, old patriarch, Fitch Alexander and his beau frere, John Woodward came to town Tues day and armed and e<juip|ied themselves with a good double barrel seiu, and two jugs of it might have been syrup or it might have been .train oil, or it might have lieen many other things, hut it was not. The man who had been snake bitten said it looked, smelled and tasted like snake medi cine, the kind that fishermen always carry. At the residence of the In ale's moth er, Mrs. M. A Tye, Mr. Caul Tur ner and Miss.losie May Tye, both of this place, were married Wednesday evening at K:3O. l»y Rev. J W. Stipe. The contracting parties are well and favorably known to the society people of the town.. It is a fact, general}' known that Mi. Turner is a you gman of fine business qua rficalions, end we risk nothing in predicting that he will make a successful buisness mail. The bride, whose charms are not surpassed bv the fairest of the land, is prize that might ta envied by ihe dashing beaux of the city. Wo throw the old shoe after the happy couple, and wish them all the happiness the gods can bestow. Cure*! Sound amt Well, I contiacted a severe form of contagi ous blood poison, for which I took Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) and from its use derived tiie most satisfactory re sults. At first I con-lilted the best doc tor, as 1 supposed, in Boston, who pro scribed mercury treatment. At the ex piration of two weeks I asked him how long it Would take for him to cure me. His reply was if I would follow his directions he would promise to cure me in twj years. This being rather dis couraging, I con ulted a friend, who advised me to take uo more doctor's medicine us he was positive I would never be benefitted by it. He thou told me that lie would procure me some medicine that would wipe out the disease in a short time, and brought me several bottles of Swift’s Sjecitic (S. S. S.) which I am happy to say cured me sound and well, and instead of taking two years to accomplish it, I was under treatment only five months. Israki. Gelineau, Peabody, Mass. Treatise on ltlood ami Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CJ., Atlanta, Ga. Obituary. Whereas, death hath again visited Mi. Carmel Alliance and has taken as its victim, our beloved and worthy brother, John J. Campbell. Therefore, be it resolved, Ist, That we sincerely mourn the loss of our brother Campbell, and that our sympathy and help is hereby ex tended to tiie bereaved family of our deceased brother. 2ud, That as a brotherhood we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the nexf thirty days. 3rd. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the the family of the de ceased. 4th, That these resolutions be spread on the mingtes of the Alliance. sth, That the Henry Colnty Weekly and the Henry County Times be requested to publish these resolutions. iM. Wallace, ('omtr : ttee. tJ. W. Fields, (George E. Wise. Ms Pills stimulates the torpid liver, strength ens the digestive or*»n», regulates the bowela, and are uuequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial districts their virtues ire widely recognised. as they possess pec uliar properties to freeing thesystesn from that poison. Elegantly sugar eoated. Dose small. Erica, Weis. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. Mk. Hor kh eider. —Yoseph ohfdot Rosenbloom calls mit hill, tell him I lief gone mit Ney Heavens for a veek Joseph.—Yes. sir. DRUNKENNESS—LIQUOR HAD. IT—ln all the Word there is BUT ONE CURE. Dh. HAINES* Got. hen Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the per sou taking it,*effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wieck. Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without theii knowledge, and today believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effect results from its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Send for circular and full particulars. Address in confidence, Golden Specific. Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O. 'Mrs. Hockstein. —lt ves Abie’s birt’day Aaron. Vat ve gif him? Mr. Hockstein —Wash ohfavin dow-pawe, unt led him loogk oud unt see der boss-cars go py! Slick henda. he. l.illiouenes*, nrusea costiveuess. are promptly and agree* bly banished by Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Liver and K dney Fillet* (little Fills.) SUMMER RESORTS, EXCURSION RATES, OXIiT .» 2 CENTS per mile traveled. fn'v^ TICKETS ON SALE IMI-A-TT 16th. No iron clad tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. For information apply to Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to 8.1. WREN, (. P. l£t, KboztHli. Tm Everywhere Ayer's Pills take'the lead. Physicians I prescribe them as the best remedy for Indigestion, Torpid Liver, Sick Head ache, Rheumatism, and Constipation. They contain no calomel, ami being sugar-eoated, are pleasant to take. "One of my customers has been great ly benetttod'by the use of Ayer's Pills. He was troubled withadisorderof the J, A *v» liver and was in fail- JJ| ing health for sev- » M, eral months. Since ■J - ii h i...g iii I. la Ayer’s Pills ho has aha wonderfully im-i..Wk Jfpfr jiroved, gaining rap , Wii ee 1 i ng , in general demand mKbJH Jb among our custom thorn exceed ihose * of all other pills combined. Wo have never known them fail to give entire satisfaction.”—Wright & Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. “ Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe headaches.” Kmiiia Keyes, Hubhardston, Mass. “After much suffering front dyspepsia and constipation, l lmvo finally been restored to health by taking Ayer’s Filin. Thin remedy never fails.” —J.L. | Fryo, Suro, Me. rrvjmrotl l»y l>r. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mu*#. THE NEW YORK STORE IN JACKSON, LEADS THE VAN With an Immense Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, Direct from headquarters. The choicest line of Fancy Dry Goods and Millinery to be seen south of Atlanta. « NEW. STYLISH, QUALITY, CHEAP, Check Muslins scts„, worth iocts. elsewhere. Lovely Stock of Ladies Ildk’t’s scts. Worth iocts. elsewhere. Prettiest line Sattcens at iocts. to be seen anywhere. Challies all prices and colors. Dress Goods all shades and widths. The biggest slock of White Goods you ever saw, ranging from sets, up, and dirt cheap. Beautitul 35 inch Swiss Flouncings at 75cts. a yard, and up as high as $2.00 a yard. Ilamburgs an immease stock from gets, up to $1.50 a yard. In Parasols, Fans, Laces, Kid Gloves, Hosiery and Fancy No tions we show you a line that would do any city Establish ment credit. The choicest stock of Shoes, presided over by the handsom est Shoe Man you ever saw. No risks in buying of us, we guarnn eu our goods. In Clothing we are headquarters, handling only the choicest, perfect fitting goods to be had, and sold mostly by merchant tailors. Big Stock, Choice Styles, LOW PRICES. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. This line is anew feature with us, and in undertaking it we fully understand that we have the big cities to compete with—therefore, to meet this end, we engaged a lady expe rience to take charge of it, who has been in the largest Mil linery House in New York City, and is a designer ol Pattern Hats. We intend that this new feature shall lack for nothing in bringing it tc the front as a leading line in our business. What we do, we try to do well, so, if the ladies will come to see us we will show them a line of Millinery and Dry Goods at Prices you will see nowhere. Notice these columns for our “OPENING DAY” and be sure to come and see those lovely PLUMES we have in Store for You. . Money Saved is Money Made. SMITH ETHRIDGE & CO. PROPRIETORS THE NEW YORK STORE, In Jackson- WHAT tCOTT’S EMULSION CURES Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hare gained one pound' per day by its use. Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stiinulat ing properties of the Hypophos £ lutes and pure Norwegian Cod iver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE A* MILK. Sold by all DruyyMs. ■OOTT ». lOWNI, Chamlsta. M.Y. GOOD TO RETURN ; UNTIL rrsrov. let. Ken only! LOOT er FAILIHO MANHOOD rti and NERVOUS DEBILITY | kaiii ef Body and Hityi. Effect* Tortor Bimiui in Old or Yount, felly New It ttlint ui Su«afte«e WBAE, CIDEVELOPED OSUaiSft A PAKTSOF BODY. IMalttf eeHMitaf mi liiiiaairi-Muttu la • cat. tttliij hM 10 lUltt a 4 ftrtfp (miMh. Fnetkta. IwiriyUn Beet. tt/Usattos ae« yrttfi ■*D#4 fr**. t Mnm MU MEDICAL 00., BUFFALO, M. r. Popular As ft Family Medicine, Ayer’* PIMs have long been considered a Standard Aperient. Being purely vegetable, they may he administered to the youngest children, without fear ofegripiug or other ill effect*. “Ayer's Pills have been used in my family upwards of twenty years, ami have completely verified all that iw claimed for them. In attacks of piles, from w ';th I suffered many years, they afforde ter relief than any medi cine I . x tried.” —Tims. F. Atlanta, Holly Ljtliugs, Texas. “I have used Ayer’s Pills for thirty years ami consider them an invalu able family medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them a prompt etna for dyspepsia.”— Ja«. yuiim, 10 Middle st,, Hartford, Conn. “ For months, I was constantly afflict ed with dyspepsia, liver complaint, and constipation. I tried various remedies, but found nothing to help me until I commenced using Ayer's Pills. After taking one Ih>x, my health was so much improved that I procured another. Be fore I had finished the second box my digestion was perfect, and has so con tinued ever since.”— Joseph Anhin, High st., Holyoke, Mass. I was a great sufferer from constipa tion, headache, and general debility. My skin was yellow, and 1 hail constant pain in my side and hack. Other reme dies failing, I took three boxes of Ayer’s and am cured.” Herbert Elwell, Fast Saginaw, Mich. Holil by all Heaters in M elite I lies. To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, I,'onaU patlou. Malaria, Liver Complaint*, take the aafe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Oa« the KHALI. Nlse (40 little Beans to the bottle). THar ake the most convenient. Buttabla for .11 A,... Price of either nlse, 2.1 e. per Mottle. |(|SSINGt^ ,7 70 ™, , -L t IVVIIIM Mailed for 4 eu. (ooppors or (Umps). 'BiLEBIa»g, tT.tlllt Ml. CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS lasting Diseases If you feel unable to do your work, and have that tired feeling, take f)r J. H. Me Lean's Sarsaparilla; it will you bright, active and vigorous. No liniment is in better repute or more widely known than Dr. J. H. Me leon’s Volcanic Oil Ltnitnen'. It is a wonderful remedy. I * — : The most popular liuimeut, is the old | reliable. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. A WISE Eotigiv i : i o : i ■ v.i- f m L. •w« » . .; 1 r BECA » , . A r * hmr Mi 7 '*' f: ■; now TiieY* a: t, mm it For't I'e, mi !i l>.,iuUfl.l work. Samplr t l : tchiry Prlco. ’ m HOUSE WsERAKTED TOR 5 YEaRS. Apts Wauiti in Dcciicnied Territory. JDNE MAMACTIMG GO.. BELVfDcRE, ILL. WOODWORK l , t AffACHMCNrtraT ■T.LOUIS.MQ. ILUMTUTI UALLASTCX H. J. COPKLAND & CO. McDonough. ■k, rE THE WORLD’S BEST Kill Button $2.50 SttOß Has noequal fnrHtyle.Fltand Wear. Positively the bestslioo In America for the money. Do nut tie deceived. See st amp on bottom of each slush Tako no other. Every pair warranted. Sttllj* and equal to any SS shoo in the market. Wade by J. M. PEEPLES II CO., CHICACO. For Sale By T. D STEWART & CO?, McDonough, Ga. Iln i I road Srhril lifts. derail! Midland .V Cull It. It. Houth. Lonvc McDonough - 7:00 ;i rn Arrive (iff nwonil - - 7:J/':iir< “ liOiuilln - 7 vl'id n. *• Griffin • in North. Lcavo Griffin I p m Arrive Louella - - 4:40 p in “ (Ire n wood • - 4:lHpm “ McDonough - - ijiO.’i p m M. H. (I It AY, Sup’l. PORTABLE » ru, $35 * Complete^ to 4, jT rZfe' Heady For * BO B Ol WP Use - : IJgfiSlli mm s i I OR PTBLIC GATHERINGS ' ■ " * Over 25 Years in Practical use all over the World- > No generators or extras. Can he op erated hy a chihl. Rest pure soda wa ter. M ill stand hy any S4OOO Gas Foun tain uinl sell U\e glasses to its one. We sell the finest NICKEL PLATED MILK SHAKE. i CHAPMAN & CO., Madison ,Ind. - ' WANTRn I A,iENls ' at oii<e - M nil ILU . for the most popular book, (and life size p itrait) ever sold in the South. The Life of Jefferson Davis, by Jutice Lamar, U. S. Su preme Court ; Senator lieagan, of Texas; ex-Att’y Gen. Garland, of Ark , and others. Special inducements. Write at on< k. G W. McCooi.f. «Sr Co., Box 788, Chicago, ill. AAfllfl ■ ■■and Whiskey Habits HBK ft** 2,1 Ks* w ■ ■ ■ BWlo it min. lb iok of Tiiiv if *l* H *«|jf liH -UiHiNspi t FREE. WkUaula.Ua. Office Whitehall at OR THE FINEST STORE