The Henry County weekly. (Hampton, Ga.) 1876-1891, October 31, 1890, Image 2

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HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. BY C. M. SPEER & CO. JfnjHTM Omci, 23 E. St. the official oroan of henry county. WEEKLY CIRCULATION, 1600. Entered At the Poet Office, McDonough, Georgia, u second class mall matter. O. M. SPEER. Editor. PPLY. SCORES JOHN LIVINGSTON, OF NEW YORK. HE WAS NOT IN ATLANTA JULY 21, When John Says He Wrote that letter Offering to Vote for the Force Bill -—The Letter l*rov«»l to l>e Bo gus—The Nominee is Safe. For the benefit of those whom a:.r reason might possibly induce to give a shadow of credence to the published let ter ot John Livingston, of New York, charging Colonel L. F. Livingston with favoring the Lodge bill, The Journal publishes the following facts which personal investigation arrived at this morning : The letter attributed to Colonel Liv ingston was said to be dated July 21th, aud written on his official letter beads as president of the Georgia State Alli ance, when Col. Livingston did not have any letter heads at that time. His first letter heads were printed by “ I'he Mutual I‘riating Company” of Atlantn on September 19, 1890. Tub Jour nal representative saw the original bill of them this morning. Mr. R, L. Burks aud Mr. W. 11. Burgess both corro borated the statement that this wag the bill of the first official letter heads that Col. Livingston had printed. Again: On July 21st, Col. Living ston shows that lie filled two engHge meutg in Clayton conuty, and was not in his office in Atlanta at all. State Lecturer Beck testifies that lie met Col. Livingston at Elmwood, Clay ton county, oh that day. The following publication in the Southern Alliance Farmer of Septem ber 30, also conclusively proves the ut ter falsity of the charges against Colo, nel Livingston : ALLIANCE IN POLITICS. The following evidence of the effec tive opposition of the Farmers Alliance to the Lodge election bill is just recei ved. Opposition by the president of the State Alliance of New York will be a powerful help. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. While striving for reformation all along the line, and demanding, among other things, a free ballot and fair count yet, at the earnest request of Colonel Leonidas F. Livingston, president of the Georgir State Alliance, indorsed by its convention, and by other south ern state Alliances,-whose orders I anil pledged to obey in the metter of the pending election bill, 1 hereby promise to oppose the same—reserving, howev er, the privilege of changing my views in case satisfactory proof shall be pre sented of such unlawful intimidation, violence and fraud against Alliancemcu in those states, at the November elec tion, as shall afford undoubted cause for its passoge. John Livingston. Accompanying the original copy of this article was the following private letter to Colonel Livingston from John Livingston: Office of the State Farmers’ Alliance, 1 Campville, New York. V September 20, 1800. ) Mv Dear Colonel: Published in the Alliance Farmer and widely circulated, the within should exculpate you from sll question as to your position. Exercise your judgment and inform me if satisfacto ry. If not, it shall be made so. Yours hurriedly, John Livingston. After giving this to the Journal man, the Alliance champion said: “This letter and its contents show that I made every possible effort against the Lodge bill. I have ever been, am today, and always will be, op posed to such measures for reasons too potent to repeat to freemen and those who desire a free ballot and an uu trammeled franchise.” other charges exploded. Colonel Livingston received this morning a letter from Judge John 1. Hall, of Griffin, stating that the follow ing charges were being industriously circulated through the district: First: That Colonel Livingston in his speeches to the Alliance meetings ha s advised them not to support any man for office who does not favor the sub treasury bill. Second: That Colonel Livingston in his speeches to the Alliance in their se cret meetings has advised them not to vote for any man for auv office who is not eligible to membership in the or der, unless it b 3 for such offices as can be filled ouly by professional men. Judge Hall further states that those reports are vouched for by some men who claim to be members of the Alli ance. In reply to these charges Col. Liv ingston said with emphasis: “I have invariably for twelve months past, in all my speeches, public and private, to Alliancemeti, urged them no* to fight nor prescribe any man for his opinion, or on account of bis profession. I have never, at any time or place, advised al liancemen not to vote for those nomi nated to office opposed to the sub-treas ury bill; but have invariably advised the reverse. I have repeatedly stated, and now restate that Alliancemeu should vote for the nominees in every case whether these nominees be for or against the sub-treasury bill. This was our agreement when we entered the contest before the primaries. As to the second charge, I have never advis ed our people not to vote for profess ional men, and I will never do so. This species of boycoting, lam utterly op- I posed to. In the primaries 1 advised our people to choose men who would liest represent their interest. This they had aright to do, and this, I had a right to advise.” Colonel Livingston is perfectly se rene, and says he is going to congress in spite of all the falsehoods that all the enemies in all the world can cirau la’e against him. State c» Ohio, City or Toledo,) ss, Lucas County, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sem of ONE HUNDRED D< >LLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chenet. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. I). 1886. , A. W. GLEASON, jSAL | ffotary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces ot the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheeky & Go., Toledo, O. (Cajf'Solii by Druggists, 75 cents. AN INFAMOUS BCIIKME. We received the following infamous lies through the mails, evidently sent by that priuce of republican charlitaus, Will Haight, republican nominee for congress. We publish these attempts to deceive the Democratic voters of the 4th congiessional district. Every one knows that Col. Livingston never had anything to do with these mala cious falsehoods. They are made by the radicals with the hope that they may deceive some democratic voters. Do not be deceived by the rascals, but go and vote for Col. L. F. Livingston on the 4th of November : TO ALL TRUE FARMERS’S ALLIAN CES. Static ok Nkw Yokk, Bkoomk C 0.,/ City ok Binghamton. | ® B ' John Livingston, of Campvillc, Tiogn County, N. Y., and of the city of New York being duly sworn deposes as follows : On August 1, 1890, I mailed in said city, postage prepaid, to Hon. Mathew S. Quay, Iwo letters upon different matters, the first being addressed to him at Beaver, Pennsyl vania, and the second, a true copy whereof fo’lows, te his Washington address, 18:29, 1 street, N. W. In the last named letter was enclosed a printed copy of Col. Leonidas K. Livingston’s letter (o me of July 30, 1890, (copy annexed) and the original of two oth er letters received by me from said Leoni das F. Livingston, of one of which originals the following is a true copy, the hand writ ing of said original seeming the same as that of more than a dozen other letters re ceived from him since last May ; and for that reason, as well as because its context agreed substantially with that of some of such others, 1 entertain no doubt whatever, of its genuineness. OFFICE OF L. F. LIVINGSTON, PRESI DENT GEORGIA ATE ALLIANCE, 25 W. HUNTERSf, Atlanta, GA.,July 21, 1890. John Livingston, Dear Bro : Of course wo want the Lodge Bill, or something like it, but from local feeling and prejudice it is not policy to g.»y so to ■riiK public, just now. It will probably pass before 4th of March, and so relieve ine from saving what 1 would do when elected—but as before written, I shall be willing to vote with the Republicans on all party questions to win votes for our sub-treasury. The railroad reform matter you sent me June 10th will be returned as we could not afford to orbit it now in the Alliance Farm er because of valuable support from some Southern railroads Later on we will go for reform all along the line. Yours fraternally, L. F. Livixostok. I have recently searched and i?aus*d dili gent search to he made among the volumin ous papers in my country home, near Camp ville, and also in New York city, and am unable to find that Chairman Quay returned either of said original letters, ilthough he had previously written to me speaking ap provingly ol Col. L. F. Livingston’s efforts to redeem Georgia as evinced by his letters (Copy letter mailed as abovo stated to Hon. Mathew S Quay.) New Yokk, Avgust 1, 1890. My dear Senator Quay : Yours of July 4, requesting me to pass tho questiow of aiding in the election the sub- treasury man, Col L. F. Livingston, over to Hon. James J. Belden, chairman of the republican national congressional com mittee, lias been complied with, and haring his acknowledgement of the same, I am not at liberty to say more, the whole matter be ing in his charge. A leading member of that committee from a New England state informed me that the sub-treasury plan had shrewdly been put through the National Alliance conven last December at St. Louis, for the purpose ol diverting the farmers’ attention from the railroads ; that it was a device engineered by the tadroad republicans to be used like their promise to the negroes of “40 acres end a mule,” just after tho close of the war —to repuolicauixe the whole South and ren der it as solidly republican as it has hereto fore been democratic. So hero we have the chief of the “40 ac res and a mule” advocates, in our dear friend Leonidas who proposes to meet Cal vin S. Brice, the chairman ot the democrat ic national committee, and our genial Res- | well I’. Flower, chairman of the democratic congressional committee at thk “ofkv po- LITICAL Ol AYE THAT 18 BEING DUO FOR THEM,'’ >oii will note from some of his letters, herein enclosed, which please return to me! after perusal. lam not able to find one Farmer in the great State of New \ ork who does not re pudiate the sub-treasury plan as a delusion and a snare. The negroes did not get their mule, nor will Col, Livingston his sub-treas ury ; but in the service of John H. Inman's Richmond and Danville, which pavs his ex penses. he is doing bravo work in the wav of republicanisms Georgia. Yours very truly, John Livingston, P- O. Bo\ 2566, New York, j I make this affidavit reluctantly aud onlv after several days fruitless search for the or iginal of said letter of July 21st, mailed to Mr, Quay August Ist, as above stated. John Livingstou. Subscribed and sworn io before me, by said John Livingston, who is to me person ally known, this 22 day af October, 1890. F. H. Stkphkns, Mayor of the City of Binghamgton, N. Y. IF Torn HACK ACMES, Or you are all w orn out, really good for noth ing. it is general debility Try It ROWS’!, IROS HITTERS. It will cure yon. cleanse your llTer, aud give __ a good appetite. HON. JOHN D. STEWART Urges the Democrats of the Fifth Dls- I trict to Stand by the Nominee. Hon. John D. Stewart has issued the following : To the demoe atic Voters of the Fifth Congressional District: We aie on the eve of an important election, one which calls for the active co-operation of every democratic voter The democratic nominee is opj osed by a republican. The statement of this fact ought to make plain our duty. 1 need not recount before your minds the conduct of the republican party. You know that it is aggressive iu action, oppressive in power, audacious in method and replete iu veuality. It has hut recently fastened upon the country a most oppressive tariff n eas ure known in the history of our gov ernment, and it menaces the peace of each commonwealth by threatening to pass an election bill, which is an insult to the people, by declaring that they have not the intelligence and integrity to hold a free and fair election. If we by indifference elect the demo cratic nominee by a bare majority it will but furnish a pretext to have his seat contested and have the position filled by a republican. As democrats we form an iutegial part of that great brotbeihood to whose party conduct we can point with pride —a party of whose strength we should be proud and of whose honor we should bu jealous. 1 therefore take this method as an humble citizen to appeal to my fellow democrats throughout this district to exert tliemseives in electing the democratic nominee by such a ma jority as will not only secure the nom inee elected, but will make n contest appear ridiculous to every impartial mind. John D. Stewart. Away with the bitters, nauseating, nasty, sweet-tasting chill tonic. Use Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, as pleasant to his taste as rock candy syrup. The children cry for it, the mother wou’tlive without it, and the servants slip it from the side board. It aids digestion, contains no Quinine, Arsenic or Strychnine, tones up the system, and is warranted. No cure no pay. The Fifth District. We clip the following editorial from the Atlanta Journal, one of the staunch est democratic papers iu the country, which entirely destroys the force of the republican slander about Colonel Liv ngston: It seems pretty evident that active efforts are b-iing made by the republi cans of this district to elect Mr Haight. Mr. Haight is an avowed Republi can. In congress he would, of course, co operate with his party. He would help elect a republican speaker, and as soon as the organization was complete the republicans would proceed to turn out a sufficient number of Democrats to give them a good work ing majority, just as they did in the last congress. The one vote by a republican in aid of the republican organization might ut terly defeat any subsequent conservativ purpose on his part; for he would very soon be put in a position where he could not do nothing. Now, under these circumstances ,how can Democrats hesitate about their duty? Mr. L. F. Livingston is the regular nominee of the Democratic party. He lias pledged himself to abide by the Democratic caucus, aud it would simply terrific if the Democrats lose the next house, by reason of the failure of the Democrats to turn out aud vote for our regular nominees in Georgia. Some time ago The Journal, beard that Mr. Johu Livingston, president of the Farmer’s Alliance in New York, claimed to be in possession ol important information, involving peculiar danger to the south. A representative of the The Jour nal visited Mr. John Livingston and made a complete investigation. From that investigation we are pre pared unhesitantingly to express the opinion that the letter dated July 21st, uow being ciculated in this district and puri>ortiiig to have been written by Mr. L. F. Livingston to Mr. John Livingston, alleging that Mr. L. F. Livingston said, “of course we want the Force bill,” is bogus. We unhesitatingly say to the people of this district that, as a result of care ful investigation, we are satisfied that no such letter was written by Mr. L. F. Livingston. We call every Democrat to rally to the support of the nominee of the party, and especially do we call upon the peo ple of Fulton county not to let this, the largest Democratic county in the state, fail to do its duty in support of the regular nominee. You Are iu a|Had Fix, But we will cure you if you will pay us. Men who are Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, suffering from Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, and all the effects of early Evil Habits, or la ter indiscretions, which lead to prema ture Decay, Consumption or Insanity, shoul i send for and read the, “Book of Life,” giving particulars of a Home Cure. Sent (sealed) free, by address ing lit. Barker’s Medical and Surgi cal Institute. 1,51 North pruce St., Nashville, Tenn. They guarantee a j cure or no pay.—The Suuday Morn ing. The population of the congressional 1 districts of Georgia is as follows : First 104,070. Second 194,136. Third 191.714- Fourth 174,225. Fifth 204,452. Sixth 169,623. Seventh 178,073. Eighth 174,696. Ninth 171,742. Tenth 170,575. The annual south Georgia confer ence convenes in Macou December 12. WOLFOLK HANGED. • -- He Dies Protesting his Dinocence. I, Thos G. W< lfolk, realizing the existence of an intini e and w ise and holy God so as to meet him, knowing all that 1 have ever done, and fully un derstanding that I must stand before the judgement seat of God and that to day in a few hours I shall be called in to 11 is presence, do solemnly declare my innocence, anil I leave as my last declaration that I did not take the *ife of my father or any member of his fam ily or have any knowledge of the per son or persons who did the murderous deed, Thomas G Wolfolk. 1:20—Woolfolk is praying aloud, asking mercy from God. a thing he says he has asked from no man. His prayer is beard by all in the neighborhood, and as it draws to an end the doomed man’s voice is quiver ing with emotion. 1:22 p. m—The black cap his been fixed and sheriff Cooper is prepar ing to touch the trigger. 1:25 i*. m. —The trigger is pressed back, and Woolfolk shoots downward to death. 1:26 p. m. —The doctors are feeling his pulse and have applied a sounding instrument to his heart. 1:26 P. M.-— The of the dang ling qody is heaving convulsively. Tom’s neck was not broken by the all. He is dying of strangulation. The knot on the rope as he fell slipped to the front and under his chiD. 1:36 P. m. —Wolfolk has ceased to breathe, and the last page in the blood iest chapter of Georgia history has beeu written. We have received hundreds of testi monials as to the efficacy of Hunt's Cuie in cases of skin diseases, and truly believe it the best remedy known for Riugworm, Tetter, Eczema and similar diseases. Guaranteed. 50 cents per box. The booming city of Conyers is to have a male and female college. Do you see what slanderous false hood the republicans are telling on the democratic nominee for CongressPThey want you to stay at home »ud let them elect the negrue’s candidates. Don’t tail to go to the polls on Tuesday the 4th inst. and vote for Livingston. The republicans are great liars, hut their little scheme will not work. They have tried to deceive the white people by circulating falsehoods on Livingston. Do not let them put in their negro candidate, by staying at home. Go to the polls and tell your neighbors to go and vote forLivingstou. Hon. John D. Stewart exhorts the democrats of the sth district to stick to tho nominee. Judge Stewart sees the impending danger and urges his friends to beat the negro candidate. 11l Cheatham's Tasteless Chiil Ton ic will be found a sweet wilt out its bitters. Pleasant to the tuste, with out a parallel as a remedy for chills aud fever. It is the prodection of the well known A. B. Richards Med. Co. of Sherman, Texas, and guaranteed to curs. Mr. Will Hate, (he has the right name for a repulican candidate, he hat es the white people and loves the negroes for their votes,)is perhaps the most unscrupulous republican in Geor gia, Buck not excepted. He fosters falsehood, dictates slanders, stands in with forgers aud purjurers and advo cates the force bill and social equality. This is the kind of man the negroes have uomin >te 1 to beat the democratic nominee. Malaria Literally means bad air. Poisonous gi rras arising from low, marsbly land or from decaying vegetable matter, are breathed into the lungs, taken up by the blood, and unless the vital fluid it purified by the use of a good medicine like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the unfortu nate victim is soon overpowered. Ev en in the more advanced cases, where the terrible lever prevails, this success ful medicine has effected remarkable cures. Those who are exposed so malarial or other poisons should keep the blood pure by taking Hood’s Sar saparilla. 1 m. DUE NOTICE All parties indebted to the firm of H. J. COPELAND & CO. are earnertly requested to COME FORWARD AT ONCE AND MAKE IM MEDIATE SETTLE MENT, as Mr. D. M. Al mand.our partner, has retired from the firm, and will insist UPON A FULL SETTLEM ENT OF ALL OUTS TAN Dl N C DEBTS. We hope this NOTICE will be suffi cient, and that all par ties concerned wil I make their ARRANGE MENTS TO MEET ALL PAST OBLIGATIONS WITH US WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Thanking you for past FAVORS and hoping a continuance of the same, we remain YOURS TO SERVE. H. J. COPELAND & CO. Oct. 29. THELAST ELECTION Is past and the nom inees are glad the vot ing is over, but when it come to business THOS. D. STEWART k GO., “The leaders of low Prices” is the ticket you want to vote. Why? The reasons are simple. They give you Straight good Goods for the Lowest Possible Money. They keep everything you want, including BUGGIES, WAGONS FPNF BATCHES at Lower Prices than you can buy them at the factory—this has been proven. They give you the “Clean Top” of the Market for your cotton in the fall, and in the spring and summer furnish you without stint and with out money, all the goods you need to make your crop. Ain’t this the truth? You know it is. T. D, STEWART & CO. feel proud oftheircus tomers because they are as honorable, prompt paying Men and Women as you willfind in the world, and the customers know they always feel at home at las. D. Stewart k Go's. Store, because they find every conveyance including a good warm stove in the winter and plenty of cool wa ter in the summer, and every man in the house, from your Un cle Si McKibben at the top downtoTom Stewart at the bottom, are always ready to wait on you with LOW PRICES on the latest style CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND DRESS GOODS in thethe DRYGOODS Department; and through the Grocery Department with fine FLOUR. MEAT, HAMS, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, CROCKERY, AND GLASSWARE. Clear back to the Warehouse Depart ment in fine BUGGIES, CARTS, WHEAT BRAN, SALT, SYRUPS, ARROW TIES and a fine substitute for JUTE BAGGING, which is heavier cheap er. smoother, cleaner and prettier than jute. We extend an invita tion to all the people in Henry and adjoining counties to call to see us. We are always glad’to see you, and if you will just simply take one year with an other, you will find that you will live longer, be happier and get your goods cheaper by do ing all your business with the “Old Relia ble.” Chew “Jell Davis” Tobacco, it is the best in the world for the money. T. D. STEWART & CO. ‘ LEADERS OF LOW PRICES MCDONOUGH, GA. wiiiVv *U A in the town of McDoiiV.-^ Tuesday in December next, u,. legal hoars of sale, all that tract or parce. of land situated lying ans being in the sev enth (7) land district of Henry county ; be ing thirty-seven and a half(37tj) acres of the Graham place ; bounded on the south bv D. W. Mayo, on the west by Milton Hays on the north by lands of the estate of H. C. Lewis, deceased, and on the east bv said Mavo. Also ten acres of the home place of H. C. Lewis, deceas d, being the place on which M. M. Davis now resides. Baid lands will lie sold for the benefit of the credilors and heirs of Henry C. Lew is, deceased. Terms cash. W. P. NORMAN, Exr. n EORGIA, HENRY COUNTY.—Wbere vl ss, Jas. A. C. Wynn, executorof the es tate of J. A. Ellis, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that lie fully ad ministered the estate of said J. A. Ellis. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said exccutcr should not lie discharged from this executorship and receive letters of dismission, on t'e first Monday in February 1891. Oct. 27, 1890. ' W*. N. NELSON 3m. Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA, HENRY COUNTY.—To nil II whom it may concern. N. C. Fears buv iug in due form applied to the undersigned lor the guardianship ol the person and prop erty of John D. Arnold, minor child of Jotin A. Arnold, deceased. Notice is hereby giv en that his application will be heard at my office ou the first Monday in December next. Given uud. r my hand and official signature this 27, dav ol October 1890. 'Wm.N. NELSON, 4w. Ordinary. UTATE OF GEORGIA, HENRY COUN O TY.—Whereas, Jas. A. C. Wynn, ad ministrator of the estate of Jas. L. Brock, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has fully administered James L. Brock’s estate, this is therefore :o cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receivgletters of dis mission on the first Monday in February 1891. Wm. N.'NELSON. 3m. Ordinary, H. C. / 1 EORGIA,HENRY COUNTY, —Where vT as, Susan F. Grant, widow of B. W. Grant, deceased, has in due form made ap plication to the undersigned to have a vears support set aside for herself and two minor children, out of the estate of said decease d, and appraisers having been appointed for that purpose, and said appraisers having made a return of the amount, so set aside by them. This is therefore to cite till per sons coucerned,to show cause if anv thev can, whyssaid return of appraisers should not be appioved by the court, and admitted to record on the first Monday in December next as the judgement of the same. Get. 27, 1890. Wm. N. NELSON, 4w. Ordinary, H. C. Notice (f Administrator!* Agreeably to an order of the court of or dinary of Henry county, will be sold at auc tion at the court house door of said county of Henry, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale the fol lowing property to wit : A certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the lire Gth district of Henry county, Geor gia, and containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, and bounded as follows to wit: On the north by lands of Doyal McLendon, on the east by lands of Doval Rowan, on the south by lands of Elijah Phillips and L. L. Phillips, and on the west by lands of Henry P. Foster. Said land sold as the property of A. S. Jackson, late of said comity, deceased. Terms cash. This 0ct.21, 1890. H. W. CARMICHAEL, , Administrator, NlierilT')i Sale lor I>eocmb«-r. Will lie sold before the court house door in the town of McDonough, Ga., between the lawful hours of saie, on the first Tues day in December, 1890, an undivided one sixth (1-6) interest in one hundred and fif ty (1 JO) acres in the 2nd district of Henry county, Georgia, and bounded, north by lauds of A. J. Dickson and Ivy Pair, east, by lands of Henry Colvin, South by lands of A Brown, west by lands of J. P. Farris. Levied on as the property of J, T. Smith by virtue of a justice court fi. fa. issued from tile 5/6, district ot G. M. Henry coun ty iu favor of John L. and M. A Tye ad ministrators of L. M. Tye’s estate against J. I'. Smith, Tenants in possession noti fied as required bylaw. This Oct. 29, 1890. N. A. GLASS, Sheriff. For Sheriff. To the voters of Henry couiitv. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for election to the office of sheriff, which election will come off in January next, think it proper not to enter the primary for several good reasons; one of which is that all persons are interested in who should be their sheriff and jailor; and a targe numbe of people who are taxed to support our government, and who are amena ble to the law s thereof are not permitted to vote in the primary. Besides I can see no necessity in this country for a primary, so fat as it relates to county politics. Having filled this office for several years in the past. (I hope to the satisfaction of the people.) I earnestly solicit the support of all the legal voters. If elected will select a deputy satisfactory to the public. Respectfully, July 30. WILLIS GOODWIN. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Henry County, sub ject to the democratic primary election to be held on the 22, of August* Thanking mv friends for past favors, I most earnestly solicit their support in the coming election. July ~9. N. A. GLASS. Good Advice. Several years ago I was covered j with Boils to such an extent that my | life was a misery. After trying a i number of other remedies without any benefit, I was advised by a wholesale druggist at Columbus to try S. S. 8. (Swift's Specific). One bottle of S. S S. cured me entirely. 1 have not had a Boil since To those afflicted with Boils or skin eruptions I give the same advice my wholesa o drugist gave me j —take S. S. S. Davie Zaktman. Druggist, May 10. 1890. Independence, Ohio, A PROMPT CURE. I was cured sound and well of a case !of Biood Poison by S. S- S. As soon I as I discovered I was afflicted with the | disease I commenced taking Swift’ | Specific (S. S. S.). and iu a few weeks I I was permanently cured. George Stewart, May 7, 1890. Shelby, Ohio. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases | mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta,Ga. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. l.j f ’s,. -y t/,'"//, siJ county, *>>>%« 'd, J. W. Al and T. '< , v that they n»>. *4/ NX her for the purpose o. _Jkt!acturing and ginning business iu . i|r. The particular business proposad^U^,. curried on being the ginning aii.fTnuiiiirsping ton, the purchase anil sale of cotton and cot ton seed, the manufacturing ot fertilizers, the Luring and selling, and canning (f fruits and vegetaoles, and manufacturing cans for the same, the buying and selling grain ttnl j grinding the same into flour and meal, .he manufacturing of plows and other agricif.- tural implements, and the manufacturing cotton seed oil. The amount of capital ac tually paid in and to" s employed by them is eight thousand doll; -s. Petitioners, to gether «ilh such other j, rsons as may here after lie associated with them, desire to be incorporated under the name aud style of ■'McDonough Ginning and Manufacturing Company,” for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of said term. And that they be allowed to increase their capital stock to fifty thousand dollars it they should so desire, and tiiat they be incorporated and granted a'l the powers usually conferred upon such coip irat'ons bv the 'aws of said State. The place of doing business of said association is MeDon uigh. Hi nry county, Georgia. Wherefore petitioners nrav that n order of the court lie granted incorporating them as prayed for. E. J. REAGAN. Petition! r’s Attorney. GEORGIA. HENRY) COUNTY. j I, J. B. Dickson, Clerk of tiie Superior Court in and lor the said county ot li, nry, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true extract from the ri cpr-Js in m.v office. Given under mv hand .»i mill Hit (t.'iiVd./is' July 29tb 1990. 1 J. rf DICKSON, -sKALj- Ckrk S. Cbßtonr, Co., Ga. Nlieriir\ Kales lor D^lobet. Will he sold befor the court house door in McDouough, Georgia on the first Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale. One hundred acres of land more or less being east half of lot No -157 in Sixtli district of Henry county boun ded on North by lands of A. V. MeVicker and Mrs. A. C. Fields, South and West by lands of Mrs. A. C. Fields, on East by lands of M. Avery and Mrs. Rowan and A. V. MeVicker. Levied on as the property ol E. Foster to satisfy a fi. fa. fro justice court. 723, district G. M. of Henrv county in favor of A. V. Mcvicker vs. E. Foster. Also at the same time and place, the fol lowing descriced land to wit : East half of lot No. 111, containing 101 acres more or less. Part ot lot of laud No. 114 containing 1 acres more or less. Part of lot No. 110 containing 128 acres more or less, and part of lot No. 1 15 cont.iini-g 134'J nen-s more or less all in the 3, district of Henrv county containing in the aggregate 537 acres more or less, all being on the west side of the public road leading from Griffin to Hampton, and known as part of the farm formerly owned h Gaines Bruwn,deceased, and bounded on the North bv lands of J. M. King and S. E. Peebles, and’ on the South by lands of B. Bearlii Id. on the East by lands of Barm It. on the West lie ot widow Campbell. Levied on as the proper ty of W. M. Curry, to satisfy three fi. fas. from Henrv Superior Court. One in favor ol W. N. Nelson. Ordinary, for use of H. M. Maybin. guardian, one in favor of W. N. Nelson, Ordinary, for use of E. Foster, guardian, and the other in favor of W. N. Nelson, Ordinary, for use of W. W, Amis, guardian, and all three against Lucy R. Knott, executrix of David Knott, deceased, J. H, Turner and W. M. Curry. This August 2(i, 1890. Also at the same time and place the fol lowing described property to wit: A tract or parcel of land lying in the 641, district G. M in the county of Henry and State of Georgia, containing six acres more or less, adjoining the lands of John A. Brown, on the North, W. A. Brown on the East, Ro cna Strickland on the Sout b and Isaac Weems on the West ; being part of lot num ber one hundred and seventy-seven (177) in tlie 2nd district of said county. Levied on as the property of Guilford Grice to satis fy a fi. fa. issued from Justice Court of the 651 st district, against said Guilford Grice in favor ot Clark’s Cove Guano Co, Written notice given the dofendent in terms of the law. Levy made by ft. M. Walker. L. C. and turned over to me. Aug. 27. N. A. GLASS, Sheriff. AgentStiale, F.v mutual agreement of the heirs of Jackson Smith, deceased, they have appoin ted J.T. Tmith their agent to sell tho lands belonging to the estate of said Jackson Smith. This is, therefore to notify all per sons concerned, that all of said lands will be sold before the court door in the town of McDonough, Ga., on the first Tues day in November between the legal bohrs ot sale. The lands are situated in Locust Grove District, one mile north of Locust Grove depot, and bounded as follows: North bv lands of A. J. Dickson and Ivy Fair, East by lands of Henry Colvin, South by binds of A. Brow n, West by lands of .1. P Farris, containing one hundred and fifty (I'm)teres more or less. The land is wa tered and contains thirty-five acres in orig inal forest ; also eight or ten acres iu good branch bottoms, but not in cultivation. Tho land lies level, and is in a good state of cul tivation, having but little waste land on it. I hive good tenement houses aud out build ings on the place. Sep. 3,2 m. J. T. SMITH, Agent Administrator’* Mule. By virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Henry county, will be sold before the court house door, in the town of McDon ough, Henry county, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesdav in Octo ber next, the following land belonging to the eatate of William Wood, deceased : One hundred and sixteen (116) acres of land more or less, lying in said county, known as the Snapping Shoals place, and more tally described as follows : being part of lot Nos. 57 and 72 in the Bth district of Henry county, commencing at the bead of Snapping Shoals, on south bank of South River at a water oak tree, a few yards east Ot a spring south of a ditch running in at the head ot said Shoals, which is a corner and running southerly to a stake on the road cast ot the house, running thence along the middle of said road west to the original line, thence along said line north to the South River to low water mark, thence down said river at the low water mark to the head of the Shoals, thence to the begin ning corner, containing one hundred and sixteen (Ilf) acres more or less. Bounded on the North by South River, on the East by lands of Charley Healy, on the South by E. O. Huron’s estate, on the West bv lands of Capt. Forbis. Sold for the purpose of paying the debts of saiu ceoeased, and the expenses of administration. Terms cash. Sept- 5. A H. WOODS, W. C. WOODS, Ex r’s. ol At m. Woods, deceased NOTICE. Ail persons indebted to me either by note or account are requested to come forward and settle, as I desire to close up ail old business. D. W. SCOTT Aug. 29. 3m. The King of medicines—Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It conquers, scrofula salt rheum and all other blood disea -1 tes.